Resisting History: Historicism and Its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought

Peter E. Gordon reviews this 2003 book by UCLA professor David N. Myers: * Historicism, as Meinecke and Troeltsch meant it, was born as a specifically German romantic reaction against the Enlightenment’s idea of a single, universal human nature. The historicists faulted this notion for neglecting important differences of culture and tradition, as if truth were something atomistic and dissociable from its surroundings. The historicists championed instead a version of contextualist holism: the meaning of an idea was determined entirely by the historical horizon which it was the duty of the historian to reconstruct. At times, the contextualist emphasis verged on relativism, as when the great German historian Leopold von Ranke declared that “all epochs are equally close to God.” At other times, however, historicists saw the various moments of history as strung together according to an evolutionist principle, as when Dilthey traced the development of Hegel’s “mystical pantheism,” or Meinecke tried to show how German nationalism emerged from (and rejected) cosmopolitanism. Whether these two tendencies, relativist and evolutionist, could cohere into one doctrine is not obvious. Isaiah Berlin tried to show that Herder, who is often seen as an early historicist thinker, was generously pluralist in cultural out look, but to do so he minimized Herder’s idea that some cultures were superior to others. Historicism, then, meant different things, and critics dissenting from part of the doctrine did not necessarily reject it all.

Myers uses “historicism” in the more capacious sense, and this permits him to cast all four, Cohen, Rosenzweig, Strauss, and Breuer, as “anti historicists,” even while he clearly discerns the many differences among them.

* Franz Rosenzweig argued that the Jews exist “beyond” profane history, and that Jewish life exemplifies “eternity in the midst of time.” Myers sees in this idea Rosenzweig’s continued allegiance to his teacher Cohen, since both thinkers cleave to an ideal outside empirical history.

* Myers is also the author o? Re-Inventing the Jewish Past, an indispensable study of the so-called Jerusalem School, which was surely the most consequential institution of Jewish historical scholarship in the twentieth century. It is a fitting irony, then, that Myers himself has now turned a historical eye upon those modernist philosophers and theologians who “resisted” rather than “re-invented” Jewish history. It turns out, however, that these movements are two sides of a single coin. Myers readily acknowledges the irony that he is writing a “history” of thinkers who sought to escape history. But, more importantly, he grants that all of these ostensibly “anti-historicist” thinkers in fact occupied a rather more
complex “middle ground.” While their objections to historicism often resemble or even reiterate the traditionalist view that the “Jews, uniquely, inhabited the realm of sacred history,” Myers also notes that all four of the book’s major figures were trained in the modern university and they “found it impossible to avoid the methods and logic of historicism.” For “[t]hey invariably constructed historical narratives in order to chart their own theological or philosophical course.” And so, Myers concludes, “their best anti-historicist intentions were tempered by deeply ingrained and ultimately inescapable historicist impulses.”

* Myers’s true thesis is that there is no real escape, since “historicism permeates our very mode of cognition, our way of ordering and explaining the past.” The title of the book? resisting history is thus quite revealing. The thinkers that Myers has picked out for sustained attention are by no means ahistorical or anti-historical, and although they were deeply troubled by historicism, they could hardly forswear its logic. This, then, was protesting too much. It is, indeed, “resistance” in the psychoanalyst’s sense, an inner cathexis that shows up as outward hostility.

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Under Pressure

Noble Lies (12-25-20)

The Rise Of The New Right – From Barry Goldwater To Donald Trump (9-8-20)

00:00 What does it mean to put first things first?
08:30 Historian Rick Perlstein
15:20 Mom Demands Answers After Son Beaten To Death In Jail,
20:50 Biden Says He’ll ‘Go Down Fighting,’ Then Talks About ‘Losing’,
22:00 Sailer: How Santa Monica Cops Thwarted Looter Caravans of Rented Cars
28:30 2 Liberals on Why Trump Will Win (Bret Weinstein),
33:35 Rick Wiles on why Antifa is not designated as a terrorist organization
42:45 Michele Bachmann Says Biden Will Collapse the U.S. Economy and Impose Communism
57:00 Kramer won’t wear an AIDS ribbon
1:12:10 Colin Liddell joins
2:00:00 CV Vitolo “Haddad”: Another Academic Racial Fraud?
2:05:30 Bill Gates
2:26:00 Tucker Carlson on Trump ending racial indoctrination in federal government
The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan
Reaganland: America’s Right Turn 1976-1980

The Rise Of The New Right – From Barry Goldwater To Donald Trump II (9-9-20)

