Decoding The Significance Of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Debate Performance (6-30-24)

03:00 The Biden Crisis: Deep State Theory vs. Peak State Theory,
04:00 Mark Halperin’s post debate analysis,
06:00 Dr. Jill Biden gets the blame,
31:30 Claire Khaw joins
1:24:00 Who’s running Joe Biden?
1:27:00 Trump’s relentless attacks on Biden,
1:30:00 Analyzing the body language from Thursday’s debate,
2:13:00 Michael Smerconish explains why Democrats will benefit from a contested convention.
2:23:00 The conspiracy of silence among Joe Biden’s enablers
2:38:00 If Israel is to survive, it must strike Iran now,
2:57:30 Did women in academia cause wokeness?
3:03:50 Male vs female morality according to Amy Wax, Nathan Cofnas, Noah Carl
4:20:00 Hezbollah-Israel Escalation: Prospects for War,

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A Changed Life

A bloke emails me:

I am the formerly deeply troubled Anglo-Aussie you interacted with and provided SAGE advice to…months ago on X.

You changed my life. This is the best two months of my life.

Everything has changed, I have discovered God, found a fiance, travelled the world, healed family estrangements lasting years, and I haven’t looked at the news in 2 months or been on X in 2 months.

You are an AMAZING MAN Luke Ford fellow Aussie.

I want to meet you one day. You helped save my life in that group chat.

There I was for months on X bitching about aboriginal supremacy and the rapid whiplash of globalisation and immigration we all face.

You essentially told me to fucking wake up to myself and stop WASTING TIME and I did.

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The Freak Show That Ate America (6-27-24)

01:00 You’ve been thunderstruck,
03:00 LAT: Protesters on both sides criticize LAPD response to violent demonstration outside synagogue,
10:00 Reading Against The Novel,
57:00 Debate coverage begins
1:01:00 Samuel Moyn, Professor of History, Harvard University: Where do human rights come from?,

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LAT: Protesters on both sides criticize LAPD response to violent demonstration outside synagogue

I’m pretty shocked to find that partisans after a brawl blame the other side for unseemly behavior. Who would have thought?

I’m thunderstruck. I’m shaking at the knees. Can I come again please?

The LA Times reports:

A physician based in L.A., who requested anonymity because he fears reprisals, worked as a medic during Sunday’s protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue in the predominantly Jewish Pico-Robertson neighborhood. During the hours-long melee, in which violent clashes broke out between pro-Palestinian supporters and pro-Israel counterprotesters, he said he treated at least 11 people, whose injuries ranged from chest pain and shortness of breath from inhaling pepper spray to a fractured arm.

“This was probably the scariest protest I’ve been to,” he said. “It was very apparent that our police weren’t there to protect us and that any acts of violence that occurred in front of them wouldn’t be met with consequences.”

…He said he treated at least 11 protesters during the violence that ensued, including seven who had been pepper-sprayed. One woman was sprayed three times in the face as she chanted through a megaphone, he said. He said he treated another person who complained of chest pain and shortness of breath after inhaling pepper spray. Another person’s right arm was fractured after being struck by a police baton, he said.

Three people came to him with bruising, he said: One was hit on the cheekbone by a counterprotester, another was punched in the chin and the third was struck in the right forearm. One protester was pushed to the ground and beaten on his back with wooden sticks, he said.

“There were a lot of people struggling to stay safe,” the medic said. “I was not only treating acute injuries but talking to the organizers and reminding them that it was no longer a productive and safe action and an escape plan needed to be initiated.”

I saw far more people interested in brawling that in struggling to stay safe. If you wanted safety, why were you anywhere near the fight?

Most people at the brawl were having a ball. They were thunderstruck. They were shaking at their knees. They wanted to come again, please.

Everyone who has anything to lose and speaks about the event does it in the most sorrowful terms. The pronouncements are phony.

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WP: How the freak show took over America

David Friend writes for the Washington Post:

As author Jonathan Schell would write, the Simpson and Clinton dramas proved to be beta tests for what Schell called a “new media machine” that chose to elevate “the trifling (sex and lies about sex) to earthshaking (impeachment of a President and damage to the constitutional system) … [and] may have fatally tipped a newly endangered balance of power: the balance between fantasy and reality.” The June 1994 Bronco chase, Schell believed, was the pivot point: “At that moment, virtual reality and plain old-fashioned reality were inextricably fused in some new way.”

God forbid we don’t pay close attention to meretricious exercises like impeachment! And what about damage to the constitutional system? I presume he means civil rights, which undid our founding constitution and replaced unprecedented government intrusion into our private lives.

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