Terror Attack In Tel Aviv

Israeli resident Brad Salzman posts on FB: A terror attack in Tel Aviv last night wounded 20 Jews and killed 4. Not looking forward to all the sadface hashtags and FB posts whining about how Israel is a victim and Arabs are celebrating. If Israel is a victim, it’s because it is letting itself be victimized. If Arabs are celebrating it’s because we don’t do enough to show them that we won’t tolerate these attacks. Why aren’t more Jewish citizens carrying around firearms to protect themselves and each other? Remember that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

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Mom burns daughter alive because she married for love

More Muslim immigrants please!

New York Post: LAHORE, Pakistan — A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was in love with, police said.

Police official Sheikh Hammad said the killing took place in the eastern city of Lahore, the country’s cultural hub, and that the mother was arrested the same day.

The suspect, Parveen Rafiq, has confessed to tying her 18-year-old daughter Zeenat Rafiq to a cot, after which, with the help of her son, Ahmar Rafiq, she poured the fuel on the girl and set her ablaze, Hammad said.

Nearly 1,000 women are killed each year in so-called “honor killings” in Pakistan for allegedly violating conservative norms on love and marriage.

A schoolteacher, Maria Bibi, was assaulted and set on fire last week for refusing to marry a man twice her age. Before she died, she managed to give a statement to police, testifying that five attackers had broken into her home, dragged her out to an open area, beat her and set her ablaze.

The prime suspect in the case — the father of the man she refused to marry — and the other four are all in custody.

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Does LA Need To Make Clothes?

Steve Sailer writes: Los Angeles became a huge light manufacturing center in the 1980s by importing an illegal alien workforce to sew clothes together and the like. But is light manufacturing (i.e., low investment manufacturing) much good, except for the owners? I’m not sure, actually, because the disposability of the industry might be a strike in its favor in the long run. The current gentrification of the downtown L.A. has to do with the ease of pushing out low value added apparel businesses that really should go to the Third World.

In contrast, Rust Belt towns with heavy industry remain Rust Belt towns with heavy industry for a very long time because the huge capital investment. Henry Ford’s River Rouge factory, for example, is still in operation, although it appears that the original building was finally closed in 2004.

In general, the middle of the US (which doesn’t have much lumber or wood-working industry) has had a good 21st Century. In contrast, heavily forested North Carolina, which had a fine 1990s, was hammered by the housing bubble popped. I only realized that from looking at Chetty’s county-by-county data.

It’s one of the differences between states that went for Trump (typically, have had a bad time since 2008) vs. Cruz (done reasonably well for themselves over the last 8 years).

Warning: these things are cyclical and don’t necessarily predict the future. (On the other hand, sometimes they do.)


* The issue of mechanization/stoop labor is a recurring theme in America.

There is one school of historical thought that reasons that mechanization would have ultimately displaced negro field hands in the South and that the Civil War was unnecessary. Southern planters would have realized that maintaining human beings cost more than replacing them with machines and would have gradually adopted up to date technological innovations which would have jump started the virtuous feedback cycle of increasing demand, money for research and development, innovation and increased productivity, lowers prices, greater demand and so on.

According to this argument then, the tragedy of the loss of life in the Civil War can be laid directly at the feet of Northern Abolitionists who, impatient of gradual reform, forced a violent resolution to a problem about which they knew little. Too, they can be blamed for the consequent degradation of life for both poor whites and blacks in the post Reconstruction South. Had the transition been allowed to proceed organically, then the fabric of social life in the South would not have been rent.

This may or may not be true. Certainly, many planters would have been reluctant to adopt new ways.

One thing is sure; free labor cannot compete with slave labor. Most immigrants to America during the first half of the 19th century settled in the (tariff protected) North because there were no good paying jobs for free whites in the South. This principle holds as well today as it did then. Thus, ironically, the supposedly liberal, open-border apologists such as Paul Krugman serve the interests of today’s slave-holding class.

