Critiquing Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy

Youtube comments:

* This was superb content Luke. Takes a clear and open mind to see the value you bring to this discussion, taking TRS types out of a bubble and letting us see the brilliance and at times weakness of Striker. It’s not totally devil’s advocacy, something I can’t describe yet, certainly in a realm we’re not often exposed to.

* What a beautiful answer to the question of “Do you want to see the destruction of Israel?” by Striker:

“Absolutely not. I don’t want to destroy them, I want them to go into a multicultural phase and learn to coexist with other people so that they could be enriched by the different amounts of food and they can have beautiful caramel children. I don’t want to destroy them I want to them enjoy the great benefits that they’ve given to us in the West.”

* This is rhetorical. Why can’t majority of Jews be like Luke or that Frame guy from a recent racewarski stream?

* Love Striker, you have a great channel going here Luke. Here’s to hoping your fellow Jews don’t shut it down.

* How many Jewish directors from the great postwar period of “art house film”? Here’s a close to complete complete list: Fellini, Bergman, Rohmer, Kurosawa, Truffaut, Satyajit Ray, Jean-Luc Godard, Alain Resnais, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Roberto Rossellini, Bertolucci , Werner Herzog.

* In pre-christian pagan/viking north homosexuals where killed and monogomy was the norm. So the idea that aryans where savages before jewish influence is simply not true.

* Re: How can 1% have such control on a nation?

Read the Biblical book of Esther. She single handedly tricked the King to execute all the enemies of the tribe, and she single handedly made the King appoint a member of the tribe as the new PM. All this without any members of the tribe got any blood on their own hands. Esther is the Gold Standard and a blueprint for how an operation is supposed to be run. In short: Use the most powerful proxy there is to reach you goals.

The very eminent TANSTAAFL has an excellent primer & podcast on this here.

* Oxford graduate student Nathan Cofnas is a race realist. See his essay: “Science is not always self-correcting.

Nathan Cofnas, a graduate student at Oxford University, writes:

MacDonald argues that a suite of genetic and cultural adaptations among Jews constitutes a “group evolutionary strategy.” Their supposed genetic adaptations include, most notably, high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism. According to this thesis, several major intellectual and political movements, such as Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, and multiculturalism, were consciously or unconsciously designed by Jews to (a) promote collectivism and group continuity among themselves in Israel and the diaspora and (b) undermine the cohesion of gentile populations, thus increasing the competitive advantage of Jews and weakening organized gentile resistance (i.e., anti-Semitism). By developing and promoting these movements, Jews supposedly played a necessary role in the ascendancy of liberalism and multiculturalism in the West. While not achieving widespread acceptance among evolutionary scientists, this theory has been enormously influential in the burgeoning political movement known as the “alt-right.” Examination of MacDonald’s argument suggests that he relies on systematically misrepresented sources and cherry-picked facts. It is argued here that the evidence favors what is termed the “default hypothesis”: Because of their above-average intelligence and concentration in influential urban areas, Jews in recent history have been overrepresented in all major intellectual and political movements, including conservative movements, that were not overtly anti-Semitic.

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Should Jews Talk To The Alt Right?

Lorem writes: 2:18:33 Luke said, "It's important for Jews to talk to the Striker's of the world." Right on Luke! Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro will not debate the At-Right and so I lost respect for them. Here is a clip where Prager said he will not debate "white supremacists" Just before he said that, he literally criticized the left for not debating conservatives. He said leftists eschew debate and resort to name-calling. Then Prager did the same thing! It was breathtaking hypocrisy!

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Frame Games Radio Does Warski Live – Debates Jewish Mathematician About In-Group Preferences (3-9-18)

Frame Game’s Jewish opponent Dave, an anonymous mathematician, constantly interrupts Frame and the moderators but he has many important things to say, particularly in the first 30 minutes.

* Just as physiognomy is real, voice is real. David’s voice is cringy. His manner is rude. He sidesteps many of Frame’s points and takes 15 minutes of painful debate to acknowledge the most basic of Frame’s points. An honest person would accept or reject them right away. David embodies many of the worst qualities of the Ashkenazi discussion style though he did play the ball and not the player (he did not make personal attacks). David also makes genuine contributions to the debate and raises important points.

* JF Gariepy is an excellent guide to sanity and logic. JF smiles and nods when Frame speaks, and is repeatedly annoyed with David.

