America Primed For A Massive Attack On Iran (11-19-23)

01:00 Will US attack Iran?
22:00 Peter Zeihan: China-US Relations: What Did Xi and Biden Discuss
26:00 Biden’s disastrous press conference
38:00 Stephen J James joins
48:00 Describing Dooovid
58:00 My ADHD diagnosis
1:15:00 SJJ feels robbed by covid from sporting success
1:21:00 Where does SJJ get his self-esteem?
1:33:00 Where’s Mama JF?

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Ukraine Loses, US Gets Friendly With China (11-12-23)

01:00 John Mearsheimer: The US military has overextended itself,
03:00 Alexander Mercouris,
06:00 Ukraine War is Finished,
19:30 China takes advantage of US over-extension
1:01:00 Gavin Newsome selling off California to China,
1:25:00 Why do players still drop the ball before the end zone?,
1:45:00 San Francisco cleans up for world leaders
1:49:40 WEHT to Mama JF?
1:51:00 Elora Patoine missing,
1:52:00 Elora Patoine aka Mama JF,
1:54:00 Police seek Elora Patoine,
2:08:40 JF Gariepy & Elora Patoine,
2:41:00 The Daily Reprieve from sex addiction,

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WEHT to Élora Patoine (Mama JF)? (11-10-23)

01:00 Do American Conservatives Want Regime Change? And What Would That Look Like?,
02:00 Check Under The Flower Box!
06:00 Vouch nationalism,
07:00 DB: White Supremacist Vlogger Jean-Francois Gariepy’s Partner Has Been Missing Since June,
08:00 Missing person report,
09:00 Newsweek: White Supremacist Wants More Control Over Women After Girlfriend Disappears,
29:00 JF Gariepy is not an incel
31:20 Inside the Mind of JF Gariepy,
32:30 JF Gariepy gets to reduce his heating bill because Elora Patoine is gone
37:40 Colin Liddell joins,
39:00 Shinzo Abe & the Moonies,
47:00 Is There More to Conservatism Than Mocking ‘Wokeness’ on YouTube?,
56:00 American support for Israel
1:08:00 Colin Liddell on the Tories
1:38:00 Is Diversity Good For The Jews?
1:51:00 Who’s Afraid of JF Gariepy?,
2:30:30 John J. Mearsheimer: Ukraine/Israel: How China benefits.,
2:38:00 Mike Benz visits San Francisco
2:42:00 Russell Roberts on Israel,
2:50:00 Is human nature good or bad?
2:51:00 Elliott Blatt joins
3:12:00 EB reflects on people healing are not that exciting
3:19:00 What Israelis Fear: Ezra Klein talks to Yossi Klein Halevi:
3:32:00 Douglass Murray on the Israel v Hamas conflict
3:50:00 Israel hasn’t won a war outright since 1973
3:58:00 Afghans sell their daughters to pay the bills

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Is Diversity Good For The Jews?

Steve Sailer writes:

In the wake of the October 7th atrocities, the Harvard/Harris Poll asked, “In general in this conflict do you side more with Israel or Hamas?” Among American voters aged 65 years or older, 95 percent sided with Israel over Hamas. But 48 percent of the much less white 18- to 24-year-old cohort backed Hamas.

A majority of young people answered the question “Do you think the Hamas killing of 1,200 Israeli civilians in Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?” that the October 7th slaughter was justified by Palestinian grievances, compared to only 10 percent of voters 55 or over.

Other polls found much the same generation gap: In the NPR/Marist survey, 83 percent of baby boomers (1946–64) said the U.S. should support Israel vs. 48 percent of those born from 1981 to 2005. And,

“An Oct. 17 Generation Lab poll of 978 college students found that 48% of them do not blame the Oct. 7 attacks on Hamas.”

An obvious reason for declining support for Israel among American voters is because the U.S. isn’t as white Christian as it used to be. In 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that “for white Americans, the most common [modal] age was 58.” And, as we see in the polls, white Christians tend to love Jews and Israel. In contrast,

“The most common age was 11 for Hispanics, 27 for blacks and 29 for Asians as of last July, the latest estimates available. Americans of two or more races were by far the youngest racial or ethnic group in the Census Bureau data, with a most common age of just 3 years old. Among all racial and ethnic minorities, the most common age was 27.”

