#105 11-8-18 RBG Down

00:00 Implications of RBG’s three fractured ribs, is Trump about to get another Supreme Court pick?
17:00 ‘No Empathy’: Vox’s Matt Yglesias Defends ‘Terrorizing’ Tucker Carlson’s Family: ‘No Empathy’: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/11/08/vox-matt-yglesias-defends-terrorizing-tucker-carlsons-family/
19:00 Sinema takes slim lead in too-close-to-call Arizona Senate race
25:00 To the media, Antifa violence does not exist, but America is overrun by white nationalists
28:00 Robert Mueller probe wrapping up, nothing in it or it would have been leaked already
40:00 Where did Jeff Sessions go wrong?
42:00 Tattooed ex-Marine who killed 12 people in country music bar massacre had PTSD: Gunman, 28, ‘terrified’ his mother and neighbors after returning from Afghanistan tour before he opened fire on student night
48:00 Trudeau Apologizes for Canada’s Turning Away Ship of Jews Fleeing Nazis
1:01:00 The State of Hate: Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly?
1:10:00 KMG’s Roman Catholicism
1:43:00 THEATER THURSDAY: Sullivan’s Travels (1941) by Preston Sturges

* Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, breaks ribs in fall

A taste of post-RBG hysteria from Reddit:

* Tattooed ex-Marine who killed 12 people in country music bar massacre had PTSD: Gunman, 28, ‘terrified’ his mother and neighbors after returning from Afghanistan tour before he opened fire on student night

* Trump reviewing his answers to Mueller as he changes who oversees the Russia investigation

* Manchin: We’re ‘on the verge’ of a constitutional crisis due to Sessions’s firing


* Facing national microscope again, Florida braces for several recounts

* DC Antifa Publishes Home Addresses of Tucker Carlson and His Brother — As Well As Ann Coulter, Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity

* AJC: Trailing but close, Abrams pushes to keep campaign alive

* Washington Post on SPLC

* HIV-infected Thai man accused of raping scores of teenagers

* NYT: Trudeau Apologizes for Canada’s Turning Away Ship of Jews Fleeing Nazis


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#104 11-7-18 Divide And Conquer – Post Mid-Terms Analysis 2018

00:00 KMG leaves Edmonton for Victoria
06:00 Jim Acosta loses his hard press pass to White House
08:00 Trump’s first 22 months was mixed
12:00 KMG on mid-terms
20:00 Bill Kristol says demography is destiny
26:00 David Brooks in NYT: “Over the next few decades, America will become a majority-minority country. It is hard to think of other major nations, down through history, that have managed such a transition and still held together.”
35:00 Bill Sammon/Fox News call House for Democrats around 6:30 pm CA time, with 90 minutes of open polls on the West Coast.
41:00 Trump thrives on confrontation
1:00:00 Jeff Sessions is out as AG
1:02:00 Q-Anon destroyed
1:08:00 No progress on Wall, no second term for Trump
1:13:00 Mid-terms death blow to Trump agenda?
1:20:00 Why no talk about e-verify?
1:28:00 At Last, Israel Recognizes Ethiopian Spiritual Leaders
1:33:00 Bill Kristol says demography is destiny
1:38:00 How did Kris Kobach lose in Kansas?
1:39:00 DT says to Democrats two can play the investigation game
1:40:00 Trey Gowdy grandstands, accomplishes nothing
1:44:00 Antifa riots outside of Tucker Carlson’s home
1:50:00 LAT: “[Adam] Schiff…has big brown puppy dog eyes, apple-red cheeks and the mildest manner you’ve ever seen in a former prosecutor with a killer instinct.” Sounds like Teen Vogue.
1:52:00 Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon. CNN seems gay.
1:53:00 Homo-erotic MSM crushes on Trudeau (father Pierre and son Justin)
1:58:00 Mueller on the brink: https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-mueller-russia-investigation-20181107-story.html
2:00:00 Ecce Lux joins discussion about internet blood sports with Brundlefly
2:17:00 WEHT to Frame Game?
2:27:00 Richard Spencer/Mike Enoch have taken the most pressure and not cucked, everyone under similar pressure has disappeared

* JF Gariepy kicks Jim Goad within 2 minutes last night.

* Bill Kristol chortles at the browning of America:

* Trump warns Democrats: Two can play that game.

