Mike Enoch and Andrew Anglin talk to Richard Spencer about his Texas A&M event.

This is a darkly funny podcast from Dec. 20.

I thought there would be more hatred of Jews on the show with the Daily Stormer but that is hardly mentioned.

Richard Spencer: “The first time a goy defeated a Jew in a verbal duel in 200 years.”

Andrew Anglin: “Even Hitler lamented that he couldn’t defeat a Jew in a verbal argument.”

Southern Poverty Law Center: Richard Spencer seems to have given up on putting a spin for reporters on what happened during the National Policy Institute conference last month, when his supporters responded to a toast by throwing stiff-arm Nazi salutes to the stage with cries of “Hail Trump!”

In the media maelstrom that followed, Spencer was quick to dismiss criticisms that his suit-and-tie class of racists had gone fall-on Nazi by claiming the salutes were simply a misunderstood expression of “exuberance and irony.” But it’s almost impossible to believe that now.

Last week, Spencer sat down for an interview with two leading extremists on the “Alt-Right”: Mike Enoch who runs TheRightStuff.biz blog and Andrew Anglin, whose website The Daily Stormer –– a site that has surpassed the popularity long held by Don Black’s Stormfront –– traffics in endlessly vile anti-Semitic memes and heralds President-elect Donald Trump as “Our Glorious Leader.” The interview was posted on Enoch’s blog under the title “Between Two Lampshades,” a crude reference to the post-World War II myth that the skin of victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp had been used to make lampshades.

Calling the interview the first meeting of the “The Triumvirate,” the conversation turns on discussing their hopes for a new America under Trump and the possibilities of an ethnostate that would halt illegal immigration and give way to an all-out assault on immigration from any non-European nation. (It’s worth noting that all three are in favor of eugenics and IQ tests to determine the suitability of people to be citizens.)

In clear terms, the interview was a public relations effort for the newly united front between Spencer, a trust fund beneficiary, Anglin, an internet troll known for bragging in a video leaked online about his “jailbait,” Filipino girlfriend, and an obscure New York blogger who frequently appears on Spencer’s podcast. But Spencer seems to be willing to forge an alliance with the very factions of the Alt-Right he has tried to distance himself from using his family’s wealth and his own educational pedigree.

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Republicans, Democrats & Zionists

Paul Gottfried writes:

Lately I’ve been watching the blossoming lovefest between the conservative-Republican establishment and those on the Left who are raging over the Obama administration’s reaction to the UN resolution against Israel. Arguably, this resolution was an attempt to take away Israel’s bargaining chips in negotiating with the Palestinians. The UN Security Council, which passed the resolution, made unmistakably clear that Israel is illegally occupying both East Jerusalem and the territory on the West Bank that had been taken during the Six Day War. The resolution may also have the effect of justifying terrorist acts designed to dislodge Israelis from areas that they’re no longer supposed to be occupying. Finally it challenges Israeli claims to East Jerusalem, although there is no chance that the Israeli government will acquiesce in making Jerusalem once again a divided city.

Although some of the reactions coming from Republican publicists and politicians have bordered on the hysterical or histrionic, I won’t disagree that the US might have done better by not lobbying for the troublesome resolution, which it appears is the case. And I wouldn’t question the view of the Israeli Premier that the Trump administration would have handled the resolution differently. Trump undoubtedly would have taken a different course, as he indicated in a tweet. But to move on to other matters: I’m appalled by how Fox-news and other disseminators of GOP party-lines have been fawning on leftist politicians and celebrities who share their “indignation” over the Obama administration’s treatment of the Israeli premier. Since the passage of the fateful resolution, we’ve been inundated by expressions of friendship from GOP celebrities for liberal Democrats who have now turned against Obama. For example, Chuck Schumer, Elliot Engel, and Kirsten Gillibrand are all outraged by how the outgoing president has turned on the “only democracy in the Middle East.” As a sign of the new relationship between us and them, we were treated last week on Fox news to a bathetic interview with a longtime political leftist and a bosom buddy of Obama, Alan Dershowitz. In this memorable interview Dershowitz explained how the President betrayed the Jewish people after assuring him that “I’ll have the back of Israel.” This may have been one of the great acting moment in the life of a seventy-eight year old courtroom performer. And the people in the studio were lapping it up.

