Whites Pour Into Oregon

I was in Oregon for two Sabbaths in September of 2001. I loved it — so beautiful and clean!

Kevin MacDonald moved to Oregon in 2014.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Whites are pouring into Oregon — we’re the most moved-to state for something like six years now. They’re moving here to live around other White people in beautiful and diverse environs with an exciting big city. But they can’t admit that to themselves or say it out loud because that would make them racist, so they mouth pro-Diversity platitudes and vote Democrat to assuage cognitive dissonance and prove they’re not racist.

I can’t imagine Whites in Eugene or the Portland metro area ever admitting they chose Oregon because they heart White people.

* Bend has a lot of home equity refugees. They cashed out their home in California for an absurd price and bought something cheaper in Bend, which is quite nice. There’s also a good population of successful older people from the West side who bought a second or retirement home. The younger people are mostly outdoorsy types who are willing to live in poverty if there’s a view, and there is.

Lots of people in Oregon have an RV to take advantage of the outstanding state park system.

The downstate and East side outside of Bend still has a lot of native Oregonians, who are a good lot and astonishingly polite and friendly. But they’re also a small population compared to Portland, so swinging that 10% is a tall order. The Southern Oregon timber counties got nuked by the spotted owl 20 years ago and their economies still haven’t recovered. (I think the Josephine County sheriff’s office only has 8 hours of coverage a day.) There’s also a significant illegal immigrant population in some Willamette Valley farming areas.

* I relocated my U.S. residence to Oregon a couple of years ago.

It has all the benefits of an SWPL state, basically life here is like wearing pajamas all day, it is an eloi like existence.

But somehow, they are totally cool with gun rights and hunting. You wouldn’t believe the citizenship/residency verification for a DL, make any red state proud but they aren’t allowed to do it like a blue state. And the roads are great with very little traffic. Superlative sandwich makers too.

Maybe they will secede.

Frankly, it is much like a deer hunter state, demographically, shorn of dysfunctional rust belt cities and associated cultural heritage. If they are still part of the union, Oregon would be the likeliest west coast state to flip to Trump in 2020. Probably not worth the effort due to few EV, but it is definitely doable by a home grown brigade once Trump demonstrates that virtuous people can like him too.

* Yes, we’ve seen the hipster element in Portlandia, etc, but it is increasingly attracting deer country types as well. Most prominently in retirees, it is a haven for them, a throwback to Pleasantville.

Lots of lower middle class, lower class whites migrating out this way. This is less noticed than the Portlandia smart and sexy set, of course, same class as the media, but if anything, it is a greater trend IMO, at least because it is going unnoticed.

Like that Trump is going to win thing I told you guys about endlessly for months. Maybe now thats over I’ll start on Cascadia/Great Basin/Mountain West. Lots going on out here.

Anyhow, I talk to people. Surprising how many times the kid behind the counter in some out of the way town just moved to Oregon from anywhere and you can guess that anywhere is often Deer Hunter country even if the guy isn’t Ukrainian even if he looks like he could be.

There is an astonishing lack of southern Europeans out here, when you think about it.

Bend, Oregon and various places over the Cascades are running riot with growth and with the RV set and up as a significant component. They aren’t all California liberals over there, I’d say they are the distinct minority.

What, never heard of Bend, Oregon? Well, I never had either, but it is an interesting story although uninteresting to MSM. No guys with dreadlocks and skirts like Portlandia. But phenomenal growth.

And of course, all the Dems, it is Bernie country. I talk to these people, as one might imagine.

I have, even in the worst days of whatever the hysteria du jour was, get the Bernie Bros to respect why I supported Trump.

Because it was the same reason they supported Bernie – corrupt rigged system in the end that isn’t delivering the goods for the masses of Americans.

And then I’d tell them that I’d certainly vote for Bernie if the race came to Bernie vs. any GOPe other than Trump just as certainly as I’d vote for Trump over anyone the DNC would push reflexively and that the only honorable race possible was Bernie vs. Trump.

