Is Sharp Turn to Right Planting ‘Seeds of Fascism’ in Israel?


A military affairs commentator interrupts his broadcast to deliver a monolog: I’m alarmed by what’s happening in Israel, he says, I think my children should leave.
Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak warns of “the seeds of fascism.” Moshe Arens, who served as defense minister three times, sees it as a turning point in Israeli politics and expects it to cause a “political earthquake.”
The past five days have produced tumult in Israeli politics, since conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unexpectedly turned his back on a deal to bring the center-left into his coalition and instead joined hands with far-right nationalist Avigdor Lieberman, one of his most virulent critics.

Lieberman, a West Bank settler, wants to be defense minister. So on Friday, Netanyahu’s former ally and confidant, Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon, resigned and quit Netanyahu’s Likud party in disgust.
After a weekend to digest the developments, which are expected to be finalized in an agreement between Netanyahu and Lieberman on Monday to form the most right-wing government in Israel’s 68-year-old history, commentators have tried to put it in perspective and found themselves alarmed.
Arens, who has served as defense minister, foreign minister and ambassador to the United States, and is one of Netanyahu’s early political mentors, said the machinations would have far-reaching repercussions.
“Yaalon’s ouster is likely to be a turning point in Israel’s political history,” he wrote in the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper. “A political earthquake is in the offing. It may take a little time, but it is coming. The law of unforeseen consequences is at work.”
The decision to jettison Yaalon in favor of Lieberman was all too much for Roni Daniel, a veteran military affairs commentator on Channel 2.
“I cannot urge my children to stay here, because it is a place that is not nice to be in,” he said in his monolog, going on to name a number of far-right politicians.

Paul Gottfried writes in 2015:

Having recently completed a book on fascism, the career of a concept, it seems that all my efforts to lessen the abuse of my key term may go for naught. Fascism will likely live on, not as a resurgent interwar European movement but as a freely bandied about epithet that can be applied to whatever journalists don’t like. The unsuspecting reader of our partisan media will go on being be made to believe that fascists are one or more of the following villains: anti-American jihadists, outspoken opponents of immigration here and in Western Europe, Democratic presidential candidates, Israeli soldiers, homophobic Christians, foreign-policy isolationists, or the nationalist governments of Viktor Orban in Hungary and Vladimir Putin in Russia. This “fascist” list continues to grow—a comprehensive one would be at least twice as long.

Almost all attempts to apply “fascist” as a dirty word entail comparisons that have little or no historical basis but evoke all too predictable responses. Put most simply, we are made to think “Fascism equals Hitler.” By associating what the speaker doesn’t like with the f-word or by making this association by indirection, one links the hated object of one’s attack to Nazi genocide. In his book Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg does not even rely on this implicit equation of bad guys with Nazis. He just plunges ahead and makes the argumentum ad Hitlerum when he compares Hillary Clinton’s economic planning to the policies of Hitler and the Nazi Minister of Labor Robert Ley. We are thereby made to believe that the Democratic Party has turned Hitlerian, and any fool knows what that means.

Someone who should know better than to abuse the term, the Israeli Francophone historian Zev Sternhell, is undoubtedly the world’s greatest authority on French fascism. In an interview with Haaretz last August, Sternhell lashed out against the Israeli bombing of Gaza, which he compared to the behavior of interwar fascists. He asserted that the fascist danger “reached a new peak in Israel during the Gaza operation” and that Israel is now fraught with fascist thinking of the kind that permeated France when Hitler’s armies invaded in 1940. These comparisons are inexcusable for two reasons. One, whatever one may think of the Israeli military operation, those carrying it out were not “fascists”—one may disapprove of the violence unleashed by these soldiers without having to reach for the emotive, ill-fitting f-word. Moreover, France fell in 1940 because the Germans outmaneuvered French armies militarily. The country was not overthrown from within by fascists, and the group that collaborated with the enemy most blatantly during the invasion was the French Communists, who were taking orders from Hitler’s Soviet allies.

Mentioning these facts in response to Sternhell’s abuse of historical parallels seems redundant, given that the writer in question knows the history far better than I. This is what renders his rant all the more remarkable. We are talking about a distinguished historian of fascism who writes brilliantly about his subject when he is not wearing his political hat. Sternhell introduces a sober thought when he reminds us that “there are worse things than fascism.” The Italian fascist regime before it was taken over by Nazi Germany killed “no more than a few dozen” opponents, and those were mostly assassinations that occurred outside Italy, probably without Mussolini’s knowledge. (One might note that while the partisan use of “fascism” has grown exponentially in recent decades, the scholarship on this topic has not degenerated in the same way.)

