Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Thomas Sowell On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show Today

Dennis Prager: “What role did Wall Street play in producing the current recession?” Sowell: “They played the role of suckers who bought mortgages that weren’t worth what they paid for them. “A system had been set up whereby the government … Continue reading

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Movie Ratings

Jan. 6. Dennis Prager: “My wife mentioned how much we enjoyed The King’s Speech to Mormon friends. Could they see it? It has an R-rating. “There’s no violence. No sex. Just 30 seconds of profanity. It was necessary and funny. … Continue reading

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The Case For The Torah

Dennis Prager writes: Why have Jews lost their sense of being a messenger? I think there are four primary reasons, both external and internal. 1. Once the Roman Empire became Christian, Jews and Judaism were essentially declared enemies of the … Continue reading

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A Man’s Opinions

On Dennis Prager’s show Jan. 5, Alison Armstrong said: “A man’s safety lies in his productivity, his ability to produce results. If a man is trusted and respected, he has the biggest access to productivity. You’ll bring out the worst … Continue reading

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Are We Still The Home Of The Brave?

Health and safety uber alles was the way I was raised. A snow storm in Philadelphia? Then delay the game for two days. Unflattering anonymous comments online? Then censor the web! Dennis Prager writes: The most left-wing institutions in America, … Continue reading

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