They’d invariably get it. They want a wrecking ball too and they only thing holding them back from Trump is peer pressure that is counter to reality due to all the propaganda during the campaign. So that cognitive dissonance will crumble eventually.

Trump can win these guys over and if anything Trump understands, it is having the cool people on your side, you don’t think he is going to target the rising youth class, the urban hipsters?

He only lost Oregon by 10%. IMO, the way sentiment was turning against Hillary, a few more days Oregon would have flipped if along with that there was some targeted effort to flip the state. It is a place that hates government corruption and non-fair deals. Very utopian and that is how Trump thinks, he is always talking about how beautiful everything is going to be and he really would like to have a society that is as placid, untroubled, productive, and healthy as Oregon is now for its residents.

It really is a very good match after we bury all the hatchets.

* Bend is high desert with only 12 inches of rain per year (and 24 inches of snow), but plenty of water coming down from the Cascade Mountains. It’s probably a really good climate for northerners who like having a little winter (but not too much) and who don’t like Florida-type summers.

* I’ve also noticed that while nearly all of the young people in Willamette Valley go along with the prevailing ethos, there is lots about it that bothers them although it is hard for them to articulate or express. However, I can, and it is the neo-puritanism of PC that is preventing them from having all the fun young people are supposed to have and they know it, know they are getting cheated.

You can lead people into it. One of the easiest ways to identify this is find a really hot girl. Beauty is not exalted here, lookism, all that. So the girls who like to indulge that urge feel acute social pressure to keep things toned down and they do not like it.

Talk to one of them sometime in Portland or Eugene and ask them about the implicit dress code in their town if you want an earful. Giving them the opportunity to give form to their inchoate resentments is good for them, helps them focus and understand.

* This is the sort of research I could really get behind.

* Oregon’s interior is a vibrant playground for social darwinism, When a hipster tells me of his plan to move to Oregon, I always say, “You should! it’s great!”

* The DL verification is strict because vehicle registration is so cheap. Out-of-staters were registering their vehicles in Oregon to dodge California taxes.

A good summary of politics in Oregon. It’s run by Portland, and the rest of the state is irrelevant. Portland is conventional left. Alas, a lot of local political idiosyncrasies have been wiped out in the last few decades and have been replaced by a homogenized and uniform national politics. (Well, maybe except for Louisiana.)

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Steve Sailer: 5/6/16: “Hillary’s Plan to Lose the Deer Hunter States”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Matthew Yglesias: “The case for Ellison –> A renewed left-populism is necessary but can only work if it’s led by people of color.”

* Looks like the next DNC head will be a black left wing Muslim. Really.

Ellison is also anti Israel, and rejected a Catholic upbringing including Catholic schools. He wrote pro Nation of Islam articles. Just what the Dems need as their front man!

* Keith Ellison is a black Muslim so a lot of people here will think “diversity hire”. But he is also a Midwestern economic populist. He said that Trump could win the nomination back in the summer of 2015 and was laughed at.

So, he’s not one of those clueless limousine liberals Hillary surrounded herself with. Underestimating him could be as stupid as underestimating a certain businessman and reality star. If he’s the head of the DNC in the next election then he will make sure that the Democratic candidate does not repeat the mistakes Hillary made.

* A whopping 81 percent of White Evangelicals voted for Donald J. Trump.

God bless the White Evangelicals. They are the only White group who votes in a monolithic bloc that almost rivals with Blacks with their 88 percent support for Crooked Hillary.

White Evangelicals are the Right Wing version of Blacks when it comes to monolithic party loyalty.

White Evangelicals have more reason to be suspicious of the political Left than any other demographic group in America because they are hated by the political Left for both their faith/religion and their skin color.

