Tag Archives: jewish law

The Sisterhood 50

The Charedim received almost no attention the past few years in Newsweek’s annual listing of America’s top 50 rabbis. Sure, some chareidim complain about this, but few care very much. I get a sense that these feminists care very much … Continue reading

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The Reasons For Jewish Laws

In his third lecture on Deuteronomy in 2002, Dennis Prager says: “The rabbis [of the Talmud] distinguished between chukim (laws between man and God) and mishpatim (laws between man and man) as chukim are laws we can not understand and … Continue reading

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Reb Moshe’s Lonely Stand On Seclusion

The law against “Yichud” (seclusion) is normally understood in orthodox Jewish law as preventing a man and a woman (who are not married, nor family members) from being together alone in a room. Given the bevy of women who traipse … Continue reading

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Corruption In Jewish Law Courts

A.B. writes: I think that it is unanimously agreed that the state of Botei Din in the US is pathetic. Going to the Brooklyn Courts one comes across minyan after minyan of not only ultra Orthodox but even Chassidic Jews … Continue reading

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Who Turned Kashrut Supervision Into A Cash Cow?

Kof-K led the way in the 1970s with making serious money from kashrut supervision. Then everyone else, including the OU, woke up to the possibilities of making big bucks from overseeing the production of food within the guidelines of Jewish … Continue reading

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