Decoding The Suicidal Loyalty To Joe Biden (7-1-24)

01:00 Loyalty over truth is usually an effective life strategy
04:00 Joe Biden’s brief reaction to Supreme Court immunity ruling
16:00 Victor Davis Hanson on Biden’s speech
23:00 James Carville says the country is clamoring for change
28:30 WSJ: Democracy’s Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated,
33:00 January 6 did not affect the lives of 99.99% of Americans, it was just embarrassing
38:00 Trump the Realist: The Former President Understands the Limits of American Power,
53:30 HOOKUPS: are they freeing or defensive?,
57:00 Pig butcher scams,

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Pig Butcher Scams

Over the past two years online, I’ve often heard from attractive asian women who like photos I’ve posted such as this one:

They never want to meet in person nor talk on the phone. They want to get to WhatsApp as soon as possible. Then they talk about their impressive business and their international jet-setting lifestyles and they want to know how much I earn and they talk about their crypto investments, and by this point I’ve lost interest.

DC Palter writes:

Avoiding the New Pig Butchering Scam on LinkedIn

Attractive Asian women want to be your friend. What’s the catch?

…But the LinkedIn profiles of these attractive young women, mostly Chinese, seem off. Not the usual startup entrepreneurs. Though they live in Toronto or Los Angeles, they’re independently wealthy as a shareholder of a Chinese company or owner of a chain of beauty supply shops. Hmmm. Not sure why they’re connecting to a climate tech investor like me.

MIT Technology Review posted:

A scammer on LinkedIn may try to connect with someone through common work experience, a shared hometown, or the feeling of living in a foreign country. Over 60% of the victims who have reached out to GASO are Chinese immigrants or have Chinese ancestry, which these actors lean on to evoke nostalgia or a desire for companionship. The fake claims to have graduated from China’s top universities, which are notoriously difficult to get into, also help scammers earn respect.

While the pig-butchering scams targeting Chinese nationals are not the only kind of fraud happening on social media platforms like LinkedIn, they are exceptional for the amount of financial losses they have caused. GASO surveyed 550 victims and calculated the median loss to be $52,000; in comparison, the median financial loss from all types of fraud in the US in 2021 was $500, according to the Federal Trade Commission.

And on average, LinkedIn victims in particular tend to lose more money than victims of fraud on other platforms—oftentimes over a million dollars, says Yuen.

“Unlike dating sites, which are where the first scam victims were coming from, LinkedIn actually has a lot of information that’s really useful for the scammers,” she says. “They know your earning potential based on the type of work you listed.”

From Quora:

Their main interest is to separate you from your hard-earned money or get you involved in some “pump-and-dump” stock scheme so they can profit.

The typical approach is to use a photo of a cute girl to get your attention (candidly I’m not even sure they’re all women). They’ll then want to start chatting on WhatsApp or WeChat or telegram.

They’re not an AI bot. I am impressed by their nearly perfect English and good manners. They rarely make mistakes in spelling and punctuation. They’re adept at prompting you to open up by confiding about themselves. I sometimes felt flattered by their close attention and had to remind myself this is likely a scam.

My operating principle is that I don’t put anything into a text message or email (particularly to a stranger) that I wouldn’t want broadcast on a screen at Dodger stadium.

Needless to say, I’ve never lost money or much time in these chats.

These women never seem to have interesting ideas or edgy insights.

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Decoding The Significance Of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance (6-30-24)

03:00 The Biden Crisis: Deep State Theory vs. Peak State Theory,
04:00 Mark Halperin’s post debate analysis,
06:00 Dr. Jill Biden gets the blame,
31:30 Claire Khaw joins
1:24:00 Who’s running Joe Biden?
1:27:00 Trump’s relentless attacks on Biden,
1:30:00 Analyzing the body language from Thursday’s debate,
2:13:00 Michael Smerconish explains why Democrats will benefit from a contested convention.
2:23:00 The conspiracy of silence among Joe Biden’s enablers
2:38:00 If Israel is to survive, it must strike Iran now,
2:57:30 Did women in academia cause wokeness?
3:03:50 Male vs female morality according to Amy Wax, Nathan Cofnas, Noah Carl
4:20:00 Hezbollah-Israel Escalation: Prospects for War,
Who Determines The Winning Narrative?


Podnotes AI summary: After Joe Biden’s troubling performance last Thursday, questions about his cognitive health have surged. Some claim he’s merely a puppet for the “deep state,” but I disagree. His policies align with his past positions, suggesting he’s not being controlled.

