JTA: Israeli prof accused of harassment returns to UCLA classroom, prompting protests

Whoever heard of an Israeli committing sexual harassment? I’m shocked.

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — UCLA students vowed to resume their protests Wednesday against Gabriel Piterberg, an Israel-educated historian, over charges by two of his female students of repeated sexual harassment.

Piterberg, a graduate of Tel Aviv University who served in the Israeli army, until now was more widely known as a fierce critic of Israel and its founders.

When Piterberg appeared at his Monday morning class — for the first time since settling a sexual harassment case with the university — he was greeted by chants of “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Piterberg has got to go,” according to the Daily Bruin student newspaper and members of Bruins Against Sexual Harassment.

A photograph taken in his classroom shows a message on the blackboard reading, “If a tenured professor sexually assaults his own students it’s abuse of power.”

Some 20 minutes after the start of the class a student stood up and left, after which Piterberg dismissed the other students and also canceled his scheduled afternoon class. Protesters said they would return and continue their disruptions during Piterberg’s scheduled Wednesday classes.

In 2013, two female graduate students accused Piterberg, 61, of harassing them over many years by making sexual comments, pressing himself against their bodies and forcing his tongue into their mouths, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Piterberg, who has declined all requests for interviews, has formally denied the charges, but in a 2014 settlement with the UCLA administration he accepted a $3,000 fine, a suspension without pay for one quarter and agreed to attend a training course against sexual harassment.

He was also removed from his position as director of the Gustav von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies at UCLA and was forbidden to meet individually with certain students except during office hours, and then only if the door remained open.

The settlement did not prevent Piterberg’s return to his teaching post, triggering widespread complaints that the university had been too lenient in the case. A group of 38 history professors sent a letter to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block that stated, in part, “Students, staff and faculty must contend with the presence of an admitted harasser in our midst,” and noted that Piterberg had expressed no remorse for his actions or for the damage he had inflicted on the history department.

According to his resume, Piterberg served in the Israeli army in the early 1980s, and saw action against PLO forces in Southern Lebanon.

He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but grew up in Israel. After his army discharge, Piterberg studied and received academic degrees – all with highest honors – from Tel Aviv University in Middle East history and political science, and a doctorate from Oxford University, where his research focused on the history of the Ottoman Empire.

Subsequently, he taught at England’s University of Durham and at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. In 1999, he joined the UCLA history faculty, advanced to full professor in 2008 and was named director of the UCLA Near East Studies Center in 2013.

At seminars and in specialized scholarly publications, Piterberg early on earned a reputation as an unrelenting critic of the creation and existence of Israel. He has described himself as “not only a non-Zionist, but in certain ways also anti-Zionist.”

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Are Warm Socks Racist?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* There’s something of a joke among world travelers and ex-pats that “hygge” is Danish for “hook up.” When a Danish girl takes you to show you “hygge,” it means you’re getting laid. The Danes are remarkably sexually liberal once you’re accepted but that’s a steep climb. I’ve never been in a country with such a sharp dichotomy between stranger and friend, or one that was so coldly unfriendly to strangers.

* People who criticize Hygge, probably were not happy children. They did not have parents who let them roast hotdogs in the fireplace, make fondue in the pot that has been in mom’s kitchen since the 60′s; and learned to play the all important card games. Hygge is pretty universal as far as “I’m stayin’ in, and getting into my jammies early.”

* Quite aside from the obvious angle of this being an attack on traditional European culture, I think there is something more going on, in addition to that.

Hygge is obviously something that doesn’t fit well with neoliberal values, which are about being restless, insecure, and thus turning to consumerism to fill that empty hole.

Hygge is about being happy, satisfied, content, not hustling, not on the make, satisfied with small comforts – in the original NYT article, a Danish person was quoted as saying the Danish are so happy because they take satisfaction in small things. Sounds almost Buddhist, although really all spiritual traditions counsel this approach, including most of the Hellenistic ones.

Well, that is obviously a threat to capitalism and indeed the whole modern way of life!

One thing I have discovered about people committed to capitalism and the neo-liberal way of life is that they are deeply, deeply, threatened by anyone or anything that seems to call into question their values. You must subscribe to their notion of the good life as being about buying stuff, gadgets, and working really hard to buy stuff and have gadgets, and under no circumstances must you be allowed to be satisfied with small comforts that make you happy!