* It’s hard to tell the difference between Teen Vogue & the Los Angeles Times: “[Adam] Schiff…has big brown puppy dog eyes, apple-red cheeks and the mildest manner you’ve ever seen in a former prosecutor with a killer instinct.”

* Jeff Sessions resigns.

* ‘CNN Should Be Ashamed’: Jim Acosta Hogs Mic at Trump Midterm Presser

* Jake Tapper: Lots of GOPers losing tonight — Coffman, Curbelo — have been critical of POTUS ….meaning the next GOP House conference will be much more Trump-supporting.

Democrat males wear the Soylent Grin:

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I like the guy and appreciate what he’s done with immigration but he shouldn’t have recused himself. Democrats don’t play by the rules but a lot of Republicans like Sessions still do, even though the Kavanaugh farce woke some of them up. Republicans need to stop playing by rules that their opponents ignore.

Also, Trump was an immigration patriot before he hooked up with Sessions and will stay one, so all the commenters who are going to say he’ll cave on immigration are wrong.

* Good riddance.

Two years ago, when the liberals had their collective panties in a knot over Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the drawling Southerner from Alabama, I was cheered.

Turns out their hatred and my optimism were misplaced. Sessions failed to sue blue states for Second Amendment civil rights violations; he failed to sue colleges and businesses for anti-white affirmative action practices in violation of the 14th Amendment; he failed to effectively prosecute both illegal aliens and the employers who hire them; he failed to prosecute antifa and other leftist mobs for interstate gangsterism and racketeering; he failed to discipline the FBI for its role in the attempted coup against Trump.

If only the caricature of Sessions as the redneck Southern sheriff had been true…

* Sessions, like Graham when McCain was alive, is a principled gentlemen who truly wishes to be an upstanding member of society and to “do the right thing” and play by the rules. Too bad because guys like that get taken advantage of by two-faced, amoral sociopathic liberals; you know, nice guy finishes last. Graham got a taste of this during the Kavanaugh hearing. Sessions probably honestly thought he should play by a set of rules his enemies are tearing up. Remarkable naivety. Boomers like Sessions and Graham come from a generation that valued civic virtue, principles, and the rule of law. But guys like them also let in a bunch of foreigners who think those things are quaint abstractions invented by racists to keep them down, changing the country into something alien in the process. Something similar happened with Israel. Russian immigration change the country’s character into something totally different from Oslo. People make countries. Not lines on a map or ideological abstractions.


* State Rep. Ilhan Omar made history, becoming the first Somali-American elected to the U.S. House by defeating Republican Jennifer Zielinski in the Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District.

But is she the first person elected to the House who married a sibling? (I’m combing through wiki’s West Virginia entry as I type.)

* “too soon and polls still open – they’re trying to throw it”

Reminds me of a great article that appeared on TAC years ago. It alleged that Dan Rather purposely misstated Florida’s poll closing time on election night 2000 a number of times in an attempt to throw the election to Gore, the rival of the family he personally hated. It was noted in the article that Rather was 1.) unlikely to have made this mistake on accident considering the number of times he said it (he had producers after all) and 2.) likely intended this time zone fallacy to spread. It did, being picked up and repeated by multiple networks. Although, in their cases, the anchors in question only said it a few times after a producer had probably corrected them.

* The United States is a RED NATION with BLUE ISLANDS of high-density urban populations on the coasts and within the large cities of the interior. Since this was a mid-term election, urban population density mattered, especially with respect to congressional districts apportioned on population.

Oklahoma voted RED … while Oklahoma City and Norman voted BLUE.
Kansas voted RED … while Kansas City, KS, voted BLUE.
Missouri voted RED … while Kansas City and St. Louis voted BLUE.
Indiana voted RED … while Indianapolis voted BLUE.
Tennessee voted RED … while Nashville voted BLUE.
Virginia voted RED … while the urban buildups voted BLUE.
Pennsylvania voted RED … while Pittsburg and the Philadelphia urban buildup voted BLUE.
Colorado voted RED … while the Ski Slopes voted BLUE.

The Electoral College and Senate based on state sovereignty and geography rather than apportioned based on voter majorities means that the RED STATES will continue to exert a major influence on national politics. The urban Democrats will continue to cry foul; that is, that the United States is not a democratic nation and will not be one until the Electoral College is done away with and the number of Senators is apportioned based on population. Then, the East Coast and Left Coast (with a little help from select large cities in the interior) can, by themselves, elect the President, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

This will never happen short of a violent civil war/revolution won by the urban centers. In the meantime, it is a standoff between urban and rural populations.

