My Back Went Out Yesterday

So my back got all twisted in knots over Tuesday night, it got worse Wednesday, around 8 am I collapsed to the floor, had to be helped to my car. I’ve always relied upon the kindness of strangers. So the first DC examined me and said I won’t touch you without an MRI. So I went to a Network Spinal Analysis guy and he said, unless you fell out a 3rd story window, this is all emotional and has to do with identity.

Today I got some x-rays which reveal spinal bones pinching nerves in my back and some osteoarthritis.





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An Alt Right Obituary

I guess I’m about the only person following the Alt-Right who does not think this (a few Nazi salutes at the last NPI conference and some Nazi language such as “Hail Victory!” and lugenpresse aka lying press) was a big deal.

The kerfuffle reminds me of all the PR missteps of Donald J. Trump over the past 16 months and how all the pros said this or that would end his candidacy.

If the Alt-Right presents a compelling vision for millions of people, it will triumph. If not, it won’t. Bad PR won’t kill it.

People who imitate Nazi gestures or clothing are no more likely to be genocidal maniacs than those who wear Che Guevara t-shirts and adopt languages and dress of communists (and I don’t see trendies in America as likely to commit genocide).

My proof is that not even Nazis were always hell-bent on genocide. They were in power for more than eight years before they started slaughtering civilians in large numbers. Communism in Russia turned genocidal earlier than that, and overall, communism murdered far more civilians than did Nazism.

In its first six years, the Nazi regime facilitated Jews moving to Palestine (the Haavara Agreement). In some times and places, Nazis, communists and many other groups are genocidal threats to Jews and in other times and places, they are not. Everything is time and circumstance. Most Israelis wish that all the Palestinians disappear but that does not mean Israel is likely to commit genocide against the Palestinians.

Genocide happens when you have a dramatic conflict of interest and heightened stakes in group conflict. It does not happen from adoption of rituals or dress of those who committed genocide in the past. In some circumstances, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Nazis, communists commit genocide and in other circumstances they don’t. All groups are susceptible to pressure to survive and often that means slaughtering your enemies. There are no good guys or bad guys in the universe unless you look at things through the eyes of faith, and faith, by definition, is subjective.

There are no permanent enemies or allies in the world. At some times and places, for instance, Christians are allies to Jews. In other circumstances, the two sides are enemies. The same goes for gentile nationalists and Jews.

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10 Reasons Left-Wingers Cut Trump Voters From Their Lives

Dennis Prager writes:

