Hillary PR Team @OnMessageForHer

From twitter:


* So beautiful to see DC politicians set aside their largely superficial differences and stand united against Trump!

* Trump’s only ties to the working class are the thousands of them he employed in various business ventures. #Fraud

* As one of the chief architects and main beneficiaries of it, who’s better positioned to topple the DC status quo than Hillary? #ImWithHer

* Populism seems to be polling pretty well right now so join Secretary Clinton’s quest to shake up Washington and stick it to those DC elites!

* Trump can try to regulate immigration all he wants, but the simplest way to fight terrorism is to create a world without hate or conflict.

* Our hearts break tonight for #Istanbul, which was suicide bombed by HATEFUL EXTREMISTS unaffiliated with any particular religious tradition.


* I doubt if pointing out her wealth and privilege-related hypocrisies is going to ding her brand much. Her core followers tend to be either aggrieved banshees who think the problem is actually Hillary not getting enough power/riches as deserved; or they are fairly privileged themselves, not likely to hold it against her.

A more promising avenue is her media aura of contempt for vast swathes of the electorate (or off-the-rez extremists who are not who we are). Granted, this quality didn’t hurt Obama either but his disdain was more offhand and clubbable. Hillary’s humorless-charmless self-righteous snits could be turned against her, Leona Helmsley-style. Unfortunately on current evidence DJT is characterologically disqualified to thread that needle. It would be like Larry David telling someone to lighten up and quit whining.

* Some other great ones for the Steve-o-sphere:

President Trump:


Haven Monahan:


The Radical Feminist:


All gold, Jerry, gold!

* I have to admit that I never thought I’d live to see a day when so many people would become national treasures for free, simply for the joy of doing so.

* A really inside joke in our Friends Of Steve Sailer (F.O.S.S.) meet-up group in DC is that Steve’s alter-ego on twitter would be exactly the OPPOSITE of his blog-persona – more like the rapid fire give and take of, say, @JohnRiversToo, than the nice guy shivving of @DemsRRealRacist (who is a laid back Southerner according to his interview in the Daily Caller). Maybe after one cup of coffee, rather than the can of Natty Light at 10pm PST.

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Steve Sailer: Creators of “Zootopia” Intended It Originally as an Allegory on Stifling Political Correctness

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* People are discomfited by the implied blackness of the predators. Even though the thrust is sympathetic to them and mocks the prey’s fear as hysterical, the implication is that it’s unfortunate blacks have to wear shock collars (which obviously represent white laws and norms) and would be nice if there was a place where they could go and be their “wild” selves.
Amazing these brilliant guys can miss the giant pile of sh-t they were approaching.

But I still want to see the politically incorrect cut.

* Of course the public schools do have their equivalent of the shock collar – they’re called drugs for ADD, AHDD, etc. Take and drug the snot out of every above average white kid that are bored in school to the point they’re zombies, the same with the ones who realized public schooling is a joke and mentally checked years earlier.

Suspension is another modern shock collar – eat a pop tart into the shape of a gun, play cowboys and Indians and you get a visit to the principal’s office and interrogated by a cop, then suspended. Oh yeah the kids parents(if they are white) get chewed on too. If they complain, the PoPo kicks them around.

The corporate world has it’s own ‘shock collar’ – it’s called being fired. And thanks to the internet you better not let your identity become known so your boss can monitor what you write on your blog or facebook.

It doesn’t help when management has surveillance cameras installed all over the workplace and have RFID’s in the employee ID cards so they can be tracked.

Bet it gets better!! Say you get involved in some heated public debate, say on trannies using girls bathrooms. God help you if the Left finds out where you work and starts calling your boss and HR – you’re dead meat.

It ‘s a wonderful Orwellian system, it’s no wonder people drop off the grid rather than put up with that soul killing garbage we call society.

When this system blows and it will, it’s going to be bloody given all the pent up anger out there.

* Of mild interest regarding A Clockwork Orange, from Wikipedia:

“The soundtrack to A Clockwork Orange features mostly classical music selections and Moog synthesizer compositions by Wendy Carlos (then known as Walter Carlos). The artwork of the now-iconic poster of A Clockwork Orange was created by Philip Castle with the layout by designer Bill Gold.”

It looks like Wendy transitioned quite awhile ago.

* Walter did some groundbreaking work. His Switched-on Bach, Clockwork Orange and Sonic Seasonings albums were brilliant. Interestingly his oeuvre pretty much died out after the gender transition. Could it have been the hormonal changes, or it was just coincidence that he made the change as was getting older and would have been fading anyway? I know that historically men have been generally more productive in music and other arts, but you wouldn’t think that the machinery of a creative mind would be all that affected by hormonal changes after it had been wired as an adult.

* I thought Wendy continued to do good work with the Tron soundtrack, Digital Moonscapes, and Beauty in the Beast. It’s in later work like Tales of Heaven & Hell that I finally see slippage.

* As movie studios become nothing more than giant commercials for toys, games, videos, well that stuff won’t sell if its PC, and particularly not in China. Which is not very PC. China reputedly banned interracial marriage (but only for women) and is not very big on the Gay Thing, neighbor Singapore which is culturally quite close in attitudes made Goldman Sachs, Facebook, and Microsoft drop sponsorship of a gay pride festival and parade.

If the point of these animated movies is to sell toys, games, lunchboxes, whatever to Chinese kids (or rather their parents) well good luck pushing gay agendas, PC inclusion, and the like.

And I fully expect the merchandising model to expand to television as well.

In a lot of ways stuff like Zootopia has been the function of a protected market — which for a variety of reasons is going away rapidly in favor of a defacto Chinese one with Chinese attitudes.

