Majority Whip Steve Scalise Remains In Critical Condition

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Don’t worry about the political implications. By tonight’s evening news everyone will rest informed that the attack was the fault of the Republicans, who created a climate of hate, and marginalized the transgendered and gays and Muslims, and blocked common-sense gun control measures like Diane Feinstein’s assault-weapons ban, and are killing far more people by failing to fully fund Obamacare and by cutting back on education for children in the inner city. Plus they’re just plain mean.

* This is the amazing thing that stuck me about this event. If a Trump supporter had shot a bunch of Democrats the coverage on the “climate of hate” would have been wall to wall for weeks. In this case the MSM grabbed the first thing they could to move on.

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Nations Vs Tribes

Steve Sailer writes:

In the 19th Century, Jewish MPs were pretty equally divided between Tory and Whig, although the most famous ethnically Jewish MP, Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (a Christian convert in religion, but still extremely Jewish in name, looks, and self-presentation), was Conservative.

After WWII, Jewish MPs were overwhelmingly Labour: in 1966, there were 38 Jewish Labour MPs compared to 2 Tory Jews. But Mrs. Thatcher, who had strong ties to the Jewish community (e.g., Keith Joseph was her idea man), raised the popularity of the Tories among Jews. By her last general election in 1987, there were 16 Tory Jewish MPS to 7 Labour and 1 Lib-Dem. These days, quite a few MPs are a little bit Jewish, such as David Cameron and Boris Johnson.

I believe Ed Miliband in 2015 was the first Jewish leader of Labour to contest (and lose) a general election. Michael Howard was the unsuccessful Tory leader in the 2005 election. Before that, Disraeli led the Tories from 1868 to 1881, serving twice as Prime Minister. He was, famously, Queen Victoria’s favorite PM.

The differing trajectories of Jewish voters in Britain and the U.S. is curious. Ronald Reagan was roughly as pro-Semitic as Margaret Thatcher, but this did not lead to the kind of historic realignment in America as Thatcher was able to bring about in Britain.

One factor might be that the Jewish community in Britain is relatively smaller than in America. Plus gentile Brits are quite good at journalism jobs. A friend of mine who is a retired Canberra MP and big time lawyer in Melbourne is driven nuts by American theories that Rupert Murdoch must be Jewish because, after all, he is a press baron and gentiles are incapable of managing large media organizations and Rupert’s mother’s maiden name was Greene and that must be Jewish.

No, my Melbourne friend protests, people of indigenous British descent, such as Lord Beaverbrook (Lord Copper in Waugh’s Scoop), have an outstanding record as press lords. And the Greene family was Irish, English, and Scottish. “I know the family, I went to Rupert’s mother’s funeral when she died at 103,” he points out.


* The great socio-political achievement in the West was precisely suppressing tribalism and creating nations. This is what enabled modernity. The East-Asians also did this effectively–though the Chinese lag at the “trust at scale” benefit. (The third great civilization–India–took a different–pretty hideous–approach.) Moderns often aren’t aware how critical this transition was, but if you look at the societies unable to do it and still mired in tribalism–the Arab world, Africa–and their incompetence at launching modern states and making decent societies, you get a clue.

That we’re continual enmeshed in the drama of the one tribe that refused to be part of the new nations but clung to its tribalism is a shame.

Then on top we’ve allow this anti-national, minoritarian cancer to grow and grow. And we’re regressing from nationalism/modernity back to tribalism/primitivism and losing our great nations in the deal. Shameful and pathetic.

* Here’s the percentage choosing [British PM Theresa] May by group (overall 57.6%)

Jewish 75.5%
Christian 69.7%
Chinese 66.0%
Whites 59.3%
Buddhist 50.0%
Hindu 49.3%
No Religion 43.9%
Indian 37.3%
Mixed Race 33.3%
Sikh 28.6%
Black 19.9%
Muslim 15.9%
Pakistani 11.0%
Bangladeshi 8.7%

* Jews are the most pro-Western group in the West, moreso than even Christians, who often seek to commit suicide for supposed sins of the past. In the Trump election, no group was more supportive than Orthodox Jews. In this election, no group was more supportive of Tories and May than Jews at large.

* A recognition of the fundamental truth that jewish people are, like muslims, a foreign group tending to external patriotic and cultural loyalties is also not unknown and similarly misrepresented, though increasingly suppressed by the establishment and even by the state.

* One point worth noting in regards to British Jews is that they are basically an invisible minority. There are plenty of Jews in public life, but they are very well assimilated and intermarry a lot, to the extent that the secular Ashkenazi have all but disappeared as a distinct ethnic group. In the 19th/20th century many of them anglicised their names (consider actor Andrew Garfield, the family name was originally Garfinkel).

Most British people, if asked to name famous Jews, would struggle. Although many Jewish or part Jewish public figures are extremely well-known (Steven Fry, Ed Miliband, Natasha Kaplinsky, Alan Sugar and so on).

