Minnesota: Latino Cop Shoots Black, White People at Fault

Comments at Steve Sailer:



* I was listening to NPR and they literally referred to him as a “white cop.”

I guess now that World War T is through, transracialism is next.

* It should be pointed out that both of these black guys were armed. The first guy, in Louisiana, shot by two white cops, in a manner reminiscent of the Fruitvale shooting a few years ago (suspect shot dead while on the ground), had been waving a gun around in front of a convenience store.

The second guy, in Minnesota, had a concealed weapon, but I don’t know why he informed the officer of it at that point. This shooting reminds me of the notorious South Carolina shooting a couple years back where the officer shot the black driver when he turned around to get his license.

Both of those officers got into big trouble. And at least the Minnesota guy will.

The thing the public misses in stories like this is that it’s obvious to me that a lot of police officers are scared. And I can’t blame them. Remember two officers were assassinated in NYC after the Eric Gardner death. Remember also that just 4 months after the Oscar Grant (Fruitvale) shooting, 4 Oakland policemen were killed by Lovelle Mixon. This definitely contributes to these spates of shootings. (Mixon was a black pimp wanted for multiple rapes, he died in the firefight.)

You can say that police officers should be better qualified, and better trained, but who are these guys anyway? The guy who killed Tamir Rice never should have had that job. When there was that riot at the Trump thing in San Jose a couple of months ago, I noted that most of the officers appeared to be either Asian or Latino. Apparently, fewer and fewer white guys want to be cops. Pretty soon, we can expect that the white population of the US will be involved in one of three jobs: managerial (including agriculture), office work (including academia, finance, and media), and retail. That means all the cops will be Asian, Latino, or Black.

I note that the shootings are being blamed on “racism.” Well, that’s always a possibility, and the reason is that most non-Blacks are afraid of Blacks. But this can’t be blamed on Whitey. This was an Asian guy. If you think that the interactions between Blacks and Whites involves some level of incomprehensibility, wait until it’s Blacks and Asians. They are like from different planets culturally.

However, the final bit about “racism”, which mentions the fact that “Blacks are more likely to be arrested for violent crimes”, etc. is not about racism, it’s about violent crime in the African American community. By extension, the more likely a group is to be arrested for violent crime, the more likely the members of that group are likely to be shot by jittery cops.

Four years ago I would have been a lot more upset about these two shootings. Since then, I must have read about dozens of shootings, many of them videotaped, of both whites and blacks (and frequently unarmed) being shot by police officers. So being aggrieved, hashtagging, venting my spleen, etc. just doesn’t cut it anymore. We have to work on that two way street so the public is educated how to react to officers on the one hand, and to inspire some confidence in police officers so they are less likely to unholster and shoot under the slightest pretext.

* Tom Winter NBC News: Philando Castile was pulled over 31 times by law enforcement and all of the charges were misdemeanors and none for violent crimes.

* Makes me think of Eric Garner, the guy who died in a police chokehold. There was a useful fact withheld by Rachel Maddow et al namely that he had been arrested 35 times.

The point being that these guys knew how to act when confronted by the police and should have known how to avoid problems.

* I’m disturbed at how the federal “Justice” Department starts “investigating” these events before the bodies are even cold. The same “Justice” Department that just let Too Big to Jail Killary skate. What convenient timing.

* Let’s see if I’ve got this right.

A non-White kills a non-White so you shouldn’t blame the Whites.

I just want to be sure I’ve got this right.

A non-X kills a non-X so you shouldn’t blame the X’s.

A non-X kills a non-X so you shouldn’t blame the X’s.

I think I’ve got it.

Its just that I’ve been reading some of the other articles and commenters around here and I’m still a little hazy on this.

But I’m working on it.

* (Reuters) – Already beset by a public outcry over the high-profile death of a black man in police custody and a rising murder rate, Baltimore’s police department is facing another headache: it’s shrinking fast.

The number of uniformed officers in the mid-Atlantic city fell 6.1 percent last year and has shrunk by even more in the first half of this year, according to police data seen by Reuters and not previously reported.