When I first started developing an interest in non-materialistic spiritual traditions the hostility and mockery I met with from the hard working neoliberal types was astonishing to me – I didn’t expect sympathy, but I expected indifference at worse. They would pity me as the poor soul who missed out on the point of life – to work really hard to buy stuff, according to them.

But no. What I got instead was something resembling rage. Clearly, I was challenging a very brittle facade they were trying to maintain – they knew on some level that they were missing out on the best things in life, and they responded with rage at my deviation from their accepted norm, which reminded them of what they had given up.

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Will Obama be Blackballed by a Jewish Country Club?

New York Post:

Obama may get rejected from golf club over Israel policies

By Daniel Halper January 10, 2017 | 9:49pm

President Obama’s clashes with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may cost him a membership at an exclusive golf club, sources said.

Obama is looking to join the elite Woodmont Country Club in Maryland once he becomes a private citizen.

But members of the mostly Jewish club are at each other’s throats over whether to accept the golf-loving president, with many saying he deserves to be snubbed for not blocking an anti-Israel vote at the United Nations, according to the sources. …

“In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there’s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership,” a source told The Post.

Steve Sailer writes: “Or perhaps Jews enjoyed the company of their fellow Jews and wished to facilitate their young marrying each other by providing a romantic country estate for socializing?”

“Jackie Robinson tried to create a black country club in the New York suburbs around c. 1960, but it didn’t happen. It seems like a constructive solution.

Big cities like Chicago and Los Angeles often have a municipal golf course that’s de facto recognized as the black course. Golf tends to bring out the territorial urge in groups of people.

The daily fee course on Martha’s Vineyard where Obama plays every August is perhaps the blackest upscale (although not private) course in the country. It’s near the Talented Tenth colony on the island.”

“One privilege in belonging to a country club is that you don’t have to schedule your time to play golf. You just show up when you feel like it and they match you up with a few other members into a foursome and off you go.

Of course, that requires the number of members be kept way below capacity. I don’t know about other states, but California has a law privileging golf courses so their property taxes don’t get raised to the “highest and best use” of the land. Thus, for example, L.A. Country Club on Wilshire Blvd. between Beverly Hills and Westwood (probably the most valuable real estate in the country devoted to golf), has a modest property tax bill so the members don’t need to admit more members.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Was way too young when I first saw Caddyshack & the Rodney Dangerfield character to have any clue to its origins in real life (or in the fertile imagination of the screenplay author & director). Now that you point this out, it is quite funny. Just another instance of tacky nouveau riche/declasse types giving the genteel old guard the cringes. Or intra-ethnic status jockeying.

* Caddyshack was a romanticized replay of Brian Doyle Murray’s years as a caddy at Indian Hill Golf Club in Winnetka Illinois. While many courses keep a low profile, Indian Hill and Onwentsia are the only clubs in Chicagoland that actively deny their own existence. Most characters in Caddyshack were based on real people.

* Jews have *always* tried to associate with the broader community they were in. They’ve never had any policies or practices to keep to themselves, but have always been champions of integration. If you don’t know that just ask them!

* ‘Red Oaks’ is a series about a Jewish c.c., which is a concept that nobody who doesn’t read iSteve has ever even thought about for one second. The creatives are stealing from you now, Steve. There’s more emphasis on tennis, played by shifty inside-trader guy from Mad About You.

* Obama, as the affirmative action black, has always just been given top honors for showing up. He probably had very little shock at receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, because he just figured his own election was the capstone of humanity. Remember this guy was given the presidency of the Harvard Law Review when it was already promised to a student who’d gotten the requisite best grades–just because Obama was black and the black students made a fuss. (and then promptly became the first Law Review president in history not to write the requisite Student Note, because he was too lazy).

But Obama likes awards; like most blacks, he associates the award with actual accomplishment. He expects to be given membership at any club he applies to, and have it happen right away, no waiting.

* In St. Louis there are two Jewish clubs. Westwood (old money German Jews) and Meadowbrook (Russian/Polish Jews). Of course Meadowbrook was founded because German Jews looked down on the Russian/Polish/Al Cvervik Jews. I would bet that there has never been a black or gentile member at Westwood, but Meadowbrook has been trying to go mainstream recently.
Funny that these oppressed people start one or two country clubs in just about every major American city.

