Why Has Glenn Beck Turned Left?

Here’s the problem. Trump is right on immigration and the wall and trade but he is not the guy I’d want to execute on any of them. I’d want an alt-right Andrew Cuomo. And there is no such creature. Trying to get security clearances for your kids is a 3rd World move.

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The Goy In Exile

A goy professor tells me: So, how do whites move to explicit identity instead of implicit identity? My internal response to all the alarmism from Haaretz & elsewhere has been to reply, “but you (Jewish Americans) don’t know what it’s like to be *only* American.”

But from there I can hear a Jew say, “well then just participate!–join Judaism, or Catholicism, if you have to.” But the thing is, there aren’t really “Catholic-Americans” the way there are Jewish-Americans. They’re not tribal. And then if I try to be explicitly “white-American” I face the prospect of losing my job and being socially exiled… AND even whites would shun me at that point. So I’m fated to be an exile.

The first paragraph of WEB DuBois’ “Souls of Black Folks,” where he asks famously, “what does it feel like to be a problem?” Ironically, in 2016, only white men know the answer to that.

So if people can’t successfully sue to restore their social media accounts, that leaves them which options? When you back a dog into a corner, it reacts with fury. Twitter is backing the Alt-Right into a corner. Twitter, Google (has blackballed this website from its search results since Aug. 17 even though its own webmaster tools say this site is clean), Facebook, Instagram and all the big tech companies have colluded to rig the game against people who support Trump, the president elect of the United States.

Daily Caller: Twitter Initiates Mass Purge Of Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory

Twitter has initiated a major purge of accounts associated with the alt-right exactly a week after GOP President-elect Donald Trump’s stunning electoral victory.

One of the first and most prominent accounts caught up in the deletion is Richard Spencer, president and director of the National Policy Institute, an alt-right think tank focused on white identity and related policy issues.

Twitter removed Spencer’s verified account, formerly available at @RichardBSpencer, Tuesday evening.

“This is corporate Stalinism,” Richard Spencer told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Twitter is trying to airbrush the Alt Right out of existence. They’re clearly afraid. They will fail!”

Not only did Twitter kill Spencer’s personal account, but Twitter also suspended the National Policy Institute’s official account (@npiamerica) and its online magazine (@RadixJournal), in addition to a separate book publishing company run by Spencer called Washington Summit Publishers (@washsummit).

The ban took place the same day Spencer appeared on NPR and The Daily Show.

Numerous Twitter users expressed shock at the suspension, while others tried to come up with explanations for the purge.

Paul Town, one of the alt-right trolls responsible for feeding Olivia Nuzzi at The Daily Beast a false and outlandish narrative on how Pepe the cartoon frog came to be associated with white nationalism, was also suspended.

Other suspended users, among many, include Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers — all notable and prominent alt-right accounts.

Several Twitter users noted that the mass bans could be a result of new reporting features the company added to prevent “hate against a race, religion, gender, or orientation,” as part of a policy change.

The move by Twitter threatens to diminish the explosive power of the alt-right, which has made use of Twitter to brutally troll journalists and political pundits, in addition to supporting Trump and spreading its political philosophy in front of millions of people.

Just last week, Amelia Tait at New Statesman noted that the alt-right’s influence has surged, largely in part due to its use of social media networks. As she put it, the “alt-right – a new political movement of individuals with racist and misogynist viewpoints, who exist primarily on the internet – have thrived under Trump’s candidacy, and remained mostly unchecked by social media giants.”

Tait argued that social media giants need to “improve the way they deal with trolls, vitriol, and death threats on their sites.”

Charlie Warzel at BuzzFeed News recently made the case that Twitter was essential to Trump’s wildly successful campaign and has also resulted in the “empowerment of the insurgent political movement of the alt-right who, through a coordinated effort of trolling and online organization, drove enthusiasm and momentum against the establishment and for Trump.”

While Twitter has in the past slowly cracked down on accounts near the alt-right, such as those of WeSearchr CEO Chuck Johnson and journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, the major purge Tuesday evening of prominent alt-right accounts is so far unprecedented.

In response to the purges, many alt-right users are heading over to Gab, a Twitter substitute platform with a much more aggressive free speech policy.