However, it was clear from the debate that Biden may lack the cognitive abilities expected of a president. It raises concerns: Is someone else running things? Steve Sailor blogged on whether Biden is just a figurehead or if he still wields power despite his decline.

Critics argue there’s no concrete evidence of who might be leading if not Biden himself. Fox News discussed how financial ties to China influenced Biden’s policies, contrasting his current silence on fentanyl with past activism against heroin linked to China.

Post-debate analyses were grim; many believe this confirmed fears over Biden’s mental fitness – an issue largely ignored by mainstream media until now. This reluctance echoes past tendencies to avoid negative stories about favored politicians while eagerly covering Trump’s faults.

Despite procedural reasons suggesting otherwise, it seems impossible for Biden to remain as the Democratic nominee after what we witnessed in the debate – yet replacing him isn’t straightforward either due to potential implications for Kamala Harris and other candidates.

In conclusion, loyalty mustn’t overshadow truth when assessing leadership capabilities crucial for our country’s future.

The unpredictability of politics is evident as some Democrats are reconsidering their stances, echoing the sentiments of figures like David Ignatius and Dean Phillips.
Fundraising remains crucial for political viability.

In response to rumors of an early debate being used to replace Biden with someone like Gavin Newsom, I disagree. Those orchestrating the early debates benefit from a Biden presidency and would lose influence otherwise.

If unexpected events lead to Kamala Harris taking office or Newsom becoming a candidate.. These two respond to incentives and might advocate increased enforcement against crime and homelessness – contrasting with Biden’s disconnection from these pressing issues.

Intellectuals disillusioned by Marxism in 1968 turned to human rights as their new utopia—fulfilling desires without empirical refutation possible when advocating for marginalized individuals globally.

This nurturing instinct can become selfish if it enables harmful behaviors rather than constructive support—a delicate balance between helping effectively and fostering dependency through enabling actions or learned helplessness.

I have a friend who often seems hopeless and asks for help, which can be annoying since she could find the answers herself by looking at our past conversations. She does so much for my show that I tolerate it, but it’s frustrating.

The term “PHAT” describes superficial communication where we’re just being friendly without true intent. It differs from manipulation, where someone relies on others instead of standing on their own two feet.

My friend keeps asking me easy questions to maintain contact and show her neediness. As for romantic involvement – not sure about that. After one breakup, I tried to stay connected with my ex by asking trivial things like retrieving items from her freezer; really just an attempt to keep in touch after an intense relationship ended.

We all resort to familiar manipulation tactics when struggling – they’re easier even if ineffective. Take Joe Biden; his visible tension suggests he’s repeating behaviors that are comfortable despite them being unhelpful.

The 1970s were pivotal, setting the stage for societal changes – feminism grew stronger and gay rights advanced significantly. Today’s lack of stigma around homosexuality has led some to choose lifestyles avoiding traditional family roles.

Despite this shift away from tradition in society, many elites lead conventional lives while promoting progressive values publicly. This contrast is striking considering how personal choices shape public personas and policies.

In politics, messaging matters; Democrats lose male support with language perceived as judgmental or feminine rather than relatable or understanding.

Finally, there’s speculation about whether Biden truly runs the country or if unseen forces control decisions – yet it appears he still makes key calls himself within his capabilities.

Who’s really controlling Biden? He’s not as charismatic as Trump. Biden often goes off-script despite his team’s efforts to prepare him. His performance in debates is lackluster; he can’t keep up with Trump’s attacks.

Body language expert Joe Navarro says our feet reveal our true intentions, suggesting Biden looked old during the debate. As we age, we lose sensitivity in nerves affecting balance and walking speed—Biden’s walk suggested just that.

Trump’s tan contrasted with Biden’s paleness, implying health and vitality. In body language too, Trump seemed more dynamic while Biden appeared static. Experts suggest vocal training could improve Biden’s voice.

Post-debate analysis questions if Democrats should continue supporting an apparently declining Biden or seek a younger candidate for future success. The impact of international events on U.S politics also raises concerns about America appearing vulnerable globally.

If Biden were to drop out due to poor debate performance or other reasons, it would likely happen after discussions with close family members Sunday.

DNC rules allow changes in nominees under certain conditions; however, convincing Joe Biden to withdraw will be tough.

In politics, power dynamics often hinge on one person’s decision—as seen with Joe Biden deciding to run again despite concerns about his fitness for office.

