From Terman to Today: A Century of Findings on Intellectual Precocity

Abstract from this 2016 paper: “One hundred years of research (1916–2016) on intellectually precocious youth is reviewed, painting a portrait of an extraordinary source of human capital and the kinds of learning opportunities needed to facilitate exceptional accomplishments, life satisfaction, and positive growth. The focus is on those studies conducted on individuals within the top 1% in general or specific (mathematical, spatial, or verbal reasoning) abilities. Early insights into the giftedness phenomenon actually foretold what would be scientifically demonstrated 100 years later. Thus, evidence-based conceptualizations quickly moved from viewing intellectually precocious individuals as weak and emotionally liable to highly effective and resilient individuals. Like all groups, intellectually precocious students and adults have strengths and relative
weaknesses; they also reveal vast differences in their passion for different
pursuits and their drive to achieve. Because they do not possess multipotentiality, we must take a multidimensional view of their individuality. When done, it predicts well long-term educational, occupational, and creative outcomes.”

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Live Election Coverage (11-9-22)

02:00 What’s going on in Germany?
14:00 Stephen Kotkin on Xi’s China, Putin’s Russia
18:00 Merve Emre’s book on Myers-Briggs
24:00 From Terman to Today: A Century of Findings on Intellectual Precocity
1:02:00 Tablet: No More ADL
1:12:00 NYT: Putin Is Starting to Do What Won Him a War 7 Years Ago
1:15:00 RS: The Tower of Babel and the hubris of empire
1:53:00 Elliott Blatt joins

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The explanatory and predictive power of evolution

These videos were streamed live via my iPhone.

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Day Four Down Under

These videos were streamed live from my iPhone.

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Kanye, Kyrie Irving & Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America (11-6-22)

04:00 Why can’t we have nice things?
17:00 Keeping my eyes out for roving gangs of violent bogans
18:00 Controversial ‘race researcher’ who wrote a 2019 report about so-called ‘gaps’ in IQ between white and non-white people is hired by Cambridge University’s philosophy faculty – and says the university knew about it before hiring him
19:00 Nathan Cofnas: My “debunked” views
22:40 Timothy Snyder
25:00 Who’s in charge of Joe Biden?
32:00 Dooovid joins
42:00 The writing process
47:00 Kyrie Irving controversy
49:00 Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America
1:10:00 One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein
1:20:40 Ready Player One
1:22:00 All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
1:30:00 Sydney eruv
1:31:00 Jorge Luis Borges
1:36:00 Colin Liddell: More “Evidence” of Spencer Working For the Feds Seeps Out
1:41:40 Zeihan: Joe Biden and Asking His Way through American Leadership
1:48:00 Sometimes I’m the boss, sometimes the situation is the boss, sometimes the boss is the boss
2:08:00 Is Sexaholics Anonymous homophobic?
2:24:00 Without ego, the world would collapse
2:27:30 Before he came into Sexaholics Anonymous, all he wanted to do was to seduce men and women
2:32:30 Britain’s Middle Management “Managed Democracy”

* This was my first Rumble livestream.

* I’m keeping to Sydney’s eastern suburbs, while keeping my eyes out for roving bands of violent bogans.

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