Torah Talk: Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16)

This week’s Torah portion is Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16). Listen.

* Recap: Joseph designs a plan where the world has to turn over its gold to Egypt survive a long famine, and now with all the world’s gold in Egypt, the Jews get it and take it out of Egypt.

* Were the Jews freedom fighters or terrorists? Tweet:

Modern Hindus retrospectively cast 1857 as “war of independence”.Their ancestors in 1857 prayed for British victory over “freedom fighters.”

Every people wants self-determination, even if others can rule over them more efficiently and provide them with more stuff.

* God unleashes plagues on Egypt. Egyptians sees the Jews as a plague. Different peoples have different interests.

* The traditional reading of the Book of Exodus is that the Exodus the event represents life, Egypt represents death.

Egypt represents slavery, the Exodus represents freedom.

Egypt is bad, Israel is good.

The Pharoah is bad, Moses is good.

The Egyptian gods are false, only God is God.

To get an alternative perspective, to get an Alt Right perspective, put yourself in the position of groups competing with the Hebrews, such as the Egyptians.

* What are the chief contributions to the world from Egypt in the past 3,000 years? About 3,500 years ago, Egypt ruled. It was the mightiest empire in the world.

* The Exodus is the central event in Judaism. If the Exodus did not happen, then what is Judaism?

* If the Exodus is the one example of God interening in history, then what? It’s a ridiculous question because there is no empirical way of judging when God intervenes in history.

* Different groups have different traits. Jews tend to be emotional, like other Middle Eastern people, and so they complain more. Jews aren’t often criminally violent, but they do tend to be verbally violent and this “You’re killing me” complaints in the parasha are quintessentially Jewish.

* According to a midrash, only a fifth of the Jews left Egypt. The rest were not ready for the new way of life and died during the plague of darkness.

* According to the Artscroll, when “the wicked are punished, God is glorified.” More liberal Jews are less likely to say such things and to rejoice in the destruction of the wicked.

* Rejoicing over the death of your enemies is normal, natural and healthy. When the Jews saw the Egyptians drowned, they rejoiced. “Israel saw the great hand that HaShem inflicted upon Egypt, and the people revered HaShem, and they had faith in HaShem and in Moses, His servant.” (Ex. 14:31)

Life is often zero sum. Different groups have different interests and we are all competing for survival in a Darwinian world. If the Egyptians had caught up with the Jews, it would have been very bad for the Jews. The Egyptian army drowning, on the other hand, was good for the Jews.

* Ex. 17:16. “…Hashem maintains a war against Amalek, from generation to generation.”

Amalekites are the descendants of Esau.

Artscroll: “[Amalek] attacked Israel because of their ancestor’s [Esau] ancient, implacable hatred of Jacob; they would have continued the attack even if the Jews had retreated toward Egypt.”

All forms of life have a group evolutionary strategy. Jews have one, Arabs have one, Africans have one, Chinese one. It is rare that a member of a group can see his group’s evolutionary strategy.

Every life form has a strong reaction against anything that threatens its survival. Groups normally need cohesion to survive. Threats to group cohesion, such as multiculturalism, should be expected to produce violent responses.

* Goy: “I want to ask about “conversion” and the persuasion that seems to come (to the Jews in this part) *only* when they see physical evidence of god’s intervening on their behalf and ask you more about your conversion, and miracles.”

Do these questions mean anything in a context of Jewish religion? –or is the question of “believing” not important at all?

* What White Supremacists Taught A Torah Scholar About Identity

* Carl Schmitt: The Concept of the Political

* The Ordeal of Civility: Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss and the Jewish Struggle with Modernity (1974)

* The WASP Question by Andrew Fraser.

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NYT: ‘The Misunderstood Genius of Russell Westbrook Following the departure of his superstar teammate, Russell Westbrook was left to lead the Oklahoma City Thunder all by himself. That’s when something special happened.’

If Russell Westbrook is a “genius”, I’m not sure what kind of genius. His genius certainly does not consist of winning. Most casual fans of the NBA clearly understand that but apparently this writer does not.