…It’s quite possible, unfortunately, that October 7th will lead to Jews doubling down on wokeness as long as Jews get to be at the top of the totem pole of sacred classes.

On the other hand, it’s also possible that more Jews will recognize that they will never be conceded the top spot and the other contenders for most sacred minority are not their friends. Instead, what’s actually good for the Jews is America’s pre-woke culture of free speech and open debate.

Here are some comments at Steve Sailer’s blog:

* “Diversity” has always been a code word for affirmative action. Its purpose has always been to benefit the Oppressed at the expense of the Oppressor. The reason the word has been so wildly popular on the left is that it allows you to obscure the fact that you are taking away from one group and giving to another — something the losers might feel they had a right to object to — and frame it instead as everyone winning.

* Who could have foreseen that Muslim immigrants would prioritize Muslim priorities?! This was unforeseeable!

* The Kevin MacDonald-ist idea that “diversity makes it safer for minorities” never made any sense. Liberal Jews and others who supported that idea were basically just rationalizing the Democratic party agenda to themselves. Their enemies on the far right have been confusing these partisan delusions for an ingenious master plan (“evolutionary strategy”).

There is no master plan, no conspiracy. Just a bunch of morons who have made party politics their cult.

* The American public’s reaction to October 7th is a shock to the American Establishment on par with unexpected election of Donald Trump in 2016. I think many Jews over 50 are genuinely perplexed by the open hostility online and on the streets. When did this dramatic policy shift happen? It is like we are now in a different dimension. You would think that there would be more pro-Israel protests, but they have not materialized for some reason. Not even in New York, where Jews have the numbers to put up a street presence. It does not help things that Israel’s rhetoric sounds very foreign to American ears.

* [Paul Kessler’s] obit in the Forward reported that he was very anti-Trump. No doubt he was thrilled that Antifa was hitting Trump supporters over the head with bike locks and getting away with it. Now he got hit over the head.

* It seems he didn’t get hit in the head by the other protestor. It’s not totally clear yet, but it looks like he attacked the pro-Palestinian guy to try to get his megaphone from him, and the guy pushed Kessler off of him, and then Kessler fell back on his head. The Pro-Palestinian protestor was the one who called 911.

* I wonder if sexual liberation has meant that the US is worse at empire-running than previous empires … My vague impression is that a lot of the geniuses of the British Empire were gay: Lawrence of Arabia, Cecil Rhodes, perhaps Chinese Gordon, or raging heterosexuals like Sir Richard Burton. They seemed to want to get abroad for private reasons, then proved impressive there.

* My sense of it is that older* Americans – white or otherwise – tend to view Israel more favorably through the lens of the reportage of the 1960’s and 70’s – that of a heroic Israeli fighter pilot, in the context of the supposed Israeli David versus the Arab Goliath. Outnumbered, but plucky Jews fighting desperately against the masses of Arabs, if you will. Meanwhile those born after that period were raised with images of the regional strong power Israel bombing weaker Arabs, starting with the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and the Palestinian uprisings in the 1990’s and so on.

* Arabs in Israel are not at all, as you imagine, “obsequious”. (Where did you get that idea anyway?) They drive like maniacs. They’re free with their opinions (just give the slightest hint you’re interested). They confidently go anywhere they please in Jewish areas (knowing they’re perfectly safe where, reversing the situation, a Jew would be torn limb from limb). Their representatives in the Parliament rant and heckle and harass. They flout every law be it about tax, land use, auto registration, waste runoff.

Uri S. Segelman writes for the Times of Israel Dec. 20, 2015:

Of course Israel is the Jewish State, and affirming such may be among the least controversial things one could possibly say to a group of American Jews. [And when I say “Jews,” I mean people affiliated, to some degree, with the faith, even if they are not Orthodox.] To these people, Israel being the Jewish State is simply taken for granted. So if one told this same group that the United States ought to support Israel, the Jewish State, and recognize her as such, he would be as equally uncontroversial.

Why is it then that when I raise my voice in support of nationalism and self-determination for the peoples of Europe, I am met with skepticism, if not downright contempt? Why is it that when I praise the nationalist parties of Europe (many of whom are actually Zionistic), I am questioned with unease?

