Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

This Week’s Torah Portion

Watch the whole show. I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and YouTube. The rabbi reacts to my video and essay of a year ago about Orthodox homosexuals wanting … Continue reading

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Honor Your Father And Mother

Dennis Prager writes in the Jewish Journal: What does “honor” mean? The Hebrew word for “honor” (ka-bed) consists of the same letters as the Hebrew word for “heavy” (ka-ved). The only difference is a dot in the second letter. In … Continue reading

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Psychologist Roy Baumeister’s New Book: ‘Is There Anything Good About Men? How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men’

Roy Baumeister was on Dennis Prager’s radio show yesterday talking about his new book. Roy: “There’s a lot of opinion that men would be best if they just ended up more like women. I’m advancing the different but equal thesis. … Continue reading

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Who Is Obama?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “President Obama is the most left-wing president in U.S. history.” “Who is Obama as a person? I don’t think Americans know him today one whit better than they knew him when he … Continue reading

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Lying About The Right

Dennis Prager writes: I do not recall any major American daily attacking another major American daily the way the Wall Street Journal attacked the New York Times last week under the heading “The New York Times has crossed a moral … Continue reading

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