Let me point out the obvious. Those who are being celebrated by Fox News, New York Post, and Wall Street Journal are mostly Democratic politicians representing heavily or disproportionately Jewish constituencies. Their reaction to what happened with the UN resolution was as predictable as the fact that North Carolina Senators vote for tobacco subsidies. Alan Dershowitz throughout his career has been a left-leaning Democrat but also a committed Zionist. Only a fool would have expected him not to take the side of Israel, even against a left liberal administration that he has tirelessly defended. Why the interviewer on Fox-news and her colleagues were awash in compassion for Dershowitz as he whined on about how Obama let him down, is something I still can’t get my head around.

Do Republican commentators and TV producers really think they can make pals of liberal Democrats simply because they all oppose the UN resolution on Israel? If that is the case, then these Republicans must be hopeless fools. Once the Obama administration’s failure to veto that resolution fades from the news, Schumer, Dershowitz and the other protestors will become the relentless opponents of the heartless, xenophobic, homophobic, racist Republicans once again. Don’t expect them to assist the Trump administration in replacing Obamacare or support the candidates for the Supreme Court whom President Trump will likely nominate. And because Schumer and the others are accidentally taking the same side on the UN resolution as Evangelical Christians, don’t expect them to respect the religious liberties of those who out of conscience refuse to cater gay weddings. Needless to say, these pro-Israel Democrats will be hot to trot for allowing men who have just changed their gender preference to enter shower facilities previously reserved for young women.

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Australian Conservatism after Abbott: The Need for Social Movements

Frank Salter writes:

Following the replacement of Tony Abbott by Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister, some conservatives are asking what can be done to recover political influence. What can they do to make a conservative leader again?

The question is predicated on the dubious premise that the Abbott government was in fact conservative. They were better economic managers than Labor, but beyond that their conservatism was ambivalent at best. On most of the big conservative issues they failed abysmally. Yes, they stopped the (illegal migrant) boats, and that was important, but they acquiesced or actually participated in what Greg Sheridan describes as the “cultural genocide” of Anglo Australia.1 Tony Abbott’s alleged conservatism rested to a significant extent on his supposed Anglophilia. But conservative do not kill the thing they love.


Immigration and Refugees

As a minister in the Howard government, 1996-2007, and as Prime Minister from 2013 to 2015, Tony Abbott supported a non-discriminatory immigration policy that has helped reduce Australia’s Anglo and Western character and introduce the many ills of “diversity.” This would be understandable for a revolutionary intent on destroying national identity and cohesion in order to break resistance to some utopian scheme. But no conservative worthy of the name, in any country, is willing to remove immigration restriction, for to do so is to break tradition, continuity and cohesion. Tony Abbott and his mentor, former Prime Minister John Howard, became radicalised on immigration policy in the 1990s, and Australia is suffering the consequences.

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Steve Sailer: Why Do Poles Not Understand That European Values Require Europhobia?

Steve Sailer writes: It’s quite a story in Wikipedia, which I’ll rearrange to avoid premature spoilerization:

Simon Mol

Simon Mol (6 November 1973 in Buea, Cameroon – 10 October 2008) was the pen name of Simon Moleke Njie, a Cameroon-born journalist, writer and anti-racist political activist. In 1999 he sought political asylum in Poland; it was granted in 2000, and he moved to Warsaw, where he became a well-known anti-racist campaigner.

Mol was born into an English-speaking family in Cameroon. His autobiography states that he worked as a journalist; was persecuted and jailed for his writing; sought political asylum in several African countries; and was granted asylum in Ghana, where he was persecuted again. …

In June 1999 he arrived in Poland as a member of the Ghanaian PEN Club delegation to a PEN annual congress in Warsaw. Immediately, Njie applied for asylum, which was granted in September 2000.

In Poland Simon Mol wrote poems, founded a small theatre, and engaged in political campaigns for the rights of mostly African and Chechen refugees, anti-racism, anti-fascism and environmental protection. …

His activities brought attention to presumed racial discrimination in Poland, with him filing reports to Amnesty International about the alleged institutional racism.