Attempts to give fascism a presentist focus range from the serious and scholarly to the crassly opportunistic or abysmally ignorant. The historian A. James Gregor at the University of California, Berkeley, may be the most learned of those who treat fascism as a continuing problem, which Gregor identifies with the revolutionary left. According to this view, the influence of Italian fascism is still reflected in developing-world dictatorships that feature national solidarity, a socialist economy, and an authoritarian regime. These Third World regimes also exploit resentment against “plutocratic” Western states with corrupt parliamentary systems, a form of rhetoric that made an appearance in Latin fascist oratory of the 1920s.

The problem with this continuity thesis is that it makes too much of chance parallels, without noticing the radical differences in the societies that gave birth to the regimes compared. Gregor also makes too much of the selective borrowing engaged in by Third World developmental dictatorships that adorn their rule with Western ideological regalia. This borrowing does not mean that non-Western governments are becoming the same as the state or society from whence the borrowing comes. One may even challenge the ascription of the specifically Western reference points “right” and “left” to Third World political entities.

Once we leave the Ivy Tower, any attempt to demonstrate a continuing fascist threat plummets into the absurd. Thus we find parallels drawn between Obama and Hitler because both did favors for their friends, extended comparisons between the Nazis and the American Democrats because both advanced affirmative-action programs, and a juxtaposing of opponents of gay rights and the amnestying of illegals here and in Europe with the Third Reich.

A few facts about what fascism was may help explain what it wasn’t and isn’t. Fascist movements developed on the European continent between the two wars and were a reaction primarily to the revolutionary left but also to the perceived failure of liberal parliamentary governments to respond adequately to a devastating challenge from leftists. Fascist politics seems to have developed most naturally in Latin Catholic countries and drew on corporatist economic concepts that were extracted quite selectively from papal and neo-scholastic documents, as well as from Roman ideas about hierarchy and authority. Not surprisingly, fascist ideas did not resonate well in Protestant individualist societies, a fact that was related not only to the persistence in these places of orderly constitutional governments but also to certain obvious cultural differences. As the British Union of Fascists and its leader, Oswald Mosley, learned in the 1930s, marching around in London in Black Shirts singing the Italian fascist anthem with English lyrics while enjoying Mussolini’s subsidies created more of a curiosity than a powerful national movement.

Despite attempts by the Italian government to generate a fascist internationalism, their movements did not travel well. The fact that fascists stressed an organic national identity limited the outreach of a movement that aimed at the self-assertion of particular states. Unlike the communists and the current brand of American liberal democracy, fascism was never a truly international force. And its development in nations like Italy and Spain, which lagged industrially, made it even less appealing outside of places that claimed a great past but revealed a rather modest present. The idea that advanced nations such as the U.S. erected welfare states because fascist Italy did so borders on the hallucinatory. For better or worse, modern Western democracies tend of their own accord to give birth to huge bureaucratic states that dole out social programs. There is no reason to assume that those who built and expanded such enterprises were dependent on a Latin fascist model.

Nor does the organic nationhood preached by the fascists have anything in common with the appeals to American nationhood and an American global mission that now issue from Republican and neoconservative sources. Unlike American hawks, fascists did not appeal to human rights, nor did they associate their sense of solidarity with any kind of propositional nationhood. Mussolini invoked “Latinity” as the essence of Italian national identity, and to whatever extent he hoped to recreate an Italian empire, he saw himself returning to the Roman past. This effort to return to ancient greatness was a recurrent fascist theme, together with the reconstruction of a social hierarchy that would be adapted to present needs. By contrast, our advocates of American outreach justify their politics as helping to liberate backwards societies from the shackles of tradition. They wish to make other peoples more like late modern Americans—consumerist, individualist, and free of sexism. This distinction is not an attempt to justify either sense of nationhood or the expansionist foreign policy to which it could lead. It simply calls attention to unlike things.

