Monsieur Hulot and the Flynn Effect

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s a photo from 1966 of my father and I trying to recreate the famous poster shot from Mon Oncle on my dad’s new Honda 90:


For decades, this photo and the uncharacteristically carefree expression on my worrywart dad’s face were vaguely associated in my mind with the words “French comedian.”


* That’s colossally depressing but largely true. That old Paris is not completely dead, but dies a little more every year.

It is really painful to see photos of great western cities during the West’s long 1880-1970 peak. We’ve got better phones and better TV shows, but living in a safe central city among your own people is something we no longer can do.

Western whites no longer engage in the big building projects we once did. So many grand marble buildings in cities like Detroit, built to last 300 years, had to be abandoned after about 30-40 years. Now we know better, that building houses and schools that will be useful for hundreds of years by our descendants is a waste. They will be nice places for a few decades, then on to the suburb another 8 miles away from the growing underclass dominated city and older suburbs.

My parents certainly could not have sent me to the public schools they went to and their parents paid very good money to build.

I watched a few French language movies recently. Almost all the movies I watch are historical dramas involving war or politics, including all of these:

1. The Battle of Algiers – Great movie, I think this was the third time I watched it.

2. Army of Crime – Good recent movie about a Resistance cell in Paris that engages in some successful terrorist attacks before they are all caught, tortured and executed. Also based on historical events. It had a fairly big budget and has some great sets showing working class Paris in 1940-41, complete with plenty of chicken and horses, as well as portraying the relationship between the public, French collaborators, and the German army in Occupied France. Lots of fun chases, explosions, capers, gunfire, etc.

3. Au revoir les enfants – Great movie too, probably too pro-((())) for many iSteve readers. But hey, you can always just root for the Nazis. I know I was rooting for the French army in the Battle of Algiers against the filmmakers’ intentions! It is interesting to see that an upper-class boarding school’s conditions were pretty primitive compared to a lower class school today.

4. Le Roi Danse – A recent big-budget movie about Louis XIV’s earlier years. I quit watching about 2/3 of the way through. It wasn’t horrible and had some good moments, and lots of expensive and pretty sets, but kind of slow paced and lacking in any action.

5. Danton – Great movie with a young Gérard Depardieu as the lead.

6. The Dreamers – Rated NC-17 for good reason. Partly in English. Not for everyone, but I liked it a lot, nobody makes movies like it in the USA. The basic plot during the near-revolution in 1968 an American student in Paris becomes friends with some weird French twins who may or may not be in an incestuous relationship with each other. The twins’ large and slightly shabby Paris mansion and literary icon father are right out of Wes Anderson’s Royal Tennanbaums and Squid and the Whale.

The next movie I will watch is also foreign, this time Swedish, the big budget multi-part Arn, about some crusaders.

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Full monologue: Donald Trump roasts Hillary Clinton at Al Smith charity dinner

RUSH LIMBAUGH: “I must, by the way, change. I said everybody looked like they were wearing a corset last night. Other than Maria Bartiromo. The rackage on display there obviously was not constrained by a corset.”

TMZ: While Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton went HAM on each other during the NYC roast/charity dinner … they were also getting upstaged by a pair of famous boobs that were expertly placed.
The Internet was rightfully distracted by Maria Bartiromo’s cleavage, which was in every shot behind the candidates at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. Organizers of the event tell us it was no mistake the FOX Business host was umm … prominently displayed.
We’re told the 70 people on the 5-tier dais were assigned seats to balance out people from politics, media, business and philanthropy. Obviously, Maria checks the media and business boxes.
Despite all visual evidence, we’re told she did NOT get the prime seat due to her fame, or her dress. Sooo … we just got lucky.


* Hillary of course got through her speech with nothing more than silence at lame jokes, while midway through the Trump speech the liberals start booing. In every context they prove their intolerance, and their inability to relax even for a second and not politicize everything.

* The “elite” in that room can go ahead and be shocked but Trump’s “no f**ks given” style is the sort of thing men said back when they wore such clothes unironically. Charles Stewart Parnell and Lord Randolph Churchill would have said equally lively things in their white tie and tails. So would FDR, JFK and perhaps even John Foster Dulles if they’d been presented with Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner’s peer group. They’d be cheering on the scrappy guy from Queens with the cabbie’s accent if they were in that room last night. Hillary, Obama and their fans want to destroy everything those white ties, silk gloves and jewelled crucifixes represent.

If Trump is ruining anything, he’s ruining the evening of a pack of cultural saboteurs and Judases try to have their cake and eat it too. Trump was simply bringing back the realness. This is what politics looks like when it’s real. Trump is the Great American Vermifuge just working his way through the system.

