Vox: How the alt-right’s sexism lures men into white supremacy The movement’s many online communities prey on male insecurity to advance a racist political agenda.

In other words, community builds up in-group identity. Joining a soccer club can build white community and white supremacy.


Most white men who become radicalized into the alt-right start out in search of some like-minded friends.

Though various branches of the movement are often at odds with one another, they share a number of core beliefs — and a common meme-flavored vernacular — that serve to unite them in what is sometimes called “the manosphere.” This realm includes the “men’s rights” movement, pickup artist culture (a community of men also labeled “PUAs” that essentially makes a game of the art of bedding women), “incels” (men who are “involuntarily celibate” because they feel women reject them), and geek gatekeepers like supporters of the Gamergate movement.

On the surface, PUA communities and incel communities have a lot of generic appeal: The PUA lifestyle emphasizes self-esteem and confidence building along with physical health, while the incel community allows men to bond over their struggle to achieve all of the above in spite of their sour luck with women. Meanwhile, gamers and geeks habitually tout the importance of gaming in providing social interaction for young men.

These spaces foster the kind of male friendship whose importance doesn’t get a lot of attention in the real world. But the benefits of their existence are often accompanied (and sometimes negated) by their tendency to instill in their members a newfound articulation of fundamental anxiety over their position as men in a society where women are actively seeking empowerment.

And in building its membership from so many different communities of white men who ultimately feel threatened and rejected by women, the movement promotes a sense of male entitlement that is easily radicalized into white nationalism and white supremacy.

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TEARS WE CANNOT STOP: A Sermon to White America By Michael Eric Dyson

Carlos Lozada writes for the Washington Post:

“Hey, fellow white guys! It’s about to be a new year. And there’s a few things we think you can do a little bit better in 2017.”

Thus began MTV News’s “2017 New Years Resolutions for White Guys,” one of the Internet’s most transcendentally awful experiments in wishful viral-video-making of the past year. In the 88-second clip, various young MTV staffers, spanning multiple ethnicities, proceed to lecture “white guys” for their offenses to liberal identity politics, such as mansplaining, suggesting that all lives matter and saying “woke.”
The video grates, both for its pedantic, generalizing message and because it was obviously created with the expectation of countless shares among knowing lefties. Instead, the mockery and backlash was such that MTV took it down less than 48 hours later.

I wish they’d kept it up, owned it. Because, if 2016 was the year of rediscovering the political power of the Deplorable White Male, 2017 may become the year of attempting to sway, co-opt, educate, overanalyze or shame that class. Some attempts will backfire. (I’m looking at you, MTV News.) Another, Michael Eric Dyson’s new book, “Tears We Cannot Stop,” is more thoughtful yet far more angry, mingling insight, righteousness and harshness.

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Parasha Vayechi (Genesis 47:28–50:26)


Wikipedia: “Vaychi, or Vayhi (וַיְחִי‎ — Hebrew for “and he lived,” the first word of the parashah) is the twelfth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‎, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the last in the Book of Genesis. The parashah tells of Jacob’s request for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s death and burial, and Joseph’s death. The parashah constitutes Genesis 47:28–50:26.”

* Why do Jews like Joseph keep rising to the top of gentile societies?

* I wonder if Jews in ancient Egypt ran the banks and the media. Did they develop the Egyptian dream? Did they lecture on the meaning of Egyptian identity? Did they write op-eds about how as Egyptians, they supported this or that? Did they push multiculturalism? How did the Egyptians feel about all this?

* Ties of blood and soil seem to be the essence of Torah and of gentile nationalisms.

