NYT: After Attacks on Muslims, Many Ask: Where Is the Outpouring?

Given what happens when Muslims move into non-Muslim countries, it is rational for non-Muslims to have some negative feelings about Muslims, just as it is rational for non-blacks to have negative feelings about blacks moving in.

The plaint truth is that normal healthy non-Muslims do not want Muslims and Africans flooding into their countries.

New York Times:

PARIS — In recent days, jihadists killed 41 people at Istanbul’s bustling, shiny airport; 22 at a cafe in Bangladesh; and at least 250 celebrating the final days of Ramadan in Baghdad. Then the Islamic State attacked, again, with bombings in three cities in Saudi Arabia.

By Tuesday, Michel Kilo, a Syrian dissident, was leaning wearily over his coffee at a Left Bank cafe, wondering: Where was the global outrage? Where was the outpouring that came after the same terrorist groups unleashed horror in Brussels and here in Paris? In a supposedly globalized world, do nonwhites, non-Christians and non-Westerners count as fully human?

“All this crazy violence has a goal,” Mr. Kilo, who is Christian, said: to create a backlash against Muslims, divide societies and “make Sunnis feel that no matter what happens, they don’t have any other option.”

This is not the first time that the West seems to have shrugged off massacres in predominantly Muslim countries. But the relative indifference after so many deaths caused by the very groups that have plagued the West is more than a matter of hurt feelings.

One of the primary goals of the Islamic State and other radical Islamist groups is to drive a wedge between Sunni Muslims and the wider world, to fuel alienation as a recruiting tool. And when that world appears to show less empathy for the victims of attacks in Muslim nations, who have borne the brunt of the Islamic State’s massacres and predatory rule, it seems to prove their point.

“Why isn’t #PrayForIraq trending?” Razan Hasan of Baghdad posted on Twitter. “Oh yeah no one cares about us.”

Hira Saeed of Ottawa asked on Twitter why Facebook had not activated its Safety Check feature after recent attacks as it did for Brussels, Paris and Orlando, Fla., and why social media had not been similarly filled with the flags of Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq. “The hypocrisy is the western world is strong,” she wrote.

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The Trump Strategy

Daniel McCarthy aka Tory Anarchist tweets:

* Almost seems Trump has deliberate strategy to keep the spotlight on himself, not his opponent, good light or bad.

* If that’s his strategy, it relies on media playing along: grasping a distraction from Hillary’s woes. Trump offers easy alternative target.

* As a strategy, preempting your opponent’s bad news cycle w/ bad news of your own seems nuts, unless you think attention is all that counts.

* That said, Trump used his gaffes to good effect in the primaries. He sucked all media oxygen away from rivals—made them background figures.

* Trump won the primaries this way: he kept the limelight 100% of the time by being as outrageous as necessary. He became whole focus of race.

* The more outrageous & surreal the Trump-focused race became, the more ridiculous his opponents looked. He thrived in the climate he created.

* Trump’s opponents were mostly the usual stuffed shirts & grifters pretending to be serious men. They needed the pretense. Trump blew it away.

* Now there’s Hillary Clinton. Sober stateswoman? Look at her polices—Iraq, Libya, banks—look at abusing her State Dept communications. C’mon.

* Trump shattered the myth of GOP respectability with his own complete lack of respectability. Can that work against Hillary? Fun to find out.

* President Trump would have the press, the Democrats (back in civil libertarian disguise) & much of his own party against him. Strong checks.

* President Clinton will have a sycophantic party, servile press, opposition at civil war with itself. Illusion of unity hiding deep cracks.

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Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers’ nationality because she did not want to encourage racism

Daily Mail: A young left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the racial background of three men who raped her in case it triggered reprisals against refugees in her country.
Selin Gören, the national spokeswoman of the left-wing youth movement Solid, was attacked by three men in January in the city of Mannheim where she works as a refugee activist.
The 24-year-old was ambushed late at night in a playground where she said she was forced to perform a sex act on her attackers.
After the assault she went straight to the police – but she did not tell them the ethnic make-up of the men, that they were speaking Arabic or Farsi.
Selin, aware of the backlash that migrants suffered after the events in Cologne on New Year’s Eve – when hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed by marauding gangs of immigrant youths – instead said she was robbed and said her attackers spoke German.
Now she has told Germany’s Spiegel magazine why she lied. After her initial interview at the end of January she returned to the police 12 hours later to tell them the real story.

She said a friend talked her into going back to the police with the real story because another woman had been raped in the area – an accusation later retracted by the alleged victim.
Selin, who has visited refugee camps in Iraq where she was shocked at the squalor people are living in, did not want to stoke ‘more hatred against migrants ín Germany.’
To help her cope she wrote an open letter to a fictional refugee and posted it on Facebook. It read in part: ‘I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism.

