The Declaration Of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. . . . That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.”

Peter Novick writes in 1988: “Rarely have so many ambiguous terms and dubious propositions been compressed into such a brief passage. By rigorous philosophical criteria the passage is nonsense. But far from being, in the well-worn phrase, “pernicious nonsense,” it is salutary nonsense. Belief in these “self-evident truths” has for more than two hundred years provided one of the strongest bulwarks of liberty and equality in the United States. I don’t know what it would mean if someone asked me whether I was for or against the ideas expressed in the passage, and I would have no idea how to respond.”

You can find reasons why, in some context, almost any statement is true. You just have to want to bad enough. For example, if you are talking to someone and you really want to understand what he is saying, you need to accept provisionally that what he is saying is true, and then look for ways it can be true. On the other hand, if you just want to dismiss something, you can usually find reasons to do so without much effort. Because we have limited time and energy, we tend to frequently dismiss people so that we can concentrate our limited resources on the few who matter to us.

If you are an American and you want to know about your history, you might want to look for ways that the Declaration of Independence might be true when it says that all men are created equal. Stanford historian Jack Rackove says: “When Jefferson wrote “all men are created equal” in the preamble to the Declaration, he was not talking about individual equality. What he really meant was that the American colonists, as a people, had the same rights of self-government as other peoples, and hence could declare independence, create new governments and assume their “separate and equal station” among other nations. But after the Revolution succeeded, Americans began reading that famous phrase another way. It now became a statement of individual equality that everyone and every member of a deprived group could claim for himself or herself. With each passing generation, our notion of who that statement covers has expanded. It is that promise of equality that has always defined our constitutional creed.”

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Facebook Bans Donald Trump

00:00 Greg Gutfeld on social media censorship
06:45 Patrick Casey Vindicated? You Decide!,
15:30 Jordan Peterson tells Tucker: Truth in speech is of divine significance,
19:30 Douglass Mackey aka Ricky Vaughn Arrested,
38:00 How to BUILD Conscientiousness,
40:50 Joey Diaz’s Story about the Hasidic Jews on the Flight from LAX to JFK,
46:30 Joey Diaz Live! What it takes to be a real Jew,
51:20 Ex-Gay Milo Tosses $150K Engagement Ring Into The Ocean
55:00 Steve Ballmer: Web developers
56:00 Michael Lewis on his latest book about predicting the COVID pandemic
59:30 Biden Coronavirus Relief Prioritizes Funds for Non-White Business Owners,
1:01:20 The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times’s Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History,
1:15:00 I have to earn my enormous audience every day
1:35:30 Shakespeare’s lessons on leadership
1:44:00 Bret Stephens: Biden’s Plan Promises Permanent Decline,
1:47:40 Michael Anton and Charles Haywood: America in Decay: Hope or Despair?,
1:52:00 Harry Jaffa and the American Conservative Movement,
2:09:10 James O’Keefe on Big Tech censorship
2:12:10 Lara Logan on Big Tech censorship
2:16:00 Man injured at ‘Unite the Right’ rally awarded $2.4 million in medical fees, damages,

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Divorce, Denial, Dissonance Reduction

Neckar writes:

A few years later, I met a new friend….

Then he read a book that I had mentioned to him but merely skimmed myself: The Big Money by former mutual manager Fred Kobrick. A book about a simple idea: finding great companies and holding them as they prospered.

My friend must have been tired of not making money in the bull market because he quickly started pivoting to these new ideas. He started with the obvious “great companies” like the FANG stocks. Next came emerging players like Shopify. Then Bitcoin. These weren’t unique insights. He just opened his mind to ideas evangelized by others.

He shifted from looking for observable valuation discounts to a focus on quality and growth prospects. And he stopped caring about whether he had an edge…

Of course, he would share his new insights with me. And every time I pulled up the charts, I had the same stupid thought: “up and to the right! Look at that! Guess I’m late again!” I was instinctively worried of being the last fool to buy into the trend. Worse, I was envious. How was it possible that anything he touched turned out a winner?

I failed to fully and truly grasp that my friend bought stocks as they went up, and because they went up. And mostly they just kept going. When they pulled back, or crashed, as Bitcoin did, he added more.

I got irritated. I wasn’t interested in hearing about his stocks picks anymore. Enough! I had missed out already and it was annoying me. I did not want to investigate or invest in whatever he thought of next because I didn’t want it to be true. I did not want to admit that what he did was working. That I should perhaps seriously consider changing my mind. Or at least be happy for him.

Because it was obvious that he was doing well. And I wasn’t. My envy turned into resentment. First, we stopped talking about stocks. Then we talked less in general. Speaking with him reminded me of all the mistakes I had made. And continued to make. I stopped being in touch with him as a kind of dissonance-reduction strategy. You could say I was more comfortable in my misery, avoiding all reminders that life could be different.

“Whatever you look for in markets, you will find.”

I am convinced we both found in the market a reflection of our personal lives and beliefs.

By the time my friend changed his mind, he was freshly married and would soon welcome his first child into the world. He was deeply involved in his community. He had accepted his well-paying job as a dead-end that supported his path to financial freedom for as long as he needed it. Why wouldn’t the world be filled with opportunities to make money?

I, on the other hand, was on the warpath with my career. And I was in complete denial about the impact of my recent divorce. I had lost my great love and best friend. I did not like to admit this, but I was miserable and angry. And I felt that the world was terribly unfair.

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Michael Anton (Claremont School) vs Brion McClanahan (Chronicles mag) Part II (5-4-21)

00:00 Rejecting the ‘Proposition Nation’,
06:40 John C. Calhoun,
18:00 Nick Fuentes || On the No-Fly List and escalating persecution,
39:00 Top ten questions facing America
44:40 Michael Anton with Charles Haywood: America in Decay: Hope or Despair?
1:44:00 Bad quality for two minutes
1:46:30 Elliott Blatt calls in about his heroic stand on Hamburger Hill
2:28:00 Buteyko breathing
2:36:40 Richard Spencer, Ed Dutton ask if the Corona Virus was racist,
2:45:00 Conspiracy theorist criticizes Richard for getting the jab
2:47:00 Unwashed Discusses Ali50n Shabl0z, George Floyd, ESL, Prince Philip, Vaccines & More,
2:52:00 Tucker Carlson on the woke CIA
3:05:00 Nick Fuentes & No Fly List
3:08:00 Adam Green on the stampede,

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Michael Anton (Claremont School) vs Brion McClanahan (Chronicles mag) (5-3-21)

00:00 Rejecting the ‘Proposition Nation’,
03:00 Michael Anton vs Brion McClanahan,–proposition-nation-/
06:00 Michael Anton: Can the veterans of the old conservative wars come to a truce?,
17:30 The American Identity,
33:20 Bill Gates n Steve Jobs “CyberSex”
54:45 John C. Calhoun,
1:06:00 Homo americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age,
1:14:30 Will Margarita, the Conservative Hindu Valley Girl, be overwhelmed by a tsunami of proposals?,
1:16:00 Margarita – former Canadian Beauty Queen and graduate – philosophises on abortion and prostitution,
1:29:00 American Ideals: Founding a ‘Republic of Virtue’,
1:35:00 What does it mean that all men are created equal?
1:47:00 Richard Spencer talks to JF Gariepy about Nick Fuentes going on the No-Fly List,
2:43:20 Tucker Carlson

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