What was wrong with Hillary Clinton’s eyes during Philly speech?

REPORT: During a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared to have something quite off about her appearance.

Hillary’s eyes appeared not in-sync with one another, as the left eye looked to be cock-eyed and displaced, especially as she looked towards the left.

A montage of Hillary’s eye-catching moments before a small group of Temple University students can be seen below in footage by The American Mirror.

Do you see Hillary’s cock-eyed moments?

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‘70% of European Jews won’t go to shul on High Holy Days despite heightened security’

Perhaps Jews should rethink their support for Muslim immigration into the First World? Muslims tend to hate Jews more intensely than goyim do.

Jerusalem Post: “The challenge for most of the Jewish communities has doubled in recent months,” stated Rabbi Margolin. He cited an increase in attacks on Jewish individuals, institutions and communities, which he partly blamed on the influx of refugees to Europe. He also pointed to a growing influence of the far right across the continent.

“Currently the focus of the extreme right and their activity is focused on Islamophobia, but testimonies of rabbis and community leaders show a great deal of concern about growing nationalism and xenophobia, also against the Jews of Europe,” Rabbi Margolin warned.

Margolin called for the European Union and governments across the continent to increase educational efforts in the fight against anti-Semitism. “counter-terrorism is of course an important measure to save lives – but not enough to solve the problem from the root. As long as there will not be an educational effort focused on the elimination of anti-Semitism, the problem will continue,” he asserted.

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Do You Have A Chest Flu?

People all around me are coming down with pneumonia. They often get a chest x-ray and a prescript for Levaquin, which often makes them feel worse. Here are some sample reviews on this drug:

* I started having trouble about 1 month after i finished my prescription. I have severe joint pain from my hips down. I was a very active person, walking 6-7 miles a day, now i barely get 2 because my feet & knees hurt so bad

* Prescribed Levaquin for 5 days. 5 to 10 days after completing medication, which killed the pneumonia, I started to have joint pain. Now, over two months after taking this medication I am pretty much disabled. I have what is now called Fluoroquinolone induced tendonapathy in my shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles. I also suffer from neurological changes that effect my sense of touch and I feel like I am suffering from mild electric shocks all over my body. I wish I would not have been given this antibiotic. It has slowly destroyed my quality of life.

* Permanently damaged and disabled from 500mg x 2 levaquin. Check the black box warnings. I was healthy young person. Started experiencing side effects a few hours after administration. Adverse reactions got worse. it’s been almost 5 YEARS and have bodywide peripheral neuropathy, bodywide tendonosis, dry mouth eyes, nose, tinnitus, crepitus all over. The drug is poison and destroys human as well as bacterial mtDNA. Just google “Fluoroquinolone toxicity.” There are safer alternatives for pneumonia. Don’t ruin your life with this garbage that the FDA has failed to remove from the market.

* Hospitalized with fever. Took it for 3 days. Doctor couldn’t find out where or what type of bacteria I had. This medicine is definitely the highest form of antibiotic for bacteria or infected by anthrax. Leaves a bad foul nasty taste in your mouth and when you blow your nose. Made me so sick to my stomache, it made me cough up bad tasting phlemg and gag at the same time. Doctors need to really take this medicine more seriously. I refuse to take anymore of this crap.

* Stay away from this medicine!!! It’s horrible!!! It caused me to develop depersonalization/depression. It also made me feel anxious and confused. I really haven’t been the same since I took it.

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Are Young Professionals Minyanim a way for Ashkenazim to separate from Sephardim?

Will the Young Professionals Minyan be the last stand for implicit white identity?

Chaim Amalek writes: “I think it is more a way for young (20-34), professionally employed people (doctors, etc.) to separate themselves from everyone else. Not a scene that would welcome either one of us.”

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Did the Famous Sailor Sexually Assault the Famous Nurse?

Dennis Prager writes: The most famous American photo of World War II is undoubtedly that of the four Marines planting the American flag on Iwo Jima. The second most famous is probably the legendary photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt’s picture of an American sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square in New York City, when people were celebrating Japan’s surrender.
The kiss was not, of course, merely a peck on the cheek. If it were, no photo would have been taken. And if one were, no one would have remembered it. The sailor clearly grabbed the nurse. She is leaning backward, bent at the waist; he is holding her up with both hands around her waist.
The photo has been back in the news because the woman, identified as Greta Zimmer Friedman, died on Sept. 8, at age 92. She was 21 when the picture was taken.
The sailor, later identified as George Mendonsa, mistook Friedman’s dental assistant uniform for that of a nurse. He later explained that he hugged and kissed her because of his overwhelming gratitude for the work nurses had performed while he was in combat in the Navy, because of his elation over the war ending and because he had had a few drinks. As he put it, when he and Friedman were reunited in 2012 at the spot of their kiss, it was “the excitement of the war bein’ over, plus I had a few drinks, so when I saw the nurse I grabbed her, and I kissed her.”
Any American who looks at that photo today realizes just how different a time we live in.
If a man were to do that to a woman today, he would likely be charged with sexual assault, found guilty, be ordered to pay a serious sum of money to the woman, be sent to prison, be civilly sued and be labeled a sex offender — effectively ruining much of his life.
She, on the other hand, would be regarded as victim of sexual assault and labelled a survivor, and would seek psychological counseling.
Living in pre-feminist darkness, Friedman did not see it this way. As her son told the New York Daily News, “My mom always had an appreciation for a feminist viewpoint, and understood the premise that you don’t have a right to be intimate with a stranger on the street. …(But) she didn’t assign any bad motives to George in that circumstance, that situation, that time.”
One reason might be that she was a Jewish refugee from Hitler’s Europe, and, unlike feminists in America, she knew real evil.
Given the context, the act was essentially innocent. Reinforcing its innocence are the facts that the kiss was very brief and Mendonsa’s wife can be seen smiling in the background.
But in the feminist age of enlightenment in which we live, when it comes to any act of physical intimacy by a man with a woman, there is no such thing as “context.” Unless there is a verbal “yes” accompanying every act by the man, the presumption is that the intimacy was a sexual assault, a form of rape.
Thus, in today’s America, George Mendonsa is deemed to have committed an act of sexual assault. Context has no say.
On the Sarasota, Florida, waterfront there is a 28-foot statue of Mendonsa kissing Friedman. It clearly offends at least one Sarasota Herald-Tribune columnist. A few days after Friedman’s death, Chris Anderson acknowledged that the statue “represents euphoria, innocence, romance, nostalgia and a level of unity and pride this country arguably has not seen since V-J Day.” But as a someone who surely attended college and probably graduate school, he sees the darker side, saying, “Is it possible that thousands upon thousands of people over the last seven years have come to the Sarasota waterfront to unwittingly pose in front of a giant depiction of a sexual assault?”
Likewise, the writer of the New York Times obituary of Friedman felt compelled to note that “In recent years, some have noted its darker undertones.” Among the examples cited was Time Magazine, which in 2014 had written, “many people view the photo as little more than the documentation of a very public sexual assault, and not something to be celebrated.”

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