* It is an important exercise to try to see things from the other person’s point of view. For instance, for me to try to see my life from the perspective of my father or mother pr brother or sister or ex-gf or ex employer, etc. What about seeing the Torah from the perspective of Egyptians or Amalekites or other non-Jews? What is good for one group is often bad for other groups as all groups are competing for scarce resources.

http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=67695 Luke Ford talks to Robert Stark about the following:
* If I Were A Gentile White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews?
* If I Were A Black Gentile, How Would I Feel About Jews? http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=67680
* If I Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About Converts Like Luke Ford? http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=67671
* If you were a Muslim, how would you feel about Jews? http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=67647


Kahanist Won’t Defend Montana Jews Against Neo-Nazi March

Supporters of the far-right Jewish Defense League, an extremist group angling for a resurgence in the wake of Donald Trump’s election, say they are sympathetic to the white nationalism of the “alt-right” — and have no plans to push back against an anti-Jewish march planned in Whitefish, Montana by a neo-Nazi.

At a New York event for the late JDL leader Meir Kahane, organizer Jonathan Stern told Haaretz that “alt-right” figurehead Richard Spencer was “a white nationalist who stands up for white people and there is nothing wrong with that.”

Kahane sympathizer Stern called the activist group in Whitefish “a liberal organization” that was “intimidating” Spencer’s mother. “I think that was very low,” he said.

Stern said that there was no budget for Kahanist activists in New York to get there and said there have been no attempts to reach out to Jews in Whitefish.

“So they provoked this guy, and now there is all this response, by white people, and white supremacists, and neo Nazis, and they want to march in the Jewish Community,” Stern said.

“And so I’m trying to figure out what is going on, because if Jews are being targeted, we need to stand up for them. But if this is a response to a liberal organization, it’s a different story,” Stern said. “They started it, let them deal with the consequences.”

* Chapter 49 is Jacob’s revenge on his kids as he lets loose what he really thinks.

* After Joseph dies, he is “gathered to his people.” If you said a Christian was gathered to his people, what would that mean?

* Casey: “Why is Jacob too good to be buried in Egypt? When he prophesies that Judah will tie his donkey to the finest vine or whatever… is that a sycophantic thing, or by merit? Historical question: what year was all this happening–I’m wondering if it coincides with the diminishing of Egypt–that is, did welcoming the Jews into their society turn out to be a bad move (if not, why did the next pharaoh start killing them all?)”

Luke: Because blood and soil matter. Jews have a special relationship with a certain section of land — Israel. Jacob wanted to remind his children that Egypt was not their home. The Jewish commentator Meshech Chochmah wrote of the assimilated Jews of the 19th Century: “They substituted Berlin for Jerusalem.”

Judah is praised for his merits.

Wikipedia: “Judah offers himself to Jacob as surety for Benjamin’s safety, and manages to persuade Jacob to let them take Benjamin to Egypt. When the brothers return, Joseph tests them by demanding the enslavement of Benjamin. Judah pleads for Benjamin’s life.”

Egypt declined about 3000 years ago:

It’s strange to think that during Egypt’s New Kingdom period 3,500 to 3,000 years ago, this same nation was one of the most advanced on the planet. Egypt was an ancient superpower whose reach extended from Sudan in the south to the edge of modern Turkey in the north, with a powerhouse economy and masterful builders and artists. Historian Amelie Kuhrt has described the Egypt of that time as “unrivaled in wealth and pomp.”

Empires decline when they bring people into them who are of different genetic stock than those who made the empire great.

Dennis Prager says that Jews are alive and that the Egyptian empire is dead because Judaism has God and ancient Egypt did not. A genetic explanation would say that Jews have been more careful about who they let into their gene pool than the ancient Egyptians.

Atheist Kevin MacDonald read the Old Testament and concluded that the “God” of the Bible is the Jewish gene pool.

Does bringing Jews into a society always create prosperity or problems? I think the answer is all about time and place. Jews aren’t an awesome addition to every society. A society structred along the lines of race and religion is likely not a good fit for Jews because they have neither racial nor religious ties with the majority. On the other hand, Jews have prospered and never been slaughtered in WASP countries.

* In Egypt, if you interpreted a dream correctly, you were credited with not just predicting the future, but with helping to carry it out.