Shrinking budgets have pressured police recruitment in many U.S. cities, including Baltimore, where police officials say they also face steep competition from neighboring Washington to recruit and retain cops. Baltimore’s most recent budget slashed municipal government, reflecting a declining tax base, the city’s tepid economy and high unemployment.

* Trigger-happy cops will shoot white people in a heartbeat, too. It’s just that whites getting murdered by cops doesn’t provide useful propaganda to advance the left-wing racial/communist agenda.

* Yeah, Cops make mistakes. I’m more worried about the other 15,000 homicides -including those caused by illegal aliens who shouldn’t be in the country.

But evidently, I’m almost alone on this. People seem fascinated by white cops killing black crooks, even though it only occurs about 200 times a year, in a nation with 40,000,000 blacks.

* I saw the video. The woman victim — and she is a victim — quite clearly described the cop as Chinese. I suspect that if she had not been in shock she might well have used the more inclusive term Asian, or perhaps Oriental. One aspect of these instances of police violence that needs to be addressed is how often they involve various types of sub-par police recruits, e.g., politically motivated or affirmative action hires.

* The St. Anthony Police patrolman who shot and killed Philando Castile during a traffic stop has been identified as Jeronimo Yanez.

* If you consider losing your job, and having your name and face plastered all over the media as a target for retribution a mere “slap on the wrist”, I congratulate you for your ironclad level of financial and physical security. Darren Wilson, who shot the Ferguson Gentle Giant in a textbook example of self-defense, is now stocking shelves in a WalMart and will never work in law enforcement again, despite acting in perfect accordance with any police use-of-force continuum I have ever heard of.

What these “slaps on the wrist” DO accomplish is de-policing. Any cop with any time on the job at all is extremely reluctant to engage ANY black suspect, because the cop knows that he is automatically in a lose-lose situation. Proactive patrolling goes by the wayside, as most white cops know that a long career is inversely proportional to the number of contacts they endure with African-Americans. If Darren Wilson had been sitting in the substation watching SportsCenter, he wouldn’t have seen the Gentle Giant lumbering down the middle of the road after the strongarm robbery, and he wouldn’t have found it necessary to make contact. Several years ago, the President of the Seattle Police Guild told the rank-and-file (in writing) to “sit under a shady tree and do crosswords”, and limit their actual policing to answering 911 calls (which cannot be ignored).

Far from being an occupying army of avenging angels, police officers (at least on the Left Coast) want to avoid contact with POCs and NAMs at all costs — not out of physical fear, but out of concern for the legal and administrative consequences of doing their job.

* Eric Garner did not die in a police choke hold. So found the coroner. People in choke holds to not exclaim they cannot breathe, because they cannot breathe. He died of obesity, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease, and bad judgement.

* I wonder how long the Minnesota man had been driving his car with a broken taillight. If you don’t want to be pulled over by police ( with all the hassle and risk that can involve) keeping your car in proper running condition is important. I’ve been stopped by police twice this century. Once for making a U turn where I had often done it before only to discover a freshly planted no U turn sign in the median strip. The cop was snotty about it but let me off when I pointed out the sign still had fresh dirt around its base. The second time was when I moved to Florida and made a left turn in front of a stopped highway patrol car who ( I thought) was yielding to me to make my left. I even said I thought he was being a nice guy not attempting to entrap me with a violation of right of way. He too let me off when he noticed my Florida driver’s license was all of one hour old. That’s it as far as my interaction with police. I don’t drive aggressively, my vehicles are kept in running order and my paperwork is up to date. Easy Peasy and you meet no policey.

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Politico: Immigration reformers eye Gang of 8 revival

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Lindsey Graham has openly (and correctly) complained that legacy Americans don’t have enough children to fund social security entitlements.

* Is Lindsey hinting that he’s going to start a family himself? He’s DC’s most prominent bachelor since J Edgar Hoover.

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11 Cops Shot at Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas

Steve Sailer writes: “A problem with the Democrats’ high-low coalition of the fringes is that the fringes are awfully fringy. Stoking black rage for political advantage is a high risk strategy. And it’s not as if Obama and the Clintons didn’t know that.”


* I’m calling this the big turning point. None of the leftist bozos remember how Nixon got elected. It was the 60s riots that did it. The left is going to create more incidents like this with the idea of rousing black support for Hillary, and it’s going to make all the whites, centrists, and normal people vote for Trump. It’ll backfire on them badly.