The historian John Lukacs has made the observation that any comparison between German Nazism and Latin fascism should prove definitively that there was no generic fascism. Lukacs’s statement is half true. There was a veritable gulf between Nazism and the tradition of Latin authoritarianism into which fascism fitted as a counterrevolutionary movement pretending to be a radical revolutionary force. Despite the eventual conversion of some Latin fascists to Hitler’s murderous totalitarian ventures, the two were not the same, and most Nazi collaborators in occupied countries were not convinced fascists but opportunistic politicians or military governments that were willing to cooperate with the Third Reich as long as it was winning. Yet there was a generic fascism, and it was Latin, corporatist, and authoritarian and featured a mystical idea of the nation. This fascism was far less radical and less expansive than German Nazism, a movement and regime that borrowed from fascist organizational models but also from the socialist experiment then being tried in Stalin’s Russia.

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Spot The Alpha President-Elect


From the Chateau: Three “power brokers” with their hands in pockets, and one doing the fig leaf over his crotch. Classic beta male body language tells. Trump, meanwhile, is the only man in the room with his hands out, gesticulating a commanding presence. Keep in mind that Trump is the man in this meeting who hasn’t yet been elected to any high office. Alpha is Attitude.

Nearly every photo of Trump is a master class in alpha male body language. For we teachers of the crimson arts, the Trumpening is gift from Eros, a walking Powerpoint on the successful traits, mannerisms, and habits of the alpha male who is beloved by feminine women and admired by masculine men.

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New York Times Investigates Blacks Killing Blacks

New York Times:

Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage. “Clearly, if it’s black-on-black, we don’t get the same attention because most people don’t identify with that. Most Americans are white,” said James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University in Boston. “People think, ‘That’s not my world. That’s not going to happen to me.’”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Blacks are killing blacks. Other blacks are then not talking to the cops, so the shooters walk.

Quick, white people. Do something!

* Susan Rice: Too Many Whites On National Security Team Putting America At Risk

* Normally I tend to blow off suggestions that mass media (music, movies,video games) amplifies violence but I have a hard time doing that now, particularly with rap music. Despite the left’s attempts to portray most of this genre as subtle and brilliant art, a huge percentage of it revolves around crude boasts about money, drugs/drinking, promiscuity, and violence.

It appears to me that lots of young black men and boys essentially model their behavior after the archetypical character in a rap song. In fact, it’s common too see some young black guy with headphones on walking down the street or standing at the bus stop rapping along with his favorite song complete with the gestures and expressions of the rapper in the music video, as if he’s trying to be that character. I don’t see white hipsters doing that while listening to the latest Wilco or even high schoolers play-acting to the soundtrack of teen pop music.

Obviously, the way people dress or act can be a reflection of their cultural influences of the moment, and I just as often silently laugh at the white kids who spend hours cultivating a look that is supposed to look careless, but guys with greasy hair, beards, and retro clothing or messenger bags style aren’t going to get wound up about some perceived slight and start shooting at a party or bar. In contrast, those that consciously mimic rap culture very well might.

* Most shootings with four deaths or injuries are invisible outside their communities. And most of the lives they scar are black.

Maybe the New York Times could explain why those who might want to read about black-on-black and black-on-white crime have to read the Daily Mail.

BTW, 2Kevins w/ Grace & Steele did good in-depth takedown of Jill Leovy’s book in the latter half of episode 36 0f their podcast. Leovy describes how appalling things are in the black “community,” but in the end assigns all responsibility for dealing with it to whites.

* Black people don’t kill black people because of racism, poverty, economic inequality, lack of opportunity. Rather those things are symptoms, not causes; they occur for the SAME REASON as black violence: low IQ, low impulse control, low concept of future, low grasp of cause and effect, low investment in family and society, low character and, oh yes, low IQ. To make it worse, they’ve been told by liberal fools and scoundrels for two generations that nothing is their fault, it’s all The System. Did I mention low IQ?

* This reminds me of Ta-Genius Coates’ appearance at an Aspen panel. When someone pointed out that far more African-Americans are killed in intra-black violence than police shootings, he said “yeah, but it feels different [when you hear someone is killed by the police].”

It’s bad to be worried about Islamic terrorism or black-on-white crime, because, hey, it’s a country of >300 million people, of course you can drudge up some examples if all you do is worry about it. Clearly, objective perusal of the data shows that those are relatively small risks to the ordinary American. Fears about them are exaggerated, due to racial/cultural hysteria against the perpetrators. But it’s good to be extremely worried about white police officers—or, sorry, police officers Who Must Believe They Are White—shooting black suspected criminals—or, sorry, Innocent Black Baby Bodies—because even if it’s a rounding error compared to heart disease, black-on-black crime or auto accidents it’s the principle of the thing, not the actual risk, that counts.

