Tag Archives: John McCain

Sarah Palin Makes It Look Easy

Fred Barnes writes: That was easy. Sarah Palin delivered what may have been the most important speech ever by a vice presidential candidate and made it look like she’d been performing on the national political stage for years. And she … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Finds Gustav Coverage Boring

On his radio show at 9:10 am today: "It’s only category two. It’s not worthy of anybody’s attention. "I find the preoccupation with the hurricane boring. I have no interest in watching any of the television newscasts. I’m interested in … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s 17 yo Unwed Daughter Pregnant

People can’t grossly violate social norms such as pregnancy outside of marriage, particularly while white and under age, and then expect it to stay a private matter. This is how society, in part, enforces social norms — by gossiping. If … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Pretends To Be Julius Caesar

Jack Shafer writes: "Grandiose visuals—I’m thinking of those aired last night as Barack Obama pretended to be Julius Caesar at the Colosseum, collecting accolades from the people after smashing the Gauls—short-circuit even the most jaded voters’ cognitive functions. The only … Continue reading

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Barack Obama – Man Of Mystery

Charles Krauthammer writes: Barack Obama is an immensely talented man whose talents have been largely devoted to crafting, and chronicling, his own life. Not things. Not ideas. Not institutions. But himself. Nothing wrong or even terribly odd about that — … Continue reading

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