Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Why Do Men Cheat?

Dennis Prager and Rabbi Shmuley discuss: Should wives be grateful when their husbands are faithful? Dennis replied to a question from Lisa Oz: “It gives you an idea of how close my wife and I are that I can say … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Parashat Masei (Numbers 33:1-36:13)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Masei (Numbers 33:1-36:13). Watch the video. * This is the end … Continue reading

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David Brooks Discusses His New Book, The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement

Dennis Prager interviewed David Brooks today about his new book. Dennis: “What’s the best childhood?” David: “An orderly childhood and firmly attached. You don’t have to be a super mom and dad to raise a decent kid. You’ve got to … Continue reading

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Economist Thomas Sowell Publishes New New Book – Economic Facts and Fallacies: Second Edition

Here’s the new book on Amazon.com. Dr. Tom Sowell was on Dennis Prager’s radio show today. Dennis: “Are we headed towards Greece [style bankruptcy]?” Tom: “Yes.” “The debt ceiling has not limited debt. It provides political cover for presidents to … Continue reading

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Do Michelle Bachman’s Migraines Disqualify Her From The Presidency?

I read this news report yesterday and thought, “She’s toast.” I don’t get how someone can be routinely incapacitated by stress and serve as president of the United States. Perhaps she just needs Alexander Technique lessons? On his radio show … Continue reading

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