* I read that the gentile country clubs admitted Jews before the large immigration of eastern Jews. The German Jews got caught in that so they started their own clubs. It makes sense that most actual rejection stories would be eastern Jews from German Jew clubs because any Jew back then would have known not to apply to the gentile club.

When I was a kid my uncle told me his rationalization for the local Jewish country club rejecting Michael Jordan of all people. The only thing I learned that day was that Jews were a lot more racist than we tell ourselves.

* When Michael Jordan was playing for the Bulls he applied for membership at three Jewish country clubs and was denied at each one.

* The old German-Jewish families of the late nineteenth and early 20th Century, collectively referred to in New York as “Our Crowd,” were highly assimilated and extremely patriotic. They had no trouble gaining entry into IV League colleges and WASP dominated country clubs. However, because of their level of assimilation, they risked losing their Jewishness, ideally preserved through marriage and family life. Example: Robert Moses, the Master Builder of NYC. He was born to wealthy Jewish parents, raised in a secular Jewish home, attended Yale, and started off as a liberal progressive reformer, eventually switching to urban planning and setting up public benefit corporations in NYC that left a monumental legacy in the city. But he ended up marrying an Episcopalian and converting to Christianity. After that, he became virulently hated by the Jewish Left, notably dominated by non-”Our Crowd” Jews. Based on my one data point, I believe Steve that the Our Crowd Jews may have established country clubs like Woodmont to prevent defection of their highest achievers to the Christian gentile masses, with whom they comfortably mingled — perhaps too comfortably.

* I’m Jewish and see nothing wrong with non-Jews preferring, for whatever the reason, to exclude Jews from their country clubs, and with doing just that.

Jews have no sort of right to the company of others–or even to just their good will; and any law saying otherwise is an infringement, blatant and outrageous, on the inalienable right to freedom of association.

Same goes for any other people, including the Blacks.

* You know, it takes a hell of a lot of gall for a jew to complain about exclusion and exclusivity, when jewishness itself–from the Torah to contemporary practices–had been all about exclusion and exclusivity.

As if jews in 1913–and now–don’t exclude Gentiles from their own social circles and to boot hold racist views about intermarriage. Give us a break.

Everyone (even the WASPS)

Why should we blame Anglo-Saxons for being somewhat circumspect about people who use racial slurs against them?

Suddenly people got interested in whether their ancestors had come on the Mayflower or fought in the revolution.

As if jews don’t obsess over their alleged ancestors. Pick the holiday.

WASP clubs excluded Jews (and not only Jews but Catholics and the “wrong sort” of Protestants, etc.) AND German Jewish clubs excluded Russian Jews, etc.

And jews exclude Gentiles from their identity group and social circles. The issue here is and has been for centuries that jews seek all the privileges of membership in groups while refusing to become full members of such groups and bear the concomitant burdens of membership.

The whole POINT of having a club was excluding as many people as possible (any 4th grader could tell you that).

That is the whole point of Judaism, actually. It is perhaps one of the most sophisticated systems of social exclusion ever devised. You have a lot of gall, my friend.

* Jews ain’t blacks. They’re not fighting to sit at lunch counters. They started with “Let me into Harvard or else!” and have only set their sights higher since.

* People should go back and watch “Gentleman’s Agreement” or even the relatively recent (1994) “Quiz Show”: German Jews were assimilated and were not particularly noticed for being Jewish, Eastern Jews (from Russian Empire/Poland) were stereotyped as loud, obnoxious, and whiny. I think that was the root of the exclusion policies, I don’t think it had much of anything to do with religious confession.

Same thing applied to other groups, Irish, Italians, in other degrees. If you weren’t “with it” (sedate, calm, patrician as per WASP, Dutch and assimilated German stereotypes) people didn’t want you around. And, BTW, the same perception applies to blacks, not only here, but in Asia as well, to this day. Again, in all of these cases the minorities were excluded and looked down upon because they were considered loud, (often drunk), predisposed to violent outbursts, lacking gentility, etc. And BTW it’s a common (or was) source of friction among Jews, as well, Eastern Jews considered “Yekes” (German Jews) stuck up and ridiculously tight, while German Jews considered Eastern Jews to be loud and obnoxious trouble makers. (Compare the two leads in “The Odd Couple” and/or “The In Laws” (1979) to get a sense of the stereotypes, or even the lead in “A Serious Man” versus the guy who takes his wife.)