* So what’s the endgame? How will Hillary back these murderous blacks off once she wins the election? Or will we all just have to get used to unpolice-able myrmidions roaming the streets of every city larger than Redding?

* Obama and Shill have blood on their hands. Of course as we know, people in their echelon never really have to be held accountable for anything.

* I find myself wondering, among other things, about who, exactly, made this happen.

You’re talking about two people acting in concert with assault rifles, and apparently at some distance and elevation. And they were able to escape, apparently. That’s more organized than your average fringe.

I wonder if it wasn’t some group like the thugs who attacked the “neo-Nazis” in Sacramento, who had been preparing for violence for some time.

* There never has been a solution to black violence because the hot young black women love them some violent thugs.

If violent black guys couldn’t get laid then it would all stop tomorrow. Instead the violent strutting black thugs get almost all of the hot women in “the community” because because because.

It is what it is.

Black thugs are handsomely rewarded in their community. Like no other race on the planet this is the reality.

* There’s an odious, Texas-based group called Peaceful Streets that generally despises police. Neo-Nazis hate police as well. The planning of it suggests ISIS. Very bizarre, very awful crime. This is why there is a death penalty, although something tells me these guys won’t be taken into custody.

* Ultimately? I think they’re aiming for substantive federal control of local policing. That’s pretty much what happened in Ferguson. The local police department became appendages of the Justice Department and were forced to comply with every jot of whatever the feds thought was a good idea in policing. Nominally the locals will still be in charge, but everything will have to be done to federal standards and federal procedures or they’ll be sued into oblivion.

They’ll also use it as an excuse for gun control, as in Orlando.

* In NY the entire state would be mobilized to find the murderers of police men. Not just the police force. Everyone.

* Can’t wait to hear the post-racial POTUS express his sincere sympathy for and solidarity with the fallen cops and their families.

Not that I’m holding my breath, you understand.

* Race riots, cop killings, dozens of cities with murder rates back to where the were in the early 90s, flagrant and unprosecuted abuse of power by hundreds if not thousands of government officials, a VA that is completely indifferent to the needs of veterans, stagnant economic growth, stagnant income growth (except for the rich), record budget deficits for times of alleged prosperity (inlcuding 3-4 consecutive deficits of over a trillion dollars), the Middle East in absolute chaos, an immigration agency that is actively *importing* illegal aliens into the country.

Thank God we made a brilliant man like Barack Obama our president.

* I’d start by getting the news organizations to report these police shootings properly.

Don’t presume guilt on the part of the police and don’t sensationalize the grieving families.

The media is criminally culpable.

* It’s the yuppy Whites who actually made this happen. The hipsters. The SWPLs.

They stabbed the mass of Whites in the back with policies and narratives that led to this.

Tell me again how cool they are.

* If the country becomes racially polarized, that works to Trump’s benefit in having the white vote coalesce around him. Like Nixon, Trump talks about the “silent majority.”

* It’s almost like having a President who tells violent thugs that they’re right to be aggrieved at the police has a deleterious effect on law and order.

* How were Bush or McCain any better?

Both parties are garbage. I’m thankful we finally have a potential president who wants to do what’s right for this country. That means disowning both Democrats and Republicans, while pursuing a different path forward.

As Trump said, “I’m running against both parties.”

* The polls show that Trump is more popular on national security issues. If Americans feel fear at home (from terrorist attacks and murders of police), that can only help Trump.

Perhaps he sees a bump in the polls within the next few days.

It’ll be interesting to see if Hillary’s multiracial coalition begins to bicker, creating disenchantment among whites.

* It will be interesting to see how NBC Nightly News handles this tonight. The last two nights they have started off the program with the shooting deaths of the two black individuals by cops in Louisiana and Minnesota, about 10 minutes for each segment. I wonder if President Obama will have any words of wisdom for the nation about this matter.

* Imaging being a cop nowadays. You have good reason to be more cautions than ever, now that there have been repeated incidences of cops being assassinated in cold blood (NYC, Dallas, am I missing any)? In the meantime, the federal government is breathing down your neck and your career could be ruined if you are involved in an incident with a minority.