Because they were underdogs, I rooted for the Thunder for years and more often than not, in the biggest games, it looked to me like Russell Westbrook with his reckless ball management, unwillingness to pass, and wretched shot selection (career FG % is 43.5, Alan Iverson, another black ball hog, is 42.5), did as much to harm his team’s chances as to advance them.

Steve Sailer writes: “On the downside, both Westbrook and Harden are on track to break George McGinnis’s seemingly unbreakable ABA record for most turnovers.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Unfortunately all of their efforts will be fore not. Come finals time, both those players will be at home, like the rest of us, watching the finals. You could combine the rosters of both the Rockets and Thunder and they still wouldn’t be competitive against the Warriors. One man wrecking crews in the NBA, whilst entertaining, don’t win titles.

* Westbrook and Harden are great players, but their freak output owes a great debt to the distortion effect of recent rule and style changes in the NBA.

Not being able to put your hand on a guard on the perimeter has made pick and roll virtually unguardable. That in turn has motivated teams to completely overhaul style to take advantage, putting 3 3-point shooters on the floor at all times to pull defenders out of the paint and then run endless pick and rolls with the star and a big man.

The simple action produces a big volume of points and assists for the star guard and then on the other end, they are playing with so many lightweight 3-point specialists, there are a huge number of rebounds available.

I think it’s lame. Half the starting point guards in the league are “stars” under this system. You’ve got a 5’9 guy in Isaiah Thomas who can’t defend a lick putting up 30ppg and getting MVP buzz.

The stylistic diversity of the late 2000s is gone. A bunch of teams playing the exact same way, putting ball-hog scoring guards at the center of a 3-point shooting offense.

* I watch very little NBA, but I did watch Cleveland’s run to the Championship last year. One stat that they don’t list is YARDS PER CARRY! I frequently watched as a drive to the bucket included 3 giant steps, and occasionally four. But, what the hay, scoring drives the viewership numbers.

* Westbrook is great, but he has what some call the choke gene. He panics in big games. (Harden by contrast has the clutch gene). Westbrook’s end game blundering pretty much gave the Western Conference finals to Golden State. I doubt he’ll change.

* …it’s amazing how left the league has gotten the last few years. Probably was inevitable in a league that’s 80% black. And the whites who want to be involved with such a black dominated sport tend to become hyper SJWs (see Steve Kerr’s Twitter feed). Football remains relatively neutral politically due to the coaches and quarterbacks, along with the fan base. And it’s not just celebrating Black History Month and opposing the Muslim ban, the NBA was one of the most enthusiastic bullies pushing for tranny bathrooms. There’s a lesson there: if any institution is overwhelmingly non-white, it’s going far left not just on racial issues but everything. Same for the country.

* NBA’s tack left has a lot more to do with its massive ABC/ESPN deal and its commissioners than the athletes.

David Stern and Adam Silver both liberal NY Jews catering to the liberal media establishment and often chastising their own athletes – e.g., Kobe Bryant and Rajon Rondo getting major penalties for anti-gay slurs.

The black athletes push the NBA left on BLM, but the rest is all NY liberals using sports media as a wedge into flyover country.

* Westbrook makes only 43% of his shots and only 31% of his 3-point attempts. He wants to dominate possession of the ball. If he’s making his shots he’s pretty much unstoppable, but if he’s not he can take the whole team out of the game. By contrast, Larry Bird was the master of the “touch pass”; move the ball to the next player as quickly as possible. Westbrook does not contribute to a winning team nearly as much as his headline stats would suggest. Bird took a team that only won 29 games in the season before he arrived and led it to more than 60 wins–without Robert Parish or Kevin McHale present. Without Kevin Durant, Westbrook has no serious chance of being on a team in the conference finals.

* The NBA refs are also now more likely to call blocking fouls against the defender than charging fouls on the dribbler in order to make the games more exciting. If a defender steps into the path of a would be Michael Jordan who is still twenty feet away and running at the basket, he might be whistled on the claim that he hadn’t “taken a defensive position” no matter how long he had been standing there.

