America’s Emerging Nationalism Crisis

John R. Schindler writes for At a certain level, how Trump won is so simple that most pundits—the same people who gave the president-elect no chance of winning—can’t see it. The Republican nominee got enough white votes—especially among the working class, particularly in the upper Mid-West—to offset huge Democratic advantages among minorities and white professionals. This was the Sailer Strategy, named after the insightful blogger who coined the notion back in 2000. Steve Sailer’s essential idea, that the GOP needed to max out the white vote to keep winning national elections in the face of changing demographics, was rejected by most Republicans as smacking of racism.

It cannot be stated too many times that the GOP establishment repeatedly rejected Sailerism. Indeed, leading Republicans often seemed to run in the other direction from its commonsense logic. The facts are clear: that Mitt Romney failed to get many votes from working-class whites in the very places where Trump just attracted them in droves caused the GOP to lose the White House in 2012.

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Steve Sailer: Trump Already Lessening Illegal Immigration

Los Angeles (AFP) – When would-be immigrants Bernardino and Samuel got word in Mexico of the election of Donald Trump, they immediately gave up their plans to cross illegally into the United States. …

Bernardino, a 34-year-old Honduran who declined to give his last name, was looking for a “coyote” to help him slip into the United States near the border city of Tijuana when he abandoned his plan. So did 18-year-old Samuel, a Salvadoran.

Both men said they feared that if they are caught, their family members living north of the border might suffer.

“Imagine if they stop me, after a while my family living over there would have problems. The truth I never imagined is that the blond man might win,” Samuel said at Padre Chava’s breakfast hall, a soup kitchen in downtown Tijuana that provides food and clothing for more than 1,000 immigrants every day.


* What a shame, we’re won’t be getting these two future Nobel Prize winners.

* Mexicans and their anchor babies can not even deliver The United States national football team a FIFA World Cup championship, let alone give us Nobel prize winners.

Mexicans are the epitome of punching below weight.

* Talking tough goes a long way towards securing the border. Who woulda thought? It sends a pretty powerful message to all those groups that tell us how ridiculously expensive and impossible it would be to secure our borders.

* One purpose of The Agenda™ is to make the very idea of a white male being in charge of anything utterly absurd, unthinkable.

* Proper leadership at the top can set a new tone and make a large difference. I am hoping for a best case scenario where millions of illegal aliens realize that the jig is up. If they have saved a bundle they self-deport, they leave with it and start new lives in the third world lands they were born. This can happen. We need the right actions and rhetoric for Donald Trump.
So far so good. Yesterday he started his deportation campaign by saying he will deport three million illegal alien criminals. The leftist lawyers will wage war against this, will try to tie up each case in court, forever.

* More Trump-effect in Eastern Europe. Moldova and Bulgaria just elected national leaders who are anti-corruption political outsiders. Both favor turning away from the European Union and towards the Eurasian Economic Union.

* Illegal immigrant’s rights are still limited. There’s not a lot they can do. Eisenhower, when he got fed up, sent illegal Mexican’s back by the busloads.

Also, if you understand anything about Mexican culture, you know they are people who like to have a nice day. They don’t have the patience to put up with constant contention and uncertainty in a country they don’t fully understand. They will gravitate towards certainty, and that’s in Mexico, not here.

The big bomb that has yet to be dropped is stopping federal dollars to Sanctuary cities. That’s gonna put a lot of liberal politician’s balls in a vice, especially in California. I can’t wait to see what they do when willfully undermining federal law starts costing them money. Or rather, I can’t wait to hear their justifications when they drop like a house of cards. In NYC, we might be seeing an insane amount of rentals opening up on the upper west side. How is whitey, desperate to live in Manhattan, going to craft a protest over that outcome? Above 125th street on the west side, it’s essentially Dominican. Massive piles of illegal Dominican immigrants dominate the land there, since they ethnically cleansed it of blacks decades ago. In Los Angeles, where libs are howling to the moon over outrageous rent increases, what are they going to say when decent swaths of Boyle Heights opens up with reasonable rents?

I cannot wait. The next 4 years is going to be awesome. As the new conservative republican movement rebrands and grows, the dems, like a dysfunctional family, will destroy itself. I LOVE the fact that they’re currently doubling down. Keep protesting, you idiots!

