Do The Democrats Have A Lock On The Presidency?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* All throughout 2012 I convinced myself the polls must be biased. It was a cute theory that explained a lot and turned out to be 100% wrong. A simpler explanation of the polls and election results is that we are rapidly approaching (or whizzed past without realizing) the point where the Democrats efforts to elect a new people have made the Democrats the permanent ruling party. Kind of like Sovier Russia but at least there you could understand what their end game was. Here the PC crazy train has no brakes.

* I think while undergraduate affirmative action works mostly the way you’d expect it to (i.e., it puts black students in schools that are too competitive for them, but the colleges are still mostly grabbing the best black students they can get), affirmative action at other levels is actually more irrational still. I’ve seen quite weak students get into top grad schools because they knew how to talk the intersectionality lingo just right, while strong students, if they applied to fields like literature where there’s a fair amount of black applicants, struck out because they made the mistake of acting like they wanted to study Dostoevsky and Kipling instead of comic books and Chimamanda Adichie.

Coates was a quite good magazine journalist, within his narrow beat- his 2007 Cosby article and 2008 Michele Obama article were both fine, and I even liked Fear of a Black President. But there was an enormous pent-up desire for an authentically black public intellectual who said the things people wanted to hear- no wishy washy Glenn Loury or John McWhorter or Roland Fryer. (It was a lot like how Piketty became a #1 bestseller with a quite boring book saying the same thing as any number of magazine articles about inequality, simply because he was an Official Economist saying it.) All the better that Coates was a college dropout, and one from West Baltimore at that- the one ghetto neighborhood in America that, thanks to the Wire, every Goodthinking journalist in America knows well.

(A lot of the Ta-Nehisi Coates phenomenon of 2009-2015 was about how he related to other journalists. I think if you hang out on Twitter you realize there are twelve quadrillion journalists and would-be journalists all sweating each other, terrified that they’re going to get fired, jealous of every big “piece” that comes out but anxious to be seen as praising it, and so on. Ta-Nehisi Coates is, well, “like crack” to that precise demographic; he’s black and authentic when they’re white and all went to Vassar or Brown; he reads long books about distant history while they are all hysterical about the news of the last minute; he writes lyrically and is willing to make calls and interview sources while they all use the same jokey Vox/Buzzfeed/Slate lexicon, short sentences and do most of their interviewing by e-mail; he had a convivial (and then hagiographic) relationship with his blog readers and commenters while they are constantly shouted down by thousands of angry anonymous comments. Undoubtedly, he also offers something to the broader culture, but you have to see him as a choice of other journalists first (in a time when, due to the changing economics of media, journalists have more readers but less money and security than ever before.) The last piece is that he was unusual among journalists in talking with historians, and his blog had a lot of historians commenting for a while; it gave him a particular cheering section within academia that could expand rapidly.)

* What I find fascinating about Sotomayor invoking “the talk” is the sheer cluelessness (alternatively, patronizing lecturing tone) of such recitation. If Sotomayor feels especially ‘put out’ by the existence of “the talk,” it might behoove her to know (white) parents have been raising their children to conduct themselves with propriety when in public and to show respect for police officers (authority figures, adults), so there is no need for “the talk” as it is built in to their upbringing and character.

Perhaps the Latina is not so wise after all.

* Coates is a fucking retard and so is the wise Latina. Only reason they are where they are is their race. They know it, everyone knows it. And this is what we have, retarded intellects all over the courts, schools and ruling class. Puppetheads of color doing the bad-guys’ bidding. Those bastards were brilliant using the morons against us.

* I just saw a video of a speech made by Stephen Miller introducing Trump that was pretty remarkable in its clarity and power. (I generally hate listening to speeches, but this one easily kept my full attention.)

I of course wish Trump himself possessed the same level of focus and sharpness in his speeches, but you get what you get. Obviously nobody would be listening to Stephen Miller if there were no Donald Trump.

* Steve, Shows what a lean source of black references Sotomayor has when she quotes Teh Genius Coates , James Baldwin and W.E.B. DuBois in a legal ruling. There were no pertinent quotes from James Brown, or Little Richard or more currently Lil Wayne? And seeing she is Latino, no Latino sources? Thurgood Marshall would cry with shame.

* The reason most cops act like jerks is because basically they are vulnerable and they want to be in control of the situation and not have anyone question their authority. And they pretty much treat everyone the same way.

As cops get older and more experienced they start to get better cues about the people they are dealing with and that’s where you get the more laid back type cops, once they have you typed as OK. I would bet that 90% of the needless shootings by cops are by guys or gals who haven’t been doing it long enough to feel secure in what they are doing.

For this reason the best way to deal with a police officer is to let him know he is in charge. Call him officer or sir, keep your hands in plain sight, bow your head, comply with commands, no sudden movements, engage in non-hostile dialog. That can change the interaction right there. Even if you have a point however it’s advisable not to talk too much during a stop. They can’t process all of that when they are trying to process you and the environment, and if they get overloaded they will get a threat feeling and turn into a jerk again.

I know most of the local cops where I live so I never have a problem with them. Out of state, if I see an officer doing something I will approach slowly, call him officer, and ask if he needs assistance. Never any problem there, either.

