21st black assailant sentenced in Cleveland gang rape

News: State District Judge Mark Morefield on Friday wrote the final chapter in the notorious gang rape case of an 11-year-old Cleveland girl when he accepted the guilty plea of the last of 21 assailants.

Cordney Demond Bennett, 21, of Cleveland was positively linked to the case by a DNA specimen found at the crime scene, but authorities took a year before they were able to put a name to that specimen.

In the Liberty County plea agreement, Bennett received a reduced seven-year sentence in exchange for pleading guilty to indecency with a child by exposure. He also will be required to register as a sex offender for 10 years after completing the sentence.

The charge stems from a series of assaults of the young girl that occurred in 2010 in the community off U.S. 59 about 40 miles north of Houston. An investigation initially was launched when Cleveland school authorities confiscated recordings of the assaults that had gone viral and were being viewed on the Cleveland High School campus.

A vacant, dilapidated house located on the poorer side of town known as “the quarters” was where most of the assaults occurred, along with the home of one of the assailants.

Only two adult males requested trials, and juries handed both life or 99-year prison sentences. Eleven other adult males received 15-year sentences in exchange for pleading guilty to sexual assault of a child, while the seven juveniles entered guilty pleas for seven-year probated sentences.


* I remember that Cleveland, TX rape case very well. The hispanic girl was 11 and all of the accused, about 20 of them, were black. After two of them went on trial and got life sentences, everyone else rolled and got probation (if they were minors) and 15 years if eligible for adult trial.

It’s not that the media didn’t cover it. It was rather that outlets like the New York Times did extensive writeups, didn’t mention the race of the accused, and also allowed themselves to argue that the victim was inviting the assault because she was dressing like a 21 year old slut, etc.

You are right that Sabrina would have been all over that case if accused were white. Generally speaking, black guys who commit sexual assault are far more common, it isn’t really “news”, and I’m sure the SJW types think that, to even talk about it, is to encourage “racism.” It’s very strange.

And yet for all that I can’t find it in me to hate on Sabrina. Maybe later. Right now, she seems to have completely deluded herself in my view.

* Yes, Jackie Coakley is obviously a very experienced conwoman, preying on a trusting young Jewish journalist. She was able to manipulate Sabrina by insight into her deepest fears. The alleged rape on broken glass – the Night of the Broken Glass, as Dr Sailer put it, or Kristallnacht as we say in German- was a masterstroke pulled by a clever trickster.
Sabrina was impelled to recognise that even in 21st Century Amerika, hordes of Nazis were roaming Universities , smashing Jewish premises to bits and raping young girls.
At the trial, I’m sure it will be revealed that Sabrina Rubin Erdely comes from a long line of holocaust survivors and is therefore in no way responsible for her actions.
Elie Wiesel will not be appearing as her character witness, however.

* Sabrina Rubin has been a (((trashmeister))) her entire career, starting in her student years at UPenn when she was disciplined by editor Stephen Glass at the campus magazine for lying in her reportage.

Go to her vanity web site; look at her story credits listed there. “Prostitute moms,” “moms on heroin,” “altar boy victims of pedophile priests.” Then “gang raping blonde Southern fraternity men.”

Pulp filth.

Her previous pet-crazy-person story about “Billy Doe”/Daniel Gallagher helped send priests and teachers to prison (one priest died there) on the word of a sociopathic confabulator who is now a millionaire as a result of this concatenation of lies.

FWIW she started at UPenn as a bio/pre-med major but couldn’t hack (ha!) the work. She fell back on her involvement at the campus magazine 34th Street and became an English major.

She married a Center City Philly lawyer who specializes in representing lowlifes. They have two kids and live in a ritzy part of town. The one that contains Jewelers’ Row, not Section 8 houses.

She “has it all”…and yet writes with a degenerate imagination. Lingers over details of depravity. Peddled for money and power to major media outlets like GQ, Cosmo, and Rolling Stone. With the goal of destroying mainstream America and respect for it.

That’s not love for a story, SP, and I don’t see it as “belief for psychological reasons of her own,” as our host puts it. This is naked power.

I see it from an HBD perspective: as a very familiar sheer hatred for one’s population-genetic rivals, and a desire to humiliate while defeating them with false tales of victimization. The rewards for it in the M$M are rich indeed.

Daniel Gallagher ended up a millionaire. Jackie Coakley won’t. But the common element is, Sabrina Rubin Erdely used both of them to advance her fame and career. She’s still working. She has lost nothing; her hamartia is glossed over. She surely has no capacity for shame; if she did, she would have stopped writing lies in college.

* I think that Steve is giving this girl [Jackie Coakley] way too much of a pass. Let’s remember that she went to the University of Virginia. She had to have extraordinarily good grades and test school to be admitted to UVa, i.e. she’s smart and knows how to work within a system.

Now, she very well have mentally disturbed, but she wasn’t stupid.

