Higher IQ Predicts Higher Achievement Even Among Top 1%, Justin Trudeau Groping Scandal

MP3 MP3.

1m1s The use of race as a proxy for IQ, sterilizing the low IQ is better than being racist, everyone gets a fair chance to propagate
2m3s Luke wants to empower police to give the reverse five digit test, then deport if people fail
7m8s Ecce Lux says the low IQ substitute feeling for thinking, Luke denies the low IQ can be highly empathic when compared to smart people, empathy is a product of abstract thinking
7m42s Kevin prefers the 95 IQ crowd living straight, the old beat cop had empathy
8m33s Luke says stupid cops shooting people are overwhelmingly dim and low IQ affirmative action hires
12m44s We can test empirically the type of communities that high IQ types produce (Beverly Hills, Manhattan, prime San Francisco and Silicon Valley and the type of places low IQs produce)
16m1s Kevin: High IQ is not a moral virtue
19m10s Kevin: The secret to getting ahead in Hollywood is theft. Beverly Hills is filled with unethical types from entertainment industry.
22m6s Kevin: Financial services industry is composed of high IQ psychopaths
22m22s Luke: What flourishing country does not have a sophisticated system for lending money? Aka final services industry. Where would you like to live? Somalia? North Korea?
29m50s Kevin: Do you consider the Greeks and Romans to be inferior civilization? Why is modern capitalism the best economic system?
36m1s Kevin: I am not going to argue against a tautology
46m20s Justin Trudeau’s groping scandal
59m32s Luke says looking out for IOIs (Indicators of Interest) from a woman will prevent accusations of groping

* “The IQ threshold hypothesis – the idea that, after IQ 120, additional IQ points don’t translate into higher achievement – is false. Even among the top 1% (roughly IQ 137+), higher IQ predicts greater achievement.”

* If you watch the World Cup or the Super Bowl, you’ll see the differences between winning and losing is often inches. Real life is often like that…So superior processing power tends to win over inferior processing. Science!

* Linda Gottfredson on IQ and achievement.

Here are some excerpts from the paper:

* This section examines the range of over 4 standard deviations of ability that
exists beyond the cut score for the top 1%. It represents approximately the top one
third of the ability range (i.e., from around 137 to around 200 in IQ units). For
years, individual differences within the top 1% of ability have been demonstrated
to matter for a host of educational accomplishments (Benbow, 1992; Hollingworth
& Cobb, 1928). To what extent, however, do individual differences within this
range matter for concrete “real-world” accomplishments? Is there a threshold
point at which differences in ability cease to matter and other attributes become
more critical? In popular writing, this idea is common. For example, in Outliers:
The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell (2008, p. 79) wrote, “The relationship
between success and IQ works only up to a point. Once someone has an IQ of
somewhere around 120, having additional IQ points doesn’t seem to translate into
any measurable real-world advantage.”

* “psychometricians since have reached consensus that intellectual abilities are organized hierarchically (Carroll, 1993; Corno et al., 2002; Detterman, 2014; Hunt, 2011; Jensen, 1998a, 1998b; Mackintosh, 2011; Messick, 1992; Snow, Corno, & Jackson, 1996; Snow & Lohman, 1989; Warne, 2015). Different labels have been attached to the central dimension of this intellectual hierarchy’s apex. That is, g, fluid reasoning ability, general intelligence.”

* Adjusting the depth and pace of the curriculum to the rate at which each student
learned would “keep each student busy at his highest level of achievement in
order that he may be successful, happy, and good” (italics in original, Seashore,
1922, p. 644). For the gifted, Seashore recommended that instead of whipping
them into line, we “whip them out of line.” Seashore (1930, 1942) leveraged this
idea when he marshaled his campaign for establishing honors colleges throughout
major U.S. universities. Although his name does not always surface in historical
treatments of the gifted movement, Seashore’s impact was profound (Miles,
1956). He traveled to 46 of the contiguous states within the United States meeting
with university officials to discuss the importance of honors colleges and more
challenging curricula and opportunities for the most talented university students…

* For example, about 10% of 12th-grade students younger than 18
years of age had more scientific knowledge than the average college senior.
Within all grade levels, younger students were more knowledgeable than the
older students. And, if graduation from college were based on demonstrated knowledge rather than time in the educational system, a full 15% of the entering
freshmen class would be deemed ready to graduate.