He was a football player in the Mazur Karczew football team. One of the matches that he organized himself for his all-Black team was against Polonia Warszawa, according to the bulletin of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation.

He later used his sports team for political campaigns.

He became an advisor with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a journalist of The Warsaw Voice, the secretary general of Association of Refugees in the Republic of Poland, the chief editor of “The Voice of the Refugee” (“Głos Uchodźców”)

In 2005 he organized a conference with Black ambassadors in Poland to protest the claims in an article in Wiedza i Życie by Adam Leszczyński about AIDS problems in Africa, which quoted research stating that a majority of African women were unable to persuade their HIV positive husbands to wear condoms, and so later got caught HIV themselves. Mol accused Leszczyński of prejudice because of this publication.

As a cultural representative of the international anti-racist sports campaigns organized by UEFA, he was sent to conferences in Italy and the UK.

In 2003, he received the award “Antifascist of the Year” given by the Nigdy Więcej (“Never Again”) anti-rasism association.

In 2004, on behalf of the President of Poland, he was nominated for the Sergio Vieira de Mello Prize, alongside the ex-PM Tadeusz Mazowiecki and other Polish luminaries, for “rebuilding peace in post-conflict communities”, under the patronage of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, among other institutions.

Honorary member of the British International Pen Club Centre.

In 2006 Mol received the prestigious award “Oxfam Novib/PEN Award for Freedom of Expression”.

In February 2006, further to his partner’s request for him to take an HIV test, Mol declined and published a post on his blog explaining why not:

Character assassination isn’t a new phenomenon. However, it appears here the game respects no rules. It wouldn’t be superfluous to state that there is an ingrained, harsh and disturbing dislike for Africans here. The accusation of being HIV positive is the latest weapon that as an African your enemy can raise against you. This ideologically inspired weapon, is strengthened by the day with disturbing literature about Africa from supposed-experts on Africa, some of whom openly boast of traveling across Africa in two weeks and return home to write volumes. What some of these hastily compiled volumes have succeeded in breeding, is a social and psychological conviction that every African walking the street here is supposedly HIV positive, and woe betide anyone who dares to unravel the myth being put in place.

On the 3rd of January 2007 Mol was taken into custody by the Polish police and charged with infecting his sexual partners with HIV.

In Poland, Mol was accused of knowingly spreading the HIV virus and was charged in the cases of eleven women and remanded in custody.

After his arrest, Mol stated he had no knowledge of being an HIV carrier and accused the police of racism.

According to the Rzeczpospolita newspaper, he was diagnosed with HIV back in 1999 while living in a refugee shelter, but Polish law does not force an HIV carrier to reveal his or her disease status.

According to the police inspector who was investigating his case, a witness stated that Mol refused to wear condoms during sex. An anonymous witness in one case said that he accused a girl who demanded he should wear them that she was racist because as he was Black she thought he must be infected with HIV. After sexual intercourse he used to say to his female partners that his sperm was sacred.

In an unusual move, his photo with an epidemiological warning, was ordered to be publicly displayed by the then Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro. MediaWatch, a body that monitors alleged racism, quickly denounced this decision, asserting that it was a breach of ethics with racist implications, as the picture had been published before any court verdict. They saw it as evidence of institutional racism in Poland, also calling for international condemnation.

South African Press Association (SAPA) and Agence France Presse in their article described him as “a darling of Poland’s liberal press” due to his political campaigns Thus some of his victims were reportedly intimidated and threatened and Polish police delayed his arrest for long because of his political connections, thus allowing him to infect new victims.

On 6 March 2007 newspaper Rzeczpospolita published an article on Simon Mol (Na tropie oszusta Simona Mola by Bertold Kittel and Maja Narbutt in co-operation with Anna Machowska from TVN), stating that his biography was fabricated. An editor of the Cameroonian English language weekly The Sketch denied that Njie worked there; his mother said he was employed at a refinery; didn’t write about government corruption in Cameroon; and was not jailed in 1996. A representative of Ghanaian journalists said that while in Ghana Njie published newspaper articles about football and was never arrested in that country.

