The Best Of Steve Sailer

* Steve Sailer writes: “…the success of Israeli nationalism has made Israel the vanguard style-setting country of the last 70 years and much of the rest of the world is now looking to the example long set by The Jewish State”.

* Sailer writes: “I suspect that Trump’s problem this week is that he looked beta to Putin’s alpha at their much denounced press conference.”


* President Trump sounded tired (and looked a bit old) in that press conference, especially when you compare it to the press conference just a few days ago, with Theresa May.

Also, Putin, although much smaller than Trump, comes across as very physically fit and vigorous in his manner, and mentally quick, more so than most other current world leaders.

Some years ago I watched part of one of Putin’s four hour long town-hall citizen Q&A sessions. He really is good at thinking on his feet and is well prepared and informed, with facts at his fingertips.

* Sailer writes: “Hispanics flock to UC Merced because they can’t get in to better UC schools because on average Hispanics can’t compete with Asians on test scores.”

I didn’t read the Jennifer Medina story in the New York Times on UC Merced because it sounded boring.


* Merced is Spanish for “mercy” or “favor”, and it does sound like someone is doing them a favor.

* I sat through my son’s graduation ceremony at SLO last month and it was one long slow cringe. First was the ( President ?) that talked about the bad old days and how far we have progressed. Then he mentioned the new dorms that were named after the now extinct Indian tribe. Next was female Afro-American who lectured about black struggles, etc. etc. Then came the gay SJW who lectured us about the time he spent teaching in the inner city. On and on. It was pretty bad. And when you consider what the school administration sounds like, I am sure the purges are coming soon.

Sadly, you want to hear something positive and congratulatory. Instead it was resentful and depressing. Contrast that to 4 years earlier in the orientation speech for the Mom’s and Dads (where all their money comes from) when they were courting the recruits. Excellence, great experience, and out in 4 years (SLO’s biggest selling point is that the average student gets out in 4 years saving junior’s time and dad’s money).

* A friend says:

Both Steve Sailer and the commentators seem to think that the UC system is superior to the Cal State University System in all ways.

Cal Poly SLO has a terrific engineering school. It is comparable to the undergraduate engineering schools at the mid range UC’s and better than the lower ones.

It also has an agricultural program which for whatever reasons don’t attract large numbers of Latinos or Blacks.

I have a real issue about comparing undergraduate educational programs at different public and private colleges and universities. The reputation of the UC system is not based on the quality of its undergraduate education. Because some of the schools are so selective, they are a sorting mechanism for intelligence of the student body, but almost all undergraduate education (except in subjects like engineering and some but not all stem) is good and can be excellent depending upon how much effort the student wants to put into it. Since grade point average as an undergraduate is one of the factors that graduate programs look at, in addition to the test scores, if someone wants to go to business, law or medical school, their best bet is to do the first two years at community college, acing all the classes and then transferring to a less competitive UC or State University, really applying themselves to get the best grades possible and then to take one (or possibly more) of the entrance exam preparation classes. This will minimize the expense and maximize the chances of acceptance into a superior graduate program.

Anyway, among the California State Universities, both Cal Poly SLO and Long Beach State are very good undergraduate schools.

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Physical Ailments At Work That Disappear When You Leave

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The Homosexual Question, Media Lament Toxic Twitter

* MP3.

TOPIC: The Costs of Homosex. Trump’s ban on transgendered in the military, citing costs, re-ignited the culture war. In that context we examine the economic and social price of LGBTQ behavior.

Show Notes

Donald J. Trump Tweet, Jul. 26, 2017: “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……

Donald J. Trump Tweet, Jul. 26, 2017: “….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…..

Donald J. Trump Tweet, Jul. 26, 2017: “….victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you

Michael Harris in The Walrus, Sep. 12, 2011: Life after Death–Thirty years after HIV/AIDS was first identified—after it decimated gay communities across the country—a new generation comes of age in its long shadow

Rand Corporation: Explore Tobacco and Smoking

QUOTE: “The most recent published estimate of lifetime HIV treatment costs was $367,134 (in 2009 dollars; $379,668 in 2010 dollars).”
CDC: HIV Cost-effectiveness

Dan McLaughlin in National Review, Jul. 26, 2016: Military Fitness Is a Military Decision

CDC: HIV Among Transgender People

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Feb. 7, 2017: Black Americans and HIV/AIDS: The Basics

Christopher Ingraham in the Washington Mockingbird, Jul. 26, 2017: The military spends five times as much on Viagra as it would on transgender troops’ medical care

Teen Vogue, Nov. 24, 2015: You Won’t Believe How Much It Costs to Be Transgender in America

Walt Heyer in The Daily Signal, Jul. 26, 2017: I Was Once Transgender. Why I Think Trump Made the Right Decision for the Military.