* To score moral credit and to shame the other side, Trump should hold a gala for all the Trump Martyrs who were beaten, attacked, abused, pelted, belted, and bloodied. They were victims of the worst Political Hate Crime in a long time. They had to go up against the progots and maggots of Bull Connors style brutality. But these people didn’t buckle and showed real guts in their support of him… unlike the cucks who always got on their knees and kissed the asses of the likes of Sharpton and Tim Wise and others.

At this gala, videos should be played of people knocked down, hit with rocks and eggs, pulled out of cars, etc.
Trump needs to show that the other side owns thuggery. Smugs and Thugs.

Or he should at least invite the Trump Martyrs to the Inauguration and give them priority seating.

Be sure to invite this kid.

Someone should make a compilation video of all the anti-Trump violence and thug rhetoric and make it an immortal part of youtube lore.

In some parts of US, it took real courage to support Trump. People had to brave not only verbal abuse but physical attack and even professional destruction.

* The turnover of the D party to blacks/violent Muslims reminds me of how Tammany Hall was turned over to blacks in the end—and thus ceased to exist.

* Some people comment about how close the race was, but just think… Trump got the worst media coverage ever and was outspent by gazillions. Hillary raised over a billion and threw everything at him.

The fact that he won means that, had the race been covered fairly, he would have won much bigger.

Imagine if someone had to start the race half field behind and just barely won.
We have to take into account the rigging that the winner had to overcome.

So, this is a big big win. Hillary had wind on her back whereas Trump was running against the wind.

It is an invisible landslide.

* Trump ran against both parties and won.

Democratic Party spent more money than ever, with all the help of media and institutions.

Many in GOP went over to Hillary camp, sabotaged Trump, released damning videos(pu**ygate), or sat on the sidelines or the on the fence.

He still won.

So, this is a big big win considering the odds he had to overcome.

Hopefully, nevertrumpers will come home in 2020, and cucks will grow some balls by then as the neocons won’t be manipulating them to much.

Trumpean should become an adjective. Herculean Political Will and Feat.

* Jews are the biggest Kool-Aide drinkers, it has to do with class more than anything else. Those who are lower class and removed from aping WASP pretentions, like the Ultra Orthodox, vote Republican regularly. But Orthodox don’t need to keep up appearances at the Club, or on Wall Street, etc.

Lennonism also appeals to secular utopianists. Aka secular Jews, its a disease of the higher IQ.

* The Tammany Hall analogy is very apt. Black voters are the kingmakers of the Dem nomination process. They choose the nominee. Any black candidate in the Dem primary has a huge, built-in advantage. Problem is, the eminently electable Obama was a one off. I don’t see anyone remotely comparable in the Dem ranks. Keith Ellison is a Muslim and unelectable. Their only strong candidate isMichelle, but she hates politics and won’t run. And if the nominee is not black, as in this year, black voters won’t turn out in the general. I can’t see them turning out for someone like Elizabeth Warren any more than they did for Hillary. So it’s either an unelectable black nominee or reduced black turnout for the Dems. It was the lower black turnout in Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee that killed Hillary’s.

* Populism vs. Elitism. The brass support gun control, because the elite does, and that’s who butters the brass’ bread. The rank-and-file oppose it, because their interests are more aligned with the people and sucking up to the elite isn’t on their radar.

Sort of like Jews and the Catholic church. Generally speaking, the Catholic brass were friendly with the Jews, because money and power. The rank-and-file, on the other hand, were hostile, because exploitation of the people. Martin Luther moved between both camps. He started in the cloisters, and Jew-friendly. Then he got outdoors and started working with the people, saw their reality, and turned against the Jews.

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Thanks Bushes!

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* The Immigration Act of 1990 was just as destructive, It increased total, overall immigration to allow 700,000 immigrants to come to the U.S. per year, It provided family based immigration visa, created five distinct employment based visas, categorized by occupation, as well as the diversity visa program which created a lottery to admit immigrants from “low admittance” countries.

