Worthwhile Canadian Initiative (6-21-22)

00:20 I got so mad at my friend because his flaws reminded me of my flaws
1:10 Remember when Stephen Colbert was funny?
18:00 Why can’t Nancy Pelosi condemn attacks on churches?
24:00 Uvalde police pathetic response
49:00 How to have sex while you have Monkeypox
52:00 The world’s most boring headline, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1986/05/14/in-search-of-the-worlds-most-boring-headline/a8902389-3f17-4c61-84b3-142e23412129/
59:00 KMG on another Worthwhile Canadian Initiative, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjSOXoLo7k8
1:07:00 KMG’s 500th show
1:12:00 New book on Clarence Thomas
1:14:40 Oil refineries are making a windfall. Why do they keep closing?, https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/06/20/refineries-profit-gas-prices/
1:20:00 Tom Luongo & Halsey English on the elite crashing our world, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2qZAFYdUko&t=1189s&ab_channel=HalseyNewsNetwork
1:33:00 L33T THEORY (Explained by Nick Fuentes, refuted by Luke Ford)
1:43:00 Edward Dutton’s Wife calls me a Nutter

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The fall of porn icon Ron Jeremy (6-21-18)

People don’t understand that Ron Jeremy, like Uncle Wally, is a nice guy, down to earth, helpful, funny, just great fun to be with when he’s not raping you. People get so hung up on the rape thing, but that’s just a part of Ron.

I had dinner with Ron Jeremy (and Jasmine St. Claire) at the Rainbow Room and he never tried anything. Just a perfect gentleman. He didn’t use my vagina like his personal masturbation device.

It’s like you rape 87 women and then you’re known as the rapist, no matter your other accomplishments. Ronny almost got a masters degree in Education.

If you can’t believe in Ron Jeremy, who can you believe in? It seems that all our heroes have clay feet. Even Nick Fuentes.

We have to stop destroying our heroes. Who will our kids look up to now?

I’m so sick and tired of globalist elites tearing down authentic American heroes.

Where does this madness end? Love is love.

Most of the time, it wasn’t even rape rape, it was just rape and sometimes it was only rapey.

When you’re at the Rainbow Room and Ron Jeremy asks you if you know where the kitchen is, and you don’t want to get raped, just say no.

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The Monster Inside (6-19-22)

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Richard Spencer’s Vision To Remake The World With A New Religion (6-19-22)

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Spooky Chatter About China Invading Japan, Australia and America (6-17-22)

00:45 Florida woman who found Ashley Biden’s diary in ‘halfway house’ is under FBI investigation for SELLING the journal in which president’s daughter recalled ‘showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’ and details of her drug and sex addiction, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10896941/Florida-woman-Ashley-Bidens-diary-investigation-selling-it.html
23:20 KMG returns! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjpUILL4cE4
27:00 James Howard Kunstler: How low can you go? https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/how-low-can-you-go/
53:30 Norm Macdonald The Ventriloquist

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