00:00 Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America,
07:30 Will America Survive 2020? Special Guest: Michael Anton – JML #032,
30:15 Episode 1118 Scott Adams: Polls, Antifa Versus BLM, My Police Brutality Solution, Shy Trump Voters,
35:00 Mike Cernovich predicts a Trump landslide
54:00 Paul Gottfried on Antifa, BLM, the Culture Wars, and Conservatism,
1:00:50 Doov vs Jenn on Week of Review,
1:15:00 Rod Dreher and Andrew Sullivan: Live Not by Lies,
1:31:00 The alt-right manifesto that has Trumpworld talking,
1:41:40 Former White House Stenographer Says Biden Is A ‘Shell Of His Former Self’,
1:55:00 Big Tech’s war on free speech,
2:10:00 Morris Berman on the collapse of the American empire,
2:14:10 Ramzpaul says avoid honey traps,
2:22:35 Tucker Carlson: Trump wants our troops out of the Middle East
2:42:00 Fred Luskin: ” Happier Folks Get More Done with Less Stress; So Can You”,

VC Vitolo-Haddad (Lexi Transexual): Another White Academic Claims To Be Black (9-10-20)

00:00 I interviewed a transsexual academic who turns out to be trans racial
02:00 CV Vitolo-Haddad (Lexical Transexual) Interview from May 25, 2018,
45:50 Netflix film ‘Cuties’ shows left’s push to normalize childhood sexuality,
50:00 Examiner: Trump has the momentum as Biden looks rattled,
53:00 Game Time 2020,
1:02:20 Why does the AR embrace outrage porn?
1:08:00 Jared Taylor on identity politics
1:20:00 Paul Gottfried on Trump vs the military industrial complex,
1:26:30 Tucker Carlson on anarchists shutting down America
The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan
Reaganland: America’s Right Turn 1976-1980

The House Of Windsor Netflix Documentary (11-20-20)

00:00 The House of Windsor
10:00 Robert Lawrence joins,
20:00 The Anti-Christ world system
49:00 Patrick Little
1:05:30 Truth is the Only Client: The Official Investigation of the Murder of John F. Kennedy
1:08:00 German doctor, covid-skeptic, arrested during Youtube livestream
1:10:40 Michael Tracey talks to Robert Barnes about election fraud,
1:21:00 OnlyFans and the Changing Face of Pornography,
1:27:00 Banned words on Only Fans

The One Decisive Moment In American History – When WASPs Surrendered Their Sovereignty (12-19-20)

00:00 The turning point
02:00 Michael Walzer,
08:00 Jews in the American Academy, 1900-1940: The Dynamics of Intellectual Assimilation,
29:00 Philosopher Richard J. Bernstein,
42:20 Jewish Scholars at The New School,
44:50 Chris Dorsey on the Vaccine and The Synagogue Of Satan
50:00 After a professor wrote about hating white people, Rutgers considers the limits of free speech,
1:02:00 Southern Dingo calls out race traitors such as Matt Heimbach
1:28:00 Greg Gutfeld and co: Is Hunter ok?
1:34:25 Ramzpaul on nationalism,
1:38:40 Josh/Null from Kiwi Farms vs Ethan Ralph,
1:43:00 Josh from Kiwi Farms,
2:02:00 Angelo John Gage: To All the Covid Tough Guys
2:03:00 Andy Nowicki: Calling all simps!
2:14:00 No White Guilt
2:24:00 Philosopher Richard J. Bernstein on Hans Jonas,
2:25:00 A Jewish Army to fight Hitler,

The Epic Story of the Second World War (11-21-20)

00:00 Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941,
08:00 The Royal House of Windsor,
24:00 Tucker Carlson vs Sidney Powell
28:00 Erik Wemple: Hey MAGA folks: Don’t bail on Tucker!,
33:50 Styx On Cucker Carlson and Other Establishment Hacks “Demanding” Evidence Prior to Litigation,
49:00 If Republicans thought the Dems were going to cheat, why weren’t Republicans ready?
51:00 Tearful MAGA caller to Rush says Trump has never let them down
54:50 Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks endorses bestiality
56:00 Nick Fuentes counter-signals Tucker Carlson
1:06:50 Video: My thoughts on the Richard Spencer vs Nick Fuentes rivalry within the nationalist right,
1:12:00 The Duo That Defeated the ‘Diversity Industry’,
1:13:00 Sam Hyde: Jocko and Rogan Have No Real Solution For You (Sam Hyde Podcast),
1:17:00 Rick Wiles counter-signals Tucker Carlson
1:18:45 Dr. John E Sarno – 20/20 Segment
1:26:00 Howard Stern’s Eulogy for Dr. Sarno
1:31:00 Dr. Sarno Methodolgy Lecture,
1:38:00 Mersh not thrilled with Matt Heimbach and others playing out of the anti-extremist handbook,
1:42:30 NWG: Avoid The Wignats
1:49:45 Ramzpaul is not an ethno-nationalist,
1:51:10 The Big Rig with Richard Spencer, Edward Dutton,

