Forward: ‘Jewish Doctor Apologizes For White Nationalist Writings’

People shouldn’t put their names on writings they can’t stand behind. Don’t write checks that you can’t cash. Don’t talk like a tough guy if you can’t walk the walk.

There are thousands of Orthodox Jews in America who basically agree with the guy.

If people on the Right are going to get doxxed for their political opinions, then how long till the Right retaliates in kind?

Why should Black Lives Matter activists get to hold down good jobs if their white and Jewish equivalents are persecuted?

These type of stories make the Left appear to be a thousand times more organized, dedicated, ruthless and powerful than the Right at this time in the West.

This Orthodox Jewish doctor said that Muslims are a bad fit with Western civilization. Many Muslims are clear that non-Muslims are a bad fit with Islamic civilization, so what’s the crime in his point of view?

What political opinions are doctors not allowed to hold these days?

Let’s suppose this Jewish doctor was a Jewish nationalist or a Palestinian nationalist or a black nationalist or a Japanese nationalist? Would he face similar persecution? Of course not.

From the Forward:

A Jewish doctor in New York City who has been “placed off duty” by his hospital after being accused of writing hateful comments on a white nationalist website has apologized.

“I am filled with remorse and take full responsibility for my actions, which will long be an embarrassment to my family, friends, colleagues, and community,” Dov Bechhofer wrote in a statement shared with the Forward.

Bechhoffer advocated for a white ethnostate and the deportation of Muslims, mused about the possibility of armed racial revolution, expressed disgust with interracial relationships and wrote what he called “A Jewish Defense of Anti-Semitism.”

Bechhofer’s online identity, including his comments on the blog of the white-nationalist publishing house Counter-Currents, was revealed in an article that briefly appeared on the website Medium on Monday before being taken down because it also shared his home address and contact information.

Paper copies of the since-deleted original article were distributed in Bechhofer’s building on Tuesday by an unknown party, a resident of that building told the Forward.

The person who revealed Bechhofer’s identity told the Forward on Tuesday that the investigation was done “so his neighbors know who he is and who they’re living near. Just like child sex offenders get registered.”

Bechhofer’s statement went on to denounce bigotry and violence and said he is “actively seeking long-term professional help to deal with these issues, which must be confronted honestly and completely.”

“While I have much soul-searching and work to do on myself, I intend to take actions for the rest of my life that promote the dignity of all humanity,” he concluded.

Bechhofer’s hospital, Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, said in a statement that Bechhofer would remain off duty pending the results of an investigation. The hospital made a point to clarify to the local news site Gothamist that being taken off duty was different than being suspended.

Next Monday, the hospital will be the site of a protest calling for Bechhofer to be fired and have his medical license revoked, organized by a self-described “revolutionary mass organization” called SPARC.

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New York Times: ‘Is America Ready for the Mind of Terence Nance?’

I hate articles that start with “Is America ready for….”, because they usually turn out to be a tiresome lecture from a morally superior author. Often the piece is on behalf of some NAM (non-asian minority) and presumably, if the featured endeavor does not succeed, it is the fault of bad white people who are insufficiently woke.

Here are headlines that come up early in Google when I put in this phrase:

* Is America Ready for Another Black President?
* Is America Ready for a Post-American World?
* Is America ready for socialism?
* Is America ready for Russian cyberattack on our election?
* Is America Ready for Kinder, Gentler Political TV?
* Is America ready for transgender people to be mainstreamed?
* Is America ready for a female president?
* Is America Ready for Universal Basic Income?
* Is America ready for President Oprah Winfrey?

I have never heard of Terence Nance and I doubt I’ll be tuning in to his HBO show. I guess I’m just not ready.

The New York Times article is by a Reggie Ugwu:

I guess I’m just not ready for Reggie Ugwu, who writes:

In late June, the writer and director Terence Nance, who has a luxuriant Afro and a mellow disposition, was facing a deadline to finish postproduction on his new HBO series, “Random Acts of Flyness,” when something in the news emotionally derailed him.

In East Pittsburgh, a black, unarmed 17-year-old named Antwon Rose was shot and killed by a white police officer. The boy had seemed to foresee his own destruction, pleading in a 2016 poem he wrote for school that his mother would not bury him, like the crying black mothers he’d seen on TV. On the news, a protester read the poem through a megaphone, and Mr. Nance, in a windowless, white-walled editing suite in Brooklyn, where he lives, watched through tears.

“It kind of shut me down for the day,” he recalled earlier this month in the same editing suite, flanked by computer monitors, a lonely snake plant and a vacant mini-fridge. The story had made him think of his own young nieces and nephews, and of the children he might one day have. The next day, however, he rededicated himself fully to finishing the show, which he saw as both an act of creation and resistance.

“The main function of white supremacy,” he noted later, paraphrasing Toni Morrison, “is to distract you from your work.”

…Before the era of industry-shaking blockbusters like “Get Out” and “Black Panther,” myths about the limited commercial viability of black films made it more difficult for black writer-directors to marshal the kind of institutional support that can sustain a career…

What exactly is white supremacy and how exactly does it derail non-whites?

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Washington Post: ‘‘They thought black soldiers couldn’t fight’ The tragic stories behind the executive order that eventually desegregated the U.S. armed forces’

The Washington Post essay doesn’t bother to make the case that integration helped to make the American military a more formidable fighting force. That is irrelevant to them.

I am sure that integration came at a price to blacks and to non-blacks.

There are more Native Americans in the Special Forces than blacks, yet the National Geographic TV show Six (about Seal Team Six) features as a main character a black man (played by Edwin Hodge) who graduated from Harvard.

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Chokehold: Policing Black Men

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Paul Butler, the Albert Brick Professor in Law at Georgetown University:

“One of the revelations of my book Chokehold: Policing Black Men is that unarmed black men are actually most likely to be shot by a Hispanic officer, and second most likely by an African American officer. White officers are actually least likely to shoot an unarmed black man. We have the data.

We don’t know exactly why that is. I should also point out that, because there are a lot more white police officers than there are black or Latino police officers, most black men who get shot are still shot by a white police officer. But if you look at the race of the shooter and the race of the victim, a lot of black men are safer around white officers.”

* Blacks will complain about being followed around a store by a security guard, being asked to show ID by a policeman, and, of course, the dreaded Stop, Question, & Frisk. These are policies that were developed to deal with the high level of black criminality. The anger of blacks should be focused at their own community rather than those who have to deal with the problems they create. I won’t hold my breath.

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The Chinese View Of Trump

Steve Sailer writes: From the Financial Times via Marginal Revolution:

I have just spent a week in Beijing talking to officials and intellectuals, many of whom are awed by [Trump’s] skill as a strategist and tactician…He [Yafei] worries that strategic competition has become the new normal and says that “trade wars are just the tip of the iceberg”.

…In Chinese eyes, Mr Trump’s response is a form of “creative destruction”. He is systematically destroying the existing institutions — from the World Trade Organization and the North American Free Trade Agreement to Nato and the Iran nuclear deal — as a first step towards renegotiating the world order on terms more favourable to Washington. Once the order is destroyed, the Chinese elite believes, Mr Trump will move to stage two: renegotiating America’s relationship with other powers. Because the US is still the most powerful country in the world, it will be able to negotiate with other countries from a position of strength if it deals with them one at a time rather than through multilateral institutions that empower the weak at the expense of the strong…

Comment: “In my line of work, I have a lot of contact with Chinese specialists, usually on European or security issues. It always struck me as interesting how morose they were regarding Trump when I asked them – they never fell into the trap of dismissing him as a vulgarian and laughing their worries away like the Western Euros.”

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