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Gay Rock Stars

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* First, Mercury was not gay. He was bi.

May let this slip in an NPR interview when he got his PhD. The NPR hack was all about celebrating Mercury being a gay icon, and May stated that Mercury liked girls as well because May was Mercury’s roommate when he was banging away at groupies (such as the “Fat Bottomed girls” he croons about).

Basically, in the anything-goes 1970s, the hedonism was so much that Mercury ended up doing what a lot of debauched folks do who don’t have limits: he pushed them. While it was first so cool to have a different hot blond girl sleep with you every night because you sang well, then it got boring, so you got two girls, then you tried a black girl, then a fat girl, then a girl with one arm, etc. until you ended up trying sodomy and liking it, and some went further, into bestiality, pedophilia, etc.

This is exactly the pattern noticed that the Catholic Church noticed and warned about for centuries, as seen with Roman Emperors and French Aristocrats: immense power, immense wealth, and no social consequences caused people to become sexually degenerate. Mercury was simply a prisoner of his success.

Related: in the 1970s and early 1980s a lot of rock stars tried to give off gay impressions—the better to drum up attention from the disco crowd. David Bowie, IIRC, kicked off this idea, and he and Mick Jagger had a mutual arrangement where they would have interviews and publicity stories and photos of them together where the innuendo and imagery suggested more. The only counters to this were the bands that sang florid, longer bitterwsweet ballads (e.g. The Eagles, Dan Folgelberg, Elton John) , which also made them seem less masculine. If you wanted men in music who seemed straight and masculine, you had to go Zepplin or Floyd, but their complex music made them seem distant artists to many—you had to sit through an hour-and-a-half song about Frodo or the Dark Side of the Moon and try to figure out what it meant, instead of something simple about meeting girls and trying to get with them.

My impression was that the The Ramones ended this problem. Totally straight, hard edged, militaristic, and committed to two-minutes-of-hard-noise and get-to-the-bedroom, the Ramones set the stage for 80′s hair bands to start burning their disco albums and acting like they just wanted poontang. Jagger and Bowie dropped their semi-homo act around this time.

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Election Commentary

A friend says: The Democrats took several traditionally Republican seats in California which pushed their gains to plus 36 instead of the plus 26 last night. That’s a lot bigger than I anticipated although I don’t know if substantively it will do anything. Assuming Trump runs in 2020 and is reasonably popular many of those seats will revert to Republicans unless those elected to those seats significantly moderate their positions. It looks like both Dana Rohrbacher and Steve Knight lost in close elections, but Bloomberg came in and donated a huge amount of money for targeted (and non targeted) ad buys. I think this also made the difference. If the numbers reported by Robert Stacy McCain after speaking with a Republican campaign operative are true that the Democrats outraised and outspent the Republicans by a 3 to 1 margin, then the Republicans should be happier than they are. They need to ramp up a Congressional campaign fund, find good candidates and they will be in good shape in 2020.

The election should give both Democrats and Republicans something to worry about. The Democrats out raised, outspent, had the media on their side, had the “resistance” on their side, had polls showing 55% of the country believing that the United States was going in the wrong direction, and this was the best they could do. Winning back some House seats. Losing Senate Seats.

The Republicans should be concerned because long term demographic trends are against them. And I don’t mean the big influx of Latino voters, but the overwhelming preponderance of young voters who supported the Democrats. The Republican Party had better start appealing to enough of them to offset the die off among the Republican supporters. It also looks like the ability of at least some of the Republican Candidates ( Scott and DeSantis in Florida) owe their election to Trump’s rallies and campaigning for them in Florida. This is all well and good, but the party needs to go beyond the personal appeal of Trump if it wants to maintain power.

Both sides also should take a look at the closeness of the vote in races such as the McSally Sinema race in Arizona, the Florida contests, Scott Walker in Wisconsin and Tester in Montana. Any of these elections could have easily gone the other way and the same is true for many of the house races. The question is turnout of the base. The problem is that the more polarized the country becomes and the more the other side is viewed not as the loyal opposition but the enemy the greater the turnout of the base. Thus there is no incentive to be conciliatory, but there is a premium on being confrontational.

It is my hope that Trump will work with the Democrats in the House to craft legislation, such as on infrastructure. I don’t know whether the Democratic base will allow that.