#22 Peter Strzok, MPC VS TRS, Decline Of WASPs, Stanley Kubrick

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The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation

Here are some excerpts from this 2019 book:

* GOSSIP and reputation are core processes in all human societies. Consequently, humans invest a great amount of effort to keep track of others’ reputation and to effectively manage their own. This is especially true in the contemporary world. New technologies increased the number of potential partners and interactions and changed the way we deal with information about others. Reputation management companies and specialists are no longer employed only by movie stars and firms’ CEOs, but these services are required by more and more people. According to Forbes, 82% of executive recruiters report that positive information found online can improve a candidate’s job prospects, but also that firms risk losing more than 20% of business when potential customers find a negative review on their first page of search results. In the offline world, positive or negative reputations result from gossip, which is a primary source of information about others, and it is also a very popular activity, widespread across time and culture.

Gossip and reputation are multifaceted social phenomena. As theoretical constructs, they share several characteristics that pose a challenge for attempts to get a grip on them. First and foremost, both are part of a triadic relation, in which at least three types of actors “engage” with each other. Gossiping requires somebody (a sender) conveying information about a third party (object) to somebody else (receiver); having a reputation implies that the information we receive about someone’s presumed qualities has been generated by somebody else. It involves at least three relational acts: an act of attribution, in which someone attaches an (evaluative) quality to someone else (e.g., Vaidyanathan, Khalsa, & Ecklund, 2016); an act of sharing, in which this attribution is communicated (Hallett, Harger, & Eder, 2009) to others; and an act of perception in which this attribution is recognized and understood as such by a receiver (p. 2) (Kuttler, Parker, & LaGreca, 2002). In the case of gossip, an additional condition is that it requires the absence of the third party, that is, secrecy at the moment of transmission. Any attempt to systematically observe these phenomena in real-life or in the lab will have to find a way to capture this combination of attribution, communication, and perception in triadic structures. In addition to psychological complexity, the triadic and relational aspects of gossip and reputation also come with structural complexity. For example, for the individuals involved to disclose sensitive or evaluative third-party information, power differences matter (Ellwardt, Wittek, & Wielers, 2012; Jeuken et al., 2015).

Second, in most societies the act of gossiping, but also of strategically “managing” one’s own reputation or “damaging” the reputation of others, tends to be normatively regulated and morally laden (Alfano & Robinson, 2017; Bertolotti & Magnani, 2014; Fernandes, Kapoor, & Karandikar, 2017; Peters & Kashima, 2015; Radzik, 2016). The discourse on gossip illustrates this nicely, since for each negative view on gossip, there is a positive one. According to the philosopher Henry Lanz: “In gossip we are pleased to discuss other people’s faults, seldom their merits. We thus seem to enjoy evil for evil’s sake. For we are pleased by faults and errors. We are content to see them endure and grow. We are eager to augment their number and to exaggerate their importance” (Lanz, 1936, p. 494). In contrast, Robin Dunbar, who posited that gossip could have played a major role in the evolution of language, believes that gossip is “the central plank on which human sociality
is founded” (2004, p. 109). Similarly, whereas many emphasize effective reputation management as the key to success for individuals and firms, others point to the “dangerous art of impression management.”

Third, the moral connotation of both phenomena is related to the fact that they require agency of those involved and therefore allow strategic behavior. Individuals may deliberately spread lies about others (Seki & Nakamaru, 2016), or they may attempt to manipulate the image others have about them. Although gossip has been described as “cheap talk” (Coleman, 1990), it is evident that not everybody will share everything about any third party with anyone else: selective disclosure can be of tremendous strategic value for furthering the interests of oneself or one’s group (Burt, 1992). Consequently, assessing the veracity of gossip (Hess & Hagen, 2006; Kuttler, Parker, & La Greca, 2002) becomes a challenge of its own.

Fourth, judging from the evidence that has been compiled so far, gossip and reputation are truly multipurpose social phenomena. As the chapters in this Handbook also demonstrate, the list of their potential “functions” for individuals and groups is impressive, ranging from their impact on emotions and the fulfilment of basic human needs to the cohesion of groups and human sociality in general.