* Madame went through the gamut of her facial expressions: the frozen smile, the cheeky-faced pursed lips and, of course, the ever-present smirk.

If you look carefully there are outlines of “The Joker” in some of her expressions.

* When you compare Juanita Broaddrick’s description of her encounter with Hillary (far more relevant now than the one with Bill) with California’s apparently strict current law covering “dissuading a victim”, presumably stricter than Arkansas’s in 1979, it seems she expertly walked right up to the legal line on intimidation without technically crossing it.

A textbook case of plausible deniability.

Any legal minds here?

* What did Trump say? Beautiful big-boobed Bartiromo was too damn distracting!

Isn’t it funny how Trump goes for that Eastern European look rather than that dark, Mediterranean look. I mean, Melania’s beautiful, but look at 49-year old Bartiromo! On Stern a few years ago Trump talked about all the 10′s from Latin American countries. But as a young man (going for Ivana) to an older guy (going for Melania) his tastes have stayed the same. My tastes went from blond Scandinavian in my teens to dark/Asian in my 30′s.

* Our Masters are not amused. Look at their faces when he speaks the truth. This is devastating.

* Trump calling out the Pharisees in the Temple. Pretty amazing.

* I saw that too, but only because I am excessively dirty-minded.

That visual would never happen anyway, because Hillary is homosexual. I have read enough by now to be 99% certain of that. Almost all media is ignoring this fact, for what I think are a variety of reasons, such as:

1) Many voters would be turned off by it, and therefore they would refuse to help make her media-assisted coronation happen.

2) “Mrs.” Clinton’s fellow lesbians, and most others in her LGB XYZ EE I EE I OH community would be very upset that she had remained in the closet all these years while many of them bravely came out.

3) It would make it painfully obvious to everyone that Bill has just been her beard all these years (which is why she always has tacitly approved of his extracurricular activities).

* I’m sure Trump keeps a Hillary lesbian sex-tape or other type of lesbian evidence in case he needs to go full nuclear on Dems, or save his life and businesses in case he loses.
In any case the “intelligence community” must have all the goods on Huma Abedin. Thus far we only got to see his husband’s weiner. No need to explain why.

* She wasn’t the least grotesque physically earlier in her life. Just a basic bitch with an irritating voice. It’s the attempt to make her look 45 when she’s a poorly preserved 68 that has made her, as you describe, a thing of horror.

* I realize that the crowd turned him once he really started in on her, and he got boos or very muffled applause thereafter, but I think this was one of his most effective public speeches yet. It doesn’t matter what the people at the dinner thought, it matters what the people watching thought. And he did two really good things in that respect. First, he made it memorable, so it will get lots of air time (have any of you actually watched the entire dinner before? I haven’t). Second, he landed some solid hits:
“Pardon me”
“How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate Commission?”
“here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics”
“And all of the jokes were given to her in advance of the dinner by Donna Brazile.”

* I’ll believe there’s genuine animosity between Donald and Hillary when Ivanka and Chelsea break up.

* Somebody has posted an edited version of the Red Dinner on Reddit, I foresee plenty of memes coming…

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Can America Buy Israel Another 40 Years?

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More Than 250 Female Rabbis Condemn Trump For Hate Speech

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WP: Washington’s foreign policy elite breaks with Obama over Syrian bloodshed

The only member of Obama’s foreign policy team in his first term who opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq was Barack Obama himself. There’s little difference between liberal interventionism and neo-conservatism. All sides of America’s political establishment like to meddle overseas. They just use different rhetoric to justify it.

Donald Trump is against America intervening overseas unless it is in America’s national interests. He doesn’t want to nation-build and launch wars for democracy.

Washington Post:

There is one corner of Washington where Donald Trump’s scorched-earth presidential campaign is treated as a mere distraction and where bipartisanship reigns. In the rarefied world of the Washington foreign policy establishment, President Obama’s departure from the White House — and the possible return of a more conventional and hawkish Hillary Clinton — is being met with quiet relief.

The Republicans and Democrats who make up the foreign policy elite are laying the groundwork for a more assertive American foreign policy via a flurry of reports shaped by officials who are likely to play senior roles in a potential Clinton White House.

It is not unusual for Washington’s establishment to launch major studies in the final months of an administration to correct the perceived mistakes of a president or influence his successor. But the bipartisan nature of the recent recommendations, coming at a time when the country has never been more polarized, reflect a remarkable consensus among the foreign policy elite.

This consensus is driven by broad-based backlash against a president who has repeatedly stressed the dangers of overreach and the limits of American power, especially in the Middle East. “There’s a widespread perception that not being active enough or recognizing the limits of American power has costs,” said Philip Gordon, a senior foreign policy adviser to Obama until 2015. “So the normal swing is to be more interventionist.”

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