The Experts Were Wrong

I have never been this happy.

Did the Torah learning I did in Trump’s merit make a difference?

Am I a bad man for enjoying all the tears today? Let them flow like a mighty river.

It’s like… the end of Shawshank Redemption.

First we go after the Tech giants who tried to rig this election. Then the MSM, Hollywood, Wall Street, academia, ADL, SPLC, SWC.

We must expel the Fifth Column in our midst before they completely displace us. This might be our last chance.

I’m glad we didn’t have to have a military coup.

Clinton only won the popular vote because Republicans in Dem strongholds like California and New York don’t bother to vote.

A friend says: “I attended a lecture at a big NY museum given by a top top pollster with a PhD from Princeton U. He laughingly assured everyone in the audience – all young white folks with excellent academic pedigrees – that Trump had no more than a 4% chance of wiinning, and that that was putting it charitably. To him I say FUCK YOU.”

* Wolf Blitzer keeps saying “A very sad scene here as John Podesta greets staffers…”. Haha!

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World Newspaper Reactions

Washington Post:

Well america, front page of @JDeMontreal is pretty much the world’s reaction today 🙈 #USElection2016 #trumpocalypse #proudtobecanadian

— Kris C (@KrisChau) November 9, 2016

The Daily Telegraph of Sydney:

— Julia Macfarlane (@juliamacfarlane) November 9, 2016

Buenos días @elperiodico

— Josep Pedrerol (@jpedrerol) November 9, 2016

The Daily Telegraph front page. #USElections2016

— Christopher Dore (@wrongdorey) November 8, 2016

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My Journey On The Trump Express

On June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump announced he was running for president, a friend of mine listened to his speech on the radio. When we met up that morning, he told that I would love Donald Trump. He was saying all the things I was saying about problems such as illegal immigration.

That morning, I had no enthusiasm for the Donald. I didn’t take him seriously. I thought he was a joke. I dismissed my friend’s comments.

On June 28, 2015, my friend Khunrum emailed my email Advisory Committee:


Robert: “Sorry. My vote belongs to Larry Flynt.”

Fred: “There was an interesting item in the news–apparently, Trump hired a bunch of actors (extras) to show up and cheer at his announcement that he was running for president. This guy is a real piece of work.”

Robert: “I thought I saw Ron Jeremy in the back waving a sign… Shameless!”

Khunrum: “This must be a celebrity thing…I swear I saw Caitlyn Jenner.”

Robert: “It was a cross promotion for Trump’s new show Lady Boy Apprentis.”

Chaim Amalek: “He’s the only man running who understands our immigration problem and is willing to talk about it. Deep in your heart you know he’s right.”

Khunrum: “If the Don comes in second in a primary or two or even wins one they won’t able to keep him out of the debates. Donald debating the other is something I’d love to see.”

Fred: “Oh, the debates will certainly be interesting to watch.”

Robert: “They should show the debate on Comedy Central.”

Khunrum: “We’re doing our part to keep the laughs rolling here in Texas…We have our former dumbbell governor Rick Perry running (for your entertainment pleasure) and the “intellectual” in the Bush family, brother Jeb. Then there’s Rick Santorum who brought a dead baby home…plus The Donald and others….it’s going to be a gas! gas! gas!”

I didn’t bother to join this email discussion.

On July 4, 2015, I made my first mention of “Donald Trump” on Facebook and Twitter by quoting this from a friend: “The outrage over Trump’s comments is interesting to watch; I’ve seen no one actually try to refute his statement on the facts.”

That same night, I posted: “Until Trump came along all the candidates were avoiding the issue including that prancing clown Walker who was caught several times showing his open borders bonafides.”

I was skeptical that Donald Trump was for real, but I started a “Donald Trump” category on my blog July 9, 2015. From that date on, I guess, I was aboard the Trump Express.

I did not mention Trump on my Facebook from July 4 until July 17, 2015, when I liked this Youtube video (Donald Trump FULL Press Conference with families of people killed by illegal aliens). The same day I liked another video (this one by American Renaissance) entitled, “Why Donald Trump Is Leading the Pack.”

On July 14, in a private FB chat, I wrote: “blowhard trump is tapping into WN sentiments.”

Read on.

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Election Demographics

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The unmarried women statistic tells us a strong factor of support for Democrats is bitterness. As you Sailer have often remarked, that’s the go-to party for people who feel bad and want somebody to blame for their problems.