Other aspects of the act include lifting the English testing process for naturalization and eliminating the exclusion of homosexuals under the medically unsound classification of “sexual deviant” that was present in the passage of the 1965 Act.

After it became law in 1991, the United States would admit 750,000 new Legal immigrants annually, up from 500,000 before the bill’s passage. The new system continued to favor people with family members that already in the United States, but added 50,000 “diversity visas” for countries from which few were emigrating, as well as 40,000 permanent job-related workers and 65,000 temporary worker visas. Reversing the 1990 immigration act would be a great start. Need to end the green card lottery ASAP. the lottery alone has resulted in almost 2 million immigrants from third world nations. It is a highly destructive immigration policy. We can thank the Bush clan for this.

* One source of Upstate anger, at least in my neck of the woods (Central NY) is Governor Cuomo’s contemptuous treatment of upstaters, from banning fracking in the Marcellus Shale, pushing gun control thru the legislature, doling out enormous chunks of money to his upstate political friends only (see “Buffalo Billion”, a growing scandal) and demanding that the governments of Onondaga County and the City of Syracuse form themselves into one governmental unit, thus making the whites in the suburbs pay taxes to support Syracuse City and its many minority problems. With regard to this last, Cuomo threatened the County and City with retribution if they did not obey his will (exactly what damage he intends to do is so far unspecified).

The fracking ban, by the way, looks to me to be a variant on the Curley Effect. As Cuomo continues to damage the economic prospects of rural and suburban Western/Central New York, whites are leaving the state.Deliberate? I think so.

* This looks like the (real) beginnings of the Republican Party as a white identity party. The more the Dems identify against whites, the more whites move into the Republican column. It will accelerate as the number of government jobs shrink and more whites are working in the private sector. The reactions of SJW’s to the election, similar to the reaction of Labour after Cameron won – suggests they aren’t remotely close to learning the lesson of this election.

Also, I wonder if Trump got more black votes in absolute terms, or if he just got a higher percentage of black votes due to a decline in black turnout.

Two things I predicted prior to this election. One, that black turnout would decline due to black voter fatigue. They’ve had their black president, and nothing else seems quite as good – especially not Hillary Clinton. If Hillary had not followed on the heels of a black president, black voter enthusiasm would be higher. Obama was the money shot for black voters, they’re going to find it hard to readjust to the soft core stuff – especially not if the star is a granny.

Two, the riots; I absolutely predicted the riots. I was going to finally go out and buy a handgun for self-defense just in case, but I never got around to it. I didn’t exactly expect Trump to win, but mostly that was to temper my hopes. I knew that Trump supporters would turn out to the polls more enthusiastically than Hillary supporters, but (especially with what the polls were saying) I didn’t think it would quite be enough.

* Why do you think it’s so shocking that Trump did relatively well with black men? Furthermore, why do you assume that if Trump did well with black men, he did well with the black men who are most likely to be traditional conservatives (military blacks)?

Look, a lot of people, including Steve, said from the beginning that Trump had a certain natural appeal to black people that no other GOP candidate has ever had.

If you gave your average Tyrone $10 billion, he would build a massive skyscraper, with opulent gold toilets and ludicrous columns and brazenly flaunt his wealth by naming it “Tyrone Tower.” He would buy a 747 and call it “Tyrone One.”

This is something that people can’t seem to wrap their head around. Mitt Romney couldn’t get poor whites to vote for him, and he certainly couldn’t get blacks to vote for him. Mitt Romney is a rich white guy. Donald Trump IS NOT a rich white guy. Donald Trump is a middle class guy with a ton of money. There is a huge difference.

Rich white people don’t rail against the establishment and the illuminati. They are the establishment and the illuminati.

Rich white people don’t name massive buildings and airplanes after themselves. They are slightly embarrassed of their wealth.

Rich white people don’t marry and then divorce a string of trophy wives. They are generally pretty conservative in their social lives.