I think that if things cool down, which they might now that the Democrats have some power, then we could actually have a productive and internally peaceful next two years. If they don’t cool down, this could be the precursor to a societal breakdown.

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Election Open Thread

From Steve Sailer:

* Rush was right that the GOP was gaslit by the Russian-collusion hoax coming out of the gate. Recall after winning in Nov. 2016, Trump was almost immediately attacked with the Russia collusion crap. And there were all the leaks and guys like Flynn were getting caught up in the trap.

The GOP really thought Trump was not going to last. They probably thought that Russian crap was real and he’d be impeached or forced to resign. And they proceeded to waste away much of the first year thinking that they were working with a lame duck.

So in the end the Russian-collusion crap probably paid dividends for the democrats by totally sidetracking the new administration and keeping what should have been a friendly congress at arms length while they waited to see when it was safe to come out and work with Trump.

* And doesn’t Sessions bear a large measure of responsibility for the success of this Democrat scheme? He may be great on immigration, but he really dropped the ball on this one. Also, he seems to be more interested in covering up rather than exposing the corruption of the FBI.

* “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.” – Lee Kuan Yew. This may turn out to be one of the most valid political observations of the century.

* Republican senate candidates are just barely eaking out victories in Florida, Arizona, and Texas – states they generally had few problems in 20 years ago. They’ll probably lose in Nevada, and they never stood a chance in California. Not sure what all these states have in common, but it’s right on the tip of my tongue.

In the postmortem Billy Kristol and his fellow clowns will be telling us we really need to embrace open borders if we want to keep winning.

* While Kemp will probably win Georgia and Cruz held on in Texas, the barbarians are at the gate. Radical leftists almost won these races in the South, and they did well enough to bring Democrats into the House from those states.

A lesbian won a House seat in Kansas and even Steve King had to sweat in Iowa. So the Senate went well tonight, but these suburban losses, from Richmond to Atlanta to Dallas, are a bad omen. Looks like a combo of “diversity” and pampered, status whoring suburban women.

* The good news from this election is that in spite of all the huffing and puffing, in spite of the mid-terms generally favoring the party that doesn’t control the White House, the GOP managed to (again) exceed expectations. They may very well end up netting 4-5 seats in the Senate. They will probably lose the House, but not nearly as badly as some feared. From my local perspective, Mia Effing Love (R-Haiti) appears to be on her way out. I once called her office and threatened to vote against her even though I don’t live in her district (LOL).

Hopefully Republicans will take away the right lessons from this election. Ever so slowly they seem to be coming around to the realization that taking a stand in the culture wars doesn’t hurt, and that defending the right to control our borders is actually a big plus.

* I would really love to talk to one of the many voters in Florida who voted Republican while at the same time voting for millions of felons to get their voting rights restored.

How freaking stupid are you? Thanks for both keeping Florida red and ensuring it will probably never go red again.

* I am really angry at Trump not curing everyone’s opioid addictions!

In many ways of course he could do better, but with a hostile House and friendly Supreme Court, and increasingly friendly Courts of Appeal, time for some executive action.

In addition to Amnesty Yoder going down, here’s more good news:
“Tuesday was a rough night for authors of the GOP tax law,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Four Republican members of the Ways and Means Committee who all touted the law on the campaign trail lost their seats. Mike Bishop of Michigan, Carlos Curbelo of Florida, Erik Paulsen of Minnesota and Peter Roskam of Illinois won’t return to Congress next year.”
Kobach got screwed by most of the GOP. I see TV ads all the time from famous Kansas republicans who are opposing

* The repubs expanded their majority in the senate, in part (or maybe mostly) because of the Kavanaugh debacle. Of course, the media can’t talk about that. The dems taking the house has to be the big news. In one way, it obviously is, because it changes the direction of the house, but the narrative that the media wants is, “a repudiation of Trump.” They don’t want “a repudiation of ‘I am Spartacus!’ ”

Nowadays, whenever the dems win, the media cries, “The people have spoken!” When the republicans win, the media cries, “The people have succumbed to the puppet masters of hate!” The governor races of Kansas, Georgia and Florida point this out. In Kansas, the people have spoken. In Florida and Georgia, fear mongering white supremacists were elected. Also, a black lesbian on the Yahoo election broadcast said that Rep. Steve King of Iowa “went to Europe to meet with neo-nazis.” (King won, thankfully. What a brilliant puppet master he is.)