* Stuff like taking away the all-star game from Charlotte over the transgender bathroom law is using the popularity of sports in red states as a wedge to insert blue state power and influence.

It’s not a coincidence that one of the NFL’s most consistingly white teams — the New England Patrios — is also the winningiest.

Dawkins on hoops in black and white

Charley Rosen / Special to

3 days ago Darryl Dawkins has never worried about being politically correct. Ever since he made headlines in 1975 when he became the first schoolboy to be drafted into the NBA (Philadelphia — fifth pick overall), Dawkins was never shy about speaking his mind.

According to Dawkins, the outcome of the upcoming Olympic basketball tournament hinges on a subject no one else dares to fully address — the racial components that define basketball as we know it. “The game is the same,” says Dawkins. “The object is for the good guys to score and to keep the bad guys from scoring. But there’s a big difference between black basketball and white basketball.”

Darryl Dawkins isn’t afraid to sound off on the “big difference between black basketball and white basketball.”

Growing up poor (but happy) near Orlando, Fla., Dawkins learned the former before he learned the latter. “Black basketball is much more individualistic,” he says. “With so many other opportunities closed to young black kids, the basketball court in the playground or the schoolyard is one of the few places where they can assert themselves in a positive way. So if somebody makes you look bad with a shake-and-bake move, then you’ve got to come right back at him with something better, something more stylish. And if someone fouls you hard, you’ve got to foul him even harder. It’s all about honor, pride, and establishing yourself as a man.”

Once the black game moves indoors and becomes more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. “Now you’re talking about high school hoops,” says Dawkins. “So if you’re not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn’t in the papers, if you don’t have a trophy, then you ain’t the man and you ain’t nothing. Being second-best is just as bad as being last. And if a teammate hits nine shots in a row, the black attitude is, ‘Screw him. Now it’s my turn to get it on.'”

If young black players usually cherish untrammeled creativity, white hooplings mostly value more team-oriented concepts. “White basketball means passing the hell out of the ball,” says Dawkins. “White guys are more willing to do something when somebody else has the ball — setting picks, boxing out, cutting just to clear a space for a teammate, making the pass that leads to an assist pass. In white basketball, there’s a more of a sense of discipline, of running set plays and only taking wide open shots. If a guy gets hot, he’ll get the ball until he cools off.”

Why is white basketball so structured and team-oriented?

“Because the white culture places more of a premium on winning,” Dawkins believes, “and less on self-indulgent preening and chest-beating. That’s because there are so many other situations in the white culture where a young kid can express himself.”

As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. When Dawkins and the Sixers squared off against the Portland Trail Blazers for the NBA championship in 1977, Philadelphia’s most dynamic players were Julius Erving, George McGinnis, World B. Free, and Dawkins.

“They beat us in six games,” Dawkins recalls, “and the series marked the most blatant example of the racial difference in NBA game plans. We were much more flamboyant than Portland, and certainly more talented. We had more individual moves, more off-balance shots, more fancy passes, more dunks, and more entertaining stuff. But everybody wanted to shoot and be a star (including me), and nobody was willing to do the behind-the-scenes dirty work.”

Meanwhile, the white players at the core of Portland’s eventual success were Dave Twardzik, Bobby Gross, Larry Steele and Bill Walton. Dawkins notes that “Even the black guys like Lionel Hollins, Mo Lucas, Johnny Davis, Lloyd Neal played disciplined, unselfish white basketball. Credit their coach, Jack Ramsay, for getting everybody on the same page.”

As much as Dawkins respected Portland’s game plan, however, he was never crazy about Walton. “The guy was a good player who could really pass and had a nice jump hook,” Dawkins opines. “What made Walton so effective was that he was surrounded by talented players who wanted to win and weren’t concerned with being stars. Personally, I think that Walton was, and still is, full of baloney. Back then, he had this mountain-man image, he smoked lots of pot, and I don’t think he bathed regularly. And the league let him play with a red bandana tied around his head. To say nothing of his involvement with Patty Hearst.

