Steven Avery and the Making a Murderer series


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Sudden Jihad Syndrome


* I mentioned the other day the Turkish guy who ‘randomly’ stabbed four white women at a supermarket in the relatively upmarket suburb of Hampton, London.

A Somali guy is on trial at present for ‘randomly’ stabbing four people and attempting to behead a fifth in East London.

“A former taxi driver has admitted trying to stab four commuters at a Tube station but denies attempting to behead a fifth. Muhiddin Mire, 30, appeared at the Old Bailey today to enter pleas to five charges over the incident at Leytonstone underground station.

But being East London, a random sample of white people looks like this – “Mire, who is of Somalian origin, pleaded guilty to four charges of attempted wounding of David Pethers, Daniel Bielinski, Serena Valori and Andrius Sabaliauskas.”

Naturally in neither case has the issue of Sudden Jihad Syndrome been mentioned.

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Can you spot a terrorist just by looking at their face? New software can tell if you are anything from a paedophile to an ace poker player by analysing your features

Daily Mail: A company claims it can identify terrorists, paedophiles and ace poker players simply by looking at their face.
Faception, an Israeli start-up, says its technology can spot character traits that are undetectable to the naked eye.
The company claims its software classified nine of the 11 Paris massacre jihadists as terrorists from their facial features without inputting any prior knowledge of their involvement.
It appears to have been so successful, the firm says it is now working with a homeland security agency to help identify criminals.
Shai Gilboa, Faception chief executive, said: ‘We understand the human much better than other humans understand each other.
‘Our personality is determined by our DNA and reflected in our face. It’s a kind of signal.’
The firm, which was founded in Tel Aviv in 2014, has developed a database of 15 classifiers which Gilboa says are used to determine personality traits with 80 per cent accuracy…
The Faception website says: ‘Utilising advanced machine-learning techniques, we developed and continue to evolve an array of classifiers.
‘These classifiers represent a certain persona, with a unique personality type, a collection of personality traits or behaviours.
‘Our algorithms can score an individual according to their fit to these classifiers.’
However, experts questioned whether the technology could lead to a Minority Report-style system of justice where people are placed under suspicion before they have even committed an offence.
They also warn that such software is often only as accurate as the information that is programmed in in the first place.
Pedro Domingos, a professor of computer science at the University of Washington, said: ‘Can I predict that you’re an axe murderer by looking at your face and therefore should I arrest you?
‘You can see how this would be controversial.’
Gilboa says the company will never make his classifiers that predict negative traits available to the public.

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How To Defend Yourself Online

Vox Day blogs: The New Femininity writes an essay on How to Defend Yourself From the SJW Mob:

Never assume anyone is going to be fair to you

No one is going to be fair to you and no one is going to sympathize with you. No one is going to give you the benefit of the doubt and no one is going to defend you because their default thought process is that you shouldn’t have touched the flaming hot stove if you didn’t expect to get burned.

My own husband didn’t have a lick of sympathy for me. He told me I was completely on my own. In fact, the only time he showed me any sort of empathy was months after when I told him I pressed full charges on my stalker against her professional license. He knew she went too far, and he fully supported my decision.

Bottom line is, people are not going to be partial to your sense of political justice in saying controversial things on the internet–because they themselves don’t want the trouble or expense of caring about something they believe you brought squarely upon yourself. It isn’t right and it isn’t wrong–it just is. People have jobs, their own lives, and their own multitude of problems. Don’t expect them to be fair, supportive or understanding in your willful decision to engage in your own personal crusade of online martyrdom–it’s your problem and they are under no obligation or duty to make it theirs.

On the flip side, when you find that rare individual who is willing to stand with you, who is willing to damn the torpedoes and defend you, you’d better appreciate what a gift you’ve been given.

That’s why so many people fear the VFM and the Dread Ilk. They know none of their tactics are going to work. They see the mutual loyalty that is the chief characteristic of the relationship and it scares them to death because they don’t know anything like it.

That’s also why it is useless to attempt to separate me from my social media allies. I’m not blind to their various idiosyncracies, (nor, to be fair, are they blind to mine) I simply don’t care because I know that I can count on them. Every single one of them has, at one point or another, put himself in the line of fire on my behalf when he did not have to do so.

This may be one more thing that separates the #AltRight from the movement conservatives. They are constantly jockeying for position and status and air time. We are far more concerned with mutual defense against the media and SJW mobs, and we genuinely celebrate each others’ scalps and successes. Take on one of us, and you can be pretty sure that at the very least, the others will at least fire a symbolic round or two in your direction.

How do you develop strong alliances? Mike Cernovich has already answered that. Look for those who need help and deserve it. Help them. Then repeat.


* How ironic that it was Charles (LGF) Johnson who uncovered the Dan Rather hoax. Johnson started out as an ally. He went full SJW within a year or so. I used to be on that site every day until I ended up like hundreds of others who got banned on LGF. Hard to believe that was over ten years back.

* The dearth of purity tests and purges on the alt-right is a huge selling point. I’ve yet to see an attack by a righty tbat wasn’t actually a *counter*-attack. Other than that it’s all a lot of, “Yeah those guys have some odd ideas about sex/whitey/handgun-choice, but they’re good on the important stuff. Great to have them aboard.”

Contrast with a decade’s experience. With the libertarians spending more time analyzing which Scotsman are True and its no wonder the altright has done more to change the conversation in a year than the libertarians in a decade.

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My Name Is Bill Kristol — and How I Became a Renegade Jew

Forward: I’m a Renegade Jew. It didn’t start out that way. I was just an ordinary Jew, putting in my Jewish time, observing the Jewish calendar, mostly blowing off my Jewish responsibilities except for lip service to the faith on Yom Kippur and Passover.
But I still did what I thought was right, for Judaism and for my country, by helping George W. Bush become president, because he was “good for Israel.” I wrote influential op-eds, I went on TV, I obfuscated and I apologized for war crimes.
It’s what I’d been raised to do, as a conservative Jewish intellectual. But then one Sunday morning, I went out for bagels. I shouldn’t have gone to Zabar’s; it wasn’t safe. Then I came home to a nightmare. They’d gotten to my family, the monsters. Everyone — my father Irving, my uncle Schlomo, my second cousin Leon Epstein, my daughter Shoshanna — had been viciously slandered on the Internet. Like dogs, our opinions meant nothing anymore.
After all I’d done for Judaism, for the cause, for America, my Republican colleagues had betrayed me by supporting Donald Trump.
I had no choice…

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