TL:DR version — its all Tiger Mothers and Eagle Dads, all the way down.

* A fellow was bragging to another about the new society that had been created, where the lions lie down with the lambs. That caught the attention of the skeptical listener, and he responded, “so the lions are lying down the lambs? How’s that working out?” Perfectly, replied the first guy, “except, every now and then, we have to replace the lamb.”

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Jews Rule The World

Little old Jewish lady sees her husband looking at his laptop, nodding and smiling. She looks over his shoulder and sees he’s on the Stormfront website.
“Murray, why are you reading that Nazi trash?”
“Because it’s full of wonderful news.”
“Wonderful news?!”
“Sure, it says here that the Holocaust never happened, and the Jews run the world!”


* James Traub: “The reformed center would include the beneficiaries of globalization and the poor and non-white and marginal citizens who recognize that the celebration of national identity excludes them.”

* That’s the money quote. He bares it all, up until now the sociopaths like Traub were terrified of being exposed for what they are. He see’s the elite leading a mass of rootless, stupid 3rd worlders and impoverished natives.

In his and the globalist world, there is no place for culture, community or nationalism. Or for that matter white blue collars or middle-class people at all. They should have no vote in anything. Only the elites should.

He’s a tyrant in waiting and a traitor to all this country has stood for.

* You have to wonder how the world would look if these elite, wealthy Jews like Traub would stop trolling us in favor of policies damaging to the interests of ordinary white people.

* I saw the second part of a two part report by PBS on the Brexit. The first segment which I missed was pro Brexit and the second which I saw was Remain. Of the 5 or 6 people they interviewed who were Remain, not a single one was English. Based on last names, they interviewed a Jew, and Irishwoman, an Indian, and a couple of other people who visibly non English. The person doing the report did not connect the dots. Possibly on the first report they did by complaining about nativism or some such but they just could not understand why the Brexit crowd feels they way they did.

* Soros is entirely correct. The actions by Merkel precipitated the British vote.

It’s not like Soros is opposed to mass immigration. He sponsors multiple organizations devoted to mass immigration and settlement. But, Merkel forgot the principle of the frog in a pot of water over a fire: you heat the water slowly, so the frog never feels the change. Merkel displayed her hubris by thumbing her nose at the proletariat who actually had to live with her policies.

In point of fact, the vast population of Muslims already in England were brought over entirely by British governments. The EU had nothing to do with it. Even with Britain out of the EU, it is entirely possible that mass migration of Muslims into Britain will continue.

Soros was mad at Merkel for displaying her hand too openly. She should have drawn the mass migrations out over a few more years, and made a display of turning back a few boatloads, at least until the Brexit vote. It might even cost Merkel her future Presidency of the EU when she leaves her post as Chancellor of Germany.

* We younger American Ashkenazi Jews are failing to live up to potential in the opinions of Messrs. Unz and Reed. In the future, the most gifted will probably be Asian. Regardless, even in the here and now only elite and connected Jews have the potential for national influence. In smaller Jewish community settings, politically conservative Jews get shut down almost immediately by the far more numerous liberal Jews who aren’t remotely eager to hear what the conservatives have to say. That’s why I have nothing to do with my local Jewish community. Better to be a recluse than actively hated.

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Steve Sailer: Is #BlackLivesMatter Just a Jobs for the Gays Racket?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* In Bonfire of the Vanities, Reverend Bacon, the Al Sharpton character, enlists the aid of Gay Rights groups to help stage protests against the NYPD and Sherman McCoy. Either this gay and black activist connection is a case of life imitating art, or this trend has been going on for a long time.

* Federal bling.

One city, one program, one payout. Over $837 million of that went to Nick Mosby’s Council district.

This is the direction that school districts and state colleges have been going for 30 years, accelerated in the past 15.

It represents a more rapid and intense federal transfer of wealth than ever. And nitwit minor celebrities like “Deray” making fat six figures “managing” “human capital.”

“Human capital”–that’s property, right? Like, you know, people as slaves?

* TPTB like to put a lot of blacks in school as it supports THE NARRATIVE. It brainwashes kids ata young age that blacks are intelligent and competent, when IRL they are the exact opposite.

One way they do this is by getting lots of black ‘doctors’ in school. Typically dumb and incompetent blacks get called ‘doctor’. It turns out blacks get bog standard BA degrees then do a PhD in education. These tend to be uber leftist, anti-White (((colleges))) where you simply write a Narrative essay. Kids don’t know that and assume ‘dr’ teaching them science actually has a science doctorate. BS.

Dance Moms is a prime example of this. Mother of the incompetent token black kid is ‘Dr Holly’. The other moms are alwats in awe of her, yet she doesn’t strike me as at all bright. Clearly just another smoke and mirrors to get impressionable White girls to worship blacks.

* BLM is just following in the path blazed by the Rainbow Coalition (although I guess that has gay overtones in its name) in shaking down various institutions and corporations in exchange for being exempt from criticism. My guess is DeRay was half hired because the morons in charge of the school system think an administrator of human capital could actually accomplish something and half because he’s not going to criticize the city from the inside.

If DeRay has the slightest bit of intellectual honesty and actually works at his job, he’ll come out of it hating the professional left and what it has wrought in once-great cities. I’m not holding my breath, though.

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Chaim Amalek: ‘ If this is the only way men can take back the world from crazy feminists, then so be it.’

Cuckservative: “This thing is on MSNBC right now. I am now formally pledging allegiance to the Islamic State.”

Politico: Misty Snow and Misty Plowright are the first transgender women to win primaries

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