Meet the Alt-Right ‘Spokesman’ Who’s Thrilled With Trump’s Rise – Trump’s campaign has legitimized Richard Spencer’s movement, and Spencer couldn’t be happier about it

Rolling Stone: Just two weeks after Hillary Clinton delivered her August speech decrying Donald Trump’s ties to “an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right,'” the Alt-Right movement’s leaders host a press conference – a coming-out party of sorts – at Washington, D.C.’s tony Willard Hotel. Sponsored by the National Policy Institute, a small non-profit “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States,” the conference prominently features the institute’s president, Richard Spencer, a trim and tidily dressed 38-year-old with grandiose ambitions to usher in a white “ethno-state.” Spencer is joined by two older compatriots: Jared Taylor, the founder of the website American Renaissance, which promotes faux science claiming that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites, and Peter Brimelow, who once wrote for Forbes and National Review before founding VDare, an anti-immigrant site named after Virginia Dare, who is said to be the first British child born in the American colonies. The trio spends two hours holding forth on the Alt-Right’s core beliefs and its growing notoriety in the age of Donald Trump.

“We want something heroic. We want something that is not defined by liberalism, or individual rights, or bourgeois norms. We want something that is truly European and truly heroic,” Spencer says at the podium. “That is fundamentally what the Alt-Right is about.” Race, he says, “is real. Race matters, and race is the foundation of identity.”
The Alt-Right prides itself on its leaderless ethos, using social media to spread its ideology through viral memes and anonymous attacks on its enemies, real and imagined. But Spencer coined the term Alt-Right, back in 2010, and has since positioned himself as the movement’s leading intellectual and most visible spokesman.
Post-conference, Spencer invites a cluster of journalists and Alt-Right fans for drinks at the staid hotel, where he relishes being the center of attention.
Spencer says he guesses women comprise only about a fifth of the Alt-Right – an imbalance that’s obvious at the gathering, where there appears to be only one female follower amid the dozen or so men who cycle in and out.
No matter. Spencer tends to see women as manipulative figures who are best when submitting to Alt-Right virility. Women, he tweeted during the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Trump, “should never be allowed to make foreign policy. It’s not that they’re ‘weak.’ To the contrary, their vindictiveness knows no bounds.” Over drinks, he suggests that most women secretly crave Alt-Right boyfriends because they want “alpha genes” and “alpha sperm.” When a man by the bar suggests someone should write a novel about “a liberal feminist studies major falling in love with a Richard Spencer type,” Spencer suggests I write it.
More recently, in a podcast recorded after the exposure of the so-called Trump tape, Spencer scoffed at the “puritanical” criticism of Trump, saying it’s “ridiculous” to call what Trump was talking about sexual assault. “At some part of every woman’s soul,” he said, “they want to be taken by a strong man.” Pointing to how Trump said he had taken Nancy O’Dell furniture shopping, Spencer added, “Is this really the worst thing you’ve ever heard? In a way, he’s like the most gentlemanly, kindly philanderer of all time.”
Spencer has become more enthused as Trump has ramped up his claims about how his campaign represents an “existential threat” to “global special interests.” After Trump’s widely criticized speech in West Palm Beach last week, during which the GOP nominee alleged a “conspiracy” against the American people led by a “global power structure,” Spencer tweeted, “The shackles are off, and Trump is getting radical. We’ve never seen a major postwar politician talk like this.” He later amplified his appreciation of what he characterized as Trump “demystifying ‘racism’ and the financial power structure,” concluding, “No matter what happens, I will be profoundly grateful to Donald Trump for the rest of my life.”
At the Willard in September, over a Mint Julep followed by Manhattans, Spencer, whose free-wheeling style with journalists has made him the Alt-Right’s “it boy,” gabs about white nationalism and his disdain for electoral democracy. He also discusses why he supports Trump, and their shared respect for Vladimir Putin. “I admire Putin too,” he says. “Who wouldn’t?”
“I love empire, I love power, I love achievement,” he goes on, growing animated. Spencer loves imperialism so much, he says, that he’ll sometimes “get a boner” reading about Napoleon.

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What’s Wrong With Hillary?