In all seriousness, it’s somewhat hilarious that after being attacked by black criminals, Matt Yglesias and Brian Beutler shrug it off as Shit Happens, but egg on blacks to tell everyone how they constantly fear their Black Bodies being destroyed because they once had a tense encounter with the cops.

As Steve would say, it comes down to “Who is overtaking whom?”

* It is much safer to live around poor whites than middle and upper class blacks.

For instance:

Prince George’s County, MD

Median household income $72,052
Median home value $247,600

Black Non-Hispanic Alone (63.5%)
Hispanic or Latino (14.9%)
White Non-Hispanic Alone (14.9%)
Asian alone (4.0%)

Murder Rate 146

Kanawha County, West Virginia

Median Household Income $46,325
Median Home Value $107,000

White Non-Hispanic Alone (88.6%)
Black Non-Hispanic Alone (7.2%)
Asian alone (1.0%)

Murder Rate 18

* My gf & I went to Target last night. Only two registers were open and there was about ten people waiting in a single line. Thus in the very from register no one was directly waiting. This young black girl with her daughter walks up feigns like she is asking if the register is available. As she is doing this another cashier opens up their register & she pounces. Seeing this I called her out. She calls me a “fag**t” & that she’ll meet me outside. I respond that’s how you talk in front of your daughter?

They have little couth, civility or self-control and when they’re in the ghetto incidents like these happen routinely & end in violence. The underclass blacks really do need a firm hand guiding their every move. They aren’t fit for modern society.

* I have been involved in competitive shooting for 20 years, and shot in national events for the last twelve. Among the thousands and thousands of shooters I have encountered over that period of time, I can literally count the number of blacks on one hand.

Competitive shooting is, above all else, a game of extreme, Zen-like mental focus. It requires a significant attention to detail in terms of equipment and environmental conditions. I would liken the attitude of the competitive shooter to that of a professional pilot — all business, which includes a positively anal emphasis on safety.

Blacks do not generally possess these traits. Consequently, the competitive shooting community is 99.9+ percent white. I believe that blacks are genetically hard-wired to have less impulse control than whites, and that this attribute explains black success in pursuits that require spontaneous behavior, like basketball and bebop jazz, but it also explains a LOT of senseless black criminality and the ease with which blacks routinely just grab a gun and shoot wildly after the slightest provocation.

Competitive shooters, many of whom have fired hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition, would never do anything like that.

The problem with impulsive black shootings is that they are being used politically to justify infringements on the freedoms of millions of sober, responsible, self-sufficient whites. Perhaps the Founders were right — all of them believed that blacks were incapable of functioning in a free society, and that blacks would be better off if they were emancipated and then repatriated to Africa.

* The Constitution and the 2nd Amendment was written for white people. A different sort of government may work better for black people. But I don’t want to change the Constitution to make it more suitable for black people (generally speaking) but less suitable for white people (again generally speaking).

* Not trending on Fakebook.

BlackLiesMatter – Activist Group Leader Arrested For Sex Trafficking,

The Daily Caller obtained a police report stating that Wade was picked up in a College Park police sting after cops responded to a ad from a woman who claimed to be 23, offering sexual services at an area Howard Johnson hotel.

When police arrived and confronted the woman, who turned out to be 17, she identified Wade, who had been watching from the parking lot, as her “manager” named “CJ.” The police then arrested Wade who, according to the report, had rented the hotel room and was carrying three cell phones.

According to the police report, the woman told police that “CJ” knew she was underage and “wasn’t worried” because she’d turn 18 in a few months. She told investigators that she provided CJ with all of the money she made in her endeavors.

* Seems like there is a huge potential competitive advantage for a gang that invests even a tiny amount of time and money in teaching its shooters how to shoot. Not sure whether it’s a good or bad thing that none of them have figured this out.

* Attributing black gun violence to early 90′s “gangsta” rap is fundamentally wrongheaded, for a couple of reasons:

1. “Gangsta” rap doesn’t happen in a vaccuum. It’s an aesthetic incarnation of a thing that’s happening previous to its pop-cultural incarnation (i.e., Biggie isn’t putting something in a song because it happened in another song he heard, it’s par for the course in an already extant cultural environment).