“If a black player ever tried any of that kind of stuff he would’ve been banished from the NBA in a heartbeat. Yet in spite of all the messed up things Walton did as a player, now that he’s a TV announcer all he does is tear down everybody else. The guy still ticks me off.”

During his 15-year tenure in the NBA, Dawkins’ signature move was bulldozing to the basket and smashing the Plexiglas backboard to smithereens. He was brash, outlandish, funny, and irresistible. He called himself “Chocolate Thunder,” claimed to be from the planet Lovetron, and devised names for his more awesome dunks — among the most noteworthy were In Your Face Disgrace, Cover Yo Damn Head, Sexophonic Turbo Delight, and his classic If You Ain’t Groovin’ Best Get Movin’-Chocolate Thunder Flyin’-Robinzine Cryin’-Teeth Shakin’-Glass Breakin’-Rump Roastin’-Bun Toastin’-Glass Still Flyin’ Wham-Bam-I-Am Jam!

For the past four years, the 6-foot-11, 285-pound Dawkins has been coaching the Pennsylvania Valley Dawgs in the summertime United States Basketball League. In so doing, he’s won two championships (2002 and 2004) and distinguished himself as a superior motivator and big man coach, as well as the kind of on- and off-court teacher who can help transform wild young hooplings into mature gamers. As a by-product of his own maturation, Dawkins can also see the pluses and minuses of both black and white basketball.

“The black game by itself,” he says, “is too chaotic and much too selfish. No one player is good enough to beat five opponents on a consistent basis. The black style also creates animosities among the players because everybody ends up arguing about who’s shooting too much and who’s not shooting enough.”

But the white game also has its drawbacks: “It can get too predictable and even too cautious because guys can be afraid to take risks and make mistakes.”

Dawkins believes that the best NBA teams combine the best of both. “In basketball and in civilian life,” Dawkins says, “freedom without structure winds up being chaotic and destructive. Only when it operates within a system can freedom create something worthwhile.”

And, according to Dawkins, this is the most difficult task at hand for Larry Brown. “Only Tim Duncan and Carlos Boozer are willing to play white basketball. All the other guys on Team USA really want to go off on their own.

“Unless Brown can bleach some of the selfish funk from their game, they’ll be lucky to win the bronze.”

Charley Rosen, former CBA coach, author of 12 books about hoops, the next one being A PIVOTAL SEASON — HOW THE 1971-72 LA LAKERS CHANGED THE NBA, is a frequent contributor to

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Why Would America And Australia Want To Accept Each Other’s Illegal Immigrants?


As the White House confirmed a “horrible deal” between Australia and the US on refugees would remain, US President Donald Trump cast more scepticism.
He said he questioned the purpose of the agreement, and suggested the number of refugees could increase to 2,000, after the Trump administration agreed to honour an Obama-era plan to resettle 1,250 asylum seekers in the US.
“For whatever reason President Obama said that they were going to take probably well over a thousand illegal immigrants who were in prisons and they were going to bring them and take them into this country,” Trump said.
“And I just said why?”
“Why are we doing this?”

Why would America want to take in 1250 to 2000 people who tried to enter Australia illegally? Why does America need more Muslims? From an American perspective, these people are scum.

I understand that in exchange, Australia will take in people who tried to enter America illegally. Why would Australia want them?

November 13, 2016: The Turnbull Government unveils the refugee resettlement deal with the United States agreed to under the Obama administration. Australia will take refugees from Central America in exchange for the US resettling people currently on Nauru and Manus Island as part of a one-off agreement.
January 27, 2017: President Trump signs an executive order on immigration, banning citizens from seven majority Muslim countries from entering the United States for 90 days and halting all refugee resettlement for 120 days.
January 29, 2017: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says he will honour pledge to resettle 1250 refugees from Nauru and Manus Island during a 25-minute conversation with Mr Turnbull despite his executive order on immigration.
Fe bruary 1, 2017: Media reports the White House has backtracked on a promise to honour the refugee deal with Australia, saying President Trump is still considering whether it will go ahead. Mr Turnbull says he’s confident it will be given the green light.
February 2, 2017: Media reports President Trump reportedly blasted Mr Turnbull during a phone conversation, calling the refugee resettlement agreement the “worst deal ever”. Mr Turnbull doesn’t comment on the conversation, instead saying he is assured the deal will still go ahead.