Donald Trump is not a rich white person. Donald Trump is a middle class person who has a lot of money. This is why he got poor and middle class white people to come out of the woodwork to vote for him, and this is why he did better than expected among blacks and hispanics.

* “I wonder how many white New Yorkers secretly voted for Trump because of Bill DeBlasio’s nuttiness…”

If you are going to marry outside of your race, don’t marry that racial group’s bottom of the barrel leftovers.

Bill De Blasio’s wife is so hideous that even a high percentage of Black men would not tap that.

If you are going to marry outside of your race, marry someone who is in the same league looks wise as Matthew McConaughey’s gorgeous Mulatto wife.

* Black support for Donald Trump is overwhelmingly of the Non Tyrone variety. The Black Donald Trump supporters I’ve seen on Fox News have a more impressive vocabulary than the average American Negro, meaning English and not Ebonics is their first language.

* The work must be done to cut third world immigration now. Trump got lucky against a bad candidate. Those Midwestern states are promising but Trump’s decreased margins in Arizona, Georgia and Texas are concerning. A purple Texas will be a big problem for the GOP. Texas Republicans must do what they can to prevent this.

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A Prayer To HaShem

Chaim Amalek posts: A Further Impromptu And Sincere Prayer to Hashem:
Lord,God, in your infinite wisdom you have chosen to chastise the “off the derech” [apostate] Jew, the Merkel, the Soros, the Blitzer, and the Liberal. You have given the goy the wisdom to make Donald Trump President. Now I beseech You to make President Trump wiser than he has ever been. Give him the political strength as president to build the Wall, drive out most of the illegals, rebuild our military, rework all of our international trade agreements, and give him the power to achieve all of this inside of two years. Then please make him confident enough in his achievements to resign from office, shortly before completing his second year in office for a well deserved retirement. taking Pence with him. Then let the goyim and the darker ones turn to someone who will listen to your wise servant AMALEK to further guide this great nation of yours. Thank you.

LIBERALS! Chaim Amalek has always been 20 years ahead of the curve. So in that spirit, I hereby declare myself a liberal in a hurry, just like you. And that means SOCIALISM. Combined with some NATIONALISMJust like they have in ISRAEL. It may also mean TRIBALISM, in which case, yes, feel free to call me a WHITE ZIONIST, although I am as dusky as a December sunset in New York on a cloudy day.

It is possible to be right on one one or two key issues (or more!) and still be wholly unsuited to serve as President of the United States. Just saying.

What this country needs is a new political party that embraces:
1. The need for strongly defended borders and an immigration police force to expel those here illegally.
2. A measure of socialism for things like health care, old age pensions, and schooling.
3. A nationalistic outlook, putting Americans and America first.
4. High taxes (like when Eisenhower was President) on Wall Street. And high taxes on corporate CEOs who did not start their own companies.
5. A mighty military, including nukes.
6. A foreign policy that is mostly hands off and that does not bother trying to civilize other nations to our standards at gunpoint.
7. Limiting immigration into the US to emigration out of the US on a country -by-country basis.
8. Paying illegal aliens a minimum wage of $75/hour, collectible on their way out of the US, right at the border or airport jetway.
9. Pushing advanced nuclear power reactors (e.g., molten salt, thorium, etc.).
10. Fracking wherever the locals also embrace it.
11. Seeing Americans not as mere consumers, but as producers – workers, and adjusting trade policies accordingly.
12. Breaking up the great media combinations that have occurred over the last 30 years.
13. Re-establishing something like Glass-Steagall for banks.
14. Letting women figure out how to handle unwanted pregnancies on their own, in most cases.
15. Shooting heroin smugglers after a suitable speedy trial.
16. Boosting the minimum wage, banning unpaid internships at wealthy companies, and in general, offering the American worker the sort of benefits that German workers have.
The first party that organizes itself around these principles wins and replaces one of the other two.

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Thank You, Steve Sailer!