* Torah is clear that the land of Israel belongs to the people Israel.

* What shapes moral character? What happens when your religious faith grows or declines? I think faith binds and blinds. It strengthens your in-group identity.

My past show notes:

* Rabbi Berel Wein writes: “The book of Bereshith ends this week on a seemingly upbeat note. The family of Yaakov, united and now more numerous, live in an apparently friendly Egyptian environment, rather smugly protected by their political influence and their growing wealth.”

“The 130 years of good times in Egypt enabled the Jews to somehow survive the eighty years of slavery and persecution. Spanish Jewry enjoyed a “golden age” of centuries before its three century decline into expulsion and forced apostasy. Polish Jews also enjoyed hundreds of years of autonomy and governmental favor and protection before declining in the three centuries which ended with its destruction.”

* Rabbi Berel Wein writes: “As troubling as it is not to know the future it is perhaps even more troubling to know it. It is only the ignorance of the future that allows humans somehow to exploit the present and live a productive life.”

* I learned in daf yomi (Talmud study) that while it is generally a bad idea for somebody to immediately marry after the death of a spouse or after a divorce, in certain circumstances it is acceptable. For instance, if you need a wife to look after your kids. I heard about one rabbi who buried his wife in the cemetery and then immediately married another wife in that same cemetery that same day.

* Rabbi Wein writes: “How easy and understandable it would have been for any of our patriarchs and matriarchs to have become disappointed and disillusioned by the events of their lives. Yet their ultimate faith, that truth will survive and triumph, dominates the entire narrative of this first book of the Torah. Bereshith sets the pattern for everything that will follow.”

* Rabbi Wein writes: “From all indications in the Talmud and in Geonic literature, borrowing books for studious use was very commonplace in Jewish life. In fact, the rabbis spoke out against those who refused to lend their books to others, seeing in this protectiveness of ownership a hindrance to the spread of the study and knowledge of Torah. Rabbinic responsa is replete with issues and liabilities regarding borrowing books and the respective problems that surely emanate from such a policy of liberal lending of books to others.”

I’ve always been careful to return borrowed books in good condition. It shocks me that if you lend a book or anything to somebody, most of the time you don’t get it back. I remember lending some movies to a guy after shul, a fellow Australian, and he never returned them! I appeared in one of the movies! It was my only copy. And every time I would run into him, he would joke about being sorry for not returning the movies and by this time, I did not want to be reminded that I had ever lent him such movies. I was ashamed. And to have lent them to him after temple! Oy vey!

Rabbi Wein writes: “The greatest book borrowers from the Jewish people have been the two other major monotheistic religions, Christianity and Islam. Christianity borrowed the so-called “Old Testament” whole cloth from the Jews. It is ironic in the extreme that the gratitude shown by the borrower to the lender of this basis of monotheistic belief and worldview has been expressed in unending centuries of enmity, discrimination and persecution. While Islam never borrowed our book totally it certainly borrowed its contents.”

“The Koran and Moslem beliefs generally – as distinct from its practices and rituals – are based almost entirely on the values and ideas of the Torah. It has also, over the centuries, shown a great reluctance to acknowledge that a large part of its library consists of borrowed books. In fact, this is true about a great many of the principles of Western Civilization. There is nothing wrong in borrowing books, ideas, culture and knowledge. The wrong comes when the borrowing is not acknowledged, recognized and/or appreciated.”

* Rabbi Wein writes: “Sometimes in life, the greatest gift and blessing that a parent can give to a child is the criticism of that child’s traits and weaknesses so that these faults may yet be corrected and improved upon.”

That’s what I appreciate about Rabbi Rabbs. He’s not afraid to point out to people their faults.

* I had a girlfriend. I always wanted on Friday nights to make the blessing over her that fathers make over daughters but she was not into it. Nor would she call me daddy. She wouldn’t let me tickle her either. No wonder things didn’t work out between us.