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Bnai David-Judea Shul Struggles With The Election Result

I would estimate that 80-90% of the members of the modern orthodox synagogue Bnai David are on the Left. There must have been a sense of mourning there following the election.

On Shabbat, its rabbi, Yosef Kanefsky, said from the bima: “For the truth is that every single one of us is shaken and upset today, no matter who we voted for. For over the past many months, the values that every single one of us holds dear, the values that we have received from our parents and try desperately to instill in our children, value like trustworthiness and truthfulness, compassion and empathy, respect for others and humility within oneself – have been debased and belittled, mocked and ridiculed on the most public of public stages. And now we face – all of us together – the frightful prospects that the American social fabric has been severely damaged, and that those with the darkest understanding of America are emerging empowered.”

If you want something really shocking, study the Torah and the Talmud. They are far more shocking than this election. I don’t have much sympathy for Jews who have studied Torah and then proclaim how shocking and awful the goyim are. Shul politics tends to be at least as brutal as American politics including Trumpian politics. There’s nothing Donald Trump has said that is not said in a shul on Shabbos morning.

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A talk with Luke Ford and Richard Wolstencroft about Occultism, Nationalism, and the Election of Trump

Robert Stark posts:

Robert Stark and co-host Alex von Goldstein talk to blogger Luke Ford and filmmaker Richard Wolstencroft

Topics include:

Meme magic and the and theological significance of KEK
Pepe, Kek, and the Rise of an Elder God
Hillary Clinton as the whore of Babylon w
Richard’s film The Second Coming, based on the apocalyptic poetry of W. B. Yeats
Richard’s exposure to occultism, and how he came to the conclusion that it is something real, powerful, and potentially dangerous
Jack Parsons’ the Babalon Working, inspired by Aleister Crowley
Wikileaks revealing John Podesta’s involvement in Occultist “Spirit Cooking”
Luke’s point that elite cosmopolitan Jews who are not involved in traditional Judaism, turn to things such as occultism, and how many of the individuals he met in the porn industry dabbled in Satanism
Richard’s story about getting a liver sepsis at age 27, when he was exposed to black magic
Carl Jung’s concept of Shadow Work
Richard’s relationship with Christianity, rebelling against it as a youth, and how his exposure to occultism brought him back to Christianity
How Luke came to Judaism
Luke’s background in porn journalism
Luke’s point that most people crave spirituality in their lives, and if they are not exposed to a traditional religion they will look for that transcendence in other places
Richard porn documentary The Last Days of Joe Blow
Luke and Richard debate sexual morality and promiscuity
Andy Nowicki’s book Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker, about the corrupting nature of sex
The sexual Theories of Wilhelm Reich, which viewed sex as a positive force
When Did Luke Ford Board The Trump Express?
How Richard became a Trump supporter, and his prediction of a major economic boom in the United States
Trump’s win may be the beginning of a global nationalist populist wave, and the blowback against the globalist elites
The Way Forward for Trump
Jewish attitudes toward Trump, and how 71% of Jews Voted for Clinton, while 24% Backed Trump, with the exception of Orthodox Jews who supported Trump
Matt Forney predicted a white baby boom during the Trump presidency, and how birthrates rise when people have economic stability and a sense of optimism in the future
Richard’s point that overpopulation is the key environmental problem, that we need an economy that is not based on growth, and that humanity should ideally be reduced by 80%
Why Luke see’s Nationalism as the key issue, and all other issues as secondary
Charles Murray’s Human Accomplishment
Why Luke rejects objective morality of good vs. evil, and see’s different groups in competition for scarce resources.

Luke says: To clarify, I believe in objective good and evil but it is dependent upon faith. When you are talking to people who don’t share your faith, there’s not much good in talking about good and evil. It is more useful to discuss the world as composed of various forms of life competing for survival.

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Jews and Muslims ramp up alliances in wake of Trump’s election

The Coalition of the Fringes against the core.

Patriotic Americans must be revolted.

As though it is Trump’s rhetoric that is the poison, not leftist activism and Muslim terror.

What American Jews need is a movement like Jews for Consistency wherein Jewish groups never seek for the goyim anything that they would not want for themselves. Most groups want cohesion but all the major Jewish groups in the diaspora fight for fragmentation and diversity and multiculturalism.

