Sexual Utopia In Power

Soundcloud MP3.

Sexual Utopia In Power by Roger Devlin:

The attempt to realize a sexual utopia for women was doomed to failure before it began. Women’s wishes aim at the impossible, conflict with one another, and change unpredictably. Hence, any program to force men (or “society”) to fulfill women’s wishes must fail, even if all men were willing to submit to it. Pile entitlement upon entitlement for women, heap punishment after punishment onto men: It cannot work, because women’s wishes will always outpace legislation and lead to new demands.

But while the revolution has not achieved its aims, it has certainly achieved something. It has destroyed monogamy and family stability. It has resulted in a polygamous mating pattern of immodest women aggressively pursuing a small number of men. It has decreased the number of children born, and insured that many who are born grow up without a father in their lives. And, least often mentioned, it has made it impossible for many decent men to find wives.

One occasionally hears of studies purporting to show that men are happier with their “sex lives” than women. It has always struck me as ludicrous that anyone would take such survey results at face value. First, women complain more about everything than men. But second, many men (especially young men) experience a powerful mauvaise honte when they are unsuccessful with women. They rarely compare notes with other men, and still more rarely do so honestly. Everyone puts up a brave front, however lonely he may actually be. Hence, men almost always imagine other men to have greater success with women than is actually the case. This situation has worsened since the 1960s, with the propagation of the illusion that there is “more sex” available to men than formerly.

But if women are only mating with a few exceptionally attractive men, and if many women fail to mate at all, there must be a large number of men unable to get a woman. We might, in the spirit of William Gilmore Simms, term them the forgotten men of the sexual revolution. I have reason to believe that a growing number are willing to come out of the closet (to use a currently popular expression) and admit that, whoever has been doing all the “hooking up” one reads about, it hasn’t been them. Simple prudence dictates that we give some consideration to the situation of these men. In societies where polygamy is openly practiced (e.g., in Africa and the Muslim world), young bachelors tend to form gangs which engage in antisocial behavior: “It is not good for man to be alone.”

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Jews, Germans & Arabs

Comments: * The Jews ran quite a few “good Arabs,” out of Zion, no? Is that ironic?

* No, it’s completely different. My grandfather had nothing against Germans. He had never met a German in his life. He didn’t want to impose Bolshevism on Germany or anywhere else. As far as he was concerned, he would have been glad (or at worst totally indifferent) if Germany prospered in a peaceful way. There was no zero sum going on between him and Germany. There were no anti-German riots by Jews the way that there were anti-Jewish riots by Arabs in pre-partitionPalestine.

In contrast, even the “good Arabs” of Palestine (and BTW, hundreds of thousands of “good Arabs” stayed and live in Israel to this day) would have preferred that the Jews be gone. Maybe there were a few who didn’t mind or even liked their Jewish neighbors but most, especially those who left, if you had given them a choice, saying “If a genie could make all the Jews disappear from Palestine and return all of it to the Daar al Islam, would you want him to do it?”, most of them would have said yes. Most of them, to this day would STILL say yes.

* The Caucasian economic system is going to be playing second fiddle to the Mongoloid economic system. Jews are Caucasians so their fortunes depend on the fate of other Caucasians.

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Jews, Capitalism & Usury

Dutch posts: “The real opprobrium earned by the Jews was their association with the usury that underpins Capitalism. It can make you rich but will also make you hated.”

I remember in high school, I used to lend people money, small amounts like a dollar, and charge them 25% interest when they paid me back the next day.

I wasn’t the most popular kid.

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Why Do We Take It For Granted That There Are Bad Parts Of Town?

I hear all the time in the United States about how this and that place are a “bad part of town.” And we just accept that is how things are. There are bad parts of town just like there are days when it rains and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Why do we put up with that? Why doesn’t a decent society demand a certain level of decency from people? If people aren’t decent, they should be put on an island and left to their own devices. They certainly should not be allowed to reproduce. They should not be allowed to bother decent people. They should not be allowed to ride public transportation and or visit good parts of town. They have to be segregated.

Decent people won’t ride public transportation if they have a choice so long as public transport is continually ruined by the behavior of the indecent. Decent people won’t send their kids to public schools if these schools are ruined by the indecent.

Different groups have different standards of decency. I think the majority must enforce their own standards of decency on minorities.

I just wish nature provided certain visual cues about who is more likely to engage in criminal and other forms of anti-social behavior. I wish nature color-coded people like it color-codes plants and animals.

Perhaps if it was OK to notice that people with tattoos and certain types of hair and clothing styles are more likely to commit indecent behavior, the decent could enforce sanctions against the bad guys.

I think it is fair to stereotype. Not all groups have identical patterns of behavior. In fact, different races have different gifts. Ideally, a nation consists of primarily one distinct people with a similar genetic, cultural and religious heritage. But if you have a nation like America consisting of many different peoples, then it is fair to start taking sanctions against groups with high crime rates, high welfare rates, low educational attainment rates, high illegitimacy rates. On the other hand, groups demonstrating low crimes rates and high marks of good citizenship should reap the benefits and have more power in society.

I’m tired of hearing about bad parts of town in Los Angeles. Why can’t Los Angeles be awesome everywhere as it was in the 1930s when it was the most Anglo city in the US?

Living in the United States is a privilege and you should lose that privilege for anti-social behavior and be sent to Somalia or Venezuela (pay these countries to take our losers).

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HalseyNews: Mike Enoch Vs. Halsey English: What if Jews Were Black?

Mike Hendrix writes:

What if Jews were black? This is what kept crossing my mind while watching the very popular YouTube debate between Halsey English and Mike Enoch. The reason this crossed my mind? I just kept imagining the NBA every time Enoch mentioned “Jewish power” due to over-representation.

After all, this is right up Mike’s alley. One of his most famous quotes, even used on his SPLC page, is that, paraphrased, blacks cannot get even with whites no matter what we do for them. It’s fruitless.

So, basically, Mike’s saying that it’s genetic – that black people, no matter what, will always commit more crime and be behind whites in a first-world nation due to their genetic roots. Though when it comes to something like playing in the NBA, blacks are grossly over-represented; and not because of any affirmative action but rather because they tend to play basketball better.

Nobody lines up and cries and moans and blurts out conspiracies because blacks control the NBA. Nobody’s saying they have any nefarious purpose either. This is something they tend to be good at, so this is a sport to which they flock.

Though when it comes to Jews in media, Mike Enoch is moving the needle ever closer to Hitler in terms of conspiracies and propaganda as to why there are so many.

Could it be maybe, just maybe, we have an over-representation of Jews in media because they’re better at it? Could it be the average verbal acuity of Jewish people is better than whites, and that they’re more cut out for areas that involve media and finance and law?

How, exactly, did Jewish people end up in all of these positions? While a guy like Mike Enoch would claim some wild drivel about Jewish nepotism, Jews promoting Jews unfairly, maybe the facts are a lot simpler. Maybe these are areas in which Jewish people excel, and maybe a lot of white people are just jealous.

Yeah, I know, here come the accusations of “Horseshoe theory,” the alt-right’s greatest (and weirdest) defense; as if pointing that out is actually an argument. But it does seem to mirror reality. The white men of the alt-right seem to do little different from the trans kids on the SJW left. They whine, moan, claim they’re entitled to free shit because of how they were born, and stomp their feet in hopes of getting their entitlements.

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