It appears to me that the same people who so vehemently call for Israel to be Jewish lack that same vigor when calling for France to be French, Germany to be German, or Sweden to be Swedish. Indeed, a lack of vigor would actually be satisfactory. In fact, it’s not even that: those same Zionists, by and large, fight against the nationalist sentiments in Europe. The establishment Jewish groups in the US, all of whom lock arms for Israel and lobby the American government to categorically support her at every turn, are the same groups that consistently call for open borders in Europe, increased immigration from the Middle East, a full-out embracing of multiculturalism, a weakened national culture, and a diminished Church. They are the same groups that slander and defame leaders like Le Pen in France and Wilders in the Netherlands. They are the same groups that push for the death of Europe and her people.

Quite plainly, any Jew in the US who calls for American support for the Jewish state but condemns the nationalists in Europe is a hypocrite. He is a hypocrite for the very simple reason that he wants national self-determination for a people in one part of the world but not for another in a different part of the world. He is a hypocrite because he wants his country, the US, to protect the nationalist and ethno-centric aspirations of Israel, his homeland, but not those of Europe.

But it’s even more nuanced than this. The peculiar position of these Jews is not so much in their exclusive nationalist desires for one state. It is in their exclusive denial of such nationalist rights to the peoples of Europe. For some strange reason, there is a hate for the European race, and that hate translates into a desire for its ultimate destruction. After all, what better way to crumble Europe than to replace its volk? As it is said, “demography is destiny.” Every other country on the planet, especially including the Jewish State of Israel, is entitled to national self-determination—to an ethnic nation-state. Why must Europe be left out?

The hypocrisy is glaring, and all those who praise Netanyahu and scorn Le Pen are guilty.

One common response, however, is that the nationalist Right in Europe is “anti-Semitic.” (Of course, this term has lost so much of its substance. As Joseph Sobran, an accused anti-Semite, wrote: “an anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.”). First off, the Jew should not be all that confused when the European he’s trying to destroy distrusts him. But secondly, the hard truth is that Europe is becoming less safe for Jews, regardless of who is in charge. And in fact, the perpetrators of day-to-day anti-Semitic attacks are Muslims. Leftist rule has only ensured a growth in the Muslim population in Europe, which, as we have seen when Israel conducts operations against the Palestinians, spells doom for Europe’s Jews. The Muslims in Europe are the ones who have brought back the pogroms of old. At least the Right has pledged to stem immigration from the Middle East.

In short, I do not think the “who’s better for the Jews” question is relevant here. The short answer is: probably no one. [However, the majority of the far-Right parties in Europe have rooted out all traces of Nazism and anti-Semitism, and are often vigorously pro-Israel, unlike their Leftist counterparts who criticism Israel at every turn].

That being said, with the Jewish question set aside, why don’t Jews about the European civilization and people as an issue in it of itself? The displacement of a people is no small exploit, especially a people that has played such a critical role in human history in the creation of Western civilization. With Europeans’ dwindling birthrates, the necessity to preserve the national identity of the European peoples becomes ever more important. Jews, whose homeland is the world’s shining example of the ethno-nation state, should be at the forefront of this fight. Jews, who understand better than most people the importance of continuation and preservation, should be at the forefront of the fight for Europe. It is selfish to stay out, and hypocritical to counter.

Unfortunately, the Jews seem to be on the wrong side. Again.

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Do American Conservatives Want Regime Change? And What Would That Look Like?

Michael Anton writes for the summer 2023 edition of the Claremont Review of Books:

The core problem with discussing solutions to truly momentous problems, at least from the right, is that anything that might work is too fundamental and astounding to gain a fair hearing. What’s more, even stating such possibilities is more likely than not to get the speaker canceled. Whereas anything that can be discussed openly is all but certain not to work…

Not just coming up with solutions, but communicating them in a way your audience understands, without getting yourself killed, calls for the most delicate judgment, a fine literary hand, and prudence that would impress Aristotle himself.

So what are the things that might improve life in the first world that are unsayable?

* We have to recognize harshness of life and people. I’m more of a Hobbesian (who saw the state of nature as brutal) than a Lockean (who saw the state of nature as leading to cooperation). Recognizing the flawed and selfish nature of people means we need ways of disciplining people. We need to give people incentives for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior.

