Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

The Virtues Of Travel

Dennis Prager writes: When I began traveling at the age of 20, I had one great goal in mind: I never wanted to hear the name of a place in the news and not be able to relate to it. … Continue reading

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The Coupling Of God With Morality

Dennis Prager writes: When confronted with Judaism’s (and logic’s) insistence on a transcendent source of morality, the most frequently offered argument by those committed to a godless moral world is: “More people have been killed by religions in the name … Continue reading

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Put Leftist Speech In The Crosshairs

Dennis Prager writes: The most common left-wing objection to the right is that it wants to control others’ lives. But, both in America and elsewhere, the threat to personal liberty has emanated far more from the left. In the past … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Loves Little Boys

On his show Jan. 26, 2011, Dennis said: “Taking care of a home is a good thing. When you have an apartment, somebody else takes care of it.” “When I went to graduate school in Manhattan, I lived in the … Continue reading

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What You Won’t See At The State Of The Union Address

Dennis Prager writes: Tuesday, when you see President Obama give his State of the Union address, you will see four things: the president entering the hall, the president ascending the rostrum to be greeted by the vice president and the … Continue reading

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