Fifth, the wide-ranging impact of gossip and reputation may stem from the pivotal role they have played in human evolution (e.g., Massar, Buunk, & Rempt, 2012). Their evolutionary base may explain not only the strong emotional and neurophysiological reactions they can trigger (Anderson et al., 2011; Brondino, Fusar-Poli, & Politi, 2017; Peng et al.,
2015), but also account for the distinct variations in their behavioral base and impact between the sexes or along social hierarchies.

Finally, whereas recent research provides evidence for cross-cultural measurement invariance for (workplace) gossip (Brady, Brown & Liang, 2017) and for reputation as a “universal currency for human social interactions” (Milinski, 2016), the antecedents, processes, and consequences of gossip and reputation are highly context dependent. This holds not only for differences across cultures (Henrich et al., 2006; Marlowe et al., 2008), but also across other kinds of social collectives. For example, the incidence, content, form, and function of gossip and reputation may vary depending on the social-structural environment, such as the kind and degree of (inter)dependence in organizations or communities or the socioeconomic position of those involved.

Despite their importance in social life, academic interest in gossip and reputation has developed relatively recently. In 1993, Bromley wrote, “Reputation is a phenomenon of considerable social and scientific importance, but the interest shown in it by writers and by ordinary people has not been paralleled by an equivalent degree of interest shown by social and behavioural scientists” (Bromley, 1993, p. 8). A similar concern was shared by Goodman (1994), who wrote in the introduction to his edited volume on gossip that “until recently, philosophers and social scientists have paid scant attention to gossip” (p. 1). Still in 2004, Wert and Salovey wrote in their introduction to the Special Issue on Gossip
published by the Review of General Psychology that “Gossip matters to all things social, yet social scientists have been slow to pursue its secrets” (p. 76).

Gossip, Internet-Based Reputation Systems, and Governance

The eBay electronic market provides one of the most interesting examples of Internetbased reputation systems, and it is also the most widely researched. Founded in 1995, today it has over 160 million active users around the world, generating close to one billion yearly listings. One key of its success is the fact that both sellers and buyers might write an
assessment, or “feedback”, on each other, which can be positive, neutral, or negative. The percentage of positive feedbacks received in the previous 12 months forms an index of reputation of sort. In a situation where otherwise there would be ample room for cheating, this feature provides incentives to behave honestly, to be efficient, and to invest in quality.
Similar mechanisms are in place in many electronic markets, and all Internet-based reputation systems share some of the key characteristics of eBay. Such Internet-based systems serve as tools to process reputationally relevant information in situations where traditional word-of-mouth would not work, because of the impersonal nature of the relationship among
participants who are typically geographically scattered.

* First, according to a point of view originating in Dunbar (1996), “gossip [is] a mechanism for bonding social groups, tracing these origins back to social grooming among primates” (Dunbar, 2004). According to Baumeister et al. (2004), gossip “can convey valuable information to the hearer about culture and society” and it spurs cultural learning, and several studies (for example, Gottman and Mettetal, 1986) sustain that gossip serves to promote group solidarity. In revealing “personal information about the gossiper”, gossip “communicates to the listener that he or she is trusted” (Bosson et al., 2006) and helps “cement and maintain social bonds” (Baumeister et al, 2004). Also, (negative) gossip ties persons together by providing opportunities for downward social comparisons, which, in turn ”can boost self esteem”. Bosson et al. (2006) (referring to Wert and Salovey, 2004) note that “by gossiping with a potential friend about her dislike of a third person, the gossiper signals to the gossipee that she considers him an in-group member, which should promote self-esteem and grease the wheels of their friendship.”

In fact, gossip might grease human interactions also precisely because it is perceived to be ethically wrong. Ego pays a cost in case alter exposes him as a gossiper, so that gossip might function as a bond of trust between ego and alter. Alter shares the moral blame with ego, to the extent that he approvingly accepts to hear the gossip, and even more so when, as it
often happens, roles are interchanged in a “gossiping session”. Willingly assuming the moral cost of gossiping, and the possibility of reciprocally exposing each other to the social stigma which accompanies such activity, facilitates cooperation by bonding ego and alter. For all these reasons, even negative gossip, far from having the merely destructive role that it is often assumed, might actually positively affect organizational output, and encourage cooperation beyond the direct effects of the reputational information that it disseminates.