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Donald Trump Causes Charles Murray To Change His Mind On Low-Skill Immigration

AEI: But there are certainly going to be politicians, even if Trump should lose badly, who present a cleaned up version of the Trump agenda and say “I can sell that.” So you’re going to have a populist, Trump-like candidate, and then some candidates pushing a more conservative, free-market agenda.

Well, Jim, maybe I’m a good example of the positives that can come out of the Trump phenomenon, because it’s forced me to rethink. You know, I’ve never really wrote about immigration, never published much on it. But my own attitudes have always been that government has to be able to secure its own borders, and if controlling our borders meant building a fence, that’s OK with me. And I just don’t love immigration but I especially love high-skill immigration, and I’ve been sympathetic to the notion of low-skill immigration creating problems for working-class Americans but I haven’t been energized enough about that to actually write anything about it. Well, I think that was a mistake on my part.

I am now prepared to support extreme restrictions on low-skill immigration, whereas I wasn’t before and I’m not doing it because I’m scared of the Trump phenomenon, I’m doing it because I’m saying to myself I wasn’t paying sufficient attention to a really legitimate grievance. Now, what I’d like to see is a lot of people on the right embracing that kind of appropriate response to Trump and then redoubling our efforts to explain why free trade is such a good thing — because there you can explain this is a win-win situation, protectionism is a lose-lose situation, and I think that we have to stick by our guns in something like that.

On immigration, my concern is that I see that a lot who say “We need to build a wall” or “We need to deport illegal immigrants”, and they move from that to “We need to stop even legal immigrants if they’re low skill”, and then they move to, “we can’t let in the high-skill immigrants either” and “We can’t let foreign students study here.”

I think you’re being too pessimistic there, Jim. I think that there is no constituency out there for stopping high-skill immigration…

Got you. I asked the Twitterverse what I should ask you. One question is, of course, do you still stand by “The Bell Curve”?

Duh. Of course I do. Look, Jim, the dirty little secret about “The Bell Curve” is that it did not push the scientific envelope at all. We were in the scientific mainstream. Every single significant statement we made — scientific statement we made — has not only not been refuted; they have been confirmed by subsequent research. Now, if you’re saying do I stand by the things that people said, “The Bell Curve” said, no, because we never claimed those things in “The Bell Curve.” The rap on “The Bell Curve” was that Herrnstein and Murray wanted to prove the genetic inferiority of blacks to whites in IQ, which is not even an issue in “The Bell Curve,” let alone not a major issue. But unfortunately that’s the way the book has been characterized. Do I stand by “The Bell Curve” as it was actually written? Sure, totally.

What should policymakers know or understand about IQ?

That it is an all-purpose resource that has, because of our economy and the improvements in our educational system, allowed people of high-ability who disproportionately earn a lot of money, to create a new class in the United States, a class that did not exist 60 years ago. A cognitive elite. And unless you take into account all of the effects of that class at the top and a class at the bottom that has gotten the short end of the stick in this very valuable general resource called intelligence, unless you understand the dynamics of that, you are going to pursue solutions in social policy that don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of working.

If you don’t buy that theory and you think people’s intelligence quotients are very malleable, then what are policy solutions that you’ll pursue?

You’ll go around saying things like, “Everybody should go to college.” The reality is the percentage of 18-year-olds who can thrive in college — I’m not saying get through college, I’m saying thrive in college — is actually about 10-12% of the population. Now insofar as we have about 35% of the population with B.A.s, obviously a lot more people can get through it, but the actual cognitive demands are such that it is actually and educational experience that a relatively small proportion of the population can really profit from.

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A plea from the brother and victim of a predator

Yehuda Pogrow writes:

Meir Pogrow, the justly-condemned sexual predator, is my older brother. He is roughly nine years my senior. I share my story because I hope to launch a movement that will raise from the ashes of this tragedy a new hope for all victims of child abuse — whether or not the specific abuse is a crime in a given jurisdiction, or whether the victim is a minor or a young adult vulnerable to abuse by a perpetrator who holds a position of authority.

I identify with my brother’s victims, because I was — perhaps — his first. He first abused me approximately 30 years ago, in my boyhood years. My brother did not attack me sexually. Rather, over a period of roughly 10 years, he subjected me to severe physical, verbal and emotional abuse. He is short, but he was strong. He would lift me above his head, my whole body parallel to the floor, just let go, and walk away as I crashed to the floor.

I was 17 the last time my brother physically abused me. I had finally grown strong enough to defend myself. He chased me and tried to hit me, but I deflected him. When I thought he had quit trying to hurt me, I dropped my guard. He then stared me in the eyes with a gruesome expression. My arms were at my sides when he punched me, breaking my nose and giving me a concussion. The next day he told me — gleefully — that he broke my nose intentionally. He also explained that I deserved it, because I did not spend enough time studying Torah during my time off from yeshiva.