Btw, that was the flaw in the story that jumped out at me right away. Kids who go to UVa are smart and have been working for years to get into a top-tier university. They’re some of the most future-oriented people you’ll ever meet and extremely cognizant of what stains on their record will do to those prospects. There’s absolutely zero chance that six or seven guys like that would gang rape a girl in their frat house. Every single one of them would be hyper-aware of the infinite number of ways that this act could destroy their carefully-crafted lives.

That the reporter and the readers didn’t recognize this fact shows what a skewed view they have of white men.

* I am really starting to see how the Salem Witch hysteria might have been solely the product of a society so in deference to young female privilege that literally anything they said was treated as Gospel truth.

Seriously, what else does “Yes means Yes” lead to but the conclusion that unchallenged “spectral evidence” is now all you need to convict a man on college campuses?

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U.S. Crime Rates By Race




* Real crime dramas would be overwhelmingly about dirtbags committing lunkhead type crime (beating some guy senseless for looking at them funny, robbing a store in broad daylight with no mask in view of God and surveillance cameras, etc.). And it would be mostly sad and disturbing and not fun to watch.

* I agree that real crime dramas wouldn’t be much fun to watch because most criminals are pathetic in addition to being thoughtlessly cruel and evil. But we mostly watch cop shows as a late evening diversion that we can do together, and the only real pull is the quasi-mystery that the shows present; that, and retribution against the guilty parties (which BTW doesn’t always payoff on the L&O franchises.)

The “warped view of reality” as it pertains to SVU has to do with the constantly repeated refrain that “if a woman says rape then rape” even in cases where there obviously was no rape, as well as the constantly entertained notion that all bad conduct (particularly by women) is due to some sexual assault that happened sometime, somewhere. The other problem is that the show (by its nature) has to involve some kind of grotesque sexual assault every episode (just as Criminal Minds has to have an equally grotesque serial killer every episode) and I can see how binge watching those two shows could really screw up a young person’s mind.

* Law and Order SVU is a spinoff from an individual episode of L&O, which in turn was inspired by the sexually-motivated killing of Jennifer Levin by the Irish-American Robert Chambers in 1986. Even after writing the episode, however, the case continued to haunt [Dick] Wolf, who wanted to go deeper into the psychology of crimes to examine the role of human sexuality. Obviously there was never any intention of giving viewers a series realistically depicting American sex criminals. To this day, Jackie Coakley probably thinks the biggest threat to women like her is from white men.

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New Mass Nonwhite Sex Attack in Sweden

New Observer: A new mass nonwhite sex attack on white girls has taken place at two open air music festivals in Sweden this weekend—but so far only one Swedish newspaper has dared to report that the offenders were all “foreigners.”

All the other newspapers—including the notorious liars at the Aftonbladet—refused to mention the race of the attackers, even though the entire country knows the truth.

The Aftonbladet—caught out lying spectacularly over a “mass attack by skinheads on refugee children” story which they invented in their newsroom—said in its coverage of the latest sex attacks that there had been “over 20 cases of sexual harassment” reported at the “Putte in the Park” music festival in Karlstad.

The attacks had gone on, the Aftonbladet said, “despite the enhanced police presence.”

The Aftonbladet added that a similar set of attacks had taken place at the Bråvalla festival in Norrköping, also held over the past weekend, and on Friday, a large number of young girls had been subjected to sexual molestation at the Karlstad festival.

By Saturday morning, sixteen complaints had been registered, the paper quoted police as saying. The Aftonbladet said that the female complainants said they had been “encircled by between seven and eight boys,” who had groped them. The youngest victim is only 12 years, police said.

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Does Hillary Have Alzheimers?

New York Post: Hillary is ‘often confused,’ says trusted aide Huma in fresh emails

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide said her boss is “often confused” and needs plenty of guidance to understand the schedule, according to fresh emails out Monday.

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, released new emails from Huma Abedin that show her concern among her State Department staff on making sure Clinton knew whom to call.

In one email exchange on Jan. 26, 2013, Abedin asks fellow staffer Monica Hanley whether Clinton knows to call Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Hanley replies: “She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her.”

Abedin stresses the importance of reviewing the schedule with Clinton: “Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.”

It’s not the first time the word “confused” has been used to describe the Democratic presidential front-runner and former top diplomat. Clinton herself admits she gets confused and even apologizes to her staff for mix-ups while she was secretary of state.

The emails Clinton kept on her private email server and turned over to the State Department reveal a Clinton who is often stumped by technology — needing help with mobile devices, faxes and calls. A Post review of the disclosed emails shows she’s also confused by her schedule.

On May 31, 2010, Clinton emailed Abedin on the timing of her meetings and travel schedule. After a back-and-forth over the time, she writes: “Ok but I’m confused since I remember talking w Lona about changing to 8 tonight.”

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Doesn’t Think She Has a Drinking Problem, She Thinks She Has a Drinking Solution


Steve Sailer writes: There’s always a lot of interesting news that gets released over a long Fourth of July weekend…

In other words, Hillary may have a sizable drinking problem.

