Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Loving God Means Hating Evil

On his show today, Dennis says he feels more vindicated than ever in his skepticism about the revolution in Egypt. He praises reporting in the WSJ and National Review on Egypt and comparing what major liberals said when Ayatolla Khomeini … Continue reading

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The False God Of Communism

Dennis Prager writes: It was difficult to control my emotions — specifically, my anger — during my visit to Vietnam last week. The more I came to admire the Vietnamese people — their intelligence, love of life, dignity and hard … Continue reading

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The Disfigured Man In Saigon

Dennis Prager posts on his FB page: I need to tell you about this photo. It is quite a story. On Thursday late afternoon, I returned to the ship, while Allen and my wife Sue decided to walk around an … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Returns To The Air After A Two Week Vacation

From DennisPrager.com: Monday, February 14, 2011 Radio Show H1: Back in the USA Prager H1: Dennis returns from his two week listener cruise with thoughts on travel and the evils of communism… What are the chances of a good outcome … Continue reading

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Sobering Up After Another Day Of Crashing And Burning

I charge into life because I’m a man of great enthusiasm with frequent delusions of grandeur. I see these visions where I am a great man and they intoxicate me and make me forget all of my shame. I want … Continue reading

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