Over the past year, I’ve emailed MSM journalists I know that they should write or assign profiles of Steve Sailer because of his importance to this election. None of them even bothered to reply to my suggestion.

And there are still no MSM articles about the man behind Trump’s winning strategy. All hail Steve Sailer!

From the comments section at Steve Sailer Nov. 9:

* I’ve been on Twitter for the last couple of days, but I just wanted to come home here to say congrats and thanks to Steve. iSteve has been my red pill. I thank you. Your country thanks you.

* The Sailer strategy has been talked about on 538 all night. You called this one Steve. Kudos. Your blog has been my red pill too.

* This election is lost for Clinton and hopefully gives rise to an alt-left with the realization of how little the black vote matters and how chasing after high black turnout is a highly damaging to overall strategy. The big idea behind an alt-left should be never pander to blacks on social justice issues, it doesn’t generate black turnout and is extremely provocative to white working class workers who see it as a call to race rioting.

Just stick to offering blacks mortgage subsidies, none of this BLM nonsense. It’s very self destructive to white liberals and globalism.

* If Steve Sailer isn’t recognized as the pr-eminent social analyst of the day, then people have their heads in the sand. I’d expect publishing offers to come from the less reputable publishing homes, and maybe even the semi-marginal ones.

* Three cheers for the Sailer Strategy! You can own it now, Steve. Wallow in it, buddy!

* A very powerful man owes a debt of gratitude to you. He is rumored to be quite loyal. Thank you from all the little people as well.

* Steve, You said it all long ago, though few would listen. We can see clearly now that the entire political class/MSM narrative since 1990 has been a scam to keep reasonable nationalists, and true patriots locked out of both media & politics.

The connection that DJT has with common working men was the key to employing your rust belt strategy. No way could any other GOP candidate connect with plumbers, welders, electricians, assembly line crews and other blue collar folks quite like Trump. He had the platform and his concern for his fellow citizens’ welfare was authentic. Far more so than the bogus “I feel your pain” charade of the first Clinton.
This is by far the most earth shattering political event of my life, and I can even remember Reagan1980. Will need to sleep on this to let it sink it.

* Who would have thought Moore would capture Trumpmania best?

Moore is obviously anti-Trump but he gets the political psychology of what’s going on.


* I imagine this is one of the proudest moments of your life, Steve. You inspired Coulter, who inspired Trump to use this strategy, and with it he won the biggest political prize on earth.

* Brokaw, et. al on NBC currently talking about how the white vote was always there in the Rust Belt but seemed like it wasn’t because Romney couldn’t get them to the voting booth.

If Steve quits blogging, who will the MSM be years behind?

* You are a national hero. Keep on keeping. I’ve been reading you for about 6 years now. I’ve lost several groups of friends for revealing that I read you. It’s crazy how much the pundits are astonished by the win and you were right even with the diminishing white %, that it could be a winning strategy 16 years later. If they could of stopped their pearl clutching and righteous indignation for a second, they could of taken this information and won.

* Steve, I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but in most of the photos that you’ve posted of yourself on this blog you look quite glum. After today, I hope you post a photo of yourself with a gigantic ear-to-ear grin and maybe holding a newspaper with the relevant headline.

* Steve, your personality probably tends strongly against self promotion, bragging, I-told-you-so-ism, and etc. Which is great. But, in this case, please understand, you cannot post too many times and/or too many places that you called this back in 2000.

* I predict Steve will be interviewed by multiple high profile media organizations over the next few days. The chin-strokers will want to know more about those crazy alt-right guys, and Steve’s about the most respectable of them. They’re probably rifling through their rolodexes right now.

Which will be awesome for his traffic, but batten down the hatches for trolls. Maybe Ron Unz can hire a flunky to moderate posts for Steve.

As long as it’s not an illegal alien.

We should have a contest for guessing what the NYT article lede will be. “The Fascist Roots of Golf Course Architecture,” maybe.

* Take a bow, Mr. Sailer.

