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What’s The Matter With Kamala? (9-1-24)

01:00 What’s the matter with Kamala?
07:30 China & Russia & Iran, oh my! Weighing the threat with David Goldman,
17:00 Imposter Syndrome: Why you have it & How to Overcome it
18:00 6 Signs You Might Have Impostor Syndrome
22:00 When Did People First Publicly Comment On Kamala Harris Appearing Drunk In Public?
31:00 What Does Kamala’s Freedom Agenda Mean?
32:00 Wait, Democrats now say they love freedom?
47:00 Kamala appears drunk in Georgia campaign rally,
50:00 Democrats freedom strategy,
51:00 WSJ: How Abortion-Rights Backers Changed Their Message—and Started Winning,
1:05:00 Elliott Blatt joins to talk about Kamala Harris
1:14:00 The correlation between battery power and credit score
1:44:00 Alvin Gouldner: Ideology and the New Class,
1:51:00 The Roots of STEM Excellence,
2:00:00 Twitter is often realer than real life – Is This The Most Absurd Time In History? – Rudyard Lynch,
2:03:00 My demonic lusts have taken over my evenings, is there not enough in the Torah to keep me busy?
2:20:45 The average person has more bureaucracies in his life than friends
2:24:00 Kip joins to talk about life before drugs
2:29:45 Rudyard: Why Nick Fuentes might be a fed
2:33:20 From North to South: An IDF General’s Insights on the Road Ahead,
2:48:00 07:30 China & Russia & Iran, oh my! Weighing the threat with David Goldman,
2:52:00 Russia is about 30% Muslim
2:53:00 Russia & China don’t want to destabilize the Middle East
2:59:00 Public Intellectuals in the Global Arena: Professors or Pundits?

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Steve Sailer: Why didn’t Kamala Harris ever get married until she was too old to have kids?

Steve Sailer writes:

Kamala is your pretty standard ex-sorority girl (whom the dumbness of American politics has made into a major party nominee)…

Or maybe, Kamala couldn’t close the husband deal for a quarter of a century because, in person, Kamala doesn’t always spread joy to those near and not so dear to her the way the press has kept telling you for the last month that she is spreading joy across America…

The Harris staff situation was basically the same as the staff situation on Armando Iannucci’s sitcom Veep with Julia Louis-Dreyfus…

Kamala is intensely cringe.

Kamala appears to suffer, not unreasonably, from Impostor Syndrome.

It’s hardly unreasonable for Kamala to lack confidence that she deserves to be President.

After all, she’s kind of a ditz.

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When Did People First Publicly Comment On Kamala Harris Appearing Drunk In Public?

I find dozens of reports on Twitter regarding a drunk Kamala going back to 2017.

This feels like the Joe Biden appears senile observation that goes back in spades to 2019 but was only seriously covered by the news media after Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate. My related posts:

* So how did the three books on the Biden administration deal with his decline?
* Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes

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On Public Intellectualism in the Twenty-First Century

Michael Zuckert writes in the 2016 book Public Intellectuals in the Global Arena: Professors or Pundits?

* the lure of public fame, power, and even wealth made available through the mass public audience leads to suspicions about the motives of public intellectuals. Are they first and foremost individuals devoted to truth, who turn their knowledge and talent to matters of public concern, or are they individuals out for celebrity, power, and wealth?

* there is an inverse relation between the public side of the public intellectual and the intellectual side. Brooks and Hitchens (d. 2011), for example, are much more public in both senses I have mentioned above, but less intellectual in the sense of firmly rooted in a knowledge base. In contrast are those who speak of public things in public but are more tightly attached to their intellectual base. If we think of public intellectuals as existing on a kind of continuum continuum with the intellectual, that is, knowledge base, at one end, and the publicness (in scope and audience) at the other, we can see that public intellectuals like Krugman lie somewhere midway between generalists like Brooks and specialist public intellectuals like, for example, the health economists, who consulted or spoke publicly on one or another aspect of the recent health – care reform that was very closely tied to their particular area of expertise. Krugman speaks out far more generally on economic matters on which he is presumed to be knowledgeable, but of which he is not likely to have the specialized knowledge of a health economist.

* Once human societies stop being essentially grounded in tradition, something like public intellectualism becomes constitutive for them. Tradition is replaced by the conscious application of human intelligence to public life. Those who do this are public intellectuals. There has indeed been a debate, since at least the time of the French Revolution, about the degree to which rationalism can or should replace tradition. Burke and modern conservatism arose largely in negative reaction against the perceived attempt by the French intellectuals to remake society in the image of reason. An irony here is that Burke and conservative thinkers like him were also public intellectuals, coming before the public with a case based on a knowledge base concerning the nature of society in order to oppose a certain sort of abstract rationalism.

* Liberal equality consists in the claim to be considered as an individual rather than a member of a group or clan when it comes to matters of basic rights, status before the law, and, so far as compatible with other liberal goods, opportunity. Thus we speak of equal rights, equality before the law, and equal opportunity.

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