You are right that if black kids are always “taught” that the cops are out to get them they are likely to go into any stop by a police officer with a big chip on their shoulder. And that can get bad really quick.

* It’s amazing how much you can defuse a tense situation with the police with a simple yes sir/no sir or a yes ma’am/no ma’am. Of course it is hard for those with low-impulse control to use this kind of behavior.

* I never got “the talk” in one sitting, but had a father who more effectively dropped his pearls of wisdom along the way. Upon seeing a guy in an overcoat in July, “anyone wearing that much coat in summer is crazy, carrying a sawed-off, most likely both.” Entering an eatery, “never sit up front, sit further back, along the wall if possible, to view the whole room. Know all your exits. Someone looks all antsy before walking in, be ready to book.” “Never go to a bar where you know no one, good way to get your self beat or at the least robbed, at least overcharged by the bartender. Only go with someone known there.” “Going to a ball game or concert with your buddies? What if they ditch you? Pin $100 in your shorts and you can hail a cab home or put up in a hotel for the night and phone for a ride in the morning.”

Cops? Assume bad and corrupt until they prove otherwise. They all have one name: Officer. Some are jerks out of the fun of it, others because they’re as scared as you. The street is no place to dispute a ticket. Court is, and find a lawyer as crooked as the judge.

He didn’t push the stupid people in stupid places doing stupid things, or nothing good happens after 10 p.m. memes, just never get under the influence in strange places so you can keep your wits sharp and cut out when the going gets weird and the weird turn pro (again, the $100 Get out of Dodge money in your undies for the cab to the Holiday Inn). And when walking through ghettoes, stand tall and look everyone in the eye. They’ll think you’re a cop, nuts, or both, and not horse with you.

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Why Are Jews So Successful?

IQ accounts for most of it.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* You can say that’s a result of them being smarter than the rest of us, but that explanation just doesn’t hold water when you take into account what a small percentage of the population Jewish people are.

* Actually, you can run the numbers and you’d be surprised. Take the average American IQ (100) and standard deviation (15), an estimate for the average Jewish American IQ (115) and standard deviation (15) and the percentage of Jews in the population (say 2%) and just by doing an itegral of a Gaussian function you can calculate the percentage of Jews among people above a certain IQ. The numbers are:

IQ Percent of pop. above that IQ that is Jewish:
120 8.1
130 13.7
140 25.2
145 35.3

Pick a profession in which you think Jews are overrepresented and think about what the minimum IQ to enter that profession is. With something like a leading scientist it is probably around 145, and so you would expect from IQ effects alone that Jews would be 35.3% of leading scientists. This sounds about right. Then there are all the effects of working hard, a culture where parents expect achievement, etc, and so high numbers of Jews in these various positions need not be attributed to nepotism.

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David Suissa: Republicans must dump Trump

David Suissa writes in the Jewish Journal that Republicans must dump Trump because he’s a narcissist, and because he’s “offensive and reckless.” And because he’s unraveling (while he rises in the polls since the Orlando attack). And he’s vulgar and divisive.

Comments at

* Trump does indeed worry me. A lot. But Hillary worries me even more.

Her supreme court picks will destroy democracy in favour of judge made law – and always in alignment with left wing thinking.

Her open borders policy will ensure increased crime, terrorism, and welfare state cost. Above all, as she intends, it will demographically change the nation forever into one that will always vote left wing, thereby destroying the founding philosophy of government, individual responsibility and rights based on tbe individual rather than collective.

Better train wreck Trump, who will do much right and whose wrongs the nation will survive, than Hillary, whose wrongs will kill the nation as it was founded and bas been such a huge force for good – no matter its mistakes and flaws.

* Dumpimg Trump would be like just handing Hilary the Election. The alternative other than Trump meaning Hilary would be 1000X worse than Trump being Elected and the chances of the GOP being able to dump Trump are Slim and None and just in case they were able do it, that would cause so much caos which would just totally destory the Republican Party. Can you imagine if Hilary gets elected the Supreme Court Judges she would appoint. There would no justice in America and might even wind up worse than it is now with the BHO Regime. There has been no Justice for the last 7 1/2 years and having Hilary it will even be worse. Hilary Crimes and her lying and being such a dishonest person makes Watergate like a Kiddy Game. This Lady belongs in Jail.

* Trump will do some good and some bad.

Hillary will do virtually all bad. She’ll weaponize every federal agency to destroy her opposition. She’ll make Lerner, Koskinen, Lynch, and Holder look like pikers. And SCOTUS will become a rubber-stamp for her neo-Marxist, neo-fascist ideology.

I’m a conservative who wanted Walker and then Cruz. But they both lost. Like it or not, Trump is now all I’ve got. I’m hoping he’ll “turn around”, but it’s not looking good.

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That’s Not Who We Are!

Michael Scheuer writes:

A good friend of mine, a retired Colonel, recently asked if I had noticed that each time Obama, Clinton, Biden, Warren, Sanders, or any other senior Democrat says “that’s not who we are”, it always is in an effort to stop or denigrate – probably on the orders of George Soros — something that would increase the republic’s social cohesion, reduce its debt, improve its security, and strengthen its independence and sovereignty.