* Madison is becoming a Chinese colony.

That is another story of the last 8 years that respectable people are avoiding- how heavily Sinicized the modern university has become in the last decade.

WSJ: Colleges need international students in part for the tuition revenue, but language and cultural barriers make assimilation a struggle

At first glance, a huge wave of Chinese students entering American higher education seems beneficial for both sides. International students, in particular from China, are clamoring for American credentials, while U.S. schools want their tuition dollars, which can run two to three times the rate paid by in-state students.

On the ground, American campuses are struggling to absorb the rapid and growing influx—a dynamic confirmed by interviews with dozens of students, college professors and counselors.

Students such as Mr. Shao are finding themselves separated from their American peers, sometimes through choice. Many are having a tough time fitting in and keeping up with classes. School administrators and teachers bluntly say a significant portion of international students are ill prepared for an American college education, and resent having to amend their lectures as a result.

In a recent computer engineering class, Mr. Shao sat quietly in the back of a large lecture hall, dividing his time between Chinese social media on his smartphone and a lecture by Dave Nicol. He doesn’t remember ever asking a question in class.

Mr. Shao says he doesn’t want to expend the energy it would take to bridge the culture and language gaps. “The academic atmosphere is really good, which is the most important thing I care about,” he says.

He pledged a fraternity his freshmen year but soon found the drinking rituals and other demands took time away from his studies.

“I am majoring in electrical engineering,” says Mr. Shao. “It’s pretty intense.”

* First Mexicans get in as fruitpickers “doing the jobs Americans won’t do [for lousy, un-American wages]“.

Sadly, our Magic Dirt doesn’t work. Once they set foot on our soil, they don’t automagically get a PhD in biochemistry and start working at Johns Hopkins. Nor do their children. Nor do their children’s children, or their children’s children’s children.

Since Magic Dirt never fails to work (in the SJW mythos), their failure to instantly cast off their work gloves and don a lab coat can only be due to white oppression. We must then expend massive amounts of money to take care of them and “close the gap”.

SJWs honor Mexicans because they are noble, hardworking, and work cheap. Once they walk on the Magic Dirt and actually start working cheap, however, they automagically become poor and oppressed and the taxpayer must take care of them.

Weird stuff. If you don’t want poverty, stop importing poverty.

* Well if you’re a Mexican stoop laborer happily ensconced in some U.S. town, once you realize that you can get food stamps, housing assistance, free medical care, free school for your pudgy brats and countless other goodies, why bother going to work? Hell, you can do a few day jobs here and there for beer money.

Now if — heaven forbid — we cut them off from ALL benefits of any kind, including kicking their brats out of the schools, you might have a sudden abundance of willing labor. Or a rapid return to what would now be an easier life in Mexico.

It’s amazing how easy it is to solve problems when you’re not consumed with white guilt.

* We used to have a large agricultural labor force in America for hundreds of years, even after the abolition of slavery – they were called Negroes. Then we put most of them on welfare. Not only did this pay better than farm labor, but they got out of the habit of doing menial labor. The women, especially, grew enormously obese due to generous food stamp benefits so they couldn’t do manual labor anymore even if they wanted to, which they don’t. If we hadn’t spoiled our Negroes they would still be out there working, if their other choice was starving. So first, thru generous welfare benefits, we created one problem (lack of agricultural workers) and then created another problem (millions of aliens who will never make good Americans) to fix the first problem. This is like giving yourself malaria to cure your syphilis. Most Mexicans are fine hard working people (at least the first generation before they learn how to be low class Americans with all the bad habits that implies) but they should be fine people in Mexico, not here.

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Disgusted With The Alt-Right

Goy Philosopher tells me: Looking at some things on the ‘alt right’ lately I’m pretty disgusted. That site ‘The Right Stuff’, for example. An author saying that Jewish facial features are the result of ‘mixing with subhuman filth’, and essentially all of the commenters agreeing-and-amplifying. One or two who claim to be Jewish but sympathetic to the ‘alt right’ pathetically saying that they feel a bit lonely. Is this what it’s about now, what it’s come to so quickly? Just gutter level Nazism all around?