The rational reaction is simply to spend your shift in the donut shop and look the other way.

I expect the crime rate to accelerate even more than we’ve seen in the past year. And I fully expect this will get blamed on “white supremacy” as well. (It will be white privilege to live in a safe neighborhood.)

* The video they’re showing on cnn looks like the video game grand theft auto.

* This reminds me of Predator 2. That movie doesn’t get a lot of respect, but it sure had our multicultural future of black and central/south American tribal violence well predicted. When I was a kid, I thought it was unrealistic but entertaining Hollywood entertainment, not a prediction of the future. 1990! – that’s 26 years ago.

Interestingly enough, the director was born in Jamaica.

* I don’t think Obama’s speech was helpful, but, to be honest, this didn’t require much stoking.

Two black men were shot to death by cops in situations where neither appeared to be an immediate threat to the cops. And both shootings were caught on video and went viral on social media.

This is different from Ferguson, more organic.

* Completely wrong. Everything in the Sterling video and background story screams immediate threat, including video consistent with his reaching for a gun. And in the Minn incident, there is testimony the man was reaching for a gun. We have not seen video.

Both men were armed. There is evidence in both scenarios they were reaching for a gun.

You must lead a very sheltered life.

He was on his back and his right arm was free and had started to move down toward his right pocket.

“Pinned,” in any event, is hardly dispositive. Not when you are wrestling with a 6’4″, 300 man who is still struggling against you and has a gun in his pocket.

Policy either will not be indicted or will be found not guilty if they are.

Again, you must have led a very sheltered life.

* The Dallas Snipers hockey team are going to have to change their name.

* Even before this there were increasing signs of low morale and difficulty recruiting quality personnel for many urban police departments. From a May 2 news report:

Dallas, Houston Losing Police Officers Over Pay, Morale Issues

Assassinations of police officers appear to me to have increased around the country since Obama took office. Some of them are detailed in this Wikipedia article about four Washington State officers killed by a career criminal who once had felony convictions commuted by Mike Huckabee:

Lakewood, Washington police officer shooting

On Sunday, November 29, 2009, four Lakewood, Washington police officers were murdered at the former Forza Coffee Co. coffee shop, which was located at 11401 Steele Street South in the Parkland unincorporated area of Pierce County, Washington. One gunman, later identified as Maurice Clemmons, entered the coffee shop, fired at the officers as they sat working on their laptop computers preparing for their shifts, and then fled the scene.[1][2] After a two-day manhunt that spanned several cities in the Puget Sound region, the gunman was shot and killed by a Seattle Police Department officer in south Seattle after refusing orders to stop.[3]

The shooting is believed to have been a targeted attack against police officers, and came less than a month after the murder of Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton under similar circumstances nearly 40 miles (64 km) to the north. Another shooting involving Pierce County sheriff’s deputies occurred three weeks after in Eatonville, on December 21, when two deputies were shot and critically injured (one later died from his injuries) by a man, who was then shot dead.[4] It is believed to be the most deadly attack on law enforcement in the state of Washington, and the deadliest attack on law enforcement in the United States since the March 21, 2009 shootings that left four Oakland, California police officers dead.[5] The four were the first Lakewood police officers to be killed in the line of duty since the department’s establishment in 2004.

Although the gunman was killed by police, six other people were charged in connection with the murders. All six are friends and family of Clemmons who aided him in escaping the scene and eluding capture. One was convicted in June 2010 and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. In December 2010, three of four accused suspects were found guilty of rendering criminal assistance.[6]

In May 2011, Darcus Allen, the getaway driver and remaining suspect, was convicted of four counts of murder and sentenced to 420 years in prison the following month.[7]

IMO it wouldn’t be a surprise if tonight’s killings were the work of hard left or anarchist fanatics. There are networks of them throughout the country, but particularly in California, that the last three D.C. administrations seem to have ignored.

* One strange detail to all of this. The chief of Dallas police, who has been giving press conferences on TV, has a deceased son who killed a police officer.