Deadline, Jul. 26, 2017: Caitlyn Jenner Slams Donald Trump Over Transgender Military Ban; Hollywood Reacts To POTUS Tweets – Update, Sep. 21, 2016: Pentagon to Pay for Some Sex-Change Operations for Transgender Troops

Kevin Michael Grace tweet, Jul. 27, 2017: “Yes, I am. Bradley Manning was a train wreck & gender dysphoria was used as an excuse by his defence at his court-martial

Infogalactic: Chelsea Manning

Daily Mail, May 17, 2017: Canada introduces bill to protect transgender people

CBC, Jul. 24, 2017: Man tied to $1K reward for videos of Muslim students praying charged with hate crime–Kevin J. Johnston released on bail, set to appear in court again in September

Freedom Report, YouTube, Jul. 24, 2017: Kevin J Johnston Arrested Under Motion M103

Justice Laws Website: Canadian Criminal Code 319, Public incitement of hatred

John Tierney in The New York Times, Jun. 15, 2001: The Big City; In 80’s, Fear Spread Faster Than AIDS

Popline: The World Health Organization approach: projections of non-paediatric HIV infection and AIDS in pattern II areas, Dec. 1989

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun. 10, 2016: U.S. Federal Funding for HIV/AIDS: Trends Over Time

QUOTE: “The fact is, I am now convinced, AIDS is not a disease at all—it is a government program.”
Reason, Dec. 1 1994: Letter by Tom Bethell


The Guardian, Jan. 11, 2017: Population growth in Africa: grasping the scale of the challenge

My Posting Career Thread: The Institute for Advanced Homophobia

QUOTE: ‘On AIDS, Buchanan wrote in 1983: “The poor homosexuals — they have declared war upon nature, and now nature is extracting an awful retribution (AIDS).”‘, Feb. 28, 1996: Pat Buchanan in His Own Words

Library of Hate Archive Sexual Ecology: The Birth of AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men by Gabriel Rotello

The New York Times, Books, May 25, 1997: A Culture of Risk–In their new books, Gabriel Rotello and Michelangelo Signorile ask what made gay men so susceptible to AIDS Faggots by Larry Kramer

Xtra, Nov. 16, 2011: The murder that changed us–Aaron Webster, 10 years later

Globe and Mail, Dec. 19, 2003: Teen gets 3 years for hate-crime killing

Crisis Magazine, Aug. 15, 2016: They Are Not Everywhere. They Are Not Like Us. Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality by Andrew Sullivan

The New York Times, Feb. 2, 2016: Zika Infection Transmitted by Sex Reported in Texas

QUOTE: “While no mosquitoes have tested positive for the virus, health officials can find no other explanation for the infections. As far as scientists currently know, the only way to spread the virus is through sex or a mosquito bite.”
Daily Mail, Jul. 29, 2016: Zika HAS hit America: Florida governor confirms all four ‘mystery’ infections came from local mosquitoes

From the Library of Hate
Lesbians are 2.5x more likely than straight women to be obese. Source:
Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to have eating disorders. Source:

h/t Bixxy Noodles in the first post of The Institute of Advanced Homophobia at
2blowhards, Feb. 1, 2007: AIDS and Immune Systems

Wikipedia: Sexual Ecology

CBC, Oct. 4, 2013: A Look Back At Canada’s Tainted Blood Scandal

CBC, Jun. 16, 2017: Regina LGBT allies show up ‘in droves’ to give blood, highlight policy affecting gay, bisexual men–Policy prohibits men from donating if they’d had sex with another man in past year

Canadian Press via the Halifax Chronicle Herald, Jul. 23, 2017: Trudeau’s pink-shirted stroll a hit at sunny 30th Halifax Pride event Paying for HIV Care

Tom Bethell in National Review via Duesberg on AIDS, May 10, 1993: The Cure That Failed

WND, May 4, 2000: AIDS hype In Africa?–No HIV test required, disease defined differently than in U.S.

“What the CDC people, with their newfound African strategy, planned to tell Washington was that “AIDS was a plague alright, but that no one was immune.”
Excerpt from The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science by Tom Bethell, pg. 112

QUOTE: “If you say your father has died in a car accident, it is bad luck, but if he has died of AIDS, there is an agency to help you.”
Excerpt from Inventing the Aids Virus by Peter H. Duesberg

LifeSiteNews, Mar. 17, 2010: CDC: Gay Men Over 44 Times More Likely HIV+ than Hetero Men

IMDb: Philadelphia (1993)

The New York Times, Apr. 26, 2016: Gay Dance Clubs on the Wane in the Age of Grindr

IMDb: Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)

Infogalactic: Stonewall riots

Julian Barnes in the New Yorker, Jul. 7, 2003: Hate And Hedonism–The insolent art of Michel Houellebecq

Urban Dictionary: circuit party

Urban Dictionary: chemsex

Concept Central, Jul. 20, 2017: ‘Chemsex’ boosting HIV infections among gays

The New York Times, Mar. 29, 2013: Why Are Boomers Getting S.T.D.s?