Mol was put on trial in July 2008, but the trial was suspended when Mol’s health deteriorated. Due to this and previous procedural delays, at this point the case on behalf of his victims was taken over by the then current minister of Education and Deputy PM Roman Giertych, who demanded that the case be requalified as intentional murder and demanded life sentence for Mol, thus increasing the profile of the case.

After police published Mol’s photo and an alert before the start of court proceedings, Warsaw HIV testing centers were “invaded by young women”. A few said that they knew Mol. Some of the HIV tests have been positive. According to the police inspector who had been monitoring the tests and the case: “Some women very quickly started to suffer drug-resistant tonsillitis and fungal infections. They looked wasted, some lost as many as 15 kilograms and were deeply traumatized, impeding us taking the witness statements. 18 additional likely victims have been identified thereby”. Genetic tests of the virus from the infectees and Simon proved that it was specific to Cameroon. …

… However, Mol’s trial was suspended due to his severe illness. He died from HIV-related complications on 10 October 2008. …

Despite concerns voiced by UNHCR in April 2007 the plans for HIV testing of asylum seekers were fully introduced in Poland shortly after Mol’s well-publicised trial.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Burn the coal, pay the toll.

* It is amazing how the HIV/AIDS crisis has been thrown into the memory hole. If in 1990 someone told you that anti-racism would take precedence over the prevention of an AIDS outbreak, you wouldn’t believe it.

* One of the first things Obama when he took office was lift the near-ban on immigration of people with HIV. Trump can easily reverse it.

How many Americans have been infected and died as a result? 15,000 dead Americans maybe? Hard to believe the number isn’t higher than 9/11.

And given the typical level of human capital of immigrants from the HIV belt, I am sure the taxpayer is on the hook for at least half a million per HIV-migrant in medical care.

Making the United States more like Africa by bringing in as many Africans as possible is a central goal of the modern Democratic Party, as well as the Bush/Ryan/Koch faction of the GOP.

The number of African (including North African) immigrants was
200,000 in 1980,
364,000 in 1990,
881,000 in 2000
1.83 million in 2013

Based on the high HIV rate in most of Africa, a very low estimate of the number of HIV infected Africans Obama brought into the USA as one of his first acts as president is 50,000. The people they infected, and the subsequent infections from those people, could eventually produce a body count of 100,000 people.

* This story really begs the question of why so many Polish women would want to have sex with this loser.

* When I was living in Poland I helped a young lady with her applications to study music and linguistics for graduate school a university in St. Louis.

Her biggest dreams were of America, Jazz Music and Black Men.

I have little doubt that the opportunity presented itself. Maybe she’s had a chance to get to know the mentality that have made St. Louis & Ferguson so famous. As blinkered as these naive progressive SJWs are, they’ll always still blame eurocentrism, colonialism, white power, and systemic racism for any bad behavior.

At the student nightclubs there in Poland, black men were rare, exotic and highly in demand. Whenever one was present the attentions of the young ladies were hard to overlook. It was even more blatant than when the gorgeous tall blonde Dutch or Scandinavian exchange student walks across an American campus.

Maybe experience will teach young Polish women not to be so naive. Based on our Yank sisters who have plenty of experience and should know better than to be fetishizing and exoticizing this, I’m not optimistic.

* In New York in the 80′s, we were told that being critical of centers of AIDS transmission, such as bath houses, or wanting AIDS Typhoid Marys to be reported to health authorities, was anti-homosexual bigotry, and real wrong. Crimethink, also.

The realpolitik theory about why this was so was that wealthy and thus politically influential gays did not want the liability resulting from their infectious adventures to come back to haunt them. Like lawsuits, you know.

In New York State, it took a Lothario drug dealer, in some upstate dump of a city, who infected a bunch of young teenage girls, to finally get our clowns in the state legislature to take action and allow reporting of HIV transmission.

* If you want to talk about cognitive dissonance among the altright how about that Muslim honor killings actually fall into the brutal but effective category when you think about it, would white women still sleep around with nonwhites if white men carried out honor killings against white female race mixers or carried out acid attacks against them or against sexually promiscuous women?

* I doubt going to that extreme would be necessary. Shaming and shunning such women–and their families–would probably be a sufficient deterrent.