* Obama’s statement over the MN shooting, and persistent silence about the 2000 shootings (so far this year) in Chicago by mostly black shooters, helped incite this massacre. MN’s governor also helped incite the Dallas massacre by saying that the MN shooting wouldn’t have happened if the civilians were white. Actually, this is probably true, since white civilians are more likely to maintain their composure when pulled over, and therefore, more likely to to follow the cops directives accurately. I was pulled over for speeding last year, and just told the cop about my Ruger LCP and my permit, and we were all cool.

* From the coverage I am watching they are going out of their way to mention that the protests and protesters were peaceful. I highly doubt the Tea Party would be given the same treatment had a sniper attack occurred at one of their rallies.

* Total fatal police shootings/law enforcement homicides per year

United States 930
Canada 25
Germany 8
Australia 5
United Kingdom 2
Japan 0


Fatal police shootings/law enforcement homicides per million people

United States 2.9
Alberta 1.4
Canada 0.7
Ontario 0.6
Nfld & Lab 0.3
Australia 0.2
Germany 0.1
United Kingdom 0.04
Japan 0.0


Number of homicides per 100,000 people per year

United States 4.7
Alberta 2.3
Canada 1.6
Ontario 1.3
United Kingdom 1.0
Australia 0.9
Germany 0.8
Nfld & Lab 0.7
Japan 0.3

* From my armchair view, the Baton Rouge incident was a “clean” shoot. The dude was resisting physically, at least one arm not under control. I can’t tell from the video, but if he was ‘reaching’ anywhere a weapon could be concealed, then that’s “life or death” right there. BLAM. Sort of the reverse tactically when Trayvon Martin was ground-and-pounding Zimmerman, but didn’t account for Zimmerman being armed. BLAM.

In the Minnesota traffic stop case, my guess is: honest guy with an 85 IQ under stress kicking in. One’s got to know the script when dealing with law enforcement. Listen to what the cop orders. If the cop gives contradictory orders, verbally verify while keeping your hands in view: “My registration is in the glove box, is it okay to get it?” Do not unilaterally declare, “I’m just getting my driver’s license” and reach somewhere.

In very ‘human bio-diverse’ country that recognizes broad rights for all of its residents, these chaotic things will happen regularly. What’s the saying? Diversity, freedom/liberty, civilization: you can, at most, pick two.

* I was astounded when I saw Obama’s speech. I thought, “here we go again…” and sadly, I wan’t wrong.

Just to amaze people with my fortune-telling prowess, look for a major spike in unsolved black-on-black crime in Dallas this summer, as the police cooperatively take their sweet time getting to calls in black neighborhoods.

Also, regarding black folks giving their offspring “the talk.” Maybe they should switch subjects to advice about marrying the woman you impregnate, and/or not having children you have no interest or ability in raising, so that the offspring don’t wind up de facto wards of the state.

Black folks must learn early that the state is the shittiest parental figure you can appoint besides dumping them out on the street to fend for themselves.

To reiterate for the black folks: the governments primary responsibility is to maintain our borders and infrastructure, to defend us when attacked, and collect taxes to fund these aims.

They are not here to help you raise shitty kids you don’t want.

If you choose to force the state into a parental relationship with your child, he/she will likely rebel, and confront the state, like a brat rebels against his/her dad. The state will ground him/her, or shoot your kid with a gun, to maintain public order.

If you don’t like it, again, don’t have kids you don’t want.

A casual perusal of orphanages across the United States, as well as abortion figures, underscores the sad fact that black children are wildly overrepresented, and anyone who values reality as their touchstones must conclude that black lives matter least to… black people.

Until blacks collectively internalize this, expect more of the same. Again, the State are awful parents, and that’s why terrified police unload their guns when your children qualify via their behavior, you can’t get a loan for a house, and cabs pass you by in NYC at 2 AM.

* The Obama Administration will go down in history as being bracketed by two police massacres. In 2009 Lovelle Mixon shot dead four Oakland police officers. In 2016, we have five dead Dallas police officers, and counting.

* Meanwhile, the ethnic cleansing of blacks by committed Latinos continues, and not a “black lives matter” demonstrator to be found. I guess it’s less motivating to demonstrate when your oppressors are known to visit your constituent’s home for a quick late-night debate.