It seems the situation is hopeless. If I say blacks are naturally disposed to some kinds of bad behavior, and I don’t want to live around large numbers of blacks for that reason, liberals and mainstream conservatives will accuse me of thinking all blacks are subhumans and wanting to enslave them. If I say Jewish power is a problem for western societies, they’ll accuse me of wanting to murder all Jews. And now that the real right is beginning to get a bit of traction, immediately all these people come out of the woodwork who actually _do_ think that non-whites are subhumans, who actually think that every Jew is an evil parasite and who go around saying things like ‘Gas the kikes now’. Or who think it’s fun and kind of funny to talk that way, all the time, even if maybe they’re not totally serious. I want a society based on facts and moral principles and organic human relationships. I don’t want a leftist totalitarian regime like we now have, where non-whites get to degrade and harm whites simply because they’re white, and whites get the blame for their bad behavior; I don’t want a rightist totalitarian regime where whites get to degrade and harm non-whites simply because they’re non-white, and non-whites or Jews get blamed for every problem in human history. And yet my strong suspicion at this point is that, since people in the west have no religion to constrain them, they can’t settle on any kind of sane and moral position. Either they have to be insane hate-filled anti-whites or equally insane hate-filled pro-whites. Either racial masochists or racial sadists.

The west seems to be doomed no matter what. I fear the evil insane leftists are actually right: as things stand, whites just cannot take even the first steps toward racial awareness and solidarity without becoming the lowest kind of halfwit Nazi scum. Maybe white western people are just so spiritually corrupt or diseased that politics is not appropriate for them. Maybe there’s just no point in even attempting to think about politics in this society. (Why think about it if any action would lead to something just as bad as what we have now, or worse?) Grim stuff.

Sure, every side will have a dark side, every group will have its haters and its gutter. And I agree, too, that it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect ordinary people who are just waking up to race realism and the JQ to be fully rational. What I’m finding, though, is that a really vile, ugly and irrational tone has quickly become very common or even dominant within the Alt Right.

So, like you I don’t take seriously someone who refers to other people as ‘subhuman filth’. His ideas are obviously not worth considering. But I do take seriously the fact that someone who talks that way publishes articles on this apparently popular and prominent Alt Right site and gets no intelligent moral response from the comenters or other authors on the site. I take seriously the fact that such discourse seems to have gone very quickly from being pretty marginal and not very respectable, even within the dissident right world, to being common and normal and no big deal. What does that say about the whole ‘movement’, such as it is? Greg Johnson may not say things like ‘Gas the kikes’, but does he criticize people for saying it? (A real question.) My impression is that he has no problem with genocidal Nazis, and may well be one himself, but he doesn’t think it’s tactically wise to admit that. I don’t think it’s healthy or normal or acceptable for someone here and now to speak seriously (or jokingly) about gassing large numbers of ordinary decent people because of their race — including children, I assume. This doesn’t seem worrisome to you? I allow that there could be circumstances where that kind of talk would be normal and even moral. It depends. But then, I don’t think it’s healthy or normal to believe that we’re currently in that kind of situation right now. Whites in the US are not living through the siege of Stalingrad or whatever.

And I’m guessing that the people who are into the Alt Right at this stage are probably a lot more intelligent and better educated than the majority of the white population in the west. What might happen when the masses begin to turn on to some of these ideas? If the result might well be a mass resurgence of the most stupid, destructive and indiscriminate white racism, I would probably prefer the (very bad) leftist regime we have now. And I really do hate this regime we have now.

Luke: You don’t fire up your soldiers by explaining the humanity of their opponents.

