Trickle-Round Signals: When Low Status Is Mixed with High

From The Journal of Consumer Research:

* While high-status individuals can afford to depart from the norms without penalties because of their blanket social acceptance, middle-status individuals are more concerned because their position is less certain (Feshbach 1967; Hollander 1958; Rao, Monin, and Durand 2005). As such, middles tend to refrain from choosing any items that might compromise their already-tenuous standing and opt for clear status symbols (e.g., loudly branded products) to compensate for their insecurity (Rucker and Galinsky 2008).

Middles may also avoid items associated with lows because the likelihood of misidentification is higher. Indeed, more similar out-groups pose a greater threat to distinctiveness because they are more likely to be confused or associated with the in-group
(White and Langer 1999). This, combined with the anxiety to demonstrate their social standing, leads middles to strongly avoid items associated with lower strata…

In summary, avoidance by middles should make some low-status items particularly appealing for high-status individuals. Because emulating lows is costly and risky for middles, doing so provides an alternative way for highs to distinguish themselves. Rather than a linear percolation upward, we argue that tastes and styles may move directly from the bottom of society to the upper class, only then diffusing to the middle—that is, trickling round rather than trickling up. We do not suggest that selecting low-status items is the only way highs can differentiate themselves. Instead, we simply argue that this signaling strategy, which is gaining momentum in the marketplace, provides a valuable alternative that is not captured by prior theories on fashion and diffusion of status symbols.

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Haredim Ask For Adult Supervision

From the Times of Israel:

After Meron calamity, Haredim question the price of their own autonomy

Ultra-Orthodox media figures are calling for a commission of inquiry, and lashing the state for letting their community endanger itself.

A few overpowering facts, not least that nearly all the victims were Haredi, are driving an unusual new introspection, and leading the major media outlets of the community to turn against one of its characteristic traits: its longstanding and much-criticized “autonomy” from the Israeli state.

Haredi Israelis are simultaneously part of and apart from broader Israeli society. Making up as much as 12 percent of the Israeli population, the community is not uniform; different sects and subcultures interact in very different ways with the state and with other subgroups. While the “autonomy,” as Israelis often refer to the phenomenon, does not encompass all Haredim, it encompasses enough of the community to be — so growing numbers of Haredim now believe — a serious problem.

One sees the autonomy in studies of Israel’s cash economy that point to mass tax evasion in the Haredi community; in routine clashes with police in parts of Mea Shearim, Beit Shemesh, and other places; in the refusal to take part in national service; in school networks that refuse to teach the basic curriculum taught in non-Haredi schools; and, most recently, in the refusal of many Hasidic sects over the past year to obey pandemic lockdowns.

It is a community that talks about itself in the language of weakness, always a street scuffle or political squabble away from talk of “decrees,” “persecution,” and “antisemitism.” Proposals for welfare cuts or calls to introduce more math education in their schools are described in Haredi media in terms borrowed from czarist oppression in Eastern Europe.

That rhetoric of weakness and victimhood has a purpose: to cloak or perhaps to justify the opposite reality. As a group, Haredim are not weak. They are powerful enough to constantly expand and defend their separate school systems, to found towns and neighborhoods for their communities, to maintain a kind of self-rule that forces Israeli politicians to literally beg Haredi rabbinic leaders — usually unsuccessfully — to adhere to coronavirus restrictions.

The story of the Meron disaster cannot be divorced from this larger story of Haredi autonomy, from the Haredi habit of establishing facts on the ground that demonstrate their strength and independence, and then crying “persecution” when those steps are challenged.

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Margarita Interview (Posture, God, Morality, Neuroscience, Redpills) 4-30-21

Excerpt taken from full show 4-30-21:

Margarita, essayist:
00:00 Margarita’s Substack,
01:20 Sincerity and loneliness
05:20 Margarita’s worldview
11:20 Margarita was raised Hindu
23:00 Feminism
27:30 Getting redpilled
35:00 Jordan Peterson
1:24:30 Philosophy of health
1:28:00 Prozac and anti-depressants,
1:45:00 Favorite books
1:50:45 Internet and attention span
1:55:00 Painting

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Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age (5-2-21)

00:00 Israel mourns victims of stampede on Mt. Meron
04:00 On Winks and Lies: The Performance of Sincerity and Conversion in Israel,
32:00 Mickey Kaus on Joe Biden’s first 100 days,
35:00 Aaron’s stroll stream from Jerusalem,
42:00 JF Gariepy in a transhumanism debate,
55:00 Kaus on Biden’s immigration policy
58:30 REM Theory Part # 3: Why Apolloism?,
1:00:00 Dooovid joins to discuss Israel stampede
1:02:00 Mount Meron,
1:05:00 Senior Police Officers Claim They Were Pressured By Politicians To Allow Mass Entry To Meron,
1:24:00 Roger’s Version by John Updike,
1:29:00 Meron disaster site revealed as a place where nobody was ever really in charge,
1:31:00 Recriminations Intensify After Deadly Israel Stampede,
1:36:00 What’s the karma with the stampede?
1:51:00 Creating space for God
2:09:45 Hidden Heretics: Jewish Doubt in the Digital Age,
2:13:00 Money, respect, women: This livestream gets Luke none of these
2:28:00 Keith Woods on neo-tribalism,
2:32:00 Matt Christman on death and religion and woke,
2:44:00 Dennis Dale joins from Portland,
2:50:00 Top 10 Personality Traits of Likable People,
3:14:00 How to Get to Know Someone – Useful Social Tips,

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Israel pilgrimage stampede kills 45, Margarita interview, On Winks and Lies (4-30-21)

00:00 Dooovid joins, he was watching live,
35:00 Margarita, essayist:
36:00 Margarita’s Substack,
37:20 Sincerity and loneliness
40:20 Margarita’s worldview
46:20 Margarita was raised Hindu
58:00 Feminism
1:02:30 Getting redpilled
1:05:00 Jordan Peterson
1:54:30 Philosophy of health
1:58:00 Prozac and anti-depressants,
2:15:00 Favorite books
2:17:45 Internet and attention span
2:20:00 Painting
2:24:40 On Winks and Lies: The Performance of Sincerity and Conversion in Israel,
2:27:00 Michal Kravel Rovi, “On Winks and Lies: The Performance of Sincerity and Conversion in Israel”,
2:44:40 Tucker Carlson Frank Luntz & GOP
2:50:00 How does Tucker survive?
2:56:00 Barricade Garage says anti-semitism is over,

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