2. Black youth in 2016 ain’t listening to ’90′s shit. Popular rap today is in a much different state than it was in the ’90′s and even the early 2000′s (which is peak moron in the history of hip hop (though it produced some really enjoyable, although admittedly retarded, music)). There’s a Chicago rap scene that’s broadly representative of the violent environs of the city but popular rap (read: rap that young black people actually listen to) is more in line with Drake/Kanye abstraction than Wu-Tang or Geto Boys street violence.

* There is literally nothing to be done about Black on Black murders. Nothing. They have always been appallingly high as even WEB Dubois noted in his “The Philadelphia Negro” which covered Black criminal behavior in Philly from 1800-1898. Written as a response to George Washington Carver, Dubois argues that Black people were innately more criminal even than the most deprived and criminal White immigrants in the same city and thus unable to win political power and equal rights under Segregation through economic advancement as Carver favored. Thus the Talented Tenth would agitate for White concessions and of course, pocket the majority of the goodies.

Still the data in Dubois book is compelling. Leovy in her book conveniently overlooks the historical record in places like Philly, and the underlying dynamic which is sexual reproduction. Simply put Black women demand even greater A hole levels in their men, killers best of all. Every ghetto shooting of a baby, grandma, or other innocent gets the shooter laid that night. And thereafter.

Fundamentally Black people don’t WANT the violence to be greatly reduced — it would greatly reduce their fertility.

* Newspaper articles used to cover violence among blacks with a certain sardonic amusement.

Dallas Morning News
December 29, 1891
Razor and Fence Paling Used.

PARIS, Tex., Dec. 28. There was a lively free fight among the colored barbers in the quarter known as Boardtown in which fence palings, walking canes and razors played a conspicuous part. Saturday night a negro named Brown who shaves colored people, picks a banjo and fights on very little provocation had a row with Silas Washington, who shaves white folks and wears good clothes. The thing passed off without loss of blood. Yesterday afternoon Silas and another barber named Jim Garnett were walking along the street that runs through Boardtown when they were met by Brown, who renewed the hostilities. A three-cornered fight ensued. Garnett had a cane, Washington had a paling and Brown a razor. After being thumped a few times by Garnett and Washington, Brown got in his work with his trusty razor and slashed Washington across the forehead, making an ugly gash, and cutting Garnett across the left wrist, cutting the leaders and arteries and inflicting a dangerous wound. Brown was arrested.

Dallas Morning News
September 2, 1888

Two Brothers, Negroes, Carve and Slash Each Other.

Denton, Tex., Aug. 31. A serious difficulty occurred three miles northeast of the city last night at a negro dance, in which two darkies, John and Ed Crawford, were seriously carved with the old proverbial negro razor. It seems that Ed and John were brothers, but full of whisky, and, being rivals for the same damsel, a difficulty occurred, in which John drew his razor and cut his brother a fearful gash, almost severing one of his ribs; whereupon another darky named Bob Hagman, being possessed of a razor also, made a stroke at John and with tonsorial dexterity inflicted a gash across his face and throat about eight inches long. Both the carvers are lodged in the county jail and the two carved negroes are doing as well as could be expected. It is thought that both will recover.

* The Washington herald., January 14, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

A mob of North Carolina negroes lynched the proprietor of a negro theatrical outfit because his show did not come up to the advance agent’s promises. Theoretically, this idea may be sound, but its general adoption would soon put the advance agent business all to the bad.

* Seems like the same garbage “music” of black guys screaming about how they are so awesome violent and rich as 25 years ago.

Here are the lyrics to the current #1 rap single:

[Intro – Kyla & Wizkid:]
Baby, I like your style

[Verse 1 – Drake:]
Grips on your waist
Front way, back way
You know that I don’t play
Streets not safe
But I never run away
Even when I’m away
Oti, oti, there’s never much love when we go, oti
I pray to make it back in one piece
I pray, I pray

[Hook – Drake:]
That’s why I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time ‘fore I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me
I need a one dance
Got a Hennessy in my hand
One more time ‘fore I go
Higher powers taking a hold on me

[Bridge – Kyla & Wizkid:]
Baby, I like your style

[Verse 2 – Drake:]
Strength and guidance
All that I’m wishing for my friends
Nobody makes it from my ends
I had to bust up the silence
You know you gotta stick by me
Soon as you see the text, reply me
I don’t wanna spend time fighting
We’ve got no time

Here’s the immediately prior #1 rap song:

Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda…

I got broads in Atlanta
Twisting dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hitting off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Going out like I’m Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Selling bar, candy
Man I’m the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me

* An Australian woman is drugged and raped in South Korea. We learn at the very end of the article, after tut-tuts about Korean rape culture and indifference to sexual assault, that the rapist was Nigerian.