Goy: Okay, but then you’re saying that, for the Alt Right, Jews and non-whites are enemies or opponents, and the goal is to slaughter them. Or slaughter them metaphorically anyway. But isn’t this conception dangerously misleading? Wouldn’t you agree that the relation between whites and all of these other groups is not always simply a matter of enmity or Stalingrad-level competition?

Luke: For any group, slaughtering your enemies is sometimes the most rational and practical thing and at other times, other options make more sense. Right? It’s all time and place and circumstance.

Goy: Ironically, alt rightists like Hood claim to be dealing with human nature, harsh facts about how we really are — unlike the leftist or conservative ideologues. But it just doesn’t seem to be natural for people to organize their societies around something like ‘the development of the race’. Of course, race may be seen as a means to something else, as in Judaism; but the idea that it’s the highest principle just doesn’t seem to have much appeal to humans. Most people find it unnatural to think that the purpose of their lives or societies is the development of the human species, or the development of mammalian life or life on Earth. Why should we care about the development of a sub-species, unless that’s taken to play a role in some more transcendental meaning or purpose? I’d wonder whether it’s not also (therefore) weird and irrational to be a WN in this place and time.

Luke: Love of one’s people is a primal force. Seems like a reasonable basis for a nation-state.

Goy: Love of one’s people is probably a primal force. But if we’re talking about nation-states anything like those we’re familiar with in Europe or its colonies, I don’t know that those could be based only on a racialist love. If I love Spain or the people of Spain then what I love is not a race nor a sub-race of any race in the biological sense. Maybe Catalans love the people of Catalonia in a special way that they don’t love other Spaniards, and that special kind of love could be ‘a reasonable basis for a nation-state’. However even in that kind of case, I doubt that what they love is reducible to anything like biological race. (Although, obviously, biological race is a key part of what makes up the Catalonian people.) As far as I know, there aren’t any examples of societies based only on an ideal of ‘development of the race’ or love of one’s _racial_ people, except maybe Nazi Germany.

Hood says: “Race is the key building block of any real community and the farthest meaningful grouping to which we can give our loyalty.”

Isn’t this just false, unless the appeal to “real community” is begging the question? Christians and Muslims and Jews have strong and durable communities that aren’t based on this ‘key building block of any real community’. I guess he could say that the Ashkenazics and Sephardics never constitute any one ‘real community’. But then is ‘real community’ here just being defined (question beggingly) as ‘a community based on race’? It also seems false that race is the farthest meaningful object of loyalty. Some people just do seem to have deep loyalty to fellow Christians or Americans or veterans or southerners regardless of race, or to other human beings just because they are human, and so on. If that’s never ‘meaningful’ loyalty does ‘meaningful loyalty’ here just mean ‘racial loyalty’?

Luke: Nobody ever said that racial love was the only basis for a state. Where did you come up with that? I forget your degree of religiosity, but if you practice a religion at all, you know it is highly racially segregated. People overwhelmingly work, socialize and worship with their own race. Many different races went to SDA churches where I grew up, but we all stayed with our own kind. Many different Jews go to shul but we all stick with our own kind (well, I largely stick with the Ashkenazim). Average Ashkenazi IQ is 113 or so, Sephardi 97 and mizrahi 92. They ain’t gonna mix. Same with black and white Christians and Muslims. A person with a 120 IQ will find it unbearable to hang out with someone with a much lower or higher IQ. Only Anglos (and Japs) have created high trust societies…even when these societies were overwhelmingly secular. other peoples have proven their inability to live up to this level of citizenship.

Goy: Hood may not be claiming that racial feeling is the only basis for a state, which would be false, of course; but he does seem to claim that it’s the only legitimate or reliable basis. My point about states like Spain is that when we look at how people actually behave it doesn’t seem that they’ve ever been much inclined to organize socially or politically merely on the basis of race, i.e., it doesn’t seem natural for us to treat race as a ‘first principle’. In that sense it may be that Hood’s version of WN is just as ideological or utopian as its leftist analogues, e.g., Marxism.