Bottom line, the US is generally a relaxed and quiet culture and the demonstrativeness of other cultures rubs a lot of people the wrong way.

There may be some undercurrent of anti-Semitism about how “Jews run everything /Jews want to turn America into something more advantageous to themselves, etc.” type beliefs out there, historically, and now, but I don’t think they’ve ever been particularly prominent, and as for Deicide/Blood Libel stuff, hardly at all. And I don’t think either of those had anything to do with the exclusionary rules in country clubs.

* Cf James Michener’s Caravans. The narrator, a German Jewish foreign service guy named Mark Miller, notes that he got his job because, post-WW2, the State Department was under pressure to start hiring more Jews. So, to avoid having “socially unacceptable” Jews thrust upon them, they went out looking for “socially acceptable,” clubbable Jews like himself.

* There is a sort of an alt-right mythology that discrimination in America (if it ever even existed at all and is not 100% retconned) belongs to a dim distant past beyond all living memory so that whoever brings it up is just picking at old scabs that should have been healed over by now.

* Judaism is one of the most sophisticated systems of social discrimination ever devised. Why don’t you focus on dismantling that?

* What I heard from a member of a country club that turned down Michael Jordan around 1990 was that he was welcome to play there anytime — just show up and he’d be put into a foursome with members. But the members weren’t crazy about the idea of Jordan as a member being able to invite his own friends, who tended to be professional gambler lowlifes and the like.

Michael Jordan eventually joined a brand new club in the Chicago suburbs where anybody with money could join.

By the way, speaking about body guards and security, Michael Jordan employs his old teammate Charles Oakley, a 6’10″ power forward, as his traveling companion, card-playing partner, and bodyguard, just in case some drunk wants to boast that he punched Michael Jordan. No drunk wants to recount that he got whaled on by Charles Oakley before he could even land a finger on Jordan.

* I was just reading Philip Roth’s Indignation, wherein the main character is a studious, standoffish, Jewish kid at a mostly white liberal arts college in 1950s Ohio. He spends a lot of time resenting the frat boys he has to serve at his job at a local watering hole. He’s asked to join the Jewish fraternity by an alpha male type he later learns has ties to his family back in New Jersey. He resents that. He resents a lot of things.

He is also asked to pledge at a fraternity full of socially marginal figures, which he turns down. He’d rather be alone. The book is mostly about sex, as it turns out. (Big surprise.) But the Jewish fraternity resentment, much like country club resentment, is thick.

No one treats him harshly for his Otherness, as I recall, only his personality. In the hands of another author I can imagine he’d like the jockiest, blondest, WASPyish Big Man on Campus to personally ask him to join his frat just so he could turn him down. But here I get the honest feeling he just wants not to be bothered.

Still, there is the particular way in which he’s bothered that speaks to his limitations as racially resentful.

* There is not really that much of a market for Jewish self-awareness. It’s not as if a novelist as talented as Roth is incapable of it, but there’s simply little demand these days for Roth to go very deep into these kind of patterns.

* I once read a book about the Freud’s psychoanalysis mythology as being partly cooked up because of his anxiety in mixed company over embarrassing, crude, unassimilated Jews. Which was sort of a Vienna vs. Russian countryside thing. In the author’s formulation, id = yid, and the idea was that Freud tried to convince gentlemanly gentiles that within each of them is an embarrassing village Jew waiting to get out. So who are they to judge?

Which sounds ridiculous, though the book as I recall was better than I’m describing. The main point was that Freud definitely looked down on his co-ethnics.

* They’re private clubs for a reason. You don’t like the idea–don’t join. Last I checked the first amendment right to assembly is understood to mean a right to association with whom one chooses. They’re social membership clubs, after all. The Harvard Club wouldn’t accept me as a member–why is their private right of association (exclusion, discrimination) any different than any other private club?