I don’t want these refugees on my block. Do you want them as neighbors?

Washington Post: “Trump’s blowup with Turnbull shocked Australians, who have stood by America’s side in Iraq and Afghanistan…”

It was moronic for both countries to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistant.

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Jewish Federation Of Los Angeles: ‘Our Commitment to Immigration and Resettlement’

I wonder if they are similarly committed to resettling Palestinians in Israel? Or is it only goyisha states they want to ruin?

Jay Sanderson sent out this email blast:

I returned this week from an incredibly meaningful trip to Hungary and Israel where I experienced the power of our work abroad. During my ten-day trip, I received many e-mails asking, “Where is the Federation’s statement on the Executive Order on Immigration?”
I stood on the banks of the frozen Danube where thousands of Hungarian Jews were forcibly drowned during the Holocaust. It was a deeply emotional experience for me because my grandmother was Hungarian. Like all of us, I am a descendant of immigrants. America is a country of immigrants. Immigration has strengthened America, and has helped build this great country.
Upon my return, I continue to receive e-mails asking me, “Where is the Federation’s statement on the Executive Order on Immigration? Our Federation’s statement on immigration was made 104 years ago when we made the rescue and resettlement of immigrants — like our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents — a top priority.
I want you to know that we have heard your concerns and feel the anxiety of our community. Our commitment to the community is steadfast. We are convening our community partners, our social service partners and meeting with leaders throughout Los Angeles, and will continue to strengthen these relationships. We are enhancing our ongoing lobbying efforts for social service funding at the local, state, and federal levels. We are a Federation that takes action. Our Jewish values inform and inspire our work. We are proactive in serving our most vulnerable and protecting those who come to our country. We are invested in Jewish immigrants and we care about all those who immigrate from the four corners of the world, dreaming of a new home here in Los Angeles.
Since 1973, we have welcomed refugees from around the world including over 27,000 from the former Soviet Union and Iran. We resettle over 100 immigrants every year.
Today, we are deeply concerned about those members of our community who are anxiously waiting to come to Los Angeles after fleeing Iran. They are in a Federation program in Vienna, which supports them as they prepare to move to America. I have met many of them and heard their heart-wrenching stories. Yosef is 23 and arrived in Vienna just two months ago. His father passed away from brain cancer just before he left. His mother and sister are anxiously counting down the days for his arrival. They need him because his sister suffers from degenerative MS and his mother is struggling. Yosef is stranded. We are doing everything we can to reunite him with his family.
I hope you understand that our work strengthens and supports our community every day, and this is the strongest and most enduring statement we can make. This is our promise to you and to Yosef.
Today, I received even more e-mails asking, “What can we do to help?”
There are other issues surrounding the Executive Order on Immigration. The federal funding that we receive to help refugees is in jeopardy, and we expect a loss of support of over $100,000 towards our immigration and resettlement work. If you want to help, a gift to our work in this area would make an immediate impact.
During the days, weeks and months ahead, no matter what may concern you, you may ask the question, “Where is the Federation’s statement on…?”
We are responsible for our entire community. We identify and address our greatest challenges and opportunities, and our commitment to these goals is unwavering. Please know that we will always care about you and your concerns. As we must be, we are extremely focused on our essential work: supporting and sustaining our community and building an even stronger community for the future.
Thank you for your continued support.
Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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Former Pico-Robertson Resident Tziporah Malkah reveals she hasn’t ‘had a shag’ in six years on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here

At least she has HaShem to hold her close.