* One incident I recall from last summer was a retaliation-style mass shooting in Detroit in which a dozen people were shot, one fatally, at a park.

Twelve people were shot, one fatally, during a block party on a basketball court on Dexter and Webb St. on Detroit’s west side. Over 400 people were estimated to be in attendance at the Saturday night block party including children. The victims ranged from 19 to 47 years old. Forty-seven shots were fired from at least three guns during what is being called a retaliation-style mass shooting,

Police are looking for two suspects. One is described as a black male with light complexion in his twenties, and the other is described as a black male in his twenties with medium complexion…

Police believe Jones, the deceased, might have been expecting a gun fight Saturday night. Why he would have placed himself at a party with hundreds of people, including children, in attendance was unclear, [black Detroit Police Chief James Craig] said…

According to Craig, even those who were shot last night aren’t helping police track anyone down

A woman claiming to be Jones’s sister stood across Dexter Avenue for most of Craig’s news conference. When a police officer crossed the street to speak with the woman, who had been talking to a reporter, the woman began yelling expletives and cursing the police.

“(expletive) the police,” the woman screamed from across the street. She then began to walk quickly down the street, swearing and cursing the police the entire way.

Police Chief on mass shooting in Detroit: ‘This must end’

There is some disagreement in the black community about who should be held responsible:

Detroit Police Chief James Craig agitated activists by calling those involved in shooting a dozen people Saturday, one who died, “urban terrorists.”

“We want to make it very much known that the young people who are causing the violence in our community are not terrorists,” said the Rev. Charles Williams, president of the Detroit National Action Network, a civil rights group founded by the Rev. Al Sharpton. “They are not urban terrorists, they are the products of bad urban policy.

“They are products of bad education policy, where our young people are used as products, versus being educated. They are products of the fact that you are dealing with a city with high poverty numbers, so to relate these young people as terrorists is wrong.”

Detroit police chief criticized for calling culprits of mass shooting ‘urban terrorists ‘

* Those of my generation who saw the Japanese soldiers in the flesh cannot forget their almost inhuman attitude to death in battle. They were not afraid to die. They made fearsome enemies and needed so little to keep going – the tin containers on their belts carried only rice, some soya beans and salt fish. Throughout the occupation, a common sight was of Japanese soldiers at bayonet practice on open fields. Their war cries as they stabbed their gunny-sack dummies were bloodcurdling.
Had the British re-invaded and fought their way down Malaya into Singapore, there would have been immense devastation.

After seeing them at close quarters, I was sure that for sheer fighting spirit, they were among the world’s finest. But they also showed a meanness and viciousness towards their enemies equal to the Huns’. Genghis Khan and his hordes could not have been more merciless. I have no doubts about whether the two atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. Without them, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Malaya and Singapore, and millions in Japan itself, would have perished.

What made them such warriors? The Japanese call it bushido, the code of the samurai, or Nippon seishin, the spirit of Nippon. I believe it was systematic indoctrination in the cult of emperor worship, and in their racial superiority as a chosen people who could conquer all. They were convinced that to die in battle for the emperor meant they would ascend to heaven and become gods, while their ashes were preserved at the Yasukuni Shrine in the suburbs of Tokyo
Kuan Yew Lee – The Singapore Story Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, Vol. 1-Times Editions (1998)

* I always say, if you’re interested in an era of history, try to find first person accounts of people who were there. Often they will provide insight that won’t be supplied by historians, particularly if some of the events differ from commonly accepted precepts. Better than news articles are personal diaries, and the like.

In any case, there’s a wealth of first-person slave narratives available at the library of congress website. I spent a few hours perusing them, and it wasn’t what I had expected. I assumed it would be a lot of horror stories about black slave life, and while there were some, there were many stories of Blacks who were fairly content with the lifestyle. It seemed the culture from one plantation to the next could vary wildly. Some were shitholes to be sure, some were got great, but not bad, and some were run like a commune, with slaves voting for whatever issues were important to them, and basically running the show as far as their work days were concerned, and how day-to-day problems were solved, with the plantation owner very light-handed, when he was around at all. The slaves who had it going well were particularly upset when they were freed. They knew even if they ran their own farms, life was going to be a lot harder.