* Recognition of the tribal nature of people.

* Recognition that almost nobody cares about out-groups.

* Recognition that the more people have in common, the more likely they are to feel at ease with each other and to cooperate.

* Recognition of the power of hero systems. Everybody has a hero system. Most people get it from their community, noted Ernest Becker. Liberalism and leftism are the hero systems that thinks they have transcended hero systems. Most people seem unaware that their hero system is a product of contingent circumstances, and it is this subjective hero system that drives liberals to condemn imaginary sins such as racism, bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia and the like while people on the right condemn sins that are imaginary from a liberal perspective such as gay sex and trans identity and drug experimentation.

* We live in a post-modern world. There’s no one narrative that adequately explains reality. Still, some narratives are more helpful for group cohesion than others. We should promote those (nationalist narratives).

* We’re all locked in an iron cage together and nobody is coming to save us. To survive, you want to become as strong as possible because you never know what might happen. The most important task for a nation-state is to survive.

* Different people have different gifts. Different plants and animals have different gifts. Different dog breeds have different gifts. When dogs kill people, those dogs are usually rottweilers and pit bulls. When people kill people outside of war, these killers are usually from a group easy to identify — young dumb men with gloomy prospects. We should regularly stop and frisk them as per predictive protocols. We need broken-windows policing.

* The more stable and cohesive you are, the better. The more divided and unstable your competitors, the better for you. We need government and social policy that incentivizes cohesion and social trust. So that means policies that reward hard work and punish slacking, that reward achievement and hurt those who act in an anti-social manner. For example, much of help for the homeless and the poor should be conditioned on regular drug and alcohol testing. For privileges such as drinking alcohol, gun ownership and drivers licenses and some forms of welfare and perhaps even the right to have children, people should need a number of law-abiding citizens vouch for them. Most horrible behavior, such as murder, comes from people who lack bonds. We should incentivize people to form bonds so that they can then enjoy the good things of life. We need to supplement our individualist society with prompts towards forming groups that take care of each other. We should allow churches and synagogues and other groups to offer health insurance and other benefits to its exclusive members. We need to get rid of much of the civil rights legislation passed in the 1960s and beyond and return to the traditional rights of private property and freedom of association.

* For the normal person embedded in a group, his purported racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, prejudice and the like are not the opposite of morality, but the proper foundation for morality. This bloke loves specific people and is loved by them and thus he has an in-group and a hero system and everything he needs for meaning and morality. Such a person is less likely to engage in reckless behaviors than those who are unmoored.

* “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is to Jewish civilization, Islamic civilization and Japanese civilization.” (Maj. Kong)

* You could do worse than the TV show Yellowstone for wisdom about life:

* “Until they find a cure for human nature, a man must stand with his people.”

* “Mister, I don’t know you, but if you’re wearin’ that brand, you must be a bad man.”

* “Should is a useless word, almost as useless as hope.”

* “A man who puts a hand on a member of my family never puts a hand on anything else.”

* “No one has a right. You have to take a right, or stop it from being taken from you.”

* “Lawyers are the swords of this century. Words are weapons now.”

* “It’s the one constant in life. You build something worth having, someone’s gonna try to take it.”

* “All men are bad, but some of us try really hard to be good.”

* Marginalized movements attract marginalized people. Nothing great can be built by losers.

* There are no solutions. Only tradeoffs. (Tom Sowell)

* There’s no magic key to unlocking how the world works. The closest thing we have to a magic key to reality is the predictive power of IQ for large groups. Goodness, for example, requires empathy, which is a form of abstract thought, and the capacity for abstract thought is measured by IQ. If a thousand 80 IQ people spill a drink on the floor of a public gathering, a thousand 100 IQ people spill the same amount of liquid, and a thousand 120 IQ people spill the same amount, the higher IQ groups will be more diligent about cleaning up the spill.

* If you want to preserve native life, you have to restrict invasive species.

* If it becomes socially acceptable for minority groups to pursue their own interests without regard to the majority’s interests, majorities will start acting in their own interests without regard for minorities (see India under Narendra Modi).

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