There must have been long delicate conversations in the New York Times headquarters about their institutional responsibility to at least mention to the public that Hillary has what some people might consider a drinking problem, while still burying the news over a long weekend.

Granted, as comic Jake Johannsen says when showing audiences the flask he carries in his pocket on tour, she doesn’t think she has a problem, she thinks she has a solution.


* I’m scared (and elated) at what Donald Trump, the proud teetotaler, will do with this… It’s going to be hilarious.

* The puffy face gives it away. Teddy Kennedy and William Shatner are other examples. The three of them together would look like siblings.

* There are several articles describing lesbians being at higher risk of alcoholism if one web-searches it.

* It’s quite an accomplishment for Donald to have banged the number and quality of women he has while teetotaling. Many if not most have an optimal level of intoxication required to lower inhibitions and relax, especially when dealing with ultra high end beauties. Trump was doing so before he was a name and wealthy. His relative lack of a filter when speaking is most likely related to this – a more optimal level of inhibitions generally. Perhaps it goes along with being so quick on his feet – if you can listen, process, formulate excellent replies in real time, that would both eliminate need for a filter and give one a relaxed, confident nature.

* I can’t imagine living with Hillary’s severe personality disorder and NOT turning to the bottle. I’m sure former Politburo members and assorted Soviet apparatchiks would sympathize quite easily with her boozy fight from reality. The vodka martinis probably dissipate the paranoia and homicidal rage. What a seriously disturbed woman she is…

* Wouldn’t surprise me if she is a alky. It would explain her physical deterioration and general morbid obesity.

Here’s the thing, she can afford the best medical care and fitness trainers in the world. Yet she looks like s**t at her age. Extremely bloated and incapable staying on her feet for any length of time. She’s in bad shape, just like the creepy husband of hers.

* In my Washington days I had heard Ms. Clinton likes to drink but never heard anyone say they had seen her out of control. In contrast, the woman who was initially floated as her Senate replacement, Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan) was a pathetic drunk who my wife and I would encounter periodically staggering around Capitol Hill late at night when we were walking the dog.

* Furthermore, loading booze on top of her cumadin and thyroid meds is going to take it’s toll sooner, rather than later. I’m amazed the woman is still functional. Her liver must look like an old ballet slipper. Her brain, like an ancient lava lamp.

* Hillary is very wide around the middle and getting wider due to the stress of campaigning. She drapes long long jackets down past her middle in an attempt to hide this. Her trusty K-Mart pantsuits are not up to the job anymore.
Her face does not reflect how damn fat she is getting. Especially with the professional makeup job she gets for all public appearances and the lighting she tries to get. And her team tries to limit photos to head shots.
Good photo of fatso Hillary.

I am hip to the trick of draping over the midsection because my sister was doing it. Then she lost 50 lbs and stopped. And for those who care, Hillary’s big problem is her thyroid.

* It’s pretty obvious by now that Hillary will be finished by the first presidential debate. The moment the cameras zoom in on her hideous face, that’s it. While cameras love Trump, they will show Hillary for what she is: a shrivelled old lesbian, prematurely senile, in poor health, a hideous pathetic creature doped up to the gills to remain semi-functional. The Dem camp is desperate cause they know Trump will just sweep the floor with the old harpy without even trying, just by showing up and being his charismatic self.

* Bill is going to show up with his thoughts.

Bill is going to be the one schmoozing people.

A guy my husband knows describes Bill thus, he was the kind of guy you could get along with. He was pleasant to have beer with and talk to at bar b ques etc., but the wife was a b****.

This is going to be Bill’s third term.

She is a former first lady and totally incompetent Sec. of State. No one respects her. No one wants to have a drink with her! Of course, they wouldn’t mind a beer and some White House snacks and chat with Bill.

She wants folks to come over and talk to Bill. His health is poor and he doesn’t get out as much. They could talk behind closed doors yada yada.

Hillary is Ma Ferguson.

* Bill Clinton seems to have had some brain damage due to his heart surgery. The condition is called “post bypass surgery cognitive dysfunction” or “pump head.”

* What’s the deal with the GOP that keeps foisting these tea-totalers on us? Dubya, Mitt and now Trump.

At least McCain married a beer distributor.

* John Tower was amazingly, over the top corrupt, even by DC standards at the time, to the point where he would have been a serious national security risk as Defense Secretary (of course the same could be said of Clinton). DC likes to come up with personal behavior as an excuse to remove politicians, when the actual reasons can’t be made public. They try to hide how corrupt these guys are. I am old enough to remember the Tower confirmation and it was even pointed out, in mainstream media, at the time that the personal stuff was being used as a cover for the fact that they guy was just too corrupt for the job.

Historically -and I agree with Dr. Kill- politics is one trade where drunks can function quite effectively. Politicians and alcohol run the gamut from Lincoln, who abstained from alcohol, to drunks such as his contemporary the Canadian Prime Minster MacDonald. But the thing is there seems to be no obvious impact to effectiveness/ statesmanship or the lack thereof. It has to get to the point where the politician is likely to keel over dead suddenly for there to be a real problem.

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