(JTA) — For years, whenever Jews and Muslims engaged in dialogue and activism together, it usually concerned — or foundered — on one issue: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

With Donald Trump’s ascent to the presidency, that appears to be changing. Regardless of what’s happening across the ocean, Jews and Muslims in the United States are joining together to fight for shared domestic concerns.

“It is a perhaps growing recognition that [the Israeli-Palestinian conflict] cannot define how American Jews and American Muslims relate to one another,” said Rabbi David Fox Sandmel, the Anti-Defamation League’s director of interreligious engagement. “The shared concerns we have about prejudice, about bias, about threats of violence, about disenfranchisement — these are the kinds of things that can bring us together.”

On Monday, the American Jewish Committee and the Islamic Society of North America launched the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, a group of religious and business leaders from both communities who will help draft domestic policy legislation and advocate on issues of shared concern.

The ADL is planning to increase its efforts to provide support for legal and legislative efforts in the fight against anti-Muslim bigotry.

And the Shalom Hartman Institute’s Muslim Leadership Initiative, which educates young Muslim leaders about Judaism and Israel, held a retreat over the weekend titled “Living in Trump’s America: Muslim Vulnerability and Jewish Echoes.”

“What’s happened as a result of the poisonous atmosphere that Trump has created is that American Muslims are desperate for allies,” said Yossi Klein Halevi, the Muslim Leadership Initiative’s co-director. “And the argument that MLI has made to the Muslim community — which is that the Jews are, at least in theory, natural allies for embattled Muslims — now has become compelling.”

Both Jewish and Muslim groups have expressed worry about Trump’s rhetoric, and his supporters’ actions, over the course of the presidential campaign. Muslims have protested Trump’s 2015 call for a ban on Muslim immigration to the United States, as well as his insinuations that Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks and have withheld information from law enforcement about terrorism. Anti-Muslim attacks rose during his campaign, and a string of attacks has followed his election.

And while Trump has not explicitly targeted Jews, Jewish groups raised alarm over his endorsements by white nationalists and online attacks on Jews by his supporters, along with his remarks late in the campaign that echoed anti-Semitic tropes. Jewish groups have protested his naming as his chief strategist Stephen Bannon, the executive chairman of a website, Breitbart News, that has been accused of incitement against Muslims and coddling anti-Semitism among its writers and readers. In addition, the ADL decried “a wave of anti-Semitic vandalism” following the election.

In the past, differing stances and sensitivities regarding Islamic extremism or Israeli military action drove groups apart. Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he hopes Jewish groups will be more willing to work with his organization following Trump’s election. Jewish groups, including the ADL, have resisted working with CAIR due to its anti-Israel stances.

“It’s always been our position that we’re open to shared and cooperative action with the Jewish community,” Hooper said. “It doesn’t really take Donald Trump to spur that. I think it’s created an urgent need for mutual cooperation between all like-minded organizations and communities.”

The newly formed Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, which has 31 members from both communities, formed shortly before Trump was elected last week. The council will focus on protecting the right to wear religious head coverings, prohibiting discrimination in the workplace, recording hate crimes and advocating for immigrants and refugees, according to Robert Silverman, the American Jewish Committee’s director of Muslim-Jewish relations.

“It is a reaction to some of the bigotry and hate speech that came out of the campaign,” Silverman said. “We’re concerned about the public discourse in the whole country. We’re also concerned about messages that originated within the two communities. The Trump phenomenon is only going to make it come together more quickly.”

Jewish activists who have long championed Jewish-Muslim collaboration believe their community is finally coming around.

Rabbi Marc Schneier, co-founder of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, which brings together leaders from the two religions, says he hopes Jews will come to the defense of Muslims if Trump follows through on his proposals to ban Muslims from entering the country, or to create a registry of American Muslims.

In June, Schneier’s foundation launched an initiative called Muslims are Speaking Out that highlights Muslim condemnations of extremism and aims to dispel misconceptions Americans have about the Muslim community.

“We have the obstacle of greater Islamophobia and anti-Muslim rhetoric,” Schneier said. “The opportunity is that this is another test for the American Jewish community. Will it step up to the plate, and will it perform as it has done in the past?”

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