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Group Crimes

John Craig writes: You’ve undoubtedly heard of the recent torture of the schizophrenic white kid in Chicago by four blacks.

It’s a refreshing change to see a black-on-white crime actually get some airtime. Usually, the MSM buries these crimes. But this incident got such a head of steam going thanks to that Facebook video that even the normally blinkered NY Times couldn’t entirely ignore it.

Still, what no one seems to be mentioning is how the incident is so revealing of black attitudes. Brittany Covington laughingly streamed the abuse on Facebook, where she evidently figured that only her friends would see it. And she assumed that her friends, probably all of whom are black, would not object to her behavior. Or, if they did, would at least not turn her in for it. (After all, snitches get stitches.)

This may have been partly due to stupidity on her part, but it was also partly engendered by her knowledge of her friends’ attitudes toward whites. (Which, most whites tend to be quite naive about.)

The other, larger takeaway, is there were four people involved in this abuse. This is a pattern I’ve noticed time and again. Usually, when a white commits some horrific crime, it’s the work of some lone, sick, twisted individual who was abused as a young child. (Think serial killers.)

But when blacks commit a horrific crime, it’s often a group of them, just guys who happen to be in the vicinity and see an opportunity. The spirit of the crime is more like, hey, we got one here, let’s not let this dude go. And so, like lions spotting a wounded water buffalo, they close in.

Look at the recent beating of that white man in Chicago, ostensibly for having voted for Trump. This wasn’t the work of one criminal. It was committed by a group of local blacks, who just happened to be at that intersection, with a girl egging them on.

Think about the knockout game, or, as it is also called, polar bear hunting — because of the color of the “bear” those feral youths are hunting. Usually it’s a young black male showing off to his buddies. In several of the videos I’ve seen, they all cackle with laughter when the white falls to the ground.

Think of the beating of truck driver Reginald Denny, who just happened to be caught in the middle of the riots in Los Angeles in 1992 and was nearly beaten to death by the black mob. (His skull was fractured in 91 places.)

Brittanee Drexel had been missing for seven years, since 2009; her case was finally solved this past summer. She had been kidnapped from Myrtle Beach, SC, during spring break. Then, according to FBI agent Gerrick Munoz:

Da’Shaun Taylor “showed her off, introduced her to some other friends that were there … they ended up tricking her out with some of their friends, offering her to them and getting a human trafficking situation.” As the media spotlight grew ever brighter on the desperate efforts to find Drexel, the girl was “murdered and disposed of.”

Her body was reportedly dumped in a local pond teeming with alligators.

Drexel’s was a particularly gruesome case, and what was striking about it was the fact that so many local men participated.

Or think of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, who were carjacked, raped (yes, Newsom too), tortured, and murdered by five blacks. Christian had bleach poured down her throat while she was still alive, then was wrapped in bags and left to suffocate.

There are far too many such crimes to catalogue here. But the group nature of black crime vs. the solitary nature of white crime is a consistent pattern. This isn’t to say, of course, that all blacks turn into violent criminals the moment opportunity presents itself; most blacks are law-abiding. (Think of the blacks who eventually came to Reginald Denny’s aid.) But the mere fact that it happens at all, with bystanders frequently willing to join in the festivities, is striking.

The only whites I can think of who have committed a group crime in the past 35 years are the Chicago Rippers, four Satanists who committed 18 murders in the early 80’s. (There are undoubtedly other recent examples, but they are rare.) And there have been a few white serial killers who’ve operated in pairs. But the most reprehensible crimes that whites commit tend to be done by lone sociopaths.

The nature of black group crimes, on the other hand, seems to be more opportunistic: whoever happens to be around, participates.

If you keep an eye on these things, you’ll notice the pattern.

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The Age: Sudanese in Melbourne Are Victims of Racial Profiling (Also, They Commit 2 Orders of Magnitude More Major Crimes)

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Some pushback comes from the Murdoch tabloid newspapers and talkback radio. But Australia doesn’t have free speech protections like the USA does. Both Murdoch newspaper columnists and talkback radio hosts have been charged and convicted under our version of ‘hate speech’ laws.

If Pauline Hanson makes a stand on bringing back free speech to Australia her One Nation party will explode in popularity, maybe even gaining the balance of power in the Senate. Then things would get interesting. There might be some hope of fixing our immigration system before it’s too late.

