George Saunders writes in The New Yorker: After the San Jose rally in early June, protesters bullied and spat on straggling Trump supporters. Sucker punchers lurched up, punched hard, darted away, hands raised in victory. A strange little protester, mask around his neck, mumbled, as he scuttled past a female reporter conducting an interview, “Fuck you in the pussy.” Some sick genie, it seemed, had been let out of the bottle. I had to pull an older white woman out of a moblet of slapping young women of color, after she’d been driven down to one knee and had her glasses knocked off. When I told the young African-American woman who’d given the first slap that this was exactly the kind of thing the Trump movement loved to see and would be happy to use, she seemed to suddenly come back to herself and nearly burst into tears. The slapped woman was around sixty, tall, lean, sun-reddened, scrappy, a rancher, maybe, and we stood there a few minutes, recovering ourselves. Seeing something unsteady behind her eyes, I suggested that she be sure to take a few deep breaths before driving home. She said she would, but a few minutes later I saw her again, at the edge of the crowd, watching the protesters in fascination, as if what had just happened to her made it impossible for her to leave.

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How Does The FBI Look Now?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I call it the “John Roberts’ Solution.”

* Comey said that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case. He is right about that. Hillary wouldn’t be prosecuted unless they had video of her running someone down in her car, and even then, only if she backed over the guy a couple of times.

* In most cases of people sending classified information over unsecured channels, they lose their job and their security clearances. Only in rare cases do they face criminal charges.

The Petraeus case was unique because they actually have a taped interview showing that he knew that the information he was giving his mistress was classified.

It was pretty unlikely that they would find evidence that Clinton was intentionally leaking classified information, and wasn’t just incompetent.

* “‘extremely careless’ in her handling of ‘very sensitive, highly classified information.’”

Trump should write that down on an index card and use it as a prop in the debates. In fact, he should carry it with him from now until the polls close on election day, and he should make a show of pulling it out and reading from it every time he talks about Hillary. The idea being, that these are Hussein’s FBI director’s words, and he wants to make sure he gets the quotes right every time.

He should call her “extremely careless” Hillary from now on. His catchphrase can be “Obama’s FBI director said she was extremely careless with very sensitive, highly classified information.” Then he can say, “wait, here, let me quote Obama’s FBI director, to make sure I’ve got that right,” and read from the card. Then wrap up with “Secretary Clinton is too crooked and incompetent to be PotUS. She’s too crooked and incompetent to be the president of Venezuela.”

* The Dark Enlightenment is not a worldview that people can be talked into or convinced to be believed purely abstractly or rhetorically. It takes events and circumstances making people ask themselves WTF. And there have been a lot of those in the last 14 months. The only reason they haven’t begat more converts to the Dark Enlightenment and #NRx is because Trump came along and temporarily gave some of us the impetus to give this voting thing one more chance.

* Can we all please stop pretending now that the FBI is competent and uncorrupt?

Seriously, after Orlando and San Bernadino, the FBI’s reputation should have been on extremely shaky ground. Unfortunately, the news media wasn’t smart enough the notice that the FBI should have nipped those thugs in the bud—they even had the suspects on their radar, but didn’t bother following up. And the public—especially the right wing/Trump wing—is too enamored of the cops/law enforcement to admit the gross incompetence displayed.

This non-indictment for her crimes is just proof how much the FBI is nothing more than a controlled entity of the political hacks in Washington. Historically, this will mark a point where future scholars will say that the FBI officially became merely a secret police organization without any fidelity to principles or law, only to their political leaders.

And Comey’s reputation is truly trashed—he will come out extremely poorly in terms of how historians note his character. He’s now a known yes-man for the power brokers and the money men.

After the Whitey Bulger revelations—where the FBI was working hand in glove with organized crime and allowing it to get off scot-free—the FBI should have become a distrusted organization and looked at skeptically. But there is a profound disconnect in this country between the massive fuckups and corruption of the G-Men–stretching at least back to Hoover refusing to investigate or even admit organized crime existed, on the fear of being outed as a homosexual—and the public/media perception of them.

The FBI guys are hacks.