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WT: Homeland Security secretary suggests amnesty for Dreamers, implores Congress to solve problem

Washington Times:

“You’ve got to solve this problem,” Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly told the House Homeland Security Committee when members prodded him not to deport Dreamers…In two days of testimony to Congress, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly said he doubts his ability to oust some 250,000 immigrants from Central American countries who have been in the U.S. for nearly two decades on a temporary humanitarian relief program. He also signaled that he would keep protecting 780,000 Dreamers from deportation and hoped Congress would grant them permanent status.

Comment: “So after all the Trump campaign lies rhetoric, this is the result: a cuck as head of Homeland Security — a beta who whines and wrings his hands like a woman while testifying about how incompetent he is — someone who gives up without even trying.”

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Jailed For A Decade For Having Wrong Opinions About The Holocaust

Nazi Julius Streicher was put to death at Nuremberg after WWII for his opinions.

Wikipedia: “In essence, prosecutors contended that Streicher’s articles and speeches were so incendiary that he was an accessory to murder, and therefore as culpable as those who actually ordered the mass extermination of Jews (such as Hans Frank and Ernst Kaltenbrunner). They further argued that he kept them up when he was well aware Jews were being slaughtered.”

So which members of the MSM should be put to death for inciting today’s shootings of Republican congressmen?


Hungary has returned right-wing extremist Horst Mahler to Germany after he fled to avoid serving out the rest of a sentence for Holocaust denial and incitement to anti-Semitism.

Mahler, 81, was transferred late last week into German custody at Budapest’s Ferenc Liszt Airport, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. He was arrested May 15 in the Hungarian city of Sopron while trying to cross into Austria.

He had asked Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban for political asylum in a letter he published May 12 on the internet. Referring to Orban as the “Fuehrer” of the Hungarian nation, Mahler said he “placed his fate in the hands of his government.” A Budapest court ordered his extradition earlier this month.

In April, Mahler had been ordered to return to the Brandenburg/Havel correctional facility on May 19 to begin serving the final stretch of a 10-year sentence handed down in 2009. He had been released temporarily for health reasons and reportedly had part of a leg amputated due to an infection.

Despite the health problems, he allegedly continued to give talks to neo-Nazi audiences, as recently as April. According to Die Zeit newspaper, Mahler spoke in January to right-wing extremist audiences on such topics as “Jewry is the real enemy” and the so-called plan by Jews to destroy the German people.


On 23 November 2007, the Amtsgericht in Cottbus sentenced Mahler to six months’ imprisonment without parole for having given a Hitler salute when reporting to prison for a nine-month term the previous year. Mahler claimed to have performed the salute as a “testimonial of his worldview” (“Zeugnis seiner Weltanschauung”).[21] Mahler was defended by Sylvia Stolz for a period.[22] Stolz was also convicted and imprisoned in 2008.[23]

On 21 February 2009, Mahler was sentenced by a Munich court to six years’ imprisonment without possibility of reduction or bail. During the reading of the verdict, the judge said that Mahler had proven “not able to be re-educated” and declared that the “nationalist rattle” of and “nonsense spread” by Horst Mahler should stop.[24] On 11 March a Potsdam court then sentenced the 73-year-old Mahler to an additional five years’ imprisonment for Holocaust denial and banalization of Nazi war crimes. Mahler was adjudged an escape risk, so the sentence was carried out immediately.

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Hot Girls Wanted

Roosh writes: I recently watched Hot Girls Wanted, a documentary about how easily girls are recruited into porn, mostly from the Midwestern parts of the United States. The fact that there is now so little stigma for girls to get banged on camera for money shows how broken American culture has become.

The documentary focuses on a male recruiter based in Miami who puts up ads for “erotic models” on Craigslist. A complimentary air ticket, the promise of fun and fame, and a few hundred dollars per sex scene is all it takes for girls to sign up, usually when they are right out of high school and at a crossroads of what to do with their lives. The film intended to show how difficult life is for these girls, but instead it shows how incredibly entitled and spoiled they are.

Many of the girls come from middle class families, with no obvious signs of abuse or dysfunction. So why go into porn? They want to party, they don’t want to work a real job, they want to be adored by fans, and most commonly, they want “freedom,” because having the opportunity to go to university and work hard for their bread is simply too constricting or boring, and even worse is becoming a housewife, a “slave.” The girls who enter porn are not facing a do-or-die situation where they have to do porn to eat—they’re doing it because they want money and the easy life of opening their legs and laying there. In one case, I get the impression the girl entered porn just because she always wanted to visit Miami.

In terms of the sexual market place, these girls are subconsciously maximizing the value of their vaginas, especially when considering that on average, they are no higher than a hard 6 (without excessive makeup). In a Midwestern town, the best a 6 can do is get pumped and dumped by a handful of bad boys before having to settle down with a normal man and take care of the family home, but that simply isn’t enough for a girl who was taught to believe that she’s capable of anything. The alternative is for her to live in Miami, have thousands of followers online, and become used as sex meat.

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