* When you find out the answer to this question, try to find out who thinks the flood of Somalis to the U.S. is a good idea.

* I’ve always found it odd that the left never wants to differentiate between different groups of people when advocating more immigration. I mean, what are the odds that every group of humans on this planet is a net benefit to first world societies? Perhaps the majority in Australia, the US, and Western Europe is so awful, that we can just assume anyone coming to these countries has to be an improvement? Either that, or they simply want as many non-whites as possible and don’t particularly care about what it does to the native born.

* The influx of Africans was a remarkably stupid decision by the otherwise generally sound Howard Government (1996-2007), and numbers of new African immigrants have now declined. However, the legacy of that influx is with us in the form of their vibrant offspring.

The crime stats don’t identify the race of the perp, so country of birth is the best official indicator of background that is available. Note that “youths born in Australia” (who “commit the most home invasions, car thefts and aggravated robberies”) include Australian-born Africans, some of whom are now teenaged and at the forefront of this crime wave.

The general perception in Melbourne is that, in relation to some specific types of crime (car-jackings and home invasions) most of the offenders are African. Every day there are also reports of ordinary street robberies and other crimes where the offenders are described by the victims as being “of African appearance”. This is despite Africans being less than one per cent of the population.

For us Melburnians, two orders of magnitude is very easy to believe.

* Because of black prominence in sports and music, globalism has made all nations worship blacks as ‘cool’. So, they welcome black immigrants from Africa to ‘Americanize’ their own nations. “Hey, we got blacks too, just like America.”

But blacks are bigger, stronger, and more aggressive, and they beat up the native populations and commit lots of crime. What is happening in Australia is also happening in Europe. And even though black population of Japan is small, they commit lots of crime there too. But because blacks have been ‘sacralized’, we are not supposed to criticize them or the crazy immigration policy. If you speak honestly about blacks, you are silenced as ‘racist’. Since America dominates the world, even its brand of ‘guilt complex’ defines the entire world, even places that have NO reason to feel any ‘historical guilt’ regarding blacks. White Australians, for instance, owe something to native Aborigines, not to black Africans.

Concerning blacks, there is a combination of admiration and sympathy. Because blacks are better at sports and sing loud, non-blacks admire them and try to imitate them. But because black Africa is so poor (and blacks in the New World were slaves), non-blacks feel compassion for blacks as helpless and harmless children in need of help.

Result of this ‘hope’ and naivete is disaster.

* Blacks make up over 50 percent of San Francisco’s jail population, even though Blacks make up only 6 percent of the city’s general population. So San Francisco has a similar problem as Melbourne when it comes to overwhelming majority White cities/overwhelming majority Nonblack cities that have a major Negro crime problem.

* An elderly friend of mine said that, in the early 1970s, he noticed that there really was nothing for the newspapers to write about. The country was remarkably peaceful, united, and prosperous.

He thought at the time that this was too good to be true, and that ‘somebody, somewhere’ would deliberately upset the happy equilibrium for their own reasons.

Lo and behold, in the 70s we get the beginnings of pathological altruism and open borders.

Ethnic-based crime syndicates followed soon after, and continue to plague us. As does the Labor Party’s cynical exploitation of ethnic groups for electoral advantage.

For this, and for unaffordable family homes, and for ever increasing government debt, the ‘baby boomer’ generation is increasingly detested by those like me who have come after and who have to live in the increasingly ugly world that they created from the paradise in which they spend their own childhoods.

* Here’s an interesting incident called the Cronulla beach riots.

Back in 2005, Lebanese men were beating up lifeguards and sexually harassing women at Cronulla beach. The Aussies retaliated, with over 5,000 white youths going on a rampage and beating up a bunch of Lebs.

That’s generally not something you’d see in the U.S. It seems that Australians are bit more masculine and less PC than Americans.

* I don’t control the media. Just look at the State Farm ad that shows a bigass Negro proposing to some young white girl. There are tons of that stuff.

GLOB world is schizo. It says ‘race is just a social construct’ and ‘there are no racial differences’, but it also sends the message that ‘white girl should go with black men cuz the negroes are superior in manliness’.

I wonder when this cognidis (cognitive dissonance) will blow up.

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