CNN, Aug. 3, 2016: Why millennials are having less sex than Generation Xers

Celia Farber in Harper’s, Mar. 2006: Out of control–AIDS and the corruption of medical science

AIDS Truth (PDF) Mar. 25, 2006: Errors in Celia Farber’s March 2006 article in Harper’s Magazine

Celia Farber in Spin, Oct. 5, 2015: AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’–The story of AZT, one of the most toxic, expensive, and controversial drugs in the history of medicine

LifeSiteNews, Apr. 6, 2017: It’s a secret: Alberta schools are not to tell parents if their kids join gay-straight clubs

IMDb: Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Richard Duncan in the Daily Reckoning, May 19, 2011: Credit Growth Drives Economic Growth, Until it Doesn’t

Medical Daily, Feb. 9, 2015: Canada Legalizes Euthanasia, As High Court Passes Assisted Suicide Law

* Andrew Joyce on The Homosexual Question.

* Journos complaint about Twitter.

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Women Tend To Regret Sex That Doesn’t Lead To Marriage

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* …things like hook-up culture (either in college or the workplace) are an anathema to most women. Whether they look back fondly on a particular sexual act or not depends not on the act itself in the moment but on the long term outcome. This is totally different from men. If they got drunk and banged the boss or some Haven Monahan this can be a positive or negative experience depending on whether they ended up advancing their career in a meaningful way/had a long term relationship, or (best option) got married.

Since most of these hookups don’t end up in marriage this culture ends up not being a good experience for most women. And since most careers, even very successful careers, provide very little fulfillment compared to friends and family, most women end up unhappy with the trades that they made.

* For a long time, whites have been well trained, or just naturally inhibited, against “carding” blacks. In the mid-90’s I was friendly with a 250 lb. black guy named Hodge, who made his living scalping tickets at big sporting events like the Indy 500, the Final Four, etc. I first met him at the Oakland Coluseum, and then he became a regular at the Mon-Wed-Fri noontime basketball game on the Berkeley campus. I just assumed he’d bought a community membership like I had, but then one day we entered the buikding together, and when the desk clerk asked him for his pass, he said, “don’t bother me with that pass stuff man, I ain’t got time for that,” and just waltzed through. If I’d done the same, the kids would’ve called the cops to haul me out, but he was a fixture there for years. Nice guy though – he’d introduce me to people as “cold lefhand J.”

* In other times and places one wouldn’t need to call the police for non-criminal events. One would just politely tell the other person that what they are doing is not allowed, or that a certain place is for members only.

In a diverse setting with blacks, there is both imagined and real risk that:

1) Confronting an unknown black in public could lead to a real physical altercation;

2) Even if a physical altercation is avoided, you could still land in hot water if the black claims you used racial slurs.

So whites increasingly opt to call the cops to insulate themselves from the above. Now that is being taken away. It does seem very coordinated as if someone turned on a light switch. This has obviously been going on for some time, but all of a sudden it’s all over the news.

It just goes to show how control of the media can be used to turn almost anything toxic overnight. If people like Buchanan and Coulter ran the media, we’d have 70 percent of Americans participating in the round up of illegal aliens just by spending a couple of months highlighting each day the various crimes and scams committed by them.

Instead we are hunting down whites who just want to avoid engaging with a black “keepin it real” while the big problems go unreported and unnoticed.

* REUTERS: Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok defended himself on Wednesday after coming under fire for saying multi-cultural societies could never be peaceful, and former colony Suriname was a “failed state” because of its diverse ethnic makeup.

“Give me an example of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society, where the indigenous population still live… where they live in a peaceful, societal union,” Blok told a gathering of Dutch employees of international organizations. “I don’t know of any.”

Someone in the audience suggested Surniame, a former Dutch colony on South America’s Atlantic northern coast populated mainly by the descendants of Asian indentured workers, African slaves and indigenous people.

“I admire your optimism,” he replied. “Suriname is a failed state and that is very much linked to its ethnic composition.”

* Santa Monica is nowhere as bad in the feces department as San Francisco at present. In general, the SMPD seems to be keeping down the homeless numbers to the usual, which have been rising in the rest of SoCal ever since voters decided to vote a vast pile of money to Solve the Homeless Problem, which immediately made it worse as people from outside California rushed in for some sun and handouts. But Santa Monica has had 40 years of experience dealing with opportunists who like to camp out in the ultra-mild climate, unlike more inland parts of SoCal, such as Anaheim.

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Jews & The Western Tradition


Rodney Martin’s sources.

Luke’s sources: Nathan Cofnas and John McIntyre.

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