Many Hillary Clinton voters have ceased communicating with friends, and even family members, who voted for Donald Trump. It is so common that The New York Times published a front-page article on the subject headlined, “Political Divide Splits Relationships — and Thanksgiving, Too.”
The article begins with three stories:
“Matthew Horn, a software engineer from Boulder, Colo., canceled Christmas plans with his family in Texas. Nancy Sundin, a social worker in Spokane, Wash., has called off Thanksgiving with her mother and brother. Ruth Dorancy, a software designer in Chicago, decided to move her wedding so that her fiancé’s grandmother and aunt, strong Trump supporters from Florida, could not attend.”
The Times acknowledges that this phenomenon is one-sided, saying, “Democrats have dug in their heels, and in some cases are refusing to sit across the table from relatives who voted for President-elect Donald J. Trump.”
A number of people who voted for Trump called my show to tell me that their daughters had informed them that they would no longer allow their parents to see their grandchildren. And one man sent me an email reporting that his brother-in-law’s mother told him that she “no longer had a son.”
All of this raises an obvious question: Why is this phenomenon of cutting off contact with friends and relatives so one-sided? Why don’t we hear about conservatives shunning friends and relatives who supported Hillary Clinton? After all, almost every conservative considered Clinton to be ethically and morally challenged. And most believed that another four years of left-wing rule would complete what Barack Obama promised he would do in 2008 if he were elected president — “fundamentally (transform) the United States of America.”
In other words, conservatives were not one whit less fearful of Clinton and the Democrats than Democrats were of Trump and Republicans.
Yet virtually no conservatives cut off contact with friends, let alone parents, who supported Clinton.
Here are 10 reasons left-wingers cut Trump voters from their lives.
1. Just like our universities shut out conservative ideas and speakers, more and more individuals on the left now shut out conservative friends and relatives as well as conservative ideas.
2. Many, if not most, leftists have been indoctrinated with leftism their entire lives…
3. Most left-wing positions are emotion-based. That’s a major reason people who hold leftist views will sever relations with people they previously cared for or even loved. Their emotions (in this case, irrational fear and hatred) simply overwhelm them.
4. Since Karl Marx, leftists have loved ideas more than people. All Trump voters who have been cut off by children, in-laws and lifelong friends now know how true that is.
5. People on the right think that most people on the left are wrong; people on the left think that most people on the right are evil. Decades of labeling conservative positions as “hateful” and labeling conservative individuals as “sexist,” “intolerant,” “xenophobic,” “homophobic,” “racist” and “bigoted” have had their desired effect.
6. The left associates human decency not so much with personal integrity as with having correct — i.e. progressive — political positions. Therefore, if you don’t hold progressive positions, you lack decency. Ask your left-wing friends if they’d rather their high school son or daughter cheat on tests or support Trump.
7. Most individuals on the left are irreligious, so the commandment “Honor your father and your mother” means nothing to those who have cut off relations with parents because they voted for Trump.
8. Unlike conservatives, politics gives most leftists’ lives meaning. Climate change is a good example. For leftists, fighting carbon emissions means saving human existence on Earth. Now, how often does anyone get a chance to literally save the world? Therefore, to most leftists, if you voted for Trump, you have both negated their reason for living and are literally destroying planet Earth. Why would they have Thanksgiving or Christmas with such a person?
9. The left tends toward the totalitarian. And every totalitarian ideology seeks to weaken the bonds between children and parents. The left seeks to dilute parental authority and replace it with school authority and government authority. So when your children sever their bond with you because you voted for Trump, they are acting like the good totalitarians the left has molded.
10. While there are kind and mean individuals on both sides of the political spectrum, as a result of all of the above, there are more mean people on the left than on the right. What other word than “mean” would anyone use to describe a daughter who banished her parents from their grandchildren’s lives because of their vote?

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How the far right is trying to woo an unlikely ally — Jews

Washington Post:

VIENNA — Attendees gathered this month inside Vienna’s opulent Grand Hotel for an extraordinary event billed as the “New Anti-Semitism Conference.” The Israeli superspy who hunted down war criminal Adolf Eichmann flew in for the occasion, timed to commemorate the 1938 night when the Nazis stormed Jewish synagogues and businesses.

What made the event truly remarkable, however, was its sponsor: Austria’s Freedom Party — a far-right movement founded in part by former Nazis and now on the cusp of capturing this nation’s presidency.

“They are one of the most pro-Israel parties in Europe,” insisted Michael Kleiner, a conference panelist and former member of the Israeli parliament.

Newly energized by the presidential victory of Donald Trump, far-right and anti-establishment forces are pushing into the mainstream on both sides of the Atlantic. As they do, many are seeking to neutralize one of their oldest and most debilitating labels: as anti-Semites.

In the United States, top Trump adviser Stephen Bannon is fending off accusations of anti-Semitism even as a string of archconservative Jewish voices rally to his defense. Using the forum of Breitbart News — the same website Bannon ran and described as “the platform for the alt-right” — they have called him an “honorary Jew” and “a man without an Anti-Semitic bone in his body.”

In France, the Netherlands and Sweden, far-right nationalists are counter-programming decades of deeply engrained anti-Semitism in their ranks. As left-wing parties in Europe press for boycotts of Israel over its treatment of Palestinians, far-right European politicians — at least in public — are promising Israelis their full support.