* Pressey (1955) hypothesized that by securing educational
credentials at an earlier age than was typical, intellectually precocious youth have
an added advantage in their personal, professional, and creative potential because,
in addition to being at the height of their intellectual prowess then, other psychosomatic
systems of energy, interest, and endurance are at their height as well.
Accomplishment builds on accomplishment to augment personal strength and
psychosomatic vigor, engendering a furtherance of remarkable achievement. Just
as Piaget drew on much of Binet’s early work to construct his formulation of child
development (Siegler, 1992), conceptual threads of furtherance extend to such
subsequent performance-based frameworks as developing “effectance motivation”
(White, 1959), “flow” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1993), and “states of excellence”
(Lubinski & Benbow, 2000).
According to Pressey (1949),
There should be a broad program aiming expressly at adjustment to individual
differences in capacities and rates of development, and recognizing the need also for
each individual to move into the accomplishment and full experience of adult life
without undue delay. Education may then be far better fitted to the needs of each young
person, and years may be added to achievement and the satisfaction of adult selfrealization.
It is indeed noble when advances in medicine add years to life. But to add a
year or so at the end of life might be far less of a contribution to both individual total
happiness and total social usefulness than years added to adult living in the very prime
of life. (p. 148)

* In arguably the longest longitudinal study of acceleration in the literature,
Cronbach (1996) compared Terman’s participants who were accelerated versus
those who were not:
In many aspects of their adult lives those who had accelerated as a group did not differ
from the roughly equated controls. Every nontrivial difference that did appear on a
value-laden variable showed those who had been accelerated at an advantage. . . .
Frankly, I had not expected to find effects cropping up in responses forty to fifty years
after high school graduation. I expected the vicissitudes of life gradually to wash out the
initial difference favoring those who had been accelerated. Instead, it appears that their
personal qualities or the encouragement and tangible boost given by acceleration, or
both, produced a lasting increment of momentum. (p. 190)

* “Nevertheless, age 12 ability differences within the top 1% still impart an advantage, even when controlling for terminal educational degree and university prestige”

* Moving along the gradient of individual differences within the top 1% of
general intellectual ability, assessed at age 12, ultimately results in a family of
achievement functions that documents that more ability matters. Although the
base rate for patents in the United States is 1%, the bottom quartile within the
top 1% achieves around five times this rate.

* Overall, there does not seem to be an ability threshold within the top 1%
beyond which more ability does not matter. Other personal attributes such as
energy and commitment certainly matter (Ericsson et al., 2006; Eysenck,
1995; Jensen, 1996; Simonton, 1994, 2014), and opportunity clearly always
matters. Nevertheless, age 12 ability differences within the top 1% still impart
an advantage, even when controlling for terminal educational degree and university

* Differences in ability level and pattern are detectable in early adolescence.
Routinely, they go unnoticed because the vast majority of these participants earn
close to top possible scores on conventional college entrance examinations well
before they graduate from high school (a ceiling problem). At that point, for this
population, such assessments are no longer capable of distinguishing the able
from the exceptionally able. They are insensitive to their individuality and developmentally
inappropriate because they assess individual differences below participants’
basal level. Such considerations become particularly cogent when
attention turns to profoundly gifted youth.

* “By drawing knowledge-growth functions over the 3-year period, the IQ-165 group was found to be several months ahead of the IQ-146 group in academic knowledge: 16 months for Word Meaning, 15 months for Paragraph Meaning, and 14.5 months for Nature Study and Science to name but a few.”

* “different patterns of profound intellectual talent uncovered in their youth were predictive of qualitatively different educational, occupational, and creative outcomes.”

* “Just as qualitatively different outcomes are observed as a function of contrasting ability patterns among college students (Figure 2), the typically gifted (Figure 4), and the profoundly gifted (Figure 6), the magnitude of their accomplishments across intellectual gradations of 3, 4, and 5 standard deviations above the normative mean reflect a continuous progression of real-world accomplishment and creativity.”

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Conversion As A Geographic

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Emily Fired, Lauren Leaves, Call-Ins | TPS #68

Seven months ago, J.F. Gariepy did not express publicly strong opinions on the JQ. Then he noticed that almost all of his main critics were Jewish and perhaps he saw a wider Jewish tendency that was ruinous for white cohesion. JF read and apparently swallowed Sean Last’s shoddy paper on the JQ.

On his show today, JF said: “Lauren [Rose] has decided to leave the show. She felt bad about the whole Israel and Jewish coverage…and the fact that David Duke was here, Patrick Little was here… You probably guessed that already. Every time I made a show about [the JQ], she wasn’t there. This show was evolving in two parallel streams…”

“I’ve explored [the JQ] in a sensible rational fashion… Lauren Rose had a different view of the Right. She didn’t want to talk about this question. She didn’t want to know about this question… Maybe there is a Youtube niche for far-right speaking without speaking about the Jewish Question, but from an intellectual perspective, you cannot follow this path and be honest with yourself and your observations of the universe and avoid this question. The Jewish Question is unavoidable… Your intellectual path will be dishonest…if you refuse to study this question. You cannot have an opinion on the mainstream media and not understand that the mainstream media is highly controlled by various sets of ethnocentric interests. You cannot understand the push for immigration without understanding the various minorities in our world which are pushing for immigration.”

Big Jews in the mainstream media tend to be inter-married and not ethnocentric, so I’m not sure on what basis JF contends that the “mainstream media is highly controlled by various sets of ethnocentric interests.” He hasn’t presented or referenced such evidence. As for immigration, there’s no link between levels of immigration in a country and the number of Jews in that country. I’d love to see JF’s evidence to the contrary. Countries with few Jews such as Sweden and Germany have had ruinous levels of immigration.