I can’t remember any other blogger who has come close to exerting so much influence, in the fullness of time, through sheer cogency of ideas. That was true before the election results came in, but it has just become far more apparent to those who did not already know. Sailer Gap indeed.

* Trump may or may not know it, but he owes this election to one man: Steve Sailer. Well done sir. I did not think this was possible. Immigration reform in our time.

* If the God-Emperor ascends there will come a time when everyone will say they read Sailer, donated to Sailer, erected a shrine to Sailer before anyone else knew who Sailer was. Steve is about to discover a boatload of new old friends. I’m just putting it out now to all you townies I go back to the first NR articles and the old iSteve website.

* So proud to have been a Steve fan for years now. This is your moment man. I hope you are enjoying it. I predict great new opportunities for you in the near future.

Thanks so much for all you’ve done. And don’t forget to keep up the good work because we’re going to need it!

* If they have the brains to do what’s necessary to cling to whatever credibility they have left, they will invite Steve on. More likely – they won’t be able to get over their bitterness at being revealed to have no clothes. As I write this, Trump is up 244-215 and during commercial breaks NBC is playing a montage of moments they think make Trump look bad, as if anybody voting for him cares.

Steve, I know writing a blog that gets you branded a racist and unfit for polite society is a lucrative gig, but you may want to consider leveraging the Trumpening into a campaign consultancy gig. Maybe you could take the clients that abandon Rick Wilson?

NBC talking about how the “Latino vote showed up” but still stunned it hasn’t been enough. Steve has written here before about people not having a useful set of general statistics mentally at-hand to filter the BS they hear. 63% non-hispanic white share of U.S. population is looking like a pretty useful statistic to know right now.

They also just figured out that “flyover country” is in fact derogatory, and maybe people resent it.

* Both Mr. Trump and the Half Blood Prince have surely heard of you and know your work. I can see some face time with the most powerful man on earth in the near horizon for you.

The Alt Right has selected a President. I never thought I would see the day. My God!

And you’re one of the Alt Right’s top ten sages on Planet Earth, Mr. Sailer. There surely must be a future active role for you.

* …a pro-white strategy isn’t going to garner much crossover.

If anyone got pandered by Trump, it was the nativist, pro-white people. But he is going to do a better thing and demonstrate that one of Steve’s higher ideals, citizenism, is what he represents.

He’s just pulling you guys along.

So maybe it was sort of a modified public/private position Sailer Strategy. Privately, Trump understands that a pro-citizenist policy like, yes, Brazil, is about the only thing that can work on the U.S. today.

Kinda Trojan-horsed that into a somewhat public Sailer Strategy to set the hook.

I’d see him as paying double tribute to Steve, tactical usage of Sailer Strategy in places, but at core a citizenist.

Anyhow, he’s going to be dragging the Overton Window in the other direction for you guys like he did for the libs during the election in forging more of a post-racial America.

You guys aren’t going to like all of it, but you’ll go along. After all, where else do you have to go? But already, look at you guys. Who is complaining about Jews, Blacks, gays, etc, on this blog anymore? A lot of your fears are dissipating already.

Was I right about all this Trump stuff so far (hint: look at my comment thread going back months)? And now I’m finally starting to read all sorts of things now about this historic upset, reshaping the political landscape, yada yada.

* Serious props to Sailer for calling this right a long time ago.

What blows my mind is that Trump won without a serious ground operation.

The skypes just went all in against Trump; will they recover their prior position and get him to wage more neocon wars despite his current foreign policy positions a la GWB?

* I heard this line on NPR too: “Will Muslims and Hispanics feel they have a place in Trump’s America?”

I don’t know. They could go back home. What I was worried about was what place white men like me would have in Hillary’s America.

* The Sailer strategy worked, despite the GOP establishment working against it and millions of Never-Trumpsters not supporting the republican candidate and most GOP politicians actively sabotaging him. The Libertarian candidate this year got over 3 million votes , triple what he got 4 years ago.