TZIPORAH Malkah has admitted she hasn’t “had a shag” in six years on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

On Thursday night’s episode, the former fiancee to James Packer was talking to Lisa Curry when she made the personal admission before revealing she has a special friend in South Australia.
“Ash (Pollard) said today, ‘God I need a shag’, and I said, ‘Darl, I haven’t had a shag in six years,” 43-year-old Malkah told the Olympian.
Later in the conversation with Curry, Malkah dished on her male friend in South Australia.
“I haven’t seen him for a long time. We were teenage friends,” she said. “As soon as I can get a couple of weeks off I am going to go and stay in a hotel within walking distance from him and see how it goes.
“We’ve discussed that there may not be any physical chemistry between us,” she added. “We are getting on really well on the phone. We’ve had marathon phone calls. We are like teenagers. We spent literally seven hours on the phone one night together. It is ridiculous.”
Malkah and billionaire James Packer dated in the mid-90s for five years and had a two-year engagement, before separating in 1998. Last November she told KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O the split was mutual.
“It was just talking about the time that we needed to spend together and he just said, ‘My job’s too stressful and if I need to go off and do whatever I want I need to be able to do that,’ and I said, ‘That’s not the sort of marriage that I want.’ It was sort of mutual in a way,” she said.


From Vogue model to the I’m A Celeb jungle: How Kate Fischer became Tziporah Malkah

SHE’S appeared on the cover of Vogue four times, starred alongside Hugh Grant in a hit film and was once engaged to billionaire James Packer.
But now Tziporah Malkah, formerly known as Kate Fischer, is back in the spotlight as a contestant on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!, a reality show famous for featuring D-listers looking for a career revival.
Malkah, 42, made her reappearance on national television by being spun around in a box filled with insects and had to fill in fellow contestants on what host Dr Chris Brown called “her previous life”.

At age 14, she won the Dolly Covergirl of the Year competition and was touted as the next Elle Macpherson. The Vogue cover girl later starred alongside Portia de Rossi and Hugh Grant in the Australian film Sirens, two INXS music videos, as well as the soap opera Echo Point.
A portrait of her by Australian painter Paul Newton was a finalist in the prestigious Archibald Prize exhibition – the painting is believed to now be in James Packer’s private collection.
So what is she doing now, where did it all go wrong, and why is she suddenly back in the public eye? This is how she explained it on Monday night’s show.
“I got outed recently in a tabloid magazine, dressed in a bedsheet collecting my mail and I looked absolutely hideous,” she said, referring to Woman’s Day, who published unflattering shots of her outside her home in Melbourne’s leafy Toorak. Malkah had been on the cover of Woman’s Day before, in 1997, looking glamorous in a crotchet bathing suit…

On Monday night’s show, former MKR contestant Pollard asked Malkah what we were all thinking: “What does your name mean?”
Apparently it means “bird” in Hebrew. Her family is Jewish (her mother is NSW member for Goulburn Pru Goward) but has not practised Judaism for many years.
“I was given a gentile name to be in the street, but at home I’ve always been Tziporah. I’ve just decided to reclaim it,” Malkah said.
“If anyone calls me ‘Kate’, ‘Zippy’ or ‘Zip’, they’ve got three strikes and they’re out. I’ll let them know.”
She was born Katherine Helen Fischer, but legally changed her name to Tziporah Malkah in her early 20s. It’s a family name passed down from her grandmother.
In the ‘About Me’ section on her public Facebook page, she renounces her birth name.
“Tziporah is how I wish to be addressed,” she wrote. “You won’t get far with Kate – it is not my name and it is disrespectful for people to be wilfully rude and ignore this simple request.”

Malkah is open about the fact that at 118.5kg, her doctor has classified her as “morbidly obese”. Her weight has made her the target of ridicule on social media, with some criticising her for not wearing a bra in the jungle.
“I’m going to lose at least 20kg, hopefully much more. I’m way too heavy and it’s time to trim down,” she told New Idea last year.
“This is doctor’s orders — he says I’m morbidly obese. My blood pressure is way too high and I’m likely to die prematurely unless I lose weight. So my life depends on this. I’m ready!”
“I don’t advocate fatness or thinness, but some of us fight the good fight in regards to our weight all the time. It can be mentally all-consuming and very draining- particularly if there are other stresses and distractions going on in one’s life.”

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