* Did everyone notice the giant loophole Trump has given himself on border control? He’s committed to moving forward quickly on deporting criminals. Since coming here illegally is, in fact, illegal, they’re all criminals and he can deport any and all of them and nobody can say he didn’t warn them.

* So Central Americans who illegally cross about a half dozen national borders fleeing “gang violence” are heroes, yet Americans who cross the county line to escape the same are the worst sort of people?

* That article is totally bizarre, Alice in Wonderland bizarre. It quotes Moqtada Al Sadr, responsible for tens of thousands of sectarian killings in Iraq, criticizing Trump for not recognizing the difference between moderate and extreme Islam.

* California is essentially desert scrubland, and desalinization plants costs a lot of money to run, and carry a large “exhaust” problem:

Salt. You can’t just dump it back into the water.

Not to mention the overall inherent damage to the environment where they plop their desalinization plant.

This brings us back to illegal immigration. If Ann Coulter’s estimates are correct, and her past reporting gives us no reason to assume otherwise, we have around 40 million illegals scattered about these United States. If we were to hazard a guess of how many were in California, I don’t think at least 5 million, not including their anchor babies, would be unreasonable.

So if we do the math of how many gallons of water an average person uses per day, multiply by 5 million, and we’re talking a significant amount of water being sucked out of our supply daily, to hydrate illegals and their anchor babies. This is putting us on a direct course to desalinization plants, as well as repurposing sewage water, as San Diego has begun doing.

Why does everything Democrats touch turn into a massive shitshow?

I can’t think of any major social movements they’ve been behind that didn’t turn rancid.

Going back to the Viet Nam war, had they not publicly protested, the war would have ended a couple of years sooner, by most experts accounts. Even further, turns out the McCarthy hearings were a great idea, rather than a witch hunt. The Rosenberg’s, who dems squawked about for years, turned out to be what was charged. They even made a movie about it with Tim Hutton called “The Book of Daniel,” that was all about the Rosenberg’s victimization. I notice it’s not available on Netflix. Never will be.

I talked to a doctor the other day, who works at UCLA medical center. He said since Obamacare came into play, their emergency room is packed, and scheduling important surgeries has become a three-ring circus. The place is so overloaded, they’re barely functioning.

Tons and tons of hispanics converged on the center, and it’s, according to a doctor who’s worked there for decades… a shitshow. I dropped a friend off at the emergency room at Harbor General hospital. The waiting room was full, and there was a LONG line going out the door, and around the building. The EMERGENCY room.

Elite libs don’t give a shit. They can pay to get to the head of the line. They’ll still be delayed a bit, but they can still make things happen. For them.

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If someone shot Trump, our elites would laud him for it. They want Trump dead.

I can’t believe how many people casually say to me that they want to see the assassination of the president elect.

George Soros is pushing for a Trump assassination with these protests.

The elites are actively giving every potential Oswald moral license to kill Trump.

An assassin could rationally believe that were he to do this, he would receive wide acclaim and the gratitude of his nation. He would receive the gratitude of Hollywood.

For the sake of his life, Trump should stay holed up in the Trump Tower until the inauguration. No victory lap please! Too dangerous.

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Gwen Ifill, RIP

A friend says: Gwen Ifill of Washington Week died of cancer. I understand the reasons her colleagues are heaping praise on her, even though I think she was not a balanced journalist as they claim, but what I really find annoying is that the obits omit two things: First they don’t mention anything about the type of cancer she had or how long ago she was diagnosed and second, they mention nothing about her relatives, are her parents alive, does she have sibilings, has she ever been married, to whom, has she been divorced, is she gay or straight, does she have children.

It would do a lot more the press when they call for transparency from politicians if they would hold themselves to the same standards.

I never remember her asking an interesting question or advancing an interesting angle on a story, let alone breaking a story. As a journalist, she was without accomplishment. She was a affirmative-action hire. Just to think what if a real reporter could have had her opportunities, what he might have done with them?

I love how the New York Times headlines: “Gwen Ifill, a Reporter Who Broke Barriers, Dies at 61”. Pfft. They say she broke barriers because they can’t find any stories she broke.

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The Donald Trump video every Jew MUST watch!

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