I take your point about race and religion. But in white ethnostates there would be sub-groups in the same race that differ in just these ways, and which will tend not to mix — whites with low IQs and high IQs, for example. Hood doesn’t take that to rule out the possibility that a white ethnostate could be a real community though. (And I agree.) But then why can’t Jews or Christians be examples of real communities too, though they differ internally in these ways?

Luke: I have never thought about racial feeling…or racial love. Those terms seem weird. The more similar organisms are genetically, the more likely they are to sacrifice for each other. Genetic Similarity Theory. Phil Rushton devoted his life to studying altruism.

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WP: NYT editor Jonathan Weisman blasts Twitter over anti-Semitic trolling

Stories like this make me fear that we have lost control of the media.

Erik Wemple writes:

On Wednesday, Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor at the New York Times, expressed on Twitter his distaste for Twitter:

Those tweets have a hate-filled backstory. As the Erik Wemple Blog noted in a previous post, Weisman drew a long stream of anti-Semitic tweets after he tweeted an anti-Donald Trump op-ed from The Post by Robert Kagan under the headline “This is how fascism comes to America.” The messages were filled with epithets and the very worst wishes that human beings can pass along.

Weisman responded by retweeting the nastiness, a move that raised awareness on Twitter about the abuse.

There was more to Weisman’s response: He worked with the New York Times social-media desk to round up offensive material that was sent at him. As Weisman tells it, they then passed along the material to Twitter — essentially filing a complaint under the company’s rules against “abusive behavior.” Those rules include this provision:

Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. We also do not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories.

Twitter responded to the complaint with what appeared to be a boilerplate dismissal: “We reviewed the account and content reported and are unable to take action given that we could not determine a clear violation of the Twitter Rules surrounding abusive behavior. We’re happy to revisit our decision if circumstances change or if you can provide additional context. If you have additional information to share that would improve our understanding of the situation, please send it our way,” Twitter wrote in a response to New York Times growth strategy editor Ari Isaacman Bevacqua. (Weisman said he’d flagged some of the offending material on his own but didn’t get a response from Twitter).

Then! Weisman on Wednesday morning used a particular social-media platform to go public with his complaints.

Twitter seems to have taken note. According to Weisman, he has received notice that about nine Twitter accounts have been suspended pursuant to his whistleblowing. “Suddenly I get all these reports back saying this account has been suspended,” says Weisman, counting them up on the phone. Some of the accounts he’d reported were not suspended, he said. “So I don’t really know what their decisionmaking is,” he says. “I don’t know what is considered above the line and what isn’t.”

A move to Facebook, says Weisman, brings more accountability to social-media discussions. “On Facebook, you’re supposed to use your real name, you’re supposed to have a verifiable email,” he says. Though compliance with such rules may be spotty, “in general you can’t be egregious, you can’t have an account that says, ‘I hate everybody.’ ”

The deputy Washington editor has stopped short of deleting his Twitter account. “I think it’s good for everybody to get off Twitter — actually read some articles for a while,” he says.

The Erik Wemple Blog has asked Twitter about its actions in this case and is awaiting a reply. In a recent piece on “Twitter’s anti-Semitism problem,” Paul Smalera wrote on Quartz: “Twitter, perhaps desperate for growth, has left its signup process wide open to abuse. There essentially is no gatekeeper, which is why it is laden with trolls. Racism, sexism, misogyny, hate and anger of all stripes finds a home on its timeline.” To illustrate the problem, Smalera signed up for a Twitter account under the name Awful Human:

Update: A Twitter spokesperson has passed along the following statement. “This type of conduct has no place on Twitter and we will continue to tackle this issue head-on, alongside our partners in industry and civil society. We remain committed to letting the Tweets flow. However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate. In tandem with actioning content that breaches Twitter’s Rules, we also leverage the platform’s incredible capabilities to empower positive voices, to challenge prejudice and to tackle the deeper root causes of intolerance.”

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