Tag Archives: rabbi yosef

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Says Women Can Lead Israel

From Ynetnews.com: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Shas’ spiritual leader, said last week that in principle, a woman could be the prime minister of Israel. The halachic ruling was given in response to a question sent to the rabbi, and clearly stated … Continue reading

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I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

The rabbis must be happy when they can have one of their own write these stories. That way they won’t be asked any tough questions. This is what I call unethical journalism — having someone you control report on you. … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Daniel Korobkin, Ethics, Jewish Journal, Jewish Journalism, Modern Orthodox, Pico/Robertson, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on I’m Tired Of The Fluffy Treatment The Jewish Journal Gives ‘Progressive’ Orthodox Judaism

The Yeshiva Basketball Coach Who Asked His Players To Pose Nude

From The Jewish Week: Asserting that there are more victims of an alleged sexual abuser than the four teens who have come forward to the police, the rabbi of an Orthodox synagogue in Teaneck, N.J., is calling on congregants to … Continue reading

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The Miserable Jews

I just watched this cool 1998 movie starring Rabbi Yosef Blau as Inspector Javert and Rabbi Marc Winiarz as Jean Valjean. It was a thriller! Winiarz was imprisoned at age nineteen for stealing forbidden fourteen year old loving when he was a starving yeshiva … Continue reading

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Ariel Teaches Daf Yomi

Robert J. Avrech writes: Today, 1 Tammuz, is Ariel Chaim’s ZT’L fifth Yahrtzeit. In honor of our son’s memory we’re publishing an excerpt from The Book of Ariel that recounts the period when Ariel taught Daf Yomi—the daily page of … Continue reading

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