Kamala Harris as president would invite intense scrutiny over her entry into politics as Willie Brown’s mistress—a topic previously unexplored by media but potentially exploited by opponents like Trump.

A poor debate performance raises questions about Joe Biden’s ability to continue leading effectively. His team must address these issues promptly as they impact fundraising efforts and voter confidence ahead of elections.

The debate rules, including no audience and muted mics, favored Trump. Biden struggled with coherence at times, highlighting concerns about his mental fitness. Critics argue that enablers are keeping him in the race when he should step down.

Trump’s performance was restrained but still divisive; however, many believe it won’t erase doubts about his character or past actions. Meanwhile, Democrats face a tough decision: stick with Biden or find a new candidate amidst fears of Trump’s re-election.

Media coverage is criticized for not fact-checking enough during debates. The focus on Biden’s poor showing overshadows Trump’s lies and evasions—fueling frustration among voters seeking better options.

Ultimately, unless those closest to Biden push for change, discussions on alternatives remain theoretical. With tensions high over Iran and Israel’s security at stake, some advocate for preemptive action against Iran’s nuclear capabilities despite potential backlash.

Israel demands a ceasefire and Hezbollah troop withdrawal in southern Lebanon, but Netanyahu insists on continuing the war until Hamas is defeated politically and militarily. This stance creates tension between Washington and Jerusalem, alongside disagreements over arms supply.

Listeners question the relevance of these political issues to their daily lives, suggesting they only matter for personal interest or entertainment. The discussion shifts to the porn industry’s decline due to free online content. Only creators who establish personal connections with their audience can now profit in industries like journalism or pornography.

Netanyahu’s acceptance of Biden’s deal seems consistent with his previous statements despite media claims of inconsistency. Middle Eastern conflicts don’t directly affect average Americans’ quality of life, despite potential large-scale casualties.

Netanyahu expanding war aims beyond Gaza hint at a broader conflict involving Iran. Israel needs significant U.S. support for such multi-front wars.

Discussions also touch on gender dynamics in academia and society at large, exploring how women’s increasing influence may shift cultural values towards more nurturing perspectives even within intellectual arenas traditionally dominated by men’s approaches focused on truth-seeking behavior. This leads into an analysis that suggests prioritizing education for the gifted would be more beneficial than current efforts aimed at less capable students.

Finally, there is mention of law emerging from narratives rather than objectively; it reflects societal trends favoring underperforming groups domestically and internationally—a trend linked partly to declining fertility rates among women redirecting maternal instincts toward social causes.

People are concerned about a potential cover-up involving Biden’s family and staff. Videos showing Jill Biden speaking to him as if he were a child have surfaced, fueling fears among friends and family who aren’t deeply into politics but are now upset.

There’s anger towards the Bidens and speculation about what this means for America’s enemies. The focus is on how this could impact future elections and young voters’ perceptions. The choice of Kamala Harris as VP has also drawn criticism; despite her historic position, she faces scrutiny over competence.

The U.S. State Department has raised its travel advisory level for Lebanon due to potential conflict escalation—other countries urge citizens to leave too. Israeli Defense Minister Gantz warns of severe repercussions for Lebanon in case of war while Hezbollah threatens retaliation.

Experts discuss how community displacement affects both sides differently; Israelis want reassurance before returning home amid ongoing threats whereas Hezbollah supporters seem less concerned about ending hostilities despite widespread damage in South Lebanon.

Finally, any full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah would be devastatingly larger than previous conflicts with Gaza—with each side having different definitions of victory but common ground in survival as a key measure of success.

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A Changed Life

A bloke emails me:

I am the formerly deeply troubled Anglo-Aussie you interacted with and provided SAGE advice to…months ago on X.

You changed my life. This is the best two months of my life.

Everything has changed, I have discovered God, found a fiance, travelled the world, healed family estrangements lasting years, and I haven’t looked at the news in 2 months or been on X in 2 months.

You are an AMAZING MAN Luke Ford fellow Aussie.

I want to meet you one day. You helped save my life in that group chat.

There I was for months on X bitching about aboriginal supremacy and the rapid whiplash of globalisation and immigration we all face.

You essentially told me to fucking wake up to myself and stop WASTING TIME and I did.

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The Freak Show That Ate America (6-27-24)

01:00 You’ve been thunderstruck,
03:00 LAT: Protesters on both sides criticize LAPD response to violent demonstration outside synagogue,
10:00 Reading Against The Novel,
57:00 Debate coverage begins
1:01:00 Samuel Moyn, Professor of History, Harvard University: Where do human rights come from?,

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