I had the same surprise regarding lynchings. I didn’t come close to reading all the narratives, but many that I did read, the lynchings were done after some major hell had broken loose, rather than a black guy whistling at a white girl. From what I could tell, you had to work hard to qualify for a lynching. You had to pull some major crazy, and get caught in the act, or have a ton of circumstantial evidence working against you.

One story I recall was a few years after the civil war. One segregated community seemed to be doing all right. Blacks and whites got along well, cooperated with one another. No major problems. One night, a house caught on fire, killing a woman and her two children. It was determined that the woman’s husband, who wanted a divorce because he’d found a new girl, became livid when his wife wouldn’t grant him one, so set his house on fire at 1 AM, and ran off, killing his entire family. Since the house was on fire, and he was gone, as well as the other circumstances that were known, it was determined the husband was the culprit. This enraged the white folks, as well as the black folks. The white folks organized a search party, and they caught the black guy hiding in some nearby woods, who readily admitted that he’d set the fire. He was strung up that night, by white folks, with blacks looking on, to the applause of whites and blacks alike. Everyone agreed justice was served.

I thought to myself, “now that’s a story we’re not going to see in a Quentin Tarantino move.”

Anyway, I urge anyone who wants to know just what black people who don’t know much about their own history are complaining about, to check out the slave narratives at the library of congress website. I think you might come up with different conclusions than what historians would have you believe.

That is, our american history is not all “black and white.”

Sure a lot of it was shitty, but unless you were rich, most of american life back then was a slow-motion crash for everyone, regardless of race. There weren’t a lot of happy endings. I wouldn’t have wanted to live in that era. When you delve in to people’s diaries who lived in that era, it reads like Gothic Noir. Humorless, passionate, dark, and crazy. Not many clear heads anywhere.

* Lot’s of unmentioned racial/HBD aspects to this review:

* “Some researchers say the single strongest predictor of gun homicide rates is the proportion of an area’s population that is black. But race, they say, is merely a proxy for poverty, joblessness and other socio-economic disadvantages that help breed violence.”

Looking at R squared values, its actually the opposite. Poverty, joblessness, credit etc are all decent indicators of blackness.

* Black-on-Black violence and drug addiction are not new. Years ago my wife picked up a few worn volumes from a library “giveaway” cart. They were a partial set of a Princeton “History of the United States” written in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One volume written in the 1890s caught my attention. It described wide-spread Black-on-Black violence and cocaine use in the Black communities in the South.

In the late 1990s, I had to commute past a Black public housing project on the way to work. It was not unusual to see Black males in fist fights. One day I saw a Black male pounding on another Black male with a 2×4.

At what point is it reasonable to conclude that violence is a persistent characteristic of Black culture rather than a “proxy for poverty ….”?

* Doesn’t all of this fall under the category of “This is why we have separate countries.”

I mean, everyone (including many here) keep wringing their hands about how blacks aren’t acting like whites. Maybe, just maybe, it’s because they aren’t white. As Steve has noted many times, blacks like being black. While repugnant to whites, the violence in black neighborhoods seems to be something that blacks accept, even embrace to an extent.

Fine. Let them create a culture and society that works for them. We’ll have our culture and society someplace else.

The hubris of whites (certainly liberal whites) always amazes me. We think that we’re the pinnacle of human evolution, that any variance from our norms and behaviors is wrong. Even when other groups outperform us in something that we care about, we feel that its wrong. (NE Asians study too much.) To whites (again, especially, liberal whites), diversity just means people with different skin color acting just like liberal whites.

* The media is effectively the nervous system of the body politic so if the media won’t tell the truth about a problem then it can’t be fixed and the media won’t tell the truth about this because it messes up their anti-white narrative.

* In Leovy’s book Ghettocide, the detectives refer to the constant violence between blacks as “the Monster.” Clever detectives! They know that to attach any moral opprobrium to the perpetrators in front of a reporter would end their careers.

* Fertility rate or average number of children per woman: white 1.8, black 2.1, Hispanic 2.4. LINK.

