Terror Attack In New Orleans Kills 10 (1-1-25)

01:00 Terror attack in New Orleans, https://www.nytimes.com/live/2025/01/01/us/new-orleans-vehicle-crash
04:00 WP: Years of inaction on ‘crisis’ at Secret Service set stage for Trump shooting in Butler, https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/12/31/butler-trump-secret-service-shooting/
11:00 Donald Trump transformed the culture, https://www.politico.com/news/2024/12/29/culture-wars-trump-woke-democrats-00195424
16:30 Have Biden’s Infirmities Destroyed Liberalism?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVN0ao5E80Q
59:00 Why Loners Suck At Writing, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBz127DIGD8
1:10:00 Election Aftershock: Takeaways and Turning Points from the 2024 Election, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vReedU_YTmo
1:39:30 Elliott Blatt joins
2:44:00 12 symptoms of underearning, https://www.underearnersanonymous.org/newcomers-to-underearners-anonymous/symptoms-of-underearning/
3:04:00 12 symptoms of compulsive debting, https://www.datig.net/12-signs.html
3:29:00 Republican political consultant Alex Castellanos, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Castellanos
3:40:35 Marc Andreessen on Trump, the vibe shift, and what’s after wokeness, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8X8jecivWw
3:50:00 Was 2020 the peak of top-down message control?
3:57:00 Frank Luntz’s year-end review of 2024 and look ahead at 2025

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Could Populism & Nationalism Lead A Moral Revival? (12-31-24)

01:00 ‘Could populism and nationalism be a parallel to religious revivals?’, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=158488
08:00 Religiosity can bring personal stability in a volatile world, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/guest-avi-liberman/id1732222323?i=1000657987899
17:00 NYT: Israel Loosened Its Rules to Bomb Hamas Fighters, Killing Many More Civilians, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/26/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-bombing.html
19:40 The Brutality of War – with Yossi Klein Halevi, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE3NfvEubF0
33:00 Daniel Lobell only wanted to date gentiles, found love with a non-Jew, and she decides to convert to Orthodox Judaism, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/guest-avi-liberman/id1732222323?i=1000657987899
58:00 Laura Loomer On The Dark Enlightenment World View Of Big Tech Leaders, https://rumble.com/v64f3fs-laura-loomer-on-the-dark-enlightenment-world-view-of-big-tech-leaders.html
1:05:00 Kip joins
1:46:30 Curtis Yarvin: The Edgelord’s Guide to Monarchy, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/curtis-yarvin-the-edgelords-guide-to-monarchy-40k
2:07:00 Ungar-Sargon: “Of Course Mass Immigration Raises The GDP, It Makes Oligarchs Unbelievably Wealthy.”, https://rumble.com/v64khk4-ungar-sargon-of-course-mass-immigration-raises-the-gdp-it-makes-oligarchs-u.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
2:17:30 Steve Bannon Calls For A Moratorium On All Immigration, https://rumble.com/v64kpa1-steve-bannon-calls-for-a-moratorium-on-all-immigration.html?e9s=rel_v2_pr
2:23:40 Sean Spicer H-1B Visa Poll Shows That MAGA Sides With Bannon Stance, https://rumble.com/v64k317-sean-spicer-h-1b-visa-poll-shows-that-maga-sides-with-bannon-stance.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
2:30:20 Ben Bergquam Calls For Immigration Moratorium Live From Sanctuary City San Diego, https://rumble.com/v64kr5j-ben-bergquam-calls-for-immigration-moratorium-live-from-sanctuary-city-san-.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
2:35:00 Ryan Long – Problem Solved, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBrdMrbmz1c
2:37:40 I Became A Full On Incel | Denise Taylor | Stand Up Comedy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqqDmwakswQ
2:39:40 Taylor Lorenz got giddy about the healthcare CEO assassination, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/supplementary-material-20-stolen-valour-based-murder-and-eric-weinsteins-phonecall-problems
2:49:00 Decoding Elon Musk, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/elon-musk-the-techno-shaman
2:55:00 Death of a Gentleman: What cricket is really about, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4kjWqPbcYM

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Don’t Mess With Billionaires – Elon Musk Edition (12-31-24)

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‘Could populism and nationalism be a parallel to religious revivals?’

Economist Matt Lowe writes in a new paper:

Cultural beliefs usually evolve slowly, but during times of religious revival, beliefs change rapidly. During the two-year Welsh Revival of 1904-5, roughly 6% of the adult population converted to Christianity, after decades of stable religiosity. This religious shock was temporary, with church membership returning to pre-Revival levels five years later. I report three main findings. First, church growth during the Revival was higher in areas with more crime and more mining industry. Second, comparing Wales with neighboring England, the Revival led to a reduction in aggregate crime by 15%. The crime reduction is concentrated among violent crime, and drunkenness, considered a major social ill at the time. Third, despite temporary effects of the Revival on church membership, effects on crime persist, suggesting an enduring shift in social norms. Collectively, these results provide support for Fogel’s theory of America’s Great Awakenings: social crisis predicts religious revival and revival brings social change…

Societies can ensure social order through laws and through norms. Laws deter bad behavior through the state-led threat of punishment. Norms deter bad behavior through the social costs of deviance. This paper presents evidence for the norms channel. The Welsh Revival of 1904-5 was a large but temporary religious shock, with 6% of the population over the age of 11 converting to Christianity in only two years. This religious shock shifted social norms, reduced violent and public drunkenness crimes in Wales. While the shock was temporary, these crime reductions endure until at least 1913. In contrast, a landmark piece of anti-drunkenness legislation, the Sunday Closing Act of 1881, had no impact on drunkenness crimes. In this case, religion-driven norms trump laws at ensuring social order. And since the Revival itself was larger where there was more crime and more structural transformation, my results together suggest that societies may self-correct, with societal breakdown eventually stymied by an endogenous cultural response. Nevertheless, my paper leaves two main questions unanswered. First, on the origins of revival: while religion resolves cultural tensions in the case of religious revival, can other non-religious movements play the same role? Could populism and nationalism be a parallel to religious revivals in certain societies? Second, on the consequences of revival: how general are the effects of revivals? While I find similar effects of the Welsh Revival of 1859, did the American Third Great Awakening of the late-1800s, the Azusa Street Revival of the early-1900s, the Hebrides Revival of 1949, and the Toronto Blessing of the 1990s have the same effects?

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Decoding Elon Musk (12-30-24)

01:00 Australia defeats India while the crowd in Australia primarily cheers for India
02:40 The Genius Myth, https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/442983/the-genius-myth-by-lewis-helen/9781787333246
04:00 Helen Lewis’s new book, The Genius Myth, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/dtg-christmas-quiz-2024-with-helen-lewis-badstats
17:00 Mickey Kaus, https://x.com/kausmickey
35:45 Elon Musk: The Techno Shaman, https://decoding-the-gurus.captivate.fm/episode/elon-musk-the-techno-shaman
52:10 Dooovid joins to discuss Elon Musk, https://x.com/RebDoooovid
1:57:30 William Lind, https://www.theamericanconservative.com/author/william-s-lind/
2:07:00 I felt out-classed at The Atlantic party, https://www.lukeford.net/archives/updates/040508.htm

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