Steve Sailer: Why do the guys defending a fort in Afghanistan find living in a tiny bunker to be a blast, while coming home to America is so discombobulating for them?


* Because American society now is mostly composed of atomized individuals, backstabbing and a lack of community. Most parents don’t even socialize their kids anymore they let the TV/computer and state do it. Look these guys come home from a locale where they had each others back and would die to protect one another to a society where backstabbing is a way of life and no physical or emotional support in most cases. That is a major let down. The closet I think we had for community support was the VFW.

BTW this lack of tribalism/community is what led to the creation of the motorcycle gangs after WWII which were composed of vets returning from the wars to a society that had no place for camaraderie and community. The MC’s supply this in their own way.

* Well, the Obamunists and unprosecuted zillionaires seem plenty tribal, so maybe “de-tribalization” isn’t really the problem.

Or maybe the problem is what happens when a sufficiently powerful and cohesive tribe comes among the atomized and decadent modern Western “society”. If so, then the solution may indeed be re-tribalization of West’s traditional power people, say, the Anglo-Saxons for instance. Something tells me that the publishing establishment might not really welcome this, however.

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Living With Diversity


“Millennials don’t like to get naked—if you go to the gym now, everyone under 30 will put their underwear on under the towel, which is a massive cultural shift,” he continues.


* Because getting naked only works in very specific and rare situations. Ie a safe and homogeneous society with people whose behavior you can predict, like Germany and Scandinavia in the 20th century.

When people around you become too different, you’re forced to play it safe wherever you go, and you don’t just switch off that mindset at home.

This is why the prediction that white people’s clothes are going to get less and less sexual is a very safe bet. 20th century style safety was a historical anomaly, sadly. It didn’t have to be, but that’s what we wanted.

* I think all these causes folks have noted are part of it:
– diversity and end of the mass, one-nation, all on the same team culture
– end common\expected military service
– individualism
– the issue of homosexual child predators being “out there”
– homosexuality normalized
– smaller families, larger houses, more privacy growing up
– prosperity, more individual amenities (inc. my own shower)
– cell phone cameras

This has been a long time developing. My freshman dorm built in ’69 or ’70 had individual shower stalls. The dorm i was in my middle and senior years built in the 40s (and all the others of that vintage) had gang showers. The local community pool from 60s\70s vintage has gang showers. My old health club–80s\90s vintage–individual shower stalls, some with curtains–which some of the non-white foreigners seem to prefer. (I’ve never been in my kids HS locker rooms, it’s hard to imagine they build enough individual shower stalls to accomodate an entire gym class showering and changing … don’t know what they do.)

But it’s quite noteable in millenials. My son though much more fit than me–quite reasonably being 36 years my junior–looking like Micheangelo’s David, is nonetheless much more modest about being seen naked. That seemed to be generally true of his buddies in scouts as well.

And yet:
– the binikis are even smaller. There’s all this personal modest amongst basically friends\classmates, but then there is very little covering up on the public beaches, little “left to the imagination”. Even urban workout attire is skimpy and gives you pretty much the full picture of how everything is situated.
– the millenials hug everybody. I first had this rubbed in my face, when i saw my adolescent daughter giving a hug to some guy who was really just an acquaintance. (Didn’t like that. I hugged one girl in HS–the girl i was dating. You didn’t hug the world.) One of my older daughter’s friends, whom i’d never met before, came with her for thanksgiving dinner. At the end of the evening, she initiates a full on solid pretty intimate hug. (I don’t mind being hugged by young women, but it’s sure different than a generation back.) It’s definitely a thing … hugs, hugs, hugs

* From junior high school in the 60′s through grad school in the early 80′s I showered naked in shower rooms without stalls. It never really crossed my mind that this was unusual in any way, and I remember how totally astonished I was in 1996 when I read that Times article about the new prudery.

I belong to two health clubs: the one near my home has a working class clientele; while the one near work is quite upscale. Nobody ever gets naked in the former, and the showers are almost unused. People do shower in the latter (they have to go back to the office!), and there is a certain amount of nudity, mostly among older men. But even there, I notice much more modesty than I did 20 years ago.

I’m convinced the fundamental reason for the new prudery is the sexualization of everything — in particular the normalization of homosexuality, and the moral panic over pedophilia. The whole thing strikes me as quite sad, but I don’t see us going back any time soon. Now that everybody is a potential sex object for everybody else, the only way people could become comfortable with nudity again would be by jumping all the way to full blown nudism, which always involved potential sex partners traipsing around naked in each others company, and which was always seen as kind of weird. Given the outfits you see on the beach these days you might think we were almost there already, and yet somehow those tiny strips of fabric carry huge symbolic significance. Geez, people are so strange…

* One big driver of modern modesty in America is the promotion of aggressive homosexuality (and latterly trans-wackiness) by the powers that be. All young people are afraid to forfend or resist sexual assault by demanding enforcement of locker-room decorum lest they be denounced as “queer bashers” or “haters” (with “racist” thrown in for lagniappe), so they just try to avoid exposing themselves to leering, groping, and potentially rape by adminstratively-licensed assailants. Teachers are correspondingly afraid to keep order in locker rooms because offenders can invert any discplinary measures by false accusations of LGTBQ-insensitivity.