When you hear a stat that 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock, it actually means that 70 percent of black women have children out of wedlock. The CDC looks at the mother’s race not the child’s nor the father’s. LINK.

Studies on interracial births are simply ignored. I didn’t know about this 2015 study until I decided to respond to your post. “92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance.”

Be sure to save the study immediately or view privately with your ip address hidden otherwise you may get blocked from viewing a second or third time due to ”overuse”: LINK. Short article on the study: LINK.

Slightly related, for decades the percentage of children in foster care who were black hovered around 40 percent. By 2014, the black percentage dropped to 24 percent. This is due mostly to the new biracial category in which 10 percent of children fall. Three percent of children are classified as unknown. LINK.

* A few years ago, Buffalo had the “City Grill Massacre” where an unwanted guest, Riccardo McCrea returned to an anniversary party and opened fire with a large caliber handgun. Four were killed and four grievously wounded, including one who will live out his life in a vegative state. McCrea actually “executed” two of his victims, one a wounded male who he held down with his foot while he finished him off and a young women, who he shot, point blank in the neck, while she cowered in a doorway. Last year a Buffalo man celebrated his 29th birthday with a party that attracted at least 100 “guests.” The party ended when an uninvited guest opened fire on the crowd. The birthday boy lost his life and left behind, if my memory serves me right, six or seven daughters, with nary a former, ex or otherwise wife in sight. He did, however, leave behind a grieving “fiancée”. There is a thread that runs through both stories, seven of the eight City Grille victims and the deceased birthday boy all had prior criminal records. McCrea also had priors. So, not only is it black on black, but mostly black criminal on black criminal. One other point, a middle aged Chicago city employee was shot and killed last week while she was exiting a Starbucks within walking distance of Police HQ. Don’t know if there was any message about “race” on her coffee cup but she was described as an unintended victim, also frequently described as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and yes she was black.

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Right Vs Left

Comments posted at Steve Sailer:

There is a right-wing, nationalist electoral trend both in Europe and in America. But in real-life terms the left-wing trend continues – the number of third-worlders in Western countries keeps growing, WWG and WWT were resounding successes, feminism marches on.

What happens when two opposing forces run up against each other? A collision, sometimes an explosion. It’s like two accelerating trains running towards each other on the same track.

What would an explosion look like in the modern West? Military coups, terrorist campaigns that are not motivated by Islam. That stuff could come back.

In most countries most military and police officers are politically conservative, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any left-wing coups. In fact it is the right that’s doing better and better at the polls now. So the left would have an incentive to counter that with violence. And there HAVE been left-wing military coups in the past.

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Steve Sailer: Another BLM Fiasco: White Bicycle Cop in Baltimore Acquitted


Comments posted at Steve Sailer:

* Freddy was a slip and fall scam artist. And his family won the ghetto lottery, they got a six million dollar payout from the city.

* Too many Blacks try to resist or escape arrest. While trying to do so, some of them get killed. This was such a case.

* The narrative just keeps breaking down. The Freddie Gray case was initially packaged by the MSM as another example of police brutality against a harmless black citizen. Just the predictable type of incident the DNC house organs of the MSM like to headline during an election year, designed to stoke the sense of grievance and alienation among the black community so they’ll get good and fired up to turn out in force in November and vote for you know who. Except…. half of the cops involved were black, which mirrors the racial composition of the Balamer PD. Also, the mayor, the chief of police, the DA, and the judge who acquitted Nero are also black. The first trial (of a black officer) ended in a hung jury. Now the second trial has resulted in an acquittal. Hmmm – maybe it’s time to flush this egregious example of racial injustice down the old memory hole.

* The Baltimore Sun website has several “banners” that divide the home page into sections.

There is a “National News” banner, a “Maryland News” banner, “Sports”, etc.

They have had an entire “Freddie Gray” banner section for “in-depth Freddie Gray coverage” on their website every day since the incident occurred.

Think about the absurdity of devoting an entire section of the newspaper, every day, for over a year, to this pathetic case.

* Without looking it up, I think that the left vs. right terminology arose during the French Revolution. At that time the people who called themselves the left were anti-clerical, in many cases astheist. The right was religious. That’s still true. So there is some consistency to these terms.

200 years ago the right was associated with monarchy and the aristocracy. Those things are almost entirely gone from Western political life – that was a victory of the left.

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