Edward Klein writes for the Washington Times:

Mr. Obama and Ms. Jarrett have been so worried about Hillary’s health that they recently offered to arrange a secret medical checkup for her at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Hillary declined their offer because she feared a leak to the media would prove fatal to her presidential campaign. Instead, she has been secretly visiting the New York-Presbyterian Hospital, where she arrives through a private entrance out of public sight and where she can rely on her doctors not to speak to the media.
Sources close to Hillary tell me that her doctors have discovered she suffers from arrhythmia (an abnormal heart beat) and a leaking heart valve. They have recommended that she consider having valve replacement surgery, but Hillary has refused because she does not want to risk the negative political fallout from stories about such a serious operation.
In addition to the arrhythmia and leaking heart valve, Hillary suffers from chronic low blood pressure, insufficient blood flow, a tendency to form life-threatening blood clots, and troubling side effects from her medications.
Her doctors have prescribed Coumadin, a blood thinner, and a beta blocker to treat her condition. However, these medications make her drowsy and tired, lower her blood pressure, and have led to frequent bouts of light-headedness and fainting spells.
Hillary has suffered at least five fainting spells that the public is aware of, including the most recent one at the 15th anniversary memorial service of 9/11.
In addition, there have been many other incidents of fainting that have been hidden from the public.
For example, after her 11-hour testimony before the Trey Gowdy Benghazi committee, Hillary swooned as she walked to her waiting Secret Service SUV and had to be carried into the back seat by her aides.
Among Hillary’s friends, it is common knowledge that she suffers from tension headaches, sits with her feet elevated, nods off to sleep while studying her speeches, gets dizzy and has frequently stumbled and fallen at her home in Chappaqua. She asks her closest aide, Huma Abedin, to rub her shoulders and bring her cold compresses for her neck and forehead.
“Huma always kneels down, whispers to her, rubs her shoulders, and comforts her,” said one of Hillary’s closest friends. “Huma seems genuinely alarmed at her condition, and looks agonized as well.
“Hillary also has a masseuse on call to work on her legs, which give her almost constant pain,” this friend continued. “It reminds me of what I read about Jack Kennedy’s constant back problems and how they were always hidden from the public.
“Hillary’s campaign people are well aware of her problem and are doing everything possible to make her schedule as easy as possible, but it’s hard to run for president and not work hard and spend a lot of time on your feet and constantly get photographed.
“Hillary believes that for the most part the press has been very considerate, withholding the worst pictures of her, particularly the ones of her looking like she is in agony, or worse, simply confused. I’m convinced that if it was up to Bill, he would have shut down the campaign a long time ago. But Hillary would rather die than do that. I think it is fair to say that the biggest issue behind the scenes with the campaign is Hillary’s health.”

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Tabletmag on Jared Kushner: “Does he remain the type of person that others want to do business with, or socialize with, even in New York?”

Oy vey! The social consequences of supporting Donald Trump!

From Tabletmag:

Soon, very soon, barring some succession of events so awful as to surpass even the insanely high bar set this season for civic unpleasantness, Donald Trump will be consigned to the dustbin of American political history. Unless the very real and deep problems that the country is facing today—the onward march of the billionaires, a collapsing press, the spreading effects of technologies that make large sections of the workforce redundant, the decline of American power abroad, a resurgence of identity politics at home, etc.—somehow prove fatally disorienting, he will go slouching back to Mar-a-Lago. Perhaps the specter of a Trump presidency will have a lingering salutary effect on both parties, and the political fevers will break, though probably not.

Other key questions will nevertheless remain. Among those pertinent here: What will become of Jared Kushner, the Trump campaign’s smooth-faced consigliere, who just last week broke his regular observance of the Sabbath for a strategy meeting in Trump Tower to help his father-in-law (in Yiddish, mechutan) deal with a tape of his extraordinarily vulgar remarks about women? Can his role be chalked up to a more-or-­less normal sense of loyalty and ambition? Does he remain the type of person that others want to do business with, or socialize with, even in New York? Or will Kushner be held responsible, in some important ways, for his role in his father-­in­-law’s campaign?