Nowhere has the rebranding been more effective than here in Austria. The Freedom Party candidate, Norbert Hofer, is facing a center-left opponent in a rerun of May’s presidential election — which Hofer narrowly lost — following a successful court challenge by the far right. Ahead of the Dec. 4 vote, Hofer and his opponent are in a statistical tie. Although the job of Austrian president is traditionally ceremonial, it comes with ambiguous powers that Hofer has vowed to amp up. A Freedom Party victory would make Hofer the first far-right head of state in Western Europe since the demise of Nazi Germany.

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WP: ‘The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.’ Museum condemns alt-right meeting.

How many ways is this story ridiculous?

Washington Post:

Just south of the national Mall, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum stands as a grim reminder of what the Nazis did.

Directly across the Mall from the museum, white nationalists were shouting Nazi slogans Saturday in a meeting at the Ronald Reagan Building.

They shouted “heil” and called the media “lügenpresse” just as the Nazis did, and leader Richard Spencer quoted Nazi propaganda in the original German.

The same sort of propaganda that’s exhibited as a memorial to humanity’s worst conduct on one side of the Mall is held up as a model for celebration on the other. The museum said in a statement Monday that it’s “deeply alarmed.”

“[Spencer] said that America belongs to white people. His statement that white people face a choice of ‘conquer or die’ closely echoes Adolf Hitler’s view of Jews and that history is a racial struggle for survival,” the museum said. Then it offered a history lesson to anyone who has forgotten: “The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words.”

Those words eventually led the Nazi party, which came into power legitimately in Germany, to kill 6 million Jews and millions more Communists, Gypsies, Poles, gay people and people with disabilities.

Jewish organizations have been divided in their response to Donald Trump’s white nationalist supporters, who call themselves the alt-right — in particular, to Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Bannon, the head of the alt-right’s most prominent website, as one of his top advisers. Some have demanded that Trump drop Bannon and denounce his racist supporters, while others have stayed quiet for the time being in the hope of developing a working relationship with the new administration.

But on the subject of racial hatred, the Holocaust Museum argued Monday, there should be no disagreement. It asked all leaders, political and religious, to denounce hatred in America. Anyone who wants to see where the worst hatred can lead can walk half a mile from the Reagan Building to the museum.

Many times there are nasty words and then genocide. A thousand times more often, there are nasty words and no genocide. There is no strong causal relationship between nasty words and genocide.

You might as well say:

“The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with water.”

“The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with breathing.”

“The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with a conflict of group interests.”

As far as this ludicrous excerpt: “They shouted “heil” and called the media “lügenpresse” just as the Nazis did…”

You could just as easily say they breathed air and drank coffee just as the Nazis did.

Only Germans can be Nazis.

As for this: “[Spencer] said that America belongs to white people. His statement that white people face a choice of ‘conquer or die’ closely echoes Adolf Hitler’s view of Jews and that history is a racial struggle for survival…”

Jews and millions of non-Jews argue that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews. What’s so wrong with other races staking their claim to territory?

If the Holocaust Museum wants to denounce hatred, why doesn’t it start with the sacred texts of Judaism which are filled with hatred against evildoers. The Torah commands in God’s name that the Jews wipe out the Canaanites, every man, woman and child. The God of the Torah commands genocide. The Psalms say: “Those of you who love God must hate evil.” Is that hate?

How come the Holocaust Museum did not mention all the communist genocides? How come there are no museums dedicated to the victims of communism?

You don’t find multiple sub-species living in the same place in nature. When sub-species of people aka different races live together in the same place, that is a recipe for conflict and tragedy.

From YNETnews in Israel:

Stalin’s Jews: We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish

Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.

Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

In his new, highly praised book “The War of the World, “Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University’s Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.

Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined “terror officials,” cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.

All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union’s archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD’s and KGB’s service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of “How could it have happened to us?” As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past.

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”

Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book “Stalin: Court of the Red Star”, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.

Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao’s terror in China, did not move Kaganovich.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a “carnival of mass murder,” “fantasy of purges”, and “essianism of evil.” Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history.

The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people.” Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and “play dumb”: What do we have to do with them? But let’s not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.

Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen,” who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.

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