In any case, one of the biggest problems on black people’s plates isn’t nervous policemen. It’s unbridled immigration to illegal aliens and refugees who never heard of Jim Crow, and if you explained it to them, couldn’t care less, if they weren’t on the side of Jim Crow from the get-go.

* Thing I hate most about the Obama era: It’s completely stripped away my ability to deal honestly and compassionately with tragedy. I read “10 cops shot in Dallas” and the VERY FIRST THOUGHT I have, without reading any of the details, is: “OK, how are President Jackass and his minions going to blame me for this one?” Because I’m a white heterosexual male who’s generally pro-gun, I know it’s only a matter of time until someone decides it’s somehow my fault, even if no white heterosexual males are involved.

I hate that. I hate that I’ve been trained to bypass my normal human emotions and my first selfish thought is “how will this affect me?” But that’s the hyperpoliticized nation Obama has given us. Terrible.

* Sterling, physically was a monster and it takes more than two cops to restrain someone that big and full of adrenaline.

You’d be surprised what a 150lb 5’9″ guy can do once he’s jacked up, it can easily 2-4 cops to restrain him. Add 7 inches and 100lbs and it’s a whole nother story. Size and strength changes the dynamics real fast, add in a hidden gun and you just forced the cops to escalate.

* The police detained Sterling after reports someone was brandishing a gun at passersby. The official reports on the shooting say a gun was recovered from the scene. In one of the videos (there are several) of the incident, you can see an officer retrieve an object from Sterling’s right pant pocket after he has been shot. In that video, seconds earlier, Sterling’s right arm seems to be free during the struggle and moving downwards. For an officer to hold his own weapon, he must take his his hands off the suspect.

* I am sure George Soros said excellent in a Mr. Burns accent when he heard that 5 police officers were murdered at a Dallas Black Lies Matter event that was financially funded by him.

George Soros probably sees American police officers as the new gestapo/3rd reich and the urban Negro ghetto as the new Auschwitz. The Shaniquas of the hood are the new Anne Frank.

* “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Posted in America, Blacks, Crime, Police | Comments Off on 11 Cops Shot at Black Lives Matter Protest in Dallas

John Rivers: ‘When do Whites get Racial Justice for the 320k violent crimes that Blacks commit against us every year?’


From twitter (John Rivers and co):

* Obama’s Justice Dept has been doing everything in its power for 7.5 yrs to foment race war. Happy now?

* ALL lives matter #Dallas


* The Hillary PR Team encourages her future voters to perhaps maybe not react QUITE so gleefully to the ambush and murder of police officers.


* Follow the money at #BlackLivesMatter, where does it lead back to? George Soros!


* Great timing for Gov. Mark Warner’s speech today, accusing cops of racism with no evidence whatsoever.


* Obama has incited the murder of 4 Dallas police officers. He must immediately be removed from office and arrested. #Dallas

* Some relationships don’t work out.
I no longer care enough to try to fix Black America.
And I don’t really appreciate them trying to fix me.

* Black Lives Matter think they can just curse and scream and shoot at us and Whites will forever grovel and apologize and try to get along.



* This is what you geniuses are killing cops over

% killed during arrest

White 0.0032%
Black 0.0040%



* Diversity kills.



* Obama watching the news in #Dallas like..




Posted in Blacks, Crime | Comments Off on John Rivers: ‘When do Whites get Racial Justice for the 320k violent crimes that Blacks commit against us every year?’

False Media Narrative About Cops Reaches A Logical Conclusion


Current Drudge Report headlines:


Washington Post: Three in custody after shooting at rally against police violence

The Dallas police chief believes the suspects worked together with rifles “triangulated at elevated positions at difference places in the downtown area” to attack law enforcement in what is considered the worst mass shooting of officers in the U.S. history. The first shots were heard as Thursday’s protests were ending.

NBC News: 2 Snipers Ambush, Kill 5 Officers, Injure 6 in Dallas Following Peaceful Protest

It is the the deadliest attack on U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001, NBC News reports.

Five officers are dead – four Dallas police officers and one DART transit officer – after two snipers ambushed and opened fire on police at the end of a peaceful protest against nationwide officer-involved shootings Thursday night, officials say.
One suspect is dead, a Dallas police detective tells NBC 5 early Friday morning, and three other suspects were in custody in connection with the shooting.

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