* Rabbi Wein writes: “One of my great teachers in the yeshiva that I attended long ago defined success in life to us as follows: If your grandparents and your grandchildren are both proud of you and your accomplishments, then you can claim success in life.”

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NYT: Chicago Hate Crime Wasn’t Anti-white or Anti-Trump, It Was Anti-intellectually-disabled

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Totem-Pole theory explains America.

Blacks sit on the top of the Totem Pole. The mentally handicapped come a few icons down – below women.

* I don’t think the NYT ever did get around to reporting that Kitty Genovese was murdered by a black sexual savage. After all, who wanted to kill the feel good buzz of liberals in 1964 so soon after the self-congratulatory march on DC by so many thousands of apologists for black social dysfunction demanding the federal codification of black privilege. Instead, the NYT blamed Kitty’s death on sleeping white neighbors and invented the so-called “bystander effect.”

* No, gays sit on the top, followed by Jews (obviously there is a lot of overlap). In fact, I can remember the exact moment gays displaced blacks in the number one slot; when Obama announced his party was going to push for gay marriage to a crowd of Black pastors, and told them to get with the program or their gravy train ends. They looked so crestfallen, haha.

* So they’re saying disabled people get kidnapped and tortured for days on end all of the time without having it recorded? That’s not very plausible. Note the mentality of the perps where tormenting a captive white person is such great fun and sport that they thought sharing the experience with their homies was a good idea, earning them status points within their community. Reflects badly on the black mentality so lets steer attention away from the fact this was a group effort with a larger audience in the background watching and being amused.

The black police chief didn’t want to state the obvious and waffled on calling it a hate crime. The new State’s Attorney is a black woman who campaigned on fairer treatment for black criminals and who has no experience in running anything let alone such a large organization so not much can be expected from them. Last night’s television news and today’s print media featured an important story about how a Dairy Queen franchise owner in Zion used a racial slur against a querulous black customer. Protest and boycott called for and headquarters is moved to act. This is big news, someone called someone else a name. Just bring up a bunch of these stories along with the hoax crimes and the original story can be crowded out. Big media have gotten really shameless.

* Please. Let’s keep this in perspective. The NYT deserves a bit more credit. The perps were just “having some fun with a retard”, that’s all. Ghetto Negros do it all the time to each other. On a daily basis. Brutally establishing dominance (and enforcing submission in others) is hardwired in them. Sensing weakness in an instant and making a quick bite at the throat is an irresistible impulse. It’s actually beneficial to them: the attack on the white boy likely boosted the perps’ testosterone levels and increased their Darwinian fitness.

The reason Chicago cops, politicians, reporters and activists didn’t hyperventilate over this incident is because they know this on a visceral level. They live it every single day. From their experience (700 Chicago homicides, 4500 Chicago shootings in 2016), this white boy got off easy.

Accept Negros as they are for what they are and avoid them. You will be much happier. They will be happier, too … and you won’t go bankrupt trying to change them into ersatz white folks. It’s a waste of time, money and angst. I call it respecting Human Bio-Diversity.

* Society will continue to see crimes like this until the average person wises up and learns the same information about sociopaths that psychologists have known since the 1960s. They have no conscience and are not reformable. Generally, they’re committing serious crimes by their mid-to-late teens, and they often start committing felonies before they’ve reached legal age. Jailing them is a waste of time and money. We would be better off executing them, but soggy modern sentiment says it’s horrible to execute kids who commit vile acts even though these kids will never be anything except monsters. The best way to deal with it is to abort them before they’re ever been born. This is why the Republican plan to defund Planned Parenthood is asinine. We’re going to have an explosion of black crime several years down the line when the little black thugs grow up if we ban black abortion.