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The Rise & Fall Of Jordan Peterson (12-24-20)

00:00 The Rise of Jordan Peterson (2019)
12:20 Jordan on the Jews
21:00 Jordan’s health problems,
1:12:40 Ed Dutton and Richard Spencer’s podcast,
1:14:00 IQ Denial
1:26:00 Geographic chauvinism, Los Angeles vs San Francisco
1:38:00 The Ripper documentary,
2:19:40 The AR Optics debate,

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Not only Trolls are Trolling the Internet: A study on dark personality traits, online environment, and commentary styles

From this new paper:

* These are “Trolls” (their motive is to seek attention/revenge and are suggested to have person-ality traits associated with Sadism, low self-esteem, low conscience, and a low moral compass), “Lurkers” (they visit various forums but refrain from writing messages or comments), and “Posters” (they use forums to reveal per-sonal information that often relates to sex life, sexuality, fantasies, family problems, and personal problems, varying in motives).

* Dark traits can predict what kind of approach and values a person has towards others… The first of the three traits is “Machiavellianism” (Mach), characterized by often having a cynical worldview and by striving for power, money and status; they often are cold and pragmatic, and use false play and manipulation. They can be charming, cun-ning, strategic, enthusiastic and deficient in morals. The sec-ond of these traits is “Narcissism” (Narc), characterized by seeking attention and admiration, by being arrogant and ex-hibitionistic, and by striving for power and leadership. They often feel superior, dominant and self-righteous. They can be charismatic, productive and inspiring. Thirdly, “Psy-chopathy” (Psych), characterized by often being cold, and by being manipulative, and impulsive. They often have a low degree of empathy and little feelings of guilt… Studies have also suggested that Sadism should be included in the set of dark traits… Apart from the first three traits, Sadism can predict insensitivity to the suffering of others, and can also predict insensitivity when to “strike back” when threatened. Sadism also has shown a unique relation to Internet Trolling and to sexuality. The unique aspect of Sadism is that the individual enjoys the suffering of others.

The anonymity aspect of the online environment is reported to affect the behavior on internet (Seigfried-Spellar & Lank-ford, 2018). This could be due to de-individuation processes (Demetriou & Silke, 2003), inducing a state where individuals feel anonymous among many people. Postmes and Spear (1998) claim that de-individuation must not necessarily lead to unethical behavior on the Internet. However, de-individuation may lead to online disinhibition effects, meaning that in anonymity, communication is more uninhibited than in a face-to-face communication (Clark-Gor-don, Bowman, Goodboy, & Wright, 2019). Measures of Online Environment (OE) can be de-scribed with three subcategories (Ritter, 2014). One is “Acceptability” (relates to the hegemonic culture of the forum. Individuals who score high on OE-acceptability may feel it is okay to express themselves with both prejudice and sexist comments). A second is “Aloneness” (encourages harassment, as the OE is lacking social codes, creating inhibitory effects. Individuals do not feel they need to follow ordinary social norms and can write whatever they want). The third is “Anonymity” (neutralizes status disparities and makes individuals feel invisible while also reducing personal responsibility. Individuals participate in more risky behavior and treat people any way they want since no one knows who they are).

…The results showed that particularly Trolling (malicious posting) had significant correlations with almost all four dark personality traits. Controlling for dark personality traits, Sadism and Machiavellianism remained as the strongest predictors for Trolling. This is in line with Buckels et al.’s (2014) results that also showed a strong correlation with the Internet behavior style, and it provides more evidence of the importance of the role of especially dark personality traits. Not surprisingly, it seems that hard-minded people post more malicious content. Similarly, two of the dark personality traits, Sadism and Psychopathy, co-varied strongly with Posting (regular reading and posting on forums). Interestingly, it seems that hard-minded people also post more in conventional styles.

When the Online Environment was investigated as a mediator in these relationships, only trivial effects were found. This means that personality behind posting behaviors generally cannot be explained by how people see or feel or perceive their online environment on Internet forums. The one exception was Acceptability, which describes tolerance to harmful and socially unacceptable behavior on the Internet (Ritter, 2014), which had a small mediating effect explaining Psychopathy and conventional Posting. This study makes several contributions to research on individual behavior on the Internet. First, this study shows that an individual’s behavior on the Internet can be predicted by dark personality traits. The fact that Trolling is related to the dark traits is already known, but what is of interest is that these dark traits (especially Sadism and Psychopathy) are also represented in the regular Posters. Second, the present study also shows in an exploratory way that Online Environment cannot explain the relationship between the dark traits and the posting behavior. It seems that personality traits are “all it takes” for Internet commentary styles.

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