And of course, tightening up access to social services would help. If an unmarried mother of any race knew she couldn’t get any welfare for herself or her spawn unless she could show that the fathers were already paying child support, I bet the overall illegitimacy rate would decline.

* The Simon Mol story is recounted as though it were a tragedy.

The tragic part is that a near-century of Red propaganda had softened even the most resistant European brains into letting such people in to run amok. But while it is somewhat sad that Mol’s victims have joined the ranks of the dead and dying prematurely, it’s also true that most if not all of his victims felt a comforting endorphin-rush of enlightened superiority of being a twinkling NotARaciss star in a hateful, backward, white-raciss skyline.

The tragedy is every schoolchild since, who have been deliberate victims of every far-left ideologue in a position of power – or worse, public trust – who, shuddering at the potential propaganda dimensions of stories like Simon Mol’s, determined to redouble the ideological vise-grip on the white children in their care. Children who will not simply never be told the Simon Mol story, but will face onerous penalties (social and cultural, and now-or-soon, possibly criminal) for learning it independently or, worse yet, disseminating it to others.

But Mol’s victims’ only remaining value is as public-health martyrs, not as individual tragedies. If children who willfully choose to play with matches don’t get horribly burned periodically, many many more people would die in fires than presently do.

* Movies and TV shows like to downplay and make fun of the effects of shaming/shunning, and like to claim that just “being strong” and “being confident” remove them. In reality, however, shaming/shunning are incredibly powerful, especially on women, whose natural insecurity and tremendous desire for group approval far out paces men.

Even today, a man voicing strong disapproval of a woman’s actions can make her break down in tears, no matter how much others are telling her what she did was ok. Years ago, I was once drunk at a bar in a major lefty city and two white women were showing me pictures of one of their children—who was black. I ripped into it and started making comments like “Is the father still around?” and “Wow, you went that far in the gutter?” The woman’s eyes welled up with tears, and at first, protested angrily, but then just hung her head in shame and ran out.

* Gays were split into two camps in the 1980s regarding such issues as closing the bath houses. If you read Randy Shilts “And the Band Played on” you can see how bitter the split was.

But there was definitely a camp of gays that was “pro common sense”. This camp was attacked viciously by the “stupid” side.

Non gay leftists consistently backed the “stupid” side.

I got the impression that the “stupid” side was motivated more by the usual leftist lack of logic rather than by practical considerations about liability (although that would have been an issue too),

(Eventually the bath houses closed because they went broke due of a lack of customers.)

Posted in AIDS, Blacks, Europe, Homosexuality, Poland | Comments Off on Steve Sailer: Why Do Poles Not Understand That European Values Require Europhobia?

NYT: ‘The Glare Varies for Two Actors on Hollywood’s Awards Trail’

I wonder why. Must be racism.

New York Times:

Jeannie Suk Gersen, a professor at Harvard Law School who teaches criminal law and sexual harassment law, said the reason could be far simpler: Mr. Parker’s case was criminal and Mr. Affleck’s was civil.

“People carelessly conflate rape with the entire range of sexual misconduct that can occur,” Ms. Suk Gersen said. “It’s all repulsive. But both morally and legally there are distinctions — degrees of behavior. Parker was accused of something far more serious.” (Ms. Suk Gersen is particularly attuned to Mr. Parker’s case, having contributed an article in September to The New Yorker, “The Public Trial of Nate Parker.”)

…One of the women, a producer named Amanda White, said in her complaint against Mr. Affleck that she endured “uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances” on the set of the film “I’m Still Here,” which he directed. The other woman, the cinematographer Magdalena Gorka, accused Mr. Affleck of curling up next to her while she was sleeping and “caressing her back.”

I see a moral difference between leading a gang rape and caressing a woman’s back, but that could be just my white privilege speaking.

Comment at NYT: “Well, according to the article, the allegations against Mr. Parker involved rape, but the allegations against Mr. Affleck involved harassment. Not to oversimplify this issue, but the different treatment is more likely due to the differing degrees of the alleged crimes/torts. Perhaps the overall point of inequality is valid, but this is an outrageous example to use. It really undermines the article.”

I’m not aware of Casey Affleck being accused of leading a gang rape.

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