JF: “I came to a point where answers became more powerful if I considered the Jewish Question.”

Elsewhere on the show, JF said how much he enjoys Patrick Little.

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Will Women Save America?

Michelle Goldberg writes for the New York Times:

It’s too soon to tell whether America will survive Trump in any recognizable form. But if it does, it will be because women like Gabriel have realized that no one is coming to save democracy for us, and they have set out to rescue it themselves. It’s no secret that American women dislike Trump; a recent poll showed that 57 percent of all female voters disapprove of him, 43 percent strongly. But polls can’t capture the way gut-churning revulsion toward Trump is changing some women’s whole way of being in the world. You see it in the large number of women running for political office and winning. But you also see it in the women, many of them suburban, middle-aged and not particularly radical, who are making political activism the center of their lives.

Eighteen years ago, the Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam published “Bowling Alone,” a seminal book about the fraying of America’s civic fabric. It’s cheering that his daughter, Lara Putnam, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh, is now studying how these new grass-roots movements are weaving civil society back together. “People have stepped in to rebuild the local infrastructure of face-to-face political life in ways that have been super striking to observe,” she said.

* On Monday’s show, Anon Wyatt, a black woman, suggested this link on black women and the pill.

* The Root: Zora Neale Hurston Was a Conservative

* Invasive species.

* WSJ: The Theory Behind That Charlottesville Slogan ‘The Jews will not replace us,’ they chanted. What do they mean, ‘replace us’?

* Are Black Problems The Fault Of Whites?

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I Got My First Youtube Strike

That means I can’t livestream on that channel until September 30. My new livestream channel is here.

Friend A: “I [watched] a black mgtow livestream last night and I realized the magic key theory is real. These guys see black women like the AR sees Jews.”

Friend B:

I gained a lot of perspective last night watching that black stream. Helped me see what you’ve been trying to show about how the magic key is a pathetic thought… it’s like yeah maybe some Jews push garbage, but we have agency to do say no. Those black men were just whining about black women being hoes and it was so obvious to me that they a) had half a point and b) should have also considered their own shortcomings. To the extent that we/I have been latched onto blaming Jews only and not introspecting, that’s sad & pathetic! #CleanYourRoom

I can’t believe you get 3 months for one strike! I thought you got three strikes before a timeout. Wow. So draconian. Brutal.

I apologize for taking so long to come over the hump on the JQ. Part of it was the cloistered nature of things, and I think that’s why it clicked for me watching the blacks hash it out last night. I watched one of your old vids of you talking about KMac in 2008–you’ve been woke for so long, possibly from adolescence. It really is a turbulent ride getting woke from liberal white Methodism. I did my best.

Tbh, this shutting you down doesn’t make me less frustrated about the speech crackdown happening in our country… sigh. Can you appeal?

YouTube is now reminding me of certain fraternities that I didn’t join in college because I heard they made pledges get drunk and humiliate themselves, and although I wanted in to the club, I didn’t want to have to endure their dehumanizing rituals. So yeah, we have agency, but, it is annoying that that which is elite is so stupid.

Balder comments:

Ways to get around YouTube Censorship and avoid Strikes, especially for Live Streams

Do the Live Stream and finish it.

If you find the chat important, I think there are ways to integrate the chat into the video, while streaming as can be seen on may channels. You can also download the chat as a text file, there are various ways of doing this, there is a plug in for Chrome that will do this for you; you can save as a .srt file or a .txt file. I think YouTube even provides the owner of the channel with this possibility.

Then Download the video to your PC. Set risky streams immediately to private on YouTube, or delete them all together.

Upload the video file to a website you are hosting yourself, embed the video in a new post, you can use the free World Press or other free blog software on your website to use the blog format, but you can also produce static pages if you have a little knowledge of html etc. if you prefer.

If using the blog format you can use plug-ins to embed the video, but you could also offer the video as a direct download, which is even easier, but perhaps not as appealing to non techy users. In stead of using your self hosted website, you could also use some of the many free file repositories to serve the video.

If the visual aspect of the captured live stream is not important, or has no need for detail, you can compress the video before uploading to your website to save bandwidth and secure seamless display on the computers of the audience.

If using the blog format people can easily comment on the video, without interference from YouTube censors.

Take as small portion of the video or sanitize the whole video if you prefer, and re-upload to YouTube, to serve as a starting point for YouTube users, and use the YouTube listings and promotion that comes with it, while providing a link to your blog page where people can watch the original unedited video without fear of strikes and censorship.

Blog software also provides possibilities to notify subscribers via RSS.

While making things a bit more complicated this could be an important way of beginning to create more independent privately owned platforms, while keeping the advantages of super chats and monetization.

You could also have advertisements on your own blog to provide income.

The ideas presented above could be expanded, changed and improved in many ways to suit your purpose.

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