Having thought about it, I think the Colonel is on to something; namely, that the word “we” in the phrase refers not to Americans but to the theory-addicted, profligate, Ivy League-educated, amoral, and pro-tyranny elite of the Democratic Party and its fellow cretins in the media and the academy. In fact, when these people use the phrase, what they really are saying is that “you Americans are not who we [your intellectual superiors and pro-tyranny rulers] are, and so we care not for what benefits the republic, but only for that which benefits our egos, political power, and personal fortunes. You Americans are here only to serve as guinea pigs upon whom we can experiment with our social engineering theories.” A few examples of the phrase in action follow.

–When anyone questions the wisdom of the diktats that have imposed the policies of diversity and multiculturalism, the response is that the questioner is a racist and “that’s not who were are”. This silences questions, and that silence allows the madness and illogic at the core of the policies – that is, dividing Americans endlessly and pitting them against each other makes the republic stronger – to proceed unopposed in executing the destruction of the republic for which they were devised.

–When a person asks why we are spending hundreds of millions of borrowed dollars to bring unwanted, unneeded, often anti-American, and not assimilable migrants to the United States, the asker is told he or she is a xenophobe, nativist, and anti-Muslim, and “that’s not who we are”, and so the migrants keep coming to build the unquestioning, unthinking, mostly non-white and non-English speaking, and block-voting peasant class that the Democrats require to finish installing their tyranny.

–When a man asks why American military veterans are being required to go without medical care for so long that some die, while billions of borrowed dollars are spent to give comfortable lives, the internet, and cellphones to illegal aliens, the response damns the questioner as racist, uncaring, and nationalistic, and “that’s not who we are”, and so veterans keep waiting and dying.

–When a woman or a man asks why it takes the so-called “right” to legally murder infants – and to sell their body parts – to make a woman equal to a man, the female questioner is blistered as unmodern, conservative, and submissive, the male as a cruel, domineering, and conservative misogynist, and “that’s not who we are”, and so the total of post-1973 abortions climbs past 60 million.

–When anyone asks why Obama, through executive orders, illegal wars, and using government agencies against political foes, and Clinton, through influence peddling, blithe and narcissistic treason, and lust to delete the 2nd Amendment, are treated as if they are above the law, the questioner is termed a racist, a misogynist, and a right-wing conspirator, and “that’s not who we are”, and so the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and equality before the law lay dying.

–When a woman asks why our sons and daughters are being sent to be killed or maimed in unnecessary wars the national government starts, others in which America is not at risk, to defend Arab and other anti-American tyrannies, and to defend nations whose existence are irrelevant to the republic’s security, she is scathingly denounced as an isolationist, an anti-Semite, and, again, a nationalist, and “that’s not who we are”, and so unnecessary and interventionist wars continue, and kids keep dying or hobbling through the rest of their lives for the ego and world-government ambitions of American fascists.

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Bring The Troops Home

Michael Scheuer writes:

Now is the time – listen up, Mr. Trump – for the United States to get out of the Middle East as quickly and completely as possible, certainly before the IS post-cities insurgency resumes in Iraq and Syria. There is nothing left in that theater for the United Sates except additional costly and U.S. Marine-killing defeats. While we are at it, the republic should both withdraw from Afghanistan – the prototypical “lost cause” — and recall each of the numerous penny-packets of U.S. Special Forces from Africa that Obama has deployed for domestic political impact and not anti-Islamist military affect.

The U.S. national government’s war against the Islamists – overseas and perhaps at home — is clearly lost, and just as clearly out of either its control or the control of any Western power or Russia. As Obama and his NATO sidekicks remain bore-sighted on Iraq and Syria, for example, Islamist forces – both IS and al-Qaeda – are gaining power in the Balkans, the North Caucuses, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Yemen, and Pakistan, and are building manpower and organization in Europe, western China, India, and Bangladesh. Moreover, IS and al-Qaeda are waging war and contesting for power in Libya, the other North African states, West Africa, Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania, and appear to be gaining toeholds in central and Southern Africa.

A three-continent war against the growing Islamist movement is something only a delusional madman would want to ensnare the republic, so naturally that is exactly what Obama and Hillary Clinton did. Fortunately, the entire Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-made mess can be sidestepped by the national government if it would do the only thing it is elected to do – protect America and its citizenry first and stay out of other peoples’ wars. And the first requirement of that duty is fourfold; (a) close and control U.S. borders; (b) end all immigration to the United States for five-to-ten years, thereby negating the simpering, teary-eyed cries of discrimination made by clueless people like Paul Ryan, all Democrats, and most pundits and academics; (c) bring U.S. forces home to prepare to fight the Islamists domestically in what will be a tough, costly struggle against a foe that already has killed or wounded many more U.S. civilians inside the continental United States than were killed in all of America’s wars since 1917; and (d) urge all Americans to arm themselves with the most powerful weapons they can afford, having seen how Obama’s administration has made it impossible to cope with the domestic Islamist threat via law-enforcement agencies alone.

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