* Some nudist colonies are actually child porn rings. When I first became involved in the hospitality industry, we received a mailer from a Florida nudist colony which sold videotaped children’s beauty pageants for over a hundred bucks a tape, it should go without saying that the kids were in the buff. The owners who received the mailer laughed it off like, “Can you believe those wacky hippies?” Until I explained what it was and told them to take it to the local p.d. to ask it be forwarded to the FBI.

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A Requiem for Friendship Why Boys Will Not Be Boys & Other Consequences of the Sexual Revolution

Anthony Esolen writes:

The pansexualists—they who believe in the libertarian dogma that what two consenting adults do with their privates in private is nobody’s business—understand that the language had to be changed to assist the realization of their dream, and also that the realization of their dream would change the world, because it would change the language for everyone else.

Language is not language if it is not communal; it is a neat trick of political abracadabra to argue for an individual’s right to change the very medium of our thought and our social intercourse. If clothing is optional on a beach, then that is a nude beach. It cannot be a nude beach for some and an ordinary beach for others; to wear clothes at that beach at the very least means something that it had not meant before. If you may paint your house phosphorescent orange and violet, and you persuade a couple of your neighbors to do likewise, you no longer have what anybody would call a historic neighborhood.

If all of Kate’s friends leap into bed with whatever male gives them a hearty dinner at Burger King and a round of miniature golf, and Kate chooses instead to kiss her date once on the cheek and leave him on the porch, she will suggest to everybody that she is a prude. She may be, or may not be; she may be more firmly in the grip of lust than they are, for all we know, and may just detest the boy. But her actions have connotations they did not use to have.

Imagine a world wherein the taboo has been broken and incest is loudly and defiantly celebrated. Your wife’s unmarried brother puts his hand on your daughter’s shoulder. That gesture, once innocent, must now mean something, or at least suggest something. If the uncle were wise and considerate, he would not make it in the first place. You see a father hugging his teenage daughter as she leaves the car to go to school. The possibility flits before your mind. The language has changed, and the individual can do nothing about it.

By now the reader must see the point. I might say that of all human actions there is nothing more powerfully public than what two consenting adults do with their bodies behind (we hope) closed doors. Open homosexuality, loudly and defiantly celebrated, changes the language for everyone. If a man throws his arm around another man’s waist, it is now a sign—whether he is on the political right or the left, whether he believes in biblical proscriptions of homosexuality or not.

If a man cradles the head of his weeping friend, the shadow of suspicion must cross your mind. If a teenage boy is found skinny-dipping with another boy—not five of them, but two—it is the first thing you will think, and you will think it despite the obvious fact that until swim trunks were invented this was exactly how two men or boys would go for a swim.

Because language is communal, the individual can choose to make a sign or not. He cannot determine what the sign is to mean, not to others, not to the one he signals, and not even to himself.

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Build The Wall!

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I worked for an industrial manufacturing company where the labor on the factory floor was 99% Mexican except for the manufacturing and test engineers who were 95% South Asian or Arab. The Mexicans were long term US residents, who had been working a long time, and you would have thought had been amnestied by Reagan.
The company was bought out by a large corporation and in the routine process of transferring the payroll system, more than a third of the factory workers’ Social Security numbers popped up as duplicates or fakes. The new company had to fire them and do a mad scramble to find new qualified hires who could pass e-verify. Of course all the new hires were still Mexicans, they just had legal status. The surviving workers would put out the word on the openings to fellow Mexicans and the supervisors hired accordingly.
By the way, these were all specifically Mexicans, not Central Americans. A Guatemalan or Honduran had no more chance of getting in than a German or Nigerian. These folks had no interest in working next to anyone who rooted for the wrong national soccer team. At the last World Cup they all thought the referees cheated Mexico out of a win, and they were pretty glum about the White Germans shellacking the Brown Brazilians. Concentric loyalties.

* It’s untenable to predict that “most” Latino illegal aliens will end up apprehended by police for drunken or drugged driving, or for any other offense for that matter. Most of those committing such offenses will simply get away with it, and will not be “found out” and deported on this basis.

Without concerted enforcement action in workplaces (including day labor centers and farms) and neighborhoods, many millions of illegal aliens will stay here, largely under the radar, while their wives or girlfriends and children bilk taxpayers for medical care (much of it at emergency rooms where they legally cannot be turned away). food stamps, and public education costing $12,000 to $15.000 per year for every child (more if they require special education or remedial classes, as is disproportionately the case).

Trump needs to repeal obama’s executive orders immediately, most of all any amnesty or immigration non-enforcement orders.

Then e-verify, again relentlessly enforced to find and punish both illegal alien employees and especially those who hire them instead of hiring Americans.

We also need to require foreigners (and this would include my own dear wife) to wait say more than five years as legal permanent residents before becoming eligible for citizenship. Try twenty years, at least, if we are truly careful about expecting full assimilation to our language, culture, and mores before citizenship.

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How To Destroy American Democracy

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