* The Sailer Strategy, though nobody calls it that. I guess a prophet really is without honor in his own country.

He got 30% of Latinos, which is interesting. 30% of Asians, too.

24% of Jews, which is actually not that bad, although not as good as Romney did. Oh well. Reading the Forward you’d think it was 4.

Married men saved the day. Maybe we’ll see changes in some of these alimony laws and I can get married. 😉

Trump won college-educated men. I think meninism is a thing now.

He won white women. Race trumps gender, which makes sense–partly inbred extended family and all that.

Steve, what are you going to do to celebrate? Take a week off and write a book on golf course architecture?

* This was an interesting piece about Chinese immigrants supporting Trump.

The author is anti-Trump, but the article is interesting. It would be ironic if Trump’s margin of victory came partly from immigrants who have no investment in America’s future, despise blacks and Latinos, and are transparently gaming America’s education system and social benefits. Maybe liberals should have considered a point system after all.

* How did the pollsters get it so wrong? They underestimated white turnout in rural areas and overestimated black and millennial voters.

I strongly believe that somebody there had good polls and knew exactly what was happening. for weeks before election. Most polls were not the mistakes. They intentionally inflated Hillary results. They were intentional to take away the steam from the supporters of Trump locomotive. Then they hoped they could steal it but somebody somewhere called it off in the week Comey reopened investigation. Possibly action of Comey was to let media readjust to the reality and give them a perfect explanation for why suddenly polls started showing Trump high. Trump was high all along. But people could blame it on Comey’s October surprise.

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Everybody Should Be Talking About Steve Sailer

In 2000, Steve Sailer wrote that the path forward for Republicans was not appealing to minorities but maximizing the white vote. That’s the strategy Trump ran on.

I just did a Google news search on “Steve Sailer” and there are few mentions of him this month. I don’t think the guy has even been profiled by the MSM. He’s the most important thinker nobody has heard of.

Peter Brimelow writes:

On Election Day, we carried my Let Us Now Praise Famous Trumps:

Donald J. Trump is infinitely better than all previous GOP nominees on’s key issue of immigration, in the sense that one is infinitely more than zero (I think that’s right—have to check the details with John Derbyshire). Nevertheless, Trump has frequently driven us crazy by forgetting to use the issue, not exploiting it enough, not remembering the details , not exploring build-outs like the deeply unpopular birthright citizenship, the need for Official English, etc. etc.

But all of that fades in the face of of his extraordinary unflinching will–in defiance of literally the entire world, including an illegal alien would-be assassin promptly dispatched down the Main Stream Media Memory Hole—and the breathtaking relentless fury of his closing campaign.

To adapt sprint coach Sam Mussabini’s line to come-from-behind winner Eric Liddell in the old movie Chariots Of Fire: It’s not the prettiest race we’ve ever seen, Mr. Trump—but certainly the bravest.

That will, that fury, and that bravery, has now been rewarded by the greatest upset in American political history.

An upset, however, that I must say has been long presaged here on It’s 16—that’s s-i-x-t-e-e-n—years (that’s YEARS) since Steve Sailer wrote for us GOP Future Depends on Winning Larger Share of the White Vote, which flew directly in the face of Karl Rove dogma and argued that inreach to the GOP’s white base was, as a matter of simple arithmetic, more important than outreach to Democrat-dependent minorities.

I was immediately interested because it extended the static analysis of immigration-driven impeding GOP doom that Ed Rubenstein and I had developed in our 1997 National Review story cover by adding the dynamic dimension—that the GOP could counter demographic drift by increasing its share of the white vote.

Absurdly, Steve’s making this simple arithmetic point caused us to be arbitrarily banned from the cuckservative site Free Republic, which back then was a big deal. Nevertheless, Steve continued exploring the issue , which we named the Sailer Strategy, posting “Slippery Six” Mid-West States Doom Romney—Because Of Low White Share after the Romney Rout in 2012. He there outlined exactly the strategy that has brought Trump to victory.

This is why we’re rich and famous.


* [Ross] Douthat tweeted a link to Steve among three he credited with seeing this coming.

* Let’s all remember to thank Steve for his tireless work in all of this.

Without Steve, there’d have been no Invade the World/Invite the World meme to hang on the elites. No understanding of the marriage gap.

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