In the long term, last night’s election results most likely benefit Trump. A flamboyantly leftist and extremist house is exactly what’s needed over the next two years to get Trump reelected in 2020…just like an an extreme leftist judiciary committee helped the Senate become more Republican. The House will now spend most of it’s time trying to undermine the democratic process by nullifying the election of 2016, and will get little else done besides that. A lot of Americans aren’t going to like that.

* Trump has outperformed expectations, and now has control of the Republican Party. Instead of being an albatross around the neck of Republicans that supported him,

Trump will continue to appoint judges and justices, which will be confirmed by the Senate. Trump will set administrative policy and drive the national conversation.

Trump has shown himself to be a winner – again.


* Kobach got screwed by most of the GOP. I see TV ads all the time from famous Kansas republicans who are opposing Kobach. The list is too long to count. Though I live in MO, I am close enough to KS where their ads are seen on my local TV.

What ticks me off is that for years we have been told by the GOP to support whatever candidate they put up in November, e.g. Bob Dole and John McCain. Then when one of ours finally gets to the final stage, not only do they not return the favor, but they actively campaign against him.

My gut reaction of course would be to abandon the GOP. But that would be suicidal since there is no other alternative. So we must soldier on and hopefully transform the party into what we need.

* No doubt about it – Trump salvaged this election for Republicans even if the Dems win the House. The Dems should have easily taken the Senate and House.

All the blame is on Ryan and his failure to campaign for House Republicans. The two Florida Republicans in Congress who lost were running away from President Trump. Carbello was running as a RINO and lost in a close election.

The flood of Puerto Ricans from Hurricane Irma last year did not help Republicans in Florida this year.

* Social media. There may be a movement to further regulate it in response. They’ll claim that it promoted racism or violence or something – maybe fake news. The WSJ has been waging war on YouTube for years, getting various red pilled channels banned for “hate speech” and leading advertiser boycotts. I think it is also possible they aggressively go after Pay Pal and other online financiers of dissidents, hoping to cut off their access to the masses.

* Beto did the GOP a solid by sucking in a zillion dollars of donations that could have gone to a winable race.

* I was watching Bannon’s livestream most of the night, and he made the point that the Democratics did a pretty good job of matching candidates to districts, or at least a better than expected job. I think it was one of his associates who made the point that Trump has been doing pretty well in Trumpifying the Senate. He was emphasizing how people were getting replaced, but I think it also true that former opponents like Graham and Cruz have become the strongest partisans. But this has seemingly been far less true (or not at all true) in the House.

* The Dems seem to think passing felony voting in Florida is a win.

Okay, 1.4 million felons have voting rights restored. Murderers and felony sex offenders don’t get it back.

418,000 blacks are disenfranchised in FL due to felonies. So about a million ‘new voters’ are Not Black.

But I’m thinking blacks are definitely over represented among murderers. Felony sex offenders maybe, but possibly not.

All this proves is that Democrats want felons voting because they think their party appeals to anti-social types. But there are all kinds of felons.

I’m pretty sure white felons who have done time are not the ‘wokest’ voters in the world. In fact, I’ll bet the white felons skew conservative BECAUSE they’ve done time.

The Hispanics, who knows, but I’m guessing Hispanic felons aren’t a high turnout group, if you know what I mean.

Either way, in raw numbers this seems like a net gain for the GOP in Florida.

* The small upside to this being that Kobach is now available to take a place in the Trump Admin – or maybe even Ruth Vader Ginsburg’s spot. Perhaps if she knows she can’t hang on another two years she will step down now. It would be hysterical for RINO’s to screw Kobach over only to watch in horror as Trump appoints him to the Supreme Court. It might be the greatest revenge of all time, even better than when Jeff Sessions won a Senate seat after being denied a federal judgeship.

Several open borders Republicans lost tonight. Mike Coffman is out in Colorado and Mia Love is out in Utah, and King appears to have held on in Iowa. It’s pretty fair to say that fighting for border security isn’t the huge negative people say it is, and is probably even a net plus.

* Kobach is just not a good natural politician. He’s a stiff and not very affable. He’s better as a behind the scenes enforcer type.

* “Paul Ryan is ostensibly a friend who can only make Trump look bad.
Pelosi is an enemy who can only make Trump look good.”

–Dennis Miller

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