* David frequently laughs at Frame and JF’s points…a dishonorable debating style.

* JF: “David you are derailing so much it is like you have five streams going on in your mind and I can only engage in one [at a time].”

* David doesn’t want latinos in his country.

* David wouldn’t object to the west rounding up jews and deporting them to Israel because he believes that rights belong to conquerers.

* JF established that David lied about Kevin MacDonald, strawmanned KM…as David claimed KMAC said something in COC that David could not find any such quote.

* Andy Warski to David: “You are filibustering.”

Everyone on the stream had contempt for David’s dishonest discussion tactics.

It’s exhausting dealing with David.

JF: “It was a case of Jewish arguing. Pilpul.”

Youtube Comments:

One of my of my favorite exchanges in the debate was:

David said, “There are many Jewish benefactors, for example Sheldon Adelson, who are extremely concerned that Jews in the United States are becoming less Jewish at a rate that would see the population of Jews halved every generation.”

Frame Game said, “This is a perfect segue to the white identity question. The reason that, I myself, became interested in the Alt-Right is precisely that. The concept of genocide and dwindling numbers and dwindling representational democracy political power as a result of falling birthrates of ethnic displacement. And it is a concern that Jews are allowed to have about Israel and their intermarriage concerns, and it is one that if you were to do that from a white identity perspective it would get you completely alienated in all respects from Western society. You are not allowed to protect the genetic identity of European heritage unless you happen to be Jewish. 

* FRAME GAMES: Man I wish I had time to jump into this earlier tonight. Let me respond to a few points here:

1. Halsey, don’t say Dave cited data and I cited anecdotes. That is the exact opposite of what happened. I cited far more empirical data than Dave did, including polling data concluding the Holocaust is more significant for Jewish identity than belief in God, which I cited to support my claim that mandatory Holocaust classes help foster Jewish identity. Do you remember how Dave responded to that? Hint: He didn’t. He changed topics, then changed again after I read him the Stephen Steinlight article from 2001 citing Holocaust guilt as a defense against the dual loyalty charge. Because his argument was busted.

2. I also cited the 350+ Jewish non-profit advocacy groups alone as empirical, quantifiable evidence that Jews are more organizationally and financially ethnocentric than Whites. Where was Dave’s data on that? Hint: He didn’t have any. And you rebutting that the YMCA is a White advocacy organization loses instantly on inspection. What would happen if the YMCA ever stepped into the public policy ring and opposed mandatory Holocaust classes on grounds that it was anti-White? Can you even imagine?

3. The only reason you may have been left with the wrong impression that “Dave had data” is because he demanded quantifiable data for me to prove the claim that Jews are more socially protected in debating civil liberties / diversity issues than White people. I was very thorough in explaining (1) why empirical data is not required to draw such prima facie logical inferences, and (2) that we could speculate on ways to collect such empirical evidence. Meanwhile, all he cited was an ADL study on anti-Semitism rates (he was wrong, if you remember: he said 90% of Muslims were anti-Semitic when even the ADL’s own poll said only 40% were), and then withdrew it because he couldn’t respond to the validity of the ADL’s measurement questions (which, of course, were junk).

There’s so much more here. Anyway, cheers guys.

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Mental Warfare

I always feel bad when a quality HBO or Showtime show or a decent movie feels obligated to have a black woman play a high-powered lawyer or intellectual.

One way the actors compensate is to have their eyes wide open.

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One Connected Jew’s Whirlwind Tour Of DC

Dan Zak writes for the Washington Post:

A conservative Parkland student’s whirlwind trip to D.C. ended in the Oval Office

Kyle’s parents immigrated from Israel in the 1990s. He grew up in leafy, placid Parkland, and aspires to get an MBA and a job on Wall Street. The 2016 election was the first he paid attention to. He liked what Donald Trump had to say about immigration, the wall, the idea of “America First.”

After the shooting, Kyle joined Twitter, where he fought for the middle ground. His second-ever tweet was a thank you to Hillary Clinton for defending Parkland students against smears.

In New York, a 19-year-old “influencer marketer” named Michael Gruen saw Kyle on Twitter and — with encouragement from conservative editor and columnist Ben Shapiro — reached out to him last month, knowing that he’d need support to amplify his voice.

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