The Times has called Kushner a “de facto campaign manager” for Donald Trump, but in a campaign that often seems rudderless, his real value may be less managerial than sensory. Trump has moderated his tendency toward bigotry and misogyny only slightly since the beginning of election season, and recent revelations have made the change seem especially superficial. Kushner, on the other hand, is a normalizing presence. His hair is a normal color. He signals his aspirations legibly, without being garish. At cocktail parties, he is pleasant. For Trump, he has been an essential go-between—a kind of human balm, useful for preventing or soothing abrasions. Trump reportedly uses him exactly this way, deploying Kushner as an emollient with corporate and political figures, including Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer; Henry Kissinger; Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto; Ronald Perelman; Paul Ryan, and numerous other Republican leaders. This past September, Kushner helped arrange a meeting between Trump and Netanyahu. A former associate of Rupert Murdoch recently told The New Yorker: “I think Jared’s been the key in getting Rupert to come around to the idea of a Trump presidency.”

But the question of what else there is to Jared Kushner remains somewhat mysterious. “It’s interesting, because [Kushner is] just like Trump in a way,” said Michael Gross, a journalist and author who has known Trump for many years. “He had this ambition to cross the river and make a mark. And yet he remained, and remains, something of a cipher. Obviously, the question is: Is there a there there?”

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Univision Bought The Onion In January

That might explain why it is rarely funny anymore.


* So… Unavision and The Root are not owned by Hispanics and blacks, but… by a Jew?

…and people wonder where these “Jews-control-the-world” “conspiracy” theories come from.

* “There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don’t have any basis in anything that’s actually happening in the world,” Obama added.

His remarks came amid an election campaign that has seen Republican candidate Donald Trump repeat ideas and take on key staff from right-wing media outlets.

They also come at the end of an eight-year presidency in which Obama has been plagued by false scandals over his place of birth that have forced him to play media-critic-in-chief.

* Trump touched “right-wing media outlets.” Eew! Cooties!

This reminds me of when Clinton (Bill) went after talk radio shock jocks. Big surprise, progressives don’t like things to the right of them.

* “Bloomberg Businessweek: Hillary’s Billionaire”

Hillary doesn’t have a billionaire. However billionaires have a Hillary.

* I don’t think a certificate of truthiness from Google or the Government will be quite as authoritative as they seem to believe. I think it would develop into the inverse of the old joke about the French Foreign Ministry: “It must be true; the Quai d’Orsay denies it.”

It must be false; the certified fact checkers say it’s true.

* Saban is wanting to take Univision public?

That means, like, I can buy shares in, among other things, the merchandizing of Alicia Machado’s thighs and ass via that sitcom she’s on (“Una familia con suerte,” innit?), right?

Will I be able to call her a porker if she, like, porks up and gets butt-ugly and is no longer a good investment?

I mean, after all, as a shareholder, won’t I own part of her and have a stake in what she does to herself?

Or is the Brave New Univision Telemundo World Order one where you are forced to buy shares in things? And the Sabans and Yellens decide what it will be worth. And you can’t sell if the investment goes sour, you just take your crash after the big boys finish skimming the cream. Plus you have to claim to like the fatsos du jour because they are the BNUTWO’s current objects of worship, and to fail to worship is not only heresy, it’s racist sexist macroaggression hate crime.

I’m almost liking this Bizarro World univision of capitalismo del sud en el norte. It’s almost worthy of the absurdity of central banking, manipulated markets, globalist diversitopian insanity, and forced idiocracy in the service of a bigger, more lucrative Hive of shoppers lugging around their own Skinner Boxes.

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Rapper’s Dead Body Taken To Strip Club For Farewell Party


NEWS: Atlanta rapper Shawty Lo‘s funeral ended just the way he would have liked … with a pit stop at the local strip joint.

Friends and family remembered Lo Friday with a memorial service followed by a procession straight to The Blue Flame Lounge … one of Shawty’s favorite strip clubs.

The video is fantastic. Lo’s hearse pulls up to the club and a mourners/patrons observe a candle-lit moment of silence.

40-year-old Shawty was killed a few weeks back when his 2016 Audi hit a tree — he was posting videos from The Blue Flame hours before his death.

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