In my journey of recovery from my brother’s abuses, what has been most difficult to overcome is not the impact of the physical pain — what is most enduring is the psychological trauma and manipulation that he used in order to groom me for the physical pain.

It is this psychological torment that he inflicted that makes me identify so strongly with his later victims. Numerous victims of his torment have spoken out on Facebook. I suspect that it was on me that he first exercised those psychological abuses.

My brother’s carnage is massive, and it spans multiple continents, but it is tragically far from the only carnage. Abuse by faculty in the yeshiva school system has occurred for decades; yet today there remains no system-wide enforceable plan to protect children. Far too many administrators are enablers — at a minimum due to failures to act on complaints brought to their attention — in many of the crimes committed by faculty in yeshivas across the globe.

My brother taught at YULA, a Los Angeles yeshiva, in the 1990s. On Facebook, in a comment replying to a post about my brother, one YULA alumna stated, “But I clearly remember discussing him with other staff members and no one taking us seriously.”

In a separate comment, that same alumna wrote, “I do clearly remember discussing my discomfort about him to another teacher, possibly the principal after a discussion that he instigated about masturbation.”

The YULA administration should issue a public statement to either discredit this former student’s version of events, or confirm that it dismissed Meir immediately after they verified her complaints, and that it did everything in its power to ensure my brother was never allowed in a classroom again.

After leaving YULA, Meir joined the faculty at Michlalah, a school for young women in Israel.

Numerous Michlalah alumnae I met during my time as a student at Queens College in New York told me that my brother was verbally abusive, and that he fostered a cult-like mentality. His groupies were known as “Pogs.”

My brother was not the only perpetrator of abuses I experienced as a child. I was a victim of severe physical and emotional abuse in Yeshiva Bais Mikroh in Monsey, at the hands of Rabbi Gavriel Bodenheimer, among others. Bodenheimer and other faculty abused me — and many other children — more than two decades ago, as fellow faculty and my schoolmates looked on. Bodenheimer has since pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of a child. He is also subject to the typical restrictions imposed on sex offenders.

How could Bodenheimer have remained principal at Bais Mikroh until 2015?

I believe that on a per-capita basis, the magnitude of the cover-ups of sexual, physical, emotional and verbal abuses in the yeshiva system is on par with that of the Catholic Church.

JERUSALEM POST June 21, 2016:

A prominent rabbi and educator living in Beit Shemesh has been accused of misusing his authority and position for his sexual gratification.

An ad hoc rabbinical court of senior rabbis in Israel and the US issued a warning instructing women to avoid all contact with Rabbi Meir Pogrow, the founder of a website and study program called Master Torah, designed to aid the study of religious texts and retain the knowledge acquired.

According to the Master Torah website, Pogrow has rabbinical ordination from several authorities, including from the Chief Rabbinate, and is qualified as a rabbinical judge.

He has taught at Yeshiva University High Schools of Los Angeles, the Michlala seminary in Jerusalem, and was head of the Kollel (program for married yeshiva students) of Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem and Austin, Texas.

Following the publication of the rabbinical court ruling, Tamara Schoor, Pogrow’s former student, welcomed the decision but said the ruling had been “a long-time coming” and that the rabbinical court “should have addressed this a long time ago, but better late than never.”

Schoor told the press she met Pogrow at the age of 15 when “the process of grooming and manipulation began.”

She was introduced by a camp counselor who had been in contact with Pogrow while she was at Michlala, and was told the rabbi would be able to help her regarding questions about Judaism and religious faith.

Schoor would meet with Pogrow in New York at his mother’s house and he built up a mentor relationship with her over several years.

When Schoor came to Israel to study at Michlala at the age of 18, she made contact with Pogrow again, and would often meet with him at his home in Beit Shemesh, where she was also a frequent guest for Shabbat.

“Over the course of my year of religious study in Israel, he carefully broke down my personal boundaries, creating a high level of dependence and isolation, ensuring I was fully reliant on him for spiritual guidance, love and support,” she said. “Alone in a foreign country, he became my mentor, role model and family. A brilliant manipulator, he was able to convince me that his sole intention was to care for and empower me and my every action.”

Schoor said it took years for her to recognize and accept the insidious mind games, betrayal of trust and carefully orchestrated destruction of her innocence.

“It was only when I became aware of the existence of other victims that I was determined to take action and prevent additional abuse. I began a campaign of phone calls and emails, reaching out to anyone I could identify in the hopes of finding additional victims to speak out with and a safe and reliable method of publicizing it anonymously.

“But at every turn a door closed: victims afraid to be exposed, rabbis finding excuses not to address it, organizations lying to protect themselves and much more.”

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