People say broken families breed crime. That’s wrong. They need to go a generation further back. There’s something very obvious here that just isn’t occurring to people. Two people who decide to have sex without birth control and who don’t give a damn that they have a kid, and who don’t give a damn about supporting that kid by getting jobs are sociopaths. Sociopaths are obsessed with indulging themselves with life’s pleasures and they have zero sense of responsibility. That’s classic sociopathic behavior. When two parents carry these genes, they pass them onto their kid. When the kid commits crimes, the kid is just expressing the parents’ sociopathic genes, and these genes have been in their bloodlines for thousands upon thousands of generations. Blacks in America are barbaric, and so are blacks in Africa. No one should be surprised by this.

The only solution is to abort any kid in the womb with a father who refuses to hang around and support that kid, and sterilize that mother. That’s the only way to get these detrimental sociopathic genes out of the human bloodline. We need to think in very practical, genetic terms here.

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Will There Be A Coup Against Trump?

I was talking to friends:

* It appears that although there is a shrill not insubstantial minority of Democrats who want to go down fighting against Donald Trump, Trump is consolidating his position and even a majority of Democrats want him to succeed. Today Elon Musk is meeting with Bannon and Miller who are Trump’s top policy guys. Since most of Musk’s ongoing business (Tesla, Space and Solar) have substantial subsidies from the Federal government, I would imagine that Musk is taking the position that he is helping America lead the way in innovative technology and that the government should continue its favorable policies toward Musk’s enterprises for the prestige involved.

* Some observers (Paul Craig Roberts for example) believe that the actions since the election against Trump are designed not just to discredit Trump and to undermine his legitimacy, but as a precursor to a coup. Certainly the leaks from the intelligence community about Russian involvement in the election are designed to imply (a) that but for the hacking of Podesta’s emails (which are conflated to “hacking the election” which has led a majority of Democrats to believe the Russians actually interfered tabulating the votes cast so as to insure Trump’s victory) Trump would have lost the election and (b) that Trump is a traitor because (i) he may have cooperated with or had knowledge of what the Russians were doing and (ii) he has cast doubt on the both the motives and conclusions of the intelligence agencies. There is a great deal of information out there that suggests that the emails were not hacked by the Russians, that the leaks are politically motivated and that the timing of the blame cast on Russia is designed to cause Trump problem by splitting him off from the zealous anti Russian wing of the Republican party exemplified by Lindsay Graham and John McCain. In any event, one has to wonder how such a coup could take place. The easiest way to engineer a coup would be for Trump to be killed. Perhaps this is the reason that Trump has retained his private security services in addition to the Secret Service protection he gets.

Certainly Mike Pence is not someone who shares many policy positions with Trump and would govern in a markedly different way, probably along the lines of how he has governed in Indiana, in other words what now passes for traditionally conservative in the Republican party, a mix of Koch Brothers anti regulatory libertarianism, Paul Ryan budget cutting of entitlements and tax cuts for the wealthy, and the chamber of commerce positions on immigration and TPP. However, if sufficient “evidence” surfaces that Trump is in fact a traitor, it would not be that much of a stretch for Obama to invoke his powers as commander in chief, to put the country under martial law to prevent Trump from succeeding him. To that extent Trump has helped himself by respected Generals to top positions, notably Mattis as secretary of defense. Trump did get huge cheers when he attended the army navy game and he is much more popular than Obama among the troops. Obama has purged many generals and put in generals who are more aligned with him politically, but I cannot see them falling into line on something as serious as martial law whose purpose is to prevent Trump from becoming president.

* It is pretty funny watching the news media oppose and attempt to diminish everything Trump has done. When American companies have decided to expand here and bring foreign operations home, and foreign companies have decided to invest here, Trump’s influence in those decisions is played down. Trump is also criticized for interfering in the free market. These are not positions the press would ever take with a Democrat. When the Republicans pulled their bill to gut the independent ethics watchdog only after Trump tweeted against it, his involvement was played down as made only after Congress decide to withdraw the bill (false) and only after public opinion forced his hand. Again, the press would not take this position had the party been the Democrats

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