NYDN: Fidel Castro was an unwavering champion of racial equality

What the author doesn’t mention is that the population of Cuba has grown increasingly black. Why? Because most of the Cuban refugees were of European extraction.

I wonder whether this demographic change is one of the reasons that Cuba has lagged economically.

Ronald Howell writes: “I say the greatest media shortcoming of the past half century was not recognizing that Fidel Castro was the most dedicated and powerful proponent of racial justice the world has ever known.”

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Jews In Shul

Jew1: There’s too many Schvartzas in shul.
Jew2: I only saw one
Jew1: That’s too many

Miriam: Aka: the debate going on in Luke’s mind- the self struggle.
Mike: Black hat people? The horror!
Chaim Amalek How do they expect erlicher (true) Yidden to daven with full and proper kavana (faith, correct mindset) when they are worried about what the shvartzes inside the building (!) might be up to? Let the dusky folk go to their own shuls and leave us true Yidden to ours.
Miriam: Luke needs to keep his multiple personalities under control. No more “Jew 1” fighting “Jew 2”.
Chaim Amalek I like that Mexicans don’t bother us with their conversion mishegas. This is why I prefer it when they hire Mexicans for the heavy lifting. Also, they never complain, and you can pay them half of what a shvartzah thinks is his due.
Luke, the correct translation of “Judaism” is actually love, acceptance, and diversity. All the rest is commentary.

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Is the National Front Still the “Far Right” in France?

Steve Sailer writes: French politics are important in a symbolic sense because French political history probably ranks with American and British political history as the best known in the world, and perhaps the best known for ideological purposes. The current move to the right in France is thus worth paying attention to…

So it looks like the next presidential election will pit Marine Le Pen vs. a Rick Santorum-like Catholic conservative, putting the National Front to the left of the Republicans on traditional class economic issues and not all that far to the right on cultural / identity issues. The usual history in France, projected into the future in Houellebecq’s Submission, is for the left to submit to the right to defeat the National Front, as in 2002. But maybe in the very long run the National Front will become the center-left party in France?

COMMENTS: The National Front has never been “far-right” on economic/provider state matters–it’s appeal has been ethno-centrist My suspicion about François Fillon is that, while he talks tough on immigration, he did little while prime minister to change the situation, and would defer action indefinitely while he tries his economic reform agenda, which will likely fail. I know that the French president has much more power, but the prime minister is not without influence and I don’t think that he used it in the cause of limiting immigration. But even the National Front is emerging more as a Euroskeptic Party than an ethno-nationalist party since the replacement of its founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, with his daughter, Marine Le Pen.

A genuine far-right French party would probably favor the restoration of the Bourbons in a constitutional monarchy, reinstitution of the Catholic Church as the state church, and an abndonment of the ideal of laicité.

* Don’t be fooled — Fillon is the more-of-the-same candidate. The French Republicans may be slightly less tone-deaf than the American variety (non-Trump) when it comes to acknowledging people’s real concerns, but it’s an act. Their actual agenda, as always, is making the world safe for Davos.

* Fillon is your typical cuckservative. Mentioning religious items here and there in between talks of open borders and tea between you and me.

And how should I presume?

Look at the financial times/Rotschild Economist…they’re calling him a ‘free-market’ guerilla revolutionary….

I think that sums up what he brings to the table.

Another George Bush/Tony Blair/Hilary Clinton/Angela Merkel neoliberal nation state leveraged buyout professional (salesman).

* BBC were describing Fillon this morning as a Thatcherite. I’m sure France is looking forward to the financialisation of the economy, the destruction of trades unionism and manufacturing, and the introduction of what the Economist calls a “flexible labour market”. French productivity is still higher than the UKs – despite the stricter employment laws or because of them?

I remember Sarkozy introduced Sunday trading into France – one of Thatcher’s first acts of cultural destruction – but when I was last there (admittedly in darkest Languedoc) 18 months back nothing seemed to have changed and nearly all shops were still shut by noon.

(Incidentally Fillon’s wife Penny is a Welsh girl – albeit from the solicitor rather than coalminer class – and his brother married her sister Jane).

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Nena Cherry aka Dawn Anderson

Geoff* emails: Came across your article you wrote in 2008 about her death. I met Dawn in the 1990’s by way of a mutual friend at a small bar in west Houston. I did not know who she was at the time. Not too long after that, she turned up working at my wife’s bar as a waitress. I did recognize her then, she was sporting her blond hair and I recognized her tattoos from having seen some of her videos.

She did have a website, which we asked her to take down as condition of her employment, since our bar was turning into Nena Cherry Central: guys bringing in videos for her to autograph. She was up to her old tricks taking multiple staff members home for sexual encounters. I guess she just could not get the wild life out of her system.

Having followed your online jousting with her, I knew enough to stay clear of her.

My wife was bipolar and when I asked her why the fuck she hired her, she said that Nena needed help, and if I understood my wife, she saw a kindred spirit in her. My Ex was like that, collecting broken birds so to speak. Her employment did not last long, she was too undependable. She lost her house, her marriage, yeah, she married some guy she met in a bar.

Fast forward to 2002 or so, I stumbled on to her on line advertising as an escort. I called her up and she remembered me. I took her out for lunch, just to say hi. I always liked her, even though she was bat shit crazy. I met her at a public park in NW Houston and we went out to a bar for a drink and something to eat. She was living with some guys, bikers, and seemed to be moving from one crash pad to another. We talked a while then went to another bar, and she introduced me to some of the guys with whom she was currently crashing.

According to her she hung out at a number of biker bars on the west side of town. At the time she still seemed in good health and did not look to have a full blown case of HIV yet.

We parted ways and I wished her well.

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The Roman Salute

Goy: I think if they insist on calling it a Roman salute, it’s a good idea. Play the role of obstinate fool. But that’s hard to organize… only smart people could keep that up. The doom of the alt-right will be that it can’t keep 51% of Americans on board without dumbing down, and if it dumbs down, it ain’t worth winning.

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