Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager Talks To Congressional Republicans

From DennisPrager.com: Friday, January 14, 2011 Radio Show H1: Talking to Congressional Republicans Dennis reviews his speech to the Republican Congressional delegation. He told them that they are the guardians of the American value system… Dennis talks to David Dreier, … Continue reading

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For The Left, There Are No Sacred Texts

Dennis Prager writes: The reason is that elevating any standard, any religion, any text to the level of the sacred means that that it is above any individual. Therefore, what any one individual or even society believes is of secondary … Continue reading

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Who’s To Blame For The Saturday Shootings In Tucson?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said that most people left are center are so because of the left’s effective demonization of the right, not because they hold left-wing positions. We conservatives think this guy Jared L. Loughner should … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager The Goof

On his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager said: Life consists overwhelmingly of have-tos and the quicker you make peace with that, the happier your life will be. People think that the fewer have-tos the better. Some psychologists have the credo … Continue reading

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Debbie Friedman Is Dead

JTA reports: Debbie Friedman, a popular singer and songwriter who is widely credited with reinvigorating synagogue music, has died. Friedman died Sunday after being hospitalized in Southern California for several days with pneumonia. She was in her late 50s. “Debbie … Continue reading

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