Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Do Blacks Find It Difficult To Get Driver’s Licenses?

Dennis Prager writes: While dining out last week, I periodically looked up at one of the television monitors to see the score of the first game of the NBA finals. As there was no sound on, the monitor was in … Continue reading

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The Efforts To Ban Circumcision In California

The New York Times reports: SANTA MONICA, Calif. — When a group of activists proposed banning circumcision in San Francisco last fall, many people simply brushed them aside. Even in that liberal seaside city, it seemed implausible that thousands of … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager On Anthony Weiner

On his radio show this morning before Anthony Weiner’s press conference, Dennis Prager said: “I don’t find scandals interesting as a rule because I just assume they happen. I find policy interesting.” “I am convinced Anthony Weiner is lying to … Continue reading

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How Do You Graduate High School And Say ‘They Isn’t’?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talked about being in a restaurant Tuesday night while the Dallas-Miami game played silently with closed captioning across the bottom of the screen. After the game, a black Miami player was interviewed and … Continue reading

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Finding Meaning Vs. Finding Yourself

On his radio show June 2, 2011, Dennis Prager said: “I remember in the ’60s, ’70s, how so many of my fellow baby boomers were doing things to find themselves. I remember thinking, ‘I never lost myself so there’s nothing … Continue reading

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