Sailer has shown us that one man can change the world. Kudos to Steve.

* Tonight Trump proved that you can talk very bluntly about the issues facing our country and still get away with it. Democratic candidates are used to tossing out red meat to their members and getting away with it. Well Trump did that, too, and he may very well have won the White House.

He’s sent a message to the GOP establishment about issues that worry the white middle class of this country – wage stagnation, immigration, and all the rest. He (and those of us who voted for him) have sent a message loud and clear to the Mitch McConnells, Paul Ryans, Marco Rubios, and Mitt Romneys of the party that cannot be ignored, though they’ve tried to do so time and again. Either they will heed that message this time or they will pay a very stiff price.

* Steve Sailer is the Bill James of political analysis. Even people who despise him should give him that much credit. Sailer should seriously consider writing something analogous to a Baseball Abstract. He’s already done a lot of the major lifting and could focus on expanding somewhat on his best ideas.

* Nice tribute to Sailer’s perceptiveness in an article on the online front page of the Spectator at the moment:

“Back in 2000 the blogger Steve Sailer observed that the Republicans could win with the low-hanging fruit of a white middle-class increasingly alienated by the Democratic Party’s ‘coalition of the fringes’, and he seems to have been proved right.”

I’ve written before in comments here, at the Spectator and Telegraph, and at Taki’s, that Sailer (along with Derbyshire) would have been a natural for regular columns at those places (Spectator and Telegraph, that is, formerly the natural British outlets for traditionalist conservative thought) were it not for the active censorship of traditionalist and nativist views. Their loss has been Taki’s and Unz’s gain.

Somewhat ironically, I can’t comment on it at the Spectator Blogs site because I’m banned from posting there by that same process of suppressing the expression of dissident opinions and the way it enables the individual gatekeepers to impose their own agendas by way of political censorship.

Congratulations to Steve, and to the American people. Like the Brexit vote, another well deserved poke in the eye for all the people who most need a poke in the eye.

* Maybe I’m just in a good mood, but if we can put the breaks on immigration for a bit I’m optimistic that the life of the GOP can be extended indefinitely.

Sure, there are some unfavorable developments. Quite a few states that Bush carried easily such as Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Nevada are now toss ups or blue. And you have to wonder if Florida, Texas, and Arizona will be winnable in the future given current trends. But if the immigration slows down, I think we just might have a chance of absorbing Latinos into the greater population.

Speak frankly, blacks and whites have never really assimilated even after hundreds of years. But intermarriage rates for Hispanics are considerably higher and they aren’t as racially distinct as blacks (and critically a half Hispanic is much more likely to pass for white than a half black). The whiter ones (and the more attractive mestizos) will likely be absorbed into “White America.” Eventually. Best case scenario it would be like the dagos in the 20th century. Again, this is only if we close the border and allow our national identity to settle a bit. Over time, I would bet these Latinos that are going 3 to 1 D will move at least a bit toward the GOP as they become whiter.

If we can’t stem the tide though, then they will maintain a separate identity and we will just have a permanent, growing Latin underclass that will be a public burden and vote solid D in perpetuity.

* Charles Murray gives Steve a shout-out: “When someone has been so strategically right so early, he deserves acknowledgment”

Some other great tweet quotes in that Ed West piece:

“Trump voters are opposed not to identity politics but to identity politics for everyone but them. That’s one important lesson of the night.”

“The thing about playing identity politics is that eventually everyone figures out they should do the same thing.”

* I’ve been reading Sailer for a long time.

He deserves so much more recognition than he gets. He also deserves remuneration.

I have set up a monthly contribution of $20.00 through PayPal.

Everyone here who has the means should do so as well.

You deserve it, Steve!

* Steve has been mentioned approvingly at achgut.com, the online project of German gadfly journalist Henryk Broder, the local Mark Steyn, sort of, the brighter guys (and girls, there are some) of our alt-right know him, too.

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