* This really is an irrelevant distraction to me, and not in the way that Steve means it. Hillary is bad because she’s in the pocket of neocons and banksters, not because of anything that happened to any e-mails or, to take another distraction, to ambassador Stevens.

The policies she supports, the crowd that’s gathered around her, will kill thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners if she wins. This will increase the incidence of terrorism and refugee flows. THAT’s what’s important.

Her computer illiteracy or carelessness are utterly irrelevant. I bet that no foreign intelligence service learned anything new from this, but even if they did, that would also be irrelevant next to the policies which Hillary supports.

* I worked for the intelligence community (as a technical person, not a “spook”) in the late ’80s and much of the ’90s.

Had I done what Hillary did, I am quite certain I would have gone to jail.

I was in fact present at a meeting when an intelligence breach occurred. Although the breach was not my fault, I pointed it out immediately, and the meeting was immediately ended. I had a clear legal obligation to point out the security breach — again, even though I was not the cause of that breach.

One of my co-workers in fact went to jail for security violations.

I agree with other commenters here that Hillary’s unbridled militarism is a much serious crime than her malfeasance concerning classified information.

On the other hand, Comey does nicely demonstrate how corrupt the system is: he admits massive breaches on her part, but she gets away scot-free.

Any ordinary American should feel like throwing up. We’re not citizens; we’re just peasants serving the elite.

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Setting the Record Straight: Longtime Partner of Jared Taylor Addresses White Nationalist Criticism

Heidi Beirich writes:

For nearly 30 years, Evelyn Rich, the longtime romantic partner of white nationalist Jared Taylor, has been attacked by white nationalists accusing her of being Jewish. Recently, Rich contacted the Southern Poverty Law Center after being viciously attacked by the notorious anti-Semite, John DeNugent.

Editors’ Note: Rich wrote her Ph.D. dissertation on the Ku Klux Klan in the late 1980s. She lives with Jared Taylor, who runs the white nationalist group American Renaissance in northern Virginia. They have two children together. In the past, Taylor has distanced himself from anti-Semites and been heavily criticized in the movement for it. Rich, though not an anti-Semite, asked Hatewatch to publish this letter. The unrelenting attacks accusing her of being Jewish and an infiltrator offers an interesting glimpse into the virulent anti-Semitism that motivates many members of the movement.

It was March 1985, thirty-one years ago, in Groton, Massachusetts, when I got behind the wheel of my little Datsun 310 hatchback and began the first of two extended trips to the Southern states and Washington, D.C.

I was a doctoral student at Boston University and my dissertation topic was the ideology of the modern Ku Klux Klan. I had met and interviewed my first Klansman back in October 1980, when Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, arrived In Boston from Louisiana and held a rally in Connecticut of all places. The New England news media went on a feeding frenzy.

I was 23-years-old and had lived in Britain my entire life. (I came to the US for the first time in August 1978 as a Foreign Exchange Student.) I was intrigued by this garrulous man who took me to dinner and talked to me for several hours. I was surprised to learn the Klan still existed. Everything I knew about it came from the book and film versions of “Gone With the Wind.”

I was a doctoral student at Boston University and my dissertation topic was the ideology of the modern Ku Klux Klan. I had met and interviewed my first Klansman back in October 1980, when Bill Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, arrived In Boston from Louisiana and held a rally in Connecticut of all places. The New England news media went on a feeding frenzy.

Who joined the Klan? Why? What did Klansmen believe? Everything I read in the press implied or stated that Ku Klux Klan was a self-explanatory term. Like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of pornography –– “I will know it when I see it” –– the Klan did not need to be defined. Klansmen were just plain nuts. End of story.

Before I pulled out of the driveway I had arranged a couple of months of research opportunities. (These were the days before the Internet and mobile phones). I wanted to interview as many Klansmen and former Klansmen as possible. I wanted to talk to as many anti-Klan groups and individuals as possible. I wanted to go everywhere! I wanted to talk to everyone! I did my best. I interviewed Klansmen, I went to Klan rallies and cross “burnings” or “lightings.” I talked to anti-Klan groups and individuals, I went through the FBI’s files in Washington, DC and I talked to everyone who would talk to me. I went everywhere I was invited and tried to get invited everywhere else.

Through these initial contacts, I met more and more people and was given all sorts of opportunities. David Duke suggested I attend an Institute for Historical Review conference. Thanks to David’s sponsorship I was able to attend my first conference and because I was a student, Willis Carto was kind enough to waive my registration fee. Thanks to that first IHR conference I met Mark Weber and was invited to the next one. Thanks to the next one I met Jared Taylor, who was there as a Japanese interpreter. Thanks to Jared I have two wonderful children.

So, why am I writing this? Why now? Why at all?

After 30 years of listening to discussions about me by people who do not know me, I have finally had enough. I would not care what rot is said about me were it not that I am a mother. Recently a despicable Internet bully and notorious fruitcake has begun “wondering” about my daughters. My daughters are off-limits. I need to let them know I will never submit to bullies and loonies, I also need to let them know I will not put up with lies and rubbish. Not all adults are grown up.

All of this comes down one question: Am I a Jew?

The answer is no, I am not a Jew. I am not a Jew by religion, ethnicity, race or any other criteria or definition. My accusers, and they are accusers, give the following reasons for thinking as they do. Here they are and here are my replies:

• I look Jewish. – If I look Jewish to you, then I look Jewish to you. That was an was an easy one!

• My surname is allegedly Jewish. – I am not American, and no one in my family is American. Plenty of people have told me that in the USA Rich is a version of the German surname “Reich”. Nobody in my family has ever set foot in Germany. (Okay, I once changed planes in Munich). It is nonsense to assume that the German surname Reich has any connection to the ancient and venerable ENGLISH name of Rich. There have been English people named Rich as long as there have been English people. In addition to the Earls of Warwick, possibly the most famous branch of the Rich family, we also boast an Archbishop of Canterbury, Edmund Rich (1175–1240). I do not know of any English people named Reich, let alone any English people who changed their names from Reich to Rich. If Americans do this weird stuff, that’s their business.

• I am a Jewish agent or “Honeypot” whose houri-like fascinations have forced Jared into a philosemitic trance and caused him to refuse to attack Jews. What utter rot! If anyone knows how to make Jared do or not do anything, please let me know. I’ve failed for 25 years! This is such a load of codswallop I refuse to believe any rational person could even consider it! (The rational and interested might like to know I married a German-American, surname of Klumpp. Maybe I could have saved myself a lot of trouble by calling myself Klumpp?)

Finally, I am attaching a number of documents for those who prefer to “Trust but Verify.”

• My Christening certificate from November 1957.

• My Bible presented to my at school. C of E is the officially taught religion in English schools.

• My father’s Christening certificate from 1929

• My father’s Royal Navy records stating his religion as Church of England. (God Bless him for his service to his country)

• My grandfather’s Royal Navy records stating his religion was also C of E. (God Bless him for his service to his country)

• My great great grandparents’ C of E Marriage banns – James Rich and Lucy Morris who were wed in1852. (Morris is my dad and grandpa’s middle name.)

I could go on, but this message and these documents are intended for the lucid and rational. Others who accidently stumble upon them will disregard them and proceed as usual.

Evelyn Beatrice Mackenzie Rich
Oakton, VA
April 18, 2016

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The Alt-Right Explained in 7 Must-Know Terms

I think people should read the following websites and make up their own minds:

Steve Sailer
Radix Journal
Social Matter
Those Who Can See

Jews on the Alt-Right include:

Rabbi Mayer Schiller
Rabbi Nachum Shifren
Rabbi Meir Kahane
Paul Gottfried
Robert Weissberg
Mike Cernovich
Lauren Southern
Ron Unz
Loren Feldman
Uri Segelman

Jews on the Alt-Right vary over how much legitimacy they give to gentile Alt-Right criticisms of Jews (such as those by Kevin MacDonad).

Ari Feldman writes for the Forward:

This presidential election has seen the rise of a new group in American conservatism: the blandly-termed — and fiercely pro-Trump — “alt-right.” The blogs, forums, and Twitter accounts that make up the media landscape of the alt-right actively promote fascism, albeit one updated for the 21st century.
Though the movement ties together white supremacy, neo-Nazism and misogyny, it rarely uses any of these terms. Eugenics has become “human biodiversity”; a white supremacist is now an “identitarian.”
These false terms are misleading, and provide cover for racist, xenophobic subcultures — groups that have never had a better chance to reach a wider audience than with Donald Trump running for president.

It would be one thing if this were a lexicon of the conservative fringe. Instead, the presumptive Republican nominee is retweeting the alt-right’s homegrown imagery.

Ahead of the Republican convention in Ohio, here is a primer on seven things that explain the alt-right tick.


Read: neo-Nazis. The number is an amalgam of two neo-Nazi calls to action. One is their 14-word credo: “We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children.” The second-half, 88, is because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet: 88 → HH → Heil Hitler. Some alt-right bloggers have dismissed 1488ers as pretenders and Internet pranksters, but the 1488ers vehemently disagree.


This term, which became popular in the middle of 2015, describes conservatives who promote policies that are detrimental to the continued prominence of white people. It’s a clear sexual reference: a cuckold is the husband of a woman having an affair. The term implies that establishment conservatives such as Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Karl Rove and Marco Rubio (the “Beltway right” of Washington, D.C.) are letting liberals and non-whites “screw” the white race out of its preeminent position.

“Cultural appropriation”

Read: white exceptionalism. The alt-right has claimed a kind of kinship with the “radical left” on a few issues, and one of these, absurdly, is cultural appropriation. Much in the same way that “cultural Marxists” want to keep fraternities from donning offensive costumes on Halloween, the alt-right has an interes in re-appropriating all “white” cultural signifiers, such as princesses, superheroes, witches, pirates, and Vikings.

The (((echo)))

Read: yellow badge. This is Nazi branding, updated for the internet age. The “echo” refers to the idea, popular among alt-righties, that “all Jewish surnames echo throughout history,” — that Jewish control of the world is obvious and traceable. The “echo” has its origins in a denialist podcast called The Daily Shoah. It has been used by the alt-right on Twitter to identify and berate Jews, especially those in the media. However, the “echo” was taken up by many Jews on Twitter of their own accord, and has been turned into a symbol of anti-alt-right defiance.

Human biodiversity

Read: eugenics. “Human biodiversity” is a neutral seeming term that is used by the alt-right to not only justify, but lend “scientific” authority to their racism. The alt-right fixates particularly on IQ tests, claiming that the low scores of black Americans is evidence of a racial disparity in cognitive ability.


Read: white supremacy. Aka: “identity politics.” A movement that began in France the early 2000s, identitarianism has picked up steam in the U.S. in the last couple years. Its institutional center is the National Policy Institute, an ultra-nationalist think tank in Arlington, Virginia, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has expressly condemned for its ties to white supremacist groups.

Pepe the Frog

Originally a harmless Internet cartoon meme used, mostly, to signify chillness, Pepe the Frog has been taken up as an avatar by alt-righties and neo-Nazis. The cartoon has also been morphed with Trump, depicting Trump-Pepe on a border wall holding a machine gun, or hammering a nail into Bernie Sanders’ head.

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Should Australia Stay White Or Merge With Asia?

From VDARE 2008:

The great nations of the Anglosphere seem determined to merge themselves out of existence.

Mass immigration is making the U.S. a part of Latin America, while an emerging North American Union would combine Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Across the Pond, Britain surrenders her sovereignty to the European Union. Not to be outdone, Down Under, the Australian Prime Minister appears to want to merge Australia with Asia.

An article in the Herald Sun entitled Unified Currency Chance with Asian Union, Says Expert [Jane Metlikovec, June 05, 2008] reports that Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has “announced his plan to create a broad Asia-Pacific Community by 2020.”

A certain Prof. Tim Lindsey of Melbourne University thinks that`s a great idea:

“We are living in the “Asia century,“ he said.”Australia is uniquely positioned as the only Western society in Asia and we have never capitalised on that, despite most of our commodities going to Asia.“

So what about Australia`s Western identity and Anglo-Celtic heritage? Apparently, that can be easily disregarded:

(Lindsey) said Australia was still suffering from a “colonial hangover“ by setting ourselves apart from Asia. “This perception of ourselves as a European nation has to change,“ he said.

PM Rudd has chosen a point man to advance the project:

“Mr Rudd has appointed former foreign affairs secretary and one-time ambassador to Indonesia Richard Woolcott as Australia`s envoy to sell the idea.”

There is some political opposition:

Opposition MPs are divided about Mr Rudd`s plan, which he put forward during a speech to the Asia Society Australasia Centre last night, just days before he heads off on a week-long visit to Japan and Indonesia.

Opposition`s foreign affairs spokesman Andrew Robb says the plan is presumptuous.”His (Kevin Rudd) first job is not to be making pronouncements about grand architecture for the region, telling China, Indonesia and Japan and India how they will be organised as a region by Australia in the next 20 years,“ Mr Robb told ABC Radio.

Nevertheless, Robb`s opposition seems more a question of practicality than a concern for Australia`s cultural identity:

“Once (Rudd) has demonstrated a capacity to build and maintain and grow strong bilateral relationships with all these countries (and) repair the damage he has already done with some of these countries, then we can… maybe influence the broader architecture that shapes the region.“

How about the argument that Australia`s cultural identity is non-Asian? Is that a legitimate argument nowadays?

From VDARE today:

Pauline Hanson, a fiery populist leader who has been working to save Australia from mass immigration for many years, triumphed in the recent elections. Though as of this writing the total number of seats for her One Nation party has not been determined, it’s certain Hanson herself has one.

The Main Stream Media is shrieking hysterically, as you might expect.

Far-right One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is pushing for a royal commission into climate science and Islam and wants to abolish the Family Law Court, in an extreme policy agenda set to frustrate a future government trying to pass laws through the Senate.

The federal election has resurrected the political career of the controversial figure, whose party is expected to snare at least one Senate spot 18 years after she lost the Queensland seat of Blair.

[Election 2016: Pauline Hanson’s big Senate win, and what she plans to do with it, by Nicole Hasham, Sydney Morning Herald, July 3, 2016]

Don’t you just love the name-calling? “Far-right,” “extreme,” “controversial?” Leftists are never described in such terms in supposedly objective news reports.

In response, Hanson is threatening to boycott the MSM altogether. She simply takes for granted the MSM will be fanatically opposed no matter what she does and so, Trump style, she’s going to take her case straight to the people.

Pauline Hanson has launched a spray at the media ahead of her return to Federal Parliament, complaining of bias against her and warning she will bypass traditional newspapers and TV networks in favour of “citizen journalism”.

Ms Hanson, whose One Nation party is on track to claim two but possibly as many as four Senate seats, warned in a video posted on her Facebook page that she would not give interviews unless the media stopped treating her as “a punching bag”.

“So what I’m saying [is]: get your act together. I could be in Parliament for up to six years. I wouldn’t mind a working relationship with you, but if you’re not going to give me a fair go, don’t come knocking on my door, because you ain’t going to get an interview out of me.

[Election 2016: ‘Punching bag’ Pauline Hanson attacks the media after Senate win, by David Wroe, Sydney Morning Herald, July 6, 2016]

This is one of the key ideas patriots are finally starting to understand. The Main Stream Media’s reporters are just leftist activists by another name. They use different tactics, but they aren’t fundamentally different from the screaming leftist protesters in the streets. They share the same goals, the same ideology, and the same enemies.

Hanson’s comeback is also causing much wailing and gnashing of teeth among certain members of the political class.

Former foreign minister Bob Carr says Pauline Hanson will hurt Australia’s image overseas, calling her a “mischievous troublemaker and racist”.

Mr Carr, who now works full-time on improving relations between Australia and China through roles at three prominent Sydney universities, said the re-emergence of One Nation would have been noted with alarm across Asia.

[Australian federal election 2016: Pauline Hanson’s political comeback an ’embarrassment to Australia’, says Bob Carr, by Heath Aston, Syndey Morning Herald, July 6, 2016]

It’s almost like those who have a financial stake in transforming Australia into a culturally Asian country don’t like patriotic movements.

Incidentally, we last saw Bob Carr (who has a Malaysian wife) when he was complaining